WTF is the point of the elimination chamber ppv???

It's all about buy rates. The Feb. PPV typically has very low buy rates if I am not mistaken. Most fans know that the big PPV is one month away so why not just wait for the big one. Use EC as a bridge have some major stuff go down storyline wise which keeps the fans interested and allows the WWE to help set up for WM. The use the EC gimmick to creat interest and keep people buying PPV for the first few months of the year at least the Road to Wrestlemania needs to be exciting and I love this set up for sure.
If I recall correctly there was a tread like this about a month ago. Firstly, the RR is still the Beginning to the Road to Wrestlemania. That being said, that doesn't mean the title scene stays the same. EC gives WWE one last chance to get the title picture how they want it, and also to further/start storylines for Wrestlemania. Also, EC doesn't take anything from RR because while 5 other guys gets title shots before you, you are gaurenteed a title shot at Wrestlemania. Also it's usually a 1 on 1 match, so the RR winner has a better chance of winning. The RR winner also has the Prestige that comes with "main eventing" Wrestlemania. So in other words, EC doesn't take away from RR and is in the right spot, but they should change the name because EC sounds ******ed.
The winner of the Rumble gets a title shot. Not a shot at the guy holding the title at the time he chooses. Whom ever wins the rumble should only have to choose between the WWE and WHC Titles. This way it doesn't matter who is champ until after EC. Again, the Rumble is a guarantee to a title shot at WM, period.

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