Should Chris Benoit be put in the hall of fame

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Dark Match Jobber
I know how some people will react to this, please no hate messages because i want to point out, Look at his career not his personal life, look at all the accomplishments.

Do you think Chris Benoit should be inducted in the hall of fame?
Who should induct him?
Absolutely he should, I would guess Malenko would induct him, or Jericho. What he did does not erase his body of work, he did a horrible thing, but WWE could get past that and celebrate his career.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

The guy killed his wife and son and WWE has been trying to take him away from their history. It was the darkest day in not only the history of the WWE, but wrestling.

What would it look like from his family's standpoint that their honoring the guy who killed their own family member's, or the company.

It's the stupidest thing WWE can do is to aknowledge the career of a muderer. Their not blacklisting him, or have a vendetta against him, what he did was vile and sinister and WWE ahve been doing the right thing by erasing him from history. Only a smart logical company like WWE would do that.

It does'nt matter how good a wrestler he was, what kind of matches he had, or what he did.

WWE will NEVER induct a murder into a Hall of Fame. It's the worst possible publicity you can get. WWE's a family company, praising and aknowleging a murderer just becuase he was a "good wrester." No chance in hell.
Didn't we just cover this topic like a week ago? No, as much as I love the guy and would love to see him enter the hall of fame. What he did in the last few days of his life will completely overshadow his entire career. Chris Benoit's name will forever be taboo with wrestling and sadly that is what most people will remember him for, the monster who murdered his family. Chris Benoit will in all cases probably never enter the hall of fame.
You missed my point. Acknowledge HIS CAREER. If they were gonna put him in they arent gonna mention how he died, It would make sense to put a guy who busted his ass for that company night in and night out for them.
He should he deserves it ,he can and has put on great matches.And he should be inducted by Jericho. But because of what he did its almost certain Benoit won't be inducted in any Hall Of Fame.
Would Barry Sanders have made the NFL HOF if he had killed his wife and children and himself? No. When you make a HOF in any sport, they are looking at your whole life, not just your career in you respective sport.

So no, Chris Beniot should not be in the HOF and he never will be.
This will never happen, and with good reason. I can't get satisfaction from watching his matches anymore, even though I was a fan of his back then, for the same reason why I don't enjoy watching the Naked Gun movies and laughing at OJ Simpson. "Honoring the career" and "honoring the man" are the same thing, as far as I'm concerned, and it would be the mother of all publicity nightmares for WWE. The clean image they have tried so hard to build up, and their marketing of the product as a "family friendly" form of entertainment would be torn to shreds. There is no way for them to spin it as "we don't condone what he did, but he should be remembered for being a good athlete and not for murdering his family". There are hardcore, devoted, lifelong WWE fans who would object to it and swear off of the product for moral reasons. It is never going to happen, and people need to stop creating a new thread about it every month or two.
You missed my point. Acknowledge HIS CAREER. If they were gonna put him in they arent gonna mention how he died, It would make sense to put a guy who busted his ass for that company night in and night out for them.

The only thing people will remember about him was that he killed his wife and son and hanged himself. Not that he won the Rumble, the World Championship, or any other accomplishment's he has in the WWE. What he did has overshadowed his career and has put a big black on the company and wrestling as a whole. It's the darkest day in the history of the business and nothing good will come out of him being put in the Hall of Fame.

He will forever be known as a murderer. Nothing more, nothing less.
I dunno, Jimmy Snuka is in there and he supposedly killed his girlfriend........Pat Patterson tried to solicit sex with the ring crew, we could go down an entire dirty laundry list of WWE Hall of Famers. I think time will tell, give it 20 years or so, and I say yes Benoit will be in.
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