Should Batista just retire?

Should Batista retire?

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Now going back to his main feud against Triple H when Batista made the choice of which champion to face , and Batista gave Hunter the same thumbs down that Hunter gave Orton months prior, I marked out like crazy. Batista was so over at that time and during most of that feud and his healthy period afterwards, I can hardly imagine the WWE being the same without those events happening

Unfortunately for Batista, he is now older, has openly talked about retiring soon, and can hardly go a few months in between injuries, and not just minor ones like a strain, this dude rips muscles off of bone easier then a small kid breaks a nail! Obviously to most of us, Batista had a past with steroids or a similar drug which has not helped his longevity any. As much as I would love to see the dominant Batista of the past, I think for his own well being he needs to hang the boots up for good, while he can at least still walk, IMO
Triple H was prone to tearing muscles too, until he eased up on his body building. Any wrestler as buff and ripped as Batista is going to have a problem with tearing muscles. It sucks for Batista because his look is what got him over, but being that muscular is also his weakness. That said I don't think he's in any danger of losing his mobility or taking years off his life. Batista should continue as long as he wants.
I say no, but not for any really good reason. I just want to keep seeing as many Filipino World Champions on T. V. as I can. Dave is good at what he does, but he is not the best, I know. He’s like a more down to earth version of the Ultimate Warrior, and that’s not saying much. If he leaves the WWE, I’d like to see him take Morgan’s "spot" in the Mob.
Why would he retire now? Like him or not, there's still huge money to be made in a Batista heel turn and some big matches with Cena, they're probably kicking themselves they didn't do it in 05/06 when they were the 2 hottest guys in the company, but it would still draw huge right now, WWE doesn't have many big money matches left, so I'm sure they still want to get that out of him before he's finished.

If he returns and goes down injured again within a couple of months then he should definitely consider his future though, there's only so much the guys body can take.
He was never good, will never be good, and should leave the WWE asap. If they ever want a high profile person to pop for steriods its him. I love his entrance music, but I wish someone worth watching was coming down the ramp when it hit rather than him.

The only reason he's lasted so long is because hes in close with Triple H and Flair, if it wasnt for them, he would of been jobbing on Smackdown as that Dudleys side kick, and released along time ago.
Fact is Batista may not be over with the IWC but he is with the live crowds. That makes him a bankable WWE star and as long as that is the case he should stay active. As Vince says "It's about the monay," and Batista still brings in money to the WWE.
He was never good, will never be good, and should leave the WWE asap.

Who are we to tell a man he cannot earn a living? Batista is still good enough to get a good reaction from the crowd, so he should definitely NOT retire.

If they ever want a high profile person to pop for steriods its him. I love his entrance music, but I wish someone worth watching was coming down the ramp when it hit rather than him.

Unfortunately for you, not everybody who has a budybuilders physique does steroids. If Batista did roids, then he would have been suspended by now.

The only reason he's lasted so long is because hes in close with Triple H and Flair, if it wasnt for them, he would of been jobbing on Smackdown as that Dudleys side kick, and released along time ago.

HHH and Flair wanted him because they SAW something in him. Considering he got massively over with the crowd, and has won multiple World Championships, I think they were right. also, he was already done with the Dudleys when he came to RAW and Evolution, being that D-Von rejoined Bubba Ray in 2002, and Evolution didn't start til the middle of 2003.
It's obvious that Batista did steroids before entering the WWE, the frequent amount of injuries are a sign of that. He still is great with the fans and has decent power moves that get a reaction from fans. However, the on again off again injury stuff is annoying. He needs to engage in more warm up activity and engage in alot more stretching than what he is used to. That bulk muscle cant stay on the bone without blood viscosity and elasticity
I am gonna love what Slyfox says if he comes in here. Batista bashing is officially not cool anymore. You people can stop. He should retire when he feels he cannot compete anymore. If he feels the time is now, so be it. It's his life. If he wants to continue, more power to him. I'm so sick of people acusing him of steroid use. Unless you have a UA test in your possession, quit slandering a person.
I am on the team also that says Batista stays. Bitch about his ring work all you want, you can only have so high of expectations for a guy like him anyways, and for him build and character and so on he is great in the ring. Not to mention also he is a pretty likable guy naturally which means charismatic. I think he is good enough on the stick, to keep around even if he can't wrestle. Just having him around equals money. I have met Batista in real life and he is a great guy. The stuff you hear about him backstage being a really cool character, and a genuinely nice guy are true. If you look at his activity when he is healthy he is very productive when he is not injured too. Look at his feuds in 07-08 with Undertaker and Edge, that guy put in some work right there, and he was solid for years before that. If he feels he's still got some miles left, let him go. But not to the point where he is going to be paying dividends in the future.
To be honest, I'm on the fence with this. I'm no fan of the man personally, but he still gets over and brings in a lot of money to the WWE. At the end of the day, that's really all that matters.

I don't think Batista will be around in another 5 years or so, however. Batista really only became a force within the past 5 years or so and, in that time, he's severely injured himself on 3 occassions, all of which have been muscle tears that've required months of time off to heal. Batista is officially 40 years old and those types of injuries are only going to be harder to heal from as he gets older. In the years to come, he's going to have to push himself even harder in the gym in order to maintain roughly the same size, cut and physical ability that he has now. Three severe muscle tears in a 5 year span is somewhat telling. Not a guarantee of course, but it's a good predictor.

I don't really care when the guy retires but I think it'll really have to be within the next 5 years or I think he starts to run the risk of becoming another wrestling tragedy. He'll have to push himself harder in the gym, maybe even have to resort to using large amounts of steoits, etc. and by the time it's all said and done, he'll just be a burned out shell.
It's obvious that Batista did steroids before entering the WWE, the frequent amount of injuries are a sign of that.

Where is your prove of this? Wait, you don’t have any prove and you won’t find any prove of it. The frequent amount of injuries doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with steroids. Did you ever think that maybe he is injury prone or that maybe he is not the luckiest person in the world? I guess your answer would be no.

However, the on again off again injury stuff is annoying.

Therefore, you are annoyed that someone is injured by accident.

He needs to engage in more warm up activity and engage in alot more stretching than what he is used to.

How do you know he does not already do a lot of that? As I said, maybe he is just an unlucky person.

Now on to whether I think he should retire or stay. My answer is that he should stay. He is still one of the top draws in the company and he is bringing in a lot of money for the company. There is absolutely no denying that.

In addition, he is still getting a reaction from the fans. The fans still cheer him when he comes out, meaning that he is still doing something right.

Lastly, he can still wrestle. There are wrestlers who don’t wrestle anymore because of the injuries they have accumulated throughout the years. Those wrestlers have accumulated serious injuries or many injuries, which has forced them to retire. If they decide to step in the ring, they are risking their lives to wrestle one more time. However, this is not the case with Batista. Yes, he has accumulated a couple of serious injuries through his career, but they aren’t enough for him to say that if he wrestles one more match or one more time he might be forced into retirement because of what can happen because of the previous injuries.
Batista should retire whenever the fuck he wants to, if he can still go in three years then he can wrestle for three years. The guys is obviously damn good at what he does as shown by the reaction he gets.

Besides, I am sure I am not alone in wanting to see Cena vs Batista 2 in which Cena actually wins the match.
I didnt choose here whether Batista should retire or not because 1) Ive never cared enough to be a fan of his and 2) I have to see how long his body holds up before injuring himself again.

The guy is 40 years old, I know thats still ok but obviously he's not getting any younger.

Im just throwing my 2 cents in this and honestly I dont know what to make out of it.

We'll have to see how his return to the ring goes.
It's obvious that Batista did steroids before entering the WWE, the frequent amount of injuries are a sign of that.

I'm inclined to agree with the others, this isn't a Batista bashing session. I'm not a big fan of the guy personally but no one has the right to tell anyone else that they can or can't make a living at something. Until someone can produce proof that he's on 'roids, let's stop saying he's on 'roids. He has to put food on the table like everyone else. As long as he draws money and can keep pulling off those power moves he's known for, he should stick around. I only see him leaving if his permanent health becomes a serious issue and if so, that's his decision to make.
How can someone deny that Batista has ever done roids? Or some muscle enhancement of that matter. Look at his arms, its looks like his veins are going to pop out of his arms.

I have respect for the guy, but no one gets that bod like that just by lifting weights, you would have started to work out at 8 years old to acheive that.

The guys a freak of nature.

Holler, if ya hear me.
Who are we to tell a man he cannot earn a living? Batista is still good enough to get a good reaction from the crowd, so he should definitely NOT retire.

Unfortunately for you, not everybody who has a budybuilders physique does steroids. If Batista did roids, then he would have been suspended by now.

Technically that's not entirely accurate. Batista could have done roids pre-wwe, and even now. He could just be lucky with the "random testing". Of course this "random testing" doesn't say that they include every single WWE superstar, Referee, OWNER, HEIR TO THE THRONE. *COUGHS VINCE IS ON ROIDS* and I will say that with 110% certainty! Who's going to test Vince? NO ONE
Who's going to test Triple H? NO ONE

Who is Batista in tight with? TRIPLE H and therefore the likelihood of him ever being subject to RANDOM testing is very unlikely. He might be subject to testing but I wouldn't hesitate to think maybe he gets a slight indication of when his testing will be. Do you think Vince would risk having BATISTA or Cena suspended for the wellness violation? I think not!

As far as his retirement goes I say he totally should. While he's still over with the live crowds and normal events, it's obvious he is not totally into it anymore. Everywhere he goes he speaks of retiring, contemplating retiring, etc etc etc. If you have to think about retiring that much then maybe it's your time to go. I personally believe he is just in it for the $ now. Don't get me wrong if I was making what he's making I would stick around as long as I could too. But I just don't see that same fire in his eyes that I used to when he was the REAL animal; EVOLUTIONS Animal!

Batista is hellaciously over. He will always have the right to stay as long as he can claim that. When you're more over than over half of the roster, you should absolutely stay. It means he's doing his job as a pro-wrestler. Maybe he isn't as entertaining to me, but psh. I'm not the sole marketing audience of the WWE.

So, yes. Batista to stay. Until he gets tired of his injuries, that is. Then he should leave. And leave quickly. Seriously. That guy is a walking injury.
I guess, he should. He's pretty old, and he's been getting injuries after injuries. Plus eventually the kiddies will stop caring about him. Dave's pretty awesome but I was never a fan of him, the rage filled big dudes aren't exactly my favorite wrestlers.
Technically that's not entirely accurate.

Oh tell us why?

Batista could have done roids pre-wwe, and even now.

Could have, but as many have said... Wheres the proof? That's right you don't have any...

He could just be lucky with the "random testing". Of course this "random testing" doesn't say that they include every single WWE superstar, Referee, OWNER, HEIR TO THE THRONE. *COUGHS VINCE IS ON ROIDS* and I will say that with 110% certainty! Who's going to test Vince? NO ONE Who's going to test Triple H? NO ONE

Are you really that stupid? Come on, they just went through a friggin' federal instigation. Do you think that Vince would be stupid enough to lie to the government when he's already had charges of this come against him in the past? Thus putting himself in more danger of going to prison. Yeah I think your right on with this one. While were at it. Let's look at who else you missed on that list. Cena, Edge(oh he did get caught), Orton(same as edge), Taker, just to name a few that could have. Why not throws those guys name in there while you at it... Here's an idea get some proof that any of those guys did and I'll believe you. Just as I believe Orton, and Edge have, as they have been suspended before.

Who is Batista in tight with? TRIPLE H and therefore the likelihood of him ever being subject to RANDOM testing is very unlikely.

You have got to be kidding me... Dude, seriously... Read above....

He might be subject to testing but I wouldn't hesitate to think maybe he gets a slight indication of when his testing will be. Do you think Vince would risk having BATISTA or Cena suspended for the wellness violation? I think not!

Oops, sorry for my earlier comment about Cena, there he is. Once again, show me proof that they are being tipped off... I bet Hardy had that same info when Trips was high on him and pushing him to the moon a year and half ago. Oh wait he failed one of those random drug test and missed Mania. Guess it doesn't help you to be on the Game's good side.

As far as his retirement goes I say he totally should.

Um... why?

While he's still over with the live crowds and normal events,

Wait you just made my point on why he should stay...

it's obvious he is not totally into it anymore. Everywhere he goes he speaks of retiring, contemplating retiring, etc etc etc. If you have to think about retiring that much then maybe it's your time to go.

Not into it? What are you talking about. He said that he wanted to have one good year. Then leave before he is forced to. Can't blame a guy for that.

I personally believe he is just in it for the $ now. Don't get me wrong if I was making what he's making I would stick around as long as I could too. But I just don't see that same fire in his eyes that I used to when he was the REAL animal; EVOLUTIONS Animal!

hmmm.... The guy has enough money bro, he's got everything he wants. If that was the reason, he'd be gone already. Doesn't have the same fire? Did you not see him return after Mania? The guy looked like he just as much fire if not more then he did before. Did you not see the interview in which he said I wanted to come back at Mania, but they didn't want me to. The last part of 08 he was wrestling on one leg. Yeah I agree with you the guy has no passion at all.

Thanks but no thanks...
I guess i'll be getting some sort of infraction for this post huh?
tbh, although Batista is getting towards the end of his career, and h is getting injured a fair bit, he might as well stick around till at least WM26. Hopefulyl that way we can get a proper Cena/Batista fued (like it or not Batista is one of the biggest faces in the WWE), and he can give the rub to someone on his way out - someone like DiBiase, MVP, whoever. A top star like that retiring without definitivley giving the rub to someone else (e.g. Austin) or, in the case of The Rock, giving the rub to a guy who end up leavign a couple of years later really leaves a gap in the roster and makes it that much harder to establish new stars. Whoever Batista can put over on hsi way out will benefit greatly and so I think he shouldn't retired just yet. To be honest, there's a few fueds I'd liek to see out of him...

vs. Cena (a real one)
vs. Jeff Hardy (both of them are mega over)
vs. Jericho (not sure if it's been done - a one month program would be awesome)
vs. Shawn Michaels (again, nto too sure if it's been done but it would be an awesome fued)
this "batista has never taken roids" nonsense is a crock of shit. The guy was once about 60 pounds bigger than his current jacked self. Nothing and nobody will ever convince me such a physique is at all natural. You simply have to roid up. The fact that he is able to retain so much muscle mass while wrestling full-time, travelling full-time, and having a family also points to past steriod use. Never mind the frequent injuries.

Anyway, to the topic. Damn, I hope the guy would retire. I have never seen an entertaining Batista match. He's had OK ones with Edge and Taker, and that's about it. They're worked very, very slow with a lameass unconvincing moveset. His selling sucks, botches are frequent and transitions weak. Any Batista match you think is decent, watch any Brock Lesnar match to be reminded of how REAL big power men should wrestle.

But hey. Why should he retire. Somehow he's as over as fuck and sells a ton of merch I'm sure. From Vince's viewpoint there's no plus in him leaving. Nor in his I'm sure.
while Batista is not as bad as everybody says. it is time he hangs up the boots at WM this next year. he is getting slower in the ring. i have never cared much for his mic skills. he has had some horror matches. Umaga at WM 24 comes to mind. but he has had some good feuds. Taker and Edge as his best. but his time has come as he can not stay caught up in the ring mentally and physcally. he is past his prime and needs a good way to go out.
Batista did come into the business at a relatively old age but I think he will stick around for another three to five years. His injuries may hamper that but I think Vince will keep him on a relatively easy schedule after he comes back. I'm still looking forward to Cena and Batista II and despite his criticisms, he is still over with the crowd and puts on decent matches every now and then.

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