Should Batista just retire?

Should Batista retire?

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The quicker he's gone, the better. The Ultimate Warrior I mean Batista is bad on the mic, his matches are boring, and the only thing he can do to help the business is to put some younger star over when he goes away. His title runs were all boring, his feuds were never really entertaining, and he's been injured way to many times in his short time with the WWE.

I was so happy when Jericho beat him in that cage match and took the title back, Orton should of never had to drop the title to him, only to win it back a week later, because Big Worthless Dave hurt himself again.

Good Riddance. Ill be so happy once I never have to see him come out to the ring again.
Botchtista should be gone from WWE and my television completely this is like his what 400th injury and still isnt released. Honestly what does Big Dave even have thats remotely decent about him?

His matches are boring, he sucks at talking on the mic/acting, he gets 10 million title shots or else he complains to Vince. Meaning he is a cry baby and i could care less about him.

He needs to leave the WWE ASAP I dont even think they make good merchandise sales off him. He has no need to be with WWE any longer. The man has no passion for the wrestling business, he is only in it for the fame and money and his character is stale as all hell

Oh and BTW if I have to here Michael Cole say "AND HERE COMES THE ANIMAL!!!" one more time during Big Dave's entrance I think im going to punch a pillow!
Batista isn't going anywhere as long as he gets the pops and sells the merchandise he does. I personally think his mic skills are terrible and his in ring work is laughable at best. However, he appeals to the audience and some people love him. I think he should retire when he wants to. It doesn't matter either way. When the guy debuted in evolution, after the deacon batista thing, he was awesome. The enforcer type in a stable is what suits him best. At this point with the title reigns and main event status, he can't go back to that so i'd enjoy it more if he were gone.
This is one of those bias threads IMO,because how do people start asking whether Batista should retire before asking the same thing of guys like the Undertaker.Batista is without adoubt the most improved wrestler over the last couple of years.When Cena was being booed for being boring, all he did was add a leg-drop& STF and actually became lamer.Batista actually took that criticism & improved.He hasn't had a "bad" match in years. As far as injuries go,take alook at Taker( who averages 5 months of competition a year) Even in his prime, Taker never wrestled a full schedule. Batista has found a way to be unique in his own right.He's never tried to be a Rock or Austin when it comes to promos.He's got his own way of doing it.For as long as he can move around in the ring or for as long as he's a happy, I say the big guy should stay!
Botchtista should be gone from WWE and my television completely this is like his what 400th injury and still isnt released. Honestly what does Big Dave even have thats remotely decent about him?

His matches are boring, he sucks at talking on the mic/acting, he gets 10 million title shots or else he complains to Vince. Meaning he is a cry baby and i could care less about him.

He needs to leave the WWE ASAP I dont even think they make good merchandise sales off him. He has no need to be with WWE any longer. The man has no passion for the wrestling business, he is only in it for the fame and money and his character is stale as all hell

Oh and BTW if I have to here Michael Cole say "AND HERE COMES THE ANIMAL!!!" one more time during Big Dave's entrance I think im going to punch a pillow!

Are kidding me? These are the kind of half-assed comments that piss me off.First of all, Dave has had the same number of injuries than guys like Taker. HBK & Rey Mysterio.Why arnt you asking for the WWE to release them.And where did you get that nonsense of Dave going to Vince to get title shots? That's the kind of B.S that gives the I.W.C a bad rap. If his character's stale,it doesnt say much for guys like Jeff Hardy & Cena. At least he's not trying to be something that he's not. And if you hear Jim Ross calling Edge the "Ultimate Oppoturnist" again, will you assault another pillow?
i have heard that batsita might retire when his contract runs out next year but i think he needs to do it soon i mean he is getting injured way to often i say wwe should but him backstage now and not in the ring he could end up in a serious condtion if wwe dont act soon.
no batista should not retire batista is really good technical wrestler everyone loves batista hes wwes best wrestler alive wright now if batista left wwe would take an huge drop in ratings so i belive that wwe and vince mcman and shane mcman and stephany mcman and linda mcman and jon laurnanites will do everything that all of them can do to keep batista a wwe wrestler for a very long time i think he will be the one to beat rick flairs champion ship record also.
no batista should not retire batista is really good technical wrestler everyone loves batista hes wwes best wrestler alive wright now if batista left wwe would take an huge drop in ratings so i belive that wwe and vince mcman and shane mcman and stephany mcman and linda mcman and jon laurnanites will do everything that all of them can do to keep batista a wwe wrestler for a very long time i think he will be the one to beat rick flairs champion ship record also.

1. Batista is not the best wrestler right now because that honor goes to Cena with Jericho a close second.

2. Batista will no break Flair's championship record as I believe he has held the title five times. There's no way he's going to win 12 more times because I don't think he's going to retire within the next five years. HHH will break Flair's record because I believe he will be around longer than Batista.
batista is the greatest pro wrestler alive he is strong and technical and has a big body and is charismatic and has a book that he wrote and was on a televison show and has a lot of good matches and he's phillipino so that means that he caters to a foregn audience so hes wwes best wrestler you cannot argue me on that one and i know deep inside my heart that batista will win 20 world championships just mark my words batista has alot of wrestling left in him so hes going to wrestle for a long time longer than edge and randy ortan and jon cena and triple h and dolph zigglar and miz and jack swagger and christian he will win more champion ships than all of them also
batista is the greatest pro wrestler alive he is strong and technical and has a big body and is charismatic and has a book that he wrote and was on a televison show and has a lot of good matches and he's phillipino so that means that he caters to a foregn audience so hes wwes best wrestler you cannot argue me on that one and i know deep inside my heart that batista will win 20 world championships just mark my words batista has alot of wrestling left in him so hes going to wrestle for a long time longer than edge and randy ortan and jon cena and triple h and dolph zigglar and miz and jack swagger and christian he will win more champion ships than all of them also

Where to begin and before I start I just want to say I like Batista.

1. He is not the greatest pro wrestler alive. He's not the greatest in the WWE and he is definitely not the greatest in the world.

2. Mick Foley, Ric Flair, and Chris Jericho have written books. Writing a book does not make you great. I suppose if Shelton Benjamin writes one, we are going to call him great.

3. Even though Batista is part Filipino, he doesn't really cater to a foreign audience as much as you want to believe. Mysterio caters to the Hispanic audience and I bet 90% of general wrestling fans don't even know he is part Filipino.

4. He will probably wrestle no more than five years which means Edge will still have more titles. Cena will have more since he will wrestle longer than him. Not fair to throw Miz and Ziggler in that equation since he's been wrestling longer than them and they don't have titles yet. No way in hell will he win twenty world championships. I don't even think HHH will get 20 and he's already at 13.

For further advice, use punctuation so others can read your posts clearly. Just letting you know ahead of time.
It's obvious that Batista did steroids before entering the WWE, the frequent amount of injuries are a sign of that. He still is great with the fans and has decent power moves that get a reaction from fans. However, the on again off again injury stuff is annoying. He needs to engage in more warm up activity and engage in alot more stretching than what he is used to. That bulk muscle cant stay on the bone without blood viscosity and elasticity

Obvious? Never have I heard a more ignorant statement.

I'm not saying that Tista has never used, but to say that his injuries are undoubtedly because he used roids is completely misguided. Have you ever thought that maybe it's because he's 40 years old? Batista has never knowingly tested positive for anything, so to say that "it's obvious" is ludicrous. Just because someone is huge does not mean that they are using steroids.

Batista retiring would be stupid for both WWE AND Dave. He still has the best entrance in the industry, and I have witnessed first hand his ability to still put on a good match when the situation is right. He still has money to make.
no batista should not retire batista is really good technical wrestler everyone loves batista hes wwes best wrestler alive wright now if batista left wwe would take an huge drop in ratings so i belive that wwe and vince mcman and shane mcman and stephany mcman and linda mcman and jon laurnanites will do everything that all of them can do to keep batista a wwe wrestler for a very long time i think he will be the one to beat rick flairs champion ship record also.

K, Check your spelling, 'cause its atrocious as hell.

Now, on to my retort.

1- WWE's been free falling for a while as far as ratings are concerned, and it's saving grace was the commercial-free RAW that probably won't happen again. Batista coming back won't change anything. That's a reality check.

2- He's old. His body is starting to realize that, and he won't perform as he did. Hell. he entered the business in his mid 30's. At that age, most wrestlers peak, so it brings into question what he had to do to keep his body going i.e. steroids, and such.

3- he's not the best wrestler WWE has now. Yeah, I'm arguing with you there. His moves are not even technical-based, so it shows how much you know on the subject. Yes, he's a workhorse, but not the best wrestler there is.

4- Colon's are puertorricans, Mysterio's mexican, Kahli's indian, Regal's British, Seamus and Finlay are irish...Batista isn't the only one that caters to a foreign audience. he's just the most over of the roster overseas. That much is true.

5- Writing a book doesn't equate to success in the business. It just means you wrote a book.

6- Being on a television show doesn't mean you're great. It just means you're a wrestler that did a television show.

7-Batista's done, mate. He's way past his prime, and he's pushing it. It's unfortunate since he has a lot of passion for the business. you commited overkill the second you said 20 title runs. And you just compared him to people that have longevity in the business.

In short: Batista's done. He knows it, and he wants a title run on the way out. Should he get it? perhaps, perhaps not. It all depends on how his comeback is handled, and how his character is retired.
Are kidding me? These are the kind of half-assed comments that piss me off.First of all, Dave has had the same number of injuries than guys like Taker. HBK & Rey Mysterio.Why arnt you asking for the WWE to release them.And where did you get that nonsense of Dave going to Vince to get title shots? That's the kind of B.S that gives the I.W.C a bad rap. If his character's stale,it doesnt say much for guys like Jeff Hardy & Cena. At least he's not trying to be something that he's not. And if you hear Jim Ross calling Edge the "Ultimate Oppoturnist" again, will you assault another pillow?

So the comments of people who do not like Batista piss you off? Well theres got to be a lot of comments on this forum that piss you off.

To answer some of your questions Taker and HBK are barely older than Big Dave and they are part timers, meaning they don't really work a full year. They will continue to do this until they retire which unfortunatley seems sooner than later. The sad thing is Batista is only like 3 years younger than them so he will be retiring before you know it as well.

Then how come he got the belt for a week in November last year when he won it off Jericho at Cyber Sunday only to lose it back to Jericho a week later? Explain that other than being bitchy backstage because that wasnt a usual Batista title run.

Cena and Hardy even if they are stale are more entertaining to watch than Big Dave

Oh and to finish this off your comparing JR to Michael Cole, don't do that again please Cole is another thing that annoys me about RAW but we can save that for another time.

All in all people bitching about why I.W.C members have to say give the I.W.C a bad name, good day :)
no batista should not retire batista is really good technical wrestler

Yeah, if you count powerbombing people and doing spinebusters as technical wrestling. Okay buddy, let me get this straight for you. Jack Swagger is a good technical wrestler, Kurt Angle is a good technical wrestler, Ric Flair and Chris Benoit both were good technical wrestlers, Batista is not a good technical wrestler. Batista is an average (on a good day) brawler and power man. And, as I said, he's average on a good day. But Batista is as much of a technical wrestler as Andre The Giant was a cruiserweight. Technical wrestling is mat wrestling, exciting, olympic, greco-roman-esque professional wrestling. Seeing as Batista's moveset is basically a bunch of punches mixed in wit an occasional suplex, powerbombs, spinbusters, spears, and other basic power moves with a lousy sitout powerbomb as a finisher, he doesn't come near the requirements for evenb being a technical wrestler, nevertheless being a good one. I'm not saying you can't be a good wrestler (even though Batista really isn't that good) without being a technical wrestler, I'm just saying Batista isn't one. He is a power move guy, and not always decent at that.

everyone loves batista

Wrong, kids under 12 and brain-dead adults love Batista. I'm assuming your one of them. Most other people like batista, some me (like me) view him as okay but could care less about him, could do either with or without him on our TV. Then there are a few who hate him. But, it's a select few who love Batista, and I'd assume most who do know a whole lotta nothing about wrestling or know about wrestling but can't see through Batista's injury-prone triple layer muscles and see his true leve; of averageness.

hes wwes best wrestler alive wright now


if batista left wwe would take an huge drop in ratings

Uh, no. Ratings have been lower than what WWE wants for awhile now, and I do not think that, in any capacity, Batista leaving the E would result in a huge drop in ratings. As a matter of fact, I doubt there would be any real difference at all. One man isn't going to single-handly control the ratings, well maybe John Cena, but even him I seriously doubt, though rating would probably take a slight drop with him gone. The point being, batista isn't going to effect the ratings if he retires or leaves, simply put.

so i belive that wwe and vince mcman and shane mcman and stephany mcman and linda mcman and jon laurnanites will do everything that all of them can do to keep batista a wwe wrestler for a very long time

No, I think they'll just let him retire when he wants. They'll realize that Batista's body is falling apart, there will always be another average in-ring power guy, with low charisma and decent mic skills that can replace Batista as a big draw. The draw power would possibly keep him around if he didn't get injured so often, but his injury level is extremely high and the only person who can draw enough but still take exstensive time off ech year is The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, and they're both thousands of miles ahead of Batista, so I don't think they'll personally beg to keep a man that injures so easily working the way he does, when he can be replaced, won't make an extreme deffernece when he retires, and will just mess up plans the way he injures so easily.

i think he will be the one to beat rick flairs champion ship record also

Possible only if he stays around long enough without getting injured (which won't happen) and he attends the Mr. McMahon Kiss My Ass club meetings weekly. And if he does beat the record I'm sure most IWC member may even boycott WWE for hatred of the decision, including me. The only one I think will take Flair's record is Triple H.

Now, as for the actual thread's question, should Batista just retire. In my opinion, he should, although I don't really care what he does. He is old tobegin with, is extremely injury prone, average on a good day in the ring, lowly charasmatic, only decent on the mic, and likely easily replaced, so I would seriously doubt he would affect much if he did retire, and he is getting to the point where his body probably needs him to retire, plus the younger talent needs him to retire to, because whenever he is not injured he just takes away main event spotlight from future stars, and takes away television time from thos same futre stars. He is actually pretty bland for the most part, and I think he would benefit himself and younger guys by retiring, so I am for the idea, but let the man do what he wants I guess, I just don't really enjoy or hate watching him, although as long as he isn't on TV, more people get time, so I guess that is an upside. So, in closing, my vote goes to him needing to retire, although I don't care wether he does or not.
I hope Batista leaves soon. How many times has he been injured now? Also, I would seriously like to know whose idea it was to give him the WWE Championship just when he was a day or two away from taking time off for medical reasons.

I look at it this way. For some inexplicable reason, Batista gets huge crowd reactions. But, do these reactions reflect his ability to draw? I'd say no, as his absences have never affected WWE's business. So, it would seem to me that it would be best for WWE to invest their resources in a wrestler who will be able to bring something more to the company than loud pops on a weekly basis. I don't think I would mind Batista so much if he played a more limited role like Shawn Michaels (i.e., remaining in the upper mid-card and being put in championship matches only when WWE wants to get someone over). But, to be one of the faces of the company? I think that ship's long gone, if it was even able to set sail in the first place.
I really like Batista, hes actually my favorite wrestler right now, its just my opinion so dont go crazy at me. I hope he doesent retire, but come back and DONT get injured and leave for ages again.
Batista is great!!!
Im not a fan of Batista, but I have a bit of respect for him. I read his book a couple of months ago and hey, he's just another guy who was penniless, gave a shot at wrestling, and, luckily hooked up with right people and that helped him get where he got.

I understand what wrestlers go through in and out of the ring...but another injury right away and I'll be like, come on man.
I dont think he will, but yes i think he should. We all loved him for beating hhh at mania 21 but fast forward a few years and this guy is totally different. he just isnt good anymore and if he keeps it up hes gonna end up killing himself. i think he should hang up his boots.
I don't think he should retire yet, although he's getting pretty old. If he's still healthy when he comes back, hopefully he is though considering his age, he should absolutely not think about retirment and entertain those fans who've been awaiting him and hopeing he'd have a good run in him. He can draw, maybe not on a Huge, Hulk scale, but still draw good at this day and age. Then, when he's done all he could and entertained the fans that like him, he can retire peacifully as he contributed as much as he could - and that'd be a pretty big contribution.
Bitchtista should retire.He's injury prone,over rated,terrible on the mic,got beat up by Booker T in a real backstage fight because he thought he was better than the whole damn roster,juiced out of his motherfuckin mind,and hasn't held a title for more than 8 days since losing to Taker at WM23. Just retire motherfucker,retire with your faggy belly button sun tattoo!
KnOtZMaN said:
Bitchtista should retire.He's injury prone
So you think Edge should retire as well?
over rated
Overrated how? He certainly isn't over rated in the IWC, and he isn't being overrated by WWE (don't know how that's even possible, but yea) becasue they give as much of Batista as the fans indicate.
terrible on the mic,
I could probably dispute this by saying fans get emotionally involved when he speaks and does his job vocally, but i'll ask you: Do you think shelton benjamin should retire?
got beat up by Booker T in a real backstage fight because he thought he was better than the whole damn roster
Doesn't not mean he should quit providing enetrtainment to the fans seeing as he's a big draw, and Booker T is in TNA, so how is this even a legit point?
and hasn't held a title for more than 8 days since losing to Taker at WM23.
And if he had held it at a more extensive time, you'd be here complaining about that.

Batista still can provide entertainment to his fans, so why retire?
I really like Batista, hes actually my favorite wrestler right now, its just my opinion so dont go crazy at me. I hope he doesent retire, but come back and DONT get injured and leave for ages again.
Batista is great!!!

If Dave can remain in good health I feel WWE is going to keep him around for a very long time. I mean he is not as bad as some make out if you ask me. I still would like him to work some matches with guys like HHH & Cena again even Undertaker.
Why the Hell should one of the better faces on the entire roster retire?

Dave Batista might not be everyone's cup of tea but the guy is freaking solid in terms of in ring work and on the mic. OK, his mic skills might need a bit of work but they are not overly bad. The point is that people still look forward to seeing Batista. They like to cheer for him and they like to see him in a competitive feud. I thought that the feud with Orton would have been quite good until he picked that injury. I mean, he was the champion before he got injured. Why should a man, who we all know can still cut it, retire? Because he has an injury? Edge has a pretty sever injury, should he retire? Fuck no.

Batista is still a very good competitor and I really look forward to seeing him come back and feuding with John Cena. Mark my words, this will happen in the course of time. It's all set up. Batista still has a lot in the tank. He should stick around a bit longer.

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