Mid-Card Championship Winner
According to, Sheamus was not backstage at the Royal Rumble PPV in Philly, and another creative decision is what has delayed his return.
In related news, original plans for WrestleMania 30 called for Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan, however after CM Punk quit the company the decision was made to push Bryan in the main event match and have him win the WWE Title.
Its now being said plans for Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan III are back on for WrestleMania 31, and of this writing the match is expected to take place at this years big event.
Sheamus and Daniel Bryan previously competed against each other at WrestleMania 27 & 28, and current plans call for Sheamus to return as a heel and get involved with Bryan again.
While I understand Vince not wanting DB back in the main event again, I'm not sure how I feel about this match. The two have a past, but I'm not sure Sheamus as a heel is going to be all that over with the crowd.
Main event for DB? No, but they can't think of someone better than a guy who has been out for months?