Sheamus is the New #1 Contender for the WWE Title

Do you agree with WWE's decision to name Sheamus as #1 Contender

  • Yes, the Raw Main Event is completely stale and they need a new face

  • No, Sheamus is not ready for the Main Event and I don't take him seriously as a Main Eventer

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I guess there are some people who would feel that way, but I sure as hell don't. Sure, it is weird looking and unusual to see someone with that type of skin color, but I could care less. However, I do agree with you that there are individuals in the IWC who would take it seriously.
I have a bit of a conspiracy theory on why Seamus got the title shot over someone else.

For month now the IWC and also the general fans have been complaining about how stale the main event on Raw has been. So he decides to tease us fans by promoting the newer guys like Kofi and legacy, MVP etc... But who does he decide to push, one of the new guys who is not even close to being over yet (maybe he will be sometime, or maybe like I mentioned in another thread he will end up like Kozlov).

I think in the battle royal the fans would have been happy and there would have been some reaction if anyone else (except maybe Orton) had won it. Now if the Buyrates are low or the match gets a massive boring chant, Vince can basically say screw you to the IWC and say he was right all the time about the fans actually wanting to see the same people all the time.
Do I feel that Shameless deserves a ppv mainevent match already? No. But, as it has been said a few times already. Its great to have someone new to face Cena. I expect to see Cena win, but it would be great for Shemas to win, but I need to be realistic.

As for guys like Kofi, it wouldn't make much sense for him to face Cena right now. His fued with Orton is still going strong, it would make no sense. The Miz would have been interesting, as he had a decent showing against Cena earlier this year. Morrison, as much as I enjoy him....against Undertaker....I dont think it would work yet.

One thing I just remembered. Sheamus did have a decent run against Goldust this year. Though there matches were not that great, they were still decent for what they were ment for.

So in closing, I do not like the idea of Sheamus being number 1 contender. But I am willing to give him a chance.
People need to start lookin' for wrestlers who bring somethin' new to the table rather than same old same old. Sheamus vs Cena should be very interestin', as Sheamus seems he will be able to hold his own. Who cares about his skin color.
One of the most common complaints I've heard about the Raw main event scene over the past 6 months is that we see the same old people involved. Now, I thought it was going to be Kingston last night but I was surprised to see Sheamus win. To be honest, I'm kinda happy about this. After all, there's no newer face on Raw than Sheamus right now.

Now, I kinda like the guy overall. I think a lot could potentially be done with him so I'm not gonna dog the guy until I've seen all he can really bring to the table. We could all be pleasantly surprised. While there's virtually no chance Sheamus will win the title, I think it's great to see a completely new and fresh face in Raw's main event scene.
I don't really think it has anything to do with his paleness...which hurts my eyes...but I think that the main thing is that he is being pushed pretty fast. He didn't accomplish too much on ECW when he was over there and all he's done since being on Raw is "retire" Jamie Noble and be on Team Miz.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for new guys being pushed into the main event spotlight, but I think they need to be pushed when they are ready and have some kind of credibility. They should have had Sheamus have a legit feud with someone who is just as monstrous as he is (like Kane) and let him cleanly beat him. I think that this isn't a good move yet for WWE to do...I mean, look at Kozlov, he feuded with Triple H...had no substance, and he STILL doesn't have any substance over on ECW, he's just there existing, which I hope something similar doesn't happen to Sheamus...
Well, one constant complaint I've hard made by some is the fact that the guy is as white as white gets. In a lot of instances in which a poster is dogging the guy, they somehow manage to work in some "get a tan" comment and all as if it has fuck all to do with what the guy can deliver as a professional wrestler.

A lot of people within the IWC have to have something to bitch and moan about, even if it's something that's really not an issue. I've heard complaints about the Raw main event being stale and boring and full of the same people. So now that the WWE has put somebody completely fresh in the WWE Championship picture, what is it that we hear from a sizable portion of the IWC? More bitching and moaning. I didn't read very many, if any, complaints about how Desmod Wolfe, AKA Nigel McGuiness, is being pushed to the moon in TNA right now despite the fact that he is also untested in the eyes of the general wrestling audience. I'm not putting Wolfe down, don't get me wrong on that, but I find it to be an interesting comparisson. In TNA, a relative unknown is being pushed in a very high profile feud against one of the best in the business, Kurt Angle and the IWC in general seems to be overjoyed. In the WWE, a relative unknown is currently in the WWE Championship picture and its the usual criticism and complaining from many.

If anything, I think this shows that there's something of a double standard regarding the IWC when it comes to the WWE and TNA product. If TNA does something, it's great but it's shit if the WWE does it.
Some may or may not have a problem with his paleness but it doesn't bother me at all. It's finally good to see someone new in the main event scene for a change. In the case of Sheamus though I think it's too much too soon. As Muttley mentioned he has to be have more credibility and have some feuds to build him up. No doubt though Sheamus will be a future champion one day. Now it's time to keep building new main eventer's such as Kofi, The Miz, Drew Mcintyre etc.
As a pale Irish person, who spends most of his time with pale Irish people, I can put an end to this right now.

At the risk of getting infracted for spam, I don't look at Sheamus and feel that he's striking a blow for all the Irish pale people, which there are alot of. And I don't dislike him cause he's pale, cause well, that'd be a tad hypocritical. I dislike him because he's in a postion that he doesn't deserve at the moment.

Sheamus' skin is to emphasise the Irish Celtic Warrior gimmick, as all celtic warriors had milky skin. It's really just part of his gimmick. And the paleness of a guy's skin is a really moronic reason to hate someone. Whether a wrestler is over or not should never come down to his "look".
I personally do not care that he is pale. The man is an ass-kicker. He plays his character so well. I am happy to see someone else getting a title shot. Sure, we all know that obviously this isn't going to be a lasting feud, as they wouldn't let a proverbial rookie hang on to the title heading into the most important time of the year, and Cena isn't going to feud with Sheamus for more then a pay per view or two. But I'm hoping that Sheamus becomes elevated after this match and potentially another one. I don't want another Miz situation on our hands.

Anyway, as for people of color becoming champion, I don't think it's fair that someone be held back to due to skin color. Any man or woman could have an amazing ability, skin color doesn't effect that. Anyone in any division or class of superstar deserves to be treated with the respect they deserve, regardless of color. Whether pale, tan, black, or any other skin color, they all deserve a fair chance.

Sheamus is a fresh face, and this match can make or break his character. There is a lot riding on this match for him as he hasn't really done much. If they want him to be a champion, he will be, regardless of his pale complexion. Instead of worrying about his complexion, or anyone's complexion for that matter, fans should just be happy that there is yet another fresh face being introduced to the main event.

No. It doesn't work like that. If a small boat goes out to really open water, it might be ok for awhile out there...but after awhile, the fact that it's a little boat is going to become apparent. And if the boat with a little gas tank gets out too far...then it might not have enough gas to make it back to shore. The sea might eat it up.

I find Sheamus to be a talented worker. I just think that Sheamus is still a little boat. If he goes off into main event world, he might not have enough gas to get back to where he was.

what?!?!?!?!?! that is the worst analogy i've ever heard. how the hell can u compare wrestling to boats???

anyway i think ur dead wrong. look at miz. he got twaxed by cena for a good 4 weeks and now he's awsome. the next 3 weeks and lose to cena at the ppv is going to do wonders for sheamus
So last night on Raw Sheamus won the "Breakout Battle Royal" and now has a match with John Cena and WWE TLC in 3 weeks time in a Tables Match.

Now Sheamus, who was praised when he was in FCW, then was a pretty good standout in ECW with his feud with Goldust and the rest although he never won the ECW Championship but that really doesn't matter. Then randomly about 3-4 weeks ago ( Correct me if I'm wrong, not sure about when ) it is announced he is apart of the Raw roster. He then "Forces" Jamie Noble to retire and dominated week after week. Then on Sunday night at Survivor Series he was impressive and was clearly the guy WWE wanted to show was dominant, as he got the last pin with 2 other pins in that match.

We go to the following night now and Jesse "The Body" Ventura says there will be a "Breakout Battle Royal", which in my opinion was awesome as it stated the fact that so many of us here at the IWC complain about, the stale Main Event Scene in the WWE. But then Randy Orton had to get in it, when I saw this I was "Aw fuck here we go again", but when Kofi eliminated him and was him and Sheamus I was surprised, happy as I thought this is were Kofi wins, but then Sheamus won, and after a disappointment I realized this is good. The young Heel -vs- the top Face.

But I ask is it actually a good thing? Did they even pick the right guy to face John Cena and give that push too? If not then who should have gotten it?

In my opinion there doing a great job in making Sheamus look like a force but I don't know if this is the right move, we complain that guys need Mid-Card titles before they can get a World or WWE Championship type push, we say they have to be in a High Profile feud as well, but in my opinion I think this might be a good thing for Sheamus.

Now WWE and himself get to see if he can go toe-to-toe with the Top guy in WWE in John Cena. He gets the next 3 weeks to show to everyone that hes a monster and possibly stay in the Title Hunt for a bit.

Now I think we can all agree that John Cena will retain the WWE Championship in 3 weeks time at WWE TLC, but I ask you again, is this to much to early with Sheamus? Or is it a good thing?

Your Thoughts.
I have to say I was very surprised to see Shemaus win the battle royal and get the titel shot but the more and more I read and think about it, WWE is doing the right thing for Sheamus.

I think everyone is surprised because he's getting the title shot over a lot of mid carders that have been around for awhile, but I seriously doubt that they are actually going to put the Belt on him.

In my opinion they are using this next month and a "small time" PPV to help build Sheamus and give him some more ring rep. I think Cena will keep the title and have it all the way up till Wrestlemania, but I think they are going to pick his fued either during the royal rumble or just before it leading to a big match for the title at wrestlemania. IN THE MEANTIME they have 3-4 weeks before they prepare for the first "big" PPV of the 2010 year and they will use this time to help put over a new up and coming superstar.

Kofi is doing a good fued with Orton and is already being put over in this, so we have 2 potential players in the main event scene coming up with the possiblty of Miz or Swagger in the near future.

All and all it's tough to take in right now but I think in the long run this is going to help make RAW new and improved for 2010
I want to first start off and thank this guy because he is right, we are not the creative writers. They know what is best and apparently Sheamus in his short time has impressed them enough.

Or so it seems.

Secondly, if you did not know I had a poll a few weeks back to see who the viewers were interested in pushing to face Cena. Obviously, you all were wrong by choosing Swagger. Whoever choce Sheamus was correct.

Not really, the poll asked who people wanted to see, and Swagger was the popular choice, which means more people wanted to see Swagger. Just because Sheamus won now, that doesn't mean that people's opinions should automatically change because of what the WWE did.

Anyways enough because Sheamus is getting pushed first like it or not. If the WWE has Sheamus win (most likely not) he will become the biggest badass in WWE history. But since he is facing Superman..... oops I mean Cena this will be short but fresh because Cena isnt facing the same ol guys now.

Actually, Cena won't win because he's superman, it's because he's a much bigger star than Sheamus, who should be thankful to be in the same ring as him.

All you guys should give Sheamus a break I really think this PPV match will push him big time and give him a chance to prove to all of us he is the real deal. But he shouldnt win, have him lose then go on into the rumble and destroy supertstars nearly breaking Kane's elimination record but lose being the 3rd guy left. Then win the title at elimination chamber.

Interesting fantasy booking, that scenario would actually suck though, given that Sheamus is mediocre.

There are certainly 2 sides to this thing. It's not horrible simply because it's something different. If Orton would've won the BR last night, I would have been really pissed off. The WWE needed someone new into the main event, and you have to give them credit for doing so.

However, I still don't really like this choice. If something is broken, simply changing something for the sake of changing it doesn't automatically make it better. Sure, Sheamus is ok and his feud with Cena will likely be sorta decent, but I don't see it leader anywhere for him. He's big, but simply average in the ring, average on the mic. Nothing about him that really stands out, however he gets a WWE Title shot after feuding with Goldust for awhile and then crushing Jamie Noble. Not exactly an awe inspiring resume. Obviousy, Swagger would have been the better choice if the WWE hadn't fucked up with him, but even someone like Dibiase of Rhodes should've been chosen over Sheamus, who will likely be back to doing nothing within the year.
As much as I am a mark for Sheamus, I would have to say that this is too fast. He has been getting more heat, but not enough to be a heel in a high profile match like this. I do, however, believe that he has potential to be a top heel eventually, because of his ability to demolish an opponent, and insult people while doing it.
Sheamus was a bad move, they should have gone with Kofi, who they have been building up quite nicely the last couple of weeks or even ted, but Sheamus was a very dumb move he has not been on raw too long, this is a slap in the face to Kofi, and all of the other young talent that have been busting their ass on raw.
To be honest, it cracks me up that Sheamus is getting this massive push right now. Call me crazy, but I just find it really hard to find a ginger that intimidating. Seriously, I wasn't impressed by the guy in ECW (where he barely got one up on Goldust!), and I'm not impressed with him as the #1 contender on RAW. It makes me wonder what creative was thinking.

In my eyes, it would have been significantly better for Sheamus to at least be on the brand a couple months, running roughshod over the competition, sending people out of the ring on stretchers, retiring people and building a general reputation for himself before jumping him into the main event.

Of course we all complain about WWE not making an effort to develop new main event talent or elevating younger performers. However, I think this situation simply caught people entirely out of the blue. One would like to at least see the move happening and anticipate/appreciate it somewhat.

This one really was a swerve, I guess, because I never would have imagined it. Vince & creative must really see something special in this kid. All I know is they must be looking at him differently than I am. Carrot-Top on Steroids just doesn't say "PPV sales" to me.
I was in shock when i saw this - of all the mid carders on raw and smackdown, Sheamus is the one they want to push. This was a bad decision for 2 reasons, being that he wasnt the right person to be pushed, and the fact that he is terrible.

1. this seems to have been dealt with a lot already - He has beaten Goldust, Shelton unconvicingly, and a Jamie Noble who had conspicuously not been on TV for months. the crowd barely knows who he is. as well as the list of people who have more of a claim to the title than he does: Miz, Swagger, Legacy, Mark Henry, MVP, R-truth, etc.

2. I simply cannot take him seriously. His beard is beyond ridiculous, Irishmen dont simply speak Gaelic, his music is terrible, his accent inconsistent, and his name is spelt incorrectly! and thats all before he steps in the ring, and assuming we can overlook the paleness of his skin. We're supposed to think this bicycle kick that has never ever connected properly, which Mike Knox or Matt Morgan could do in his sleep, with far more weight behind it as well, devastates opponents, and his finisher is a backbreaker, or the razor's edge. he is simply lame. We've seen this too many times before, from Snitsky to Festus, Mike Knox, Heidenrich, Umaga, Kozlov - they all sucked, how is he supposed to be different?

I guess being gym buddies with Hunter pays off...Jokes, but this is ludicrous. He isn;t the single most overpushed and overrated wrestler in the WWE (that position is reserved for Drew McIntyre), but this match is gonna suck - only the most experienced and talented wrestler can make a match with Cena beyond average, and that isn't Sheamus.
Sheamus was a bad move, they should have gone with Kofi, who they have been building up quite nicely the last couple of weeks or even ted, but Sheamus was a very dumb move he has not been on raw too long, this is a slap in the face to Kofi, and all of the other young talent that have been busting their ass on raw.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason Kofi isn't getting a shot at John Cena and the WWE Title is because John Cena is a Face ... and Kofi is a Face, as well?

Normally, two Singles competitors that are either both Face, or both Heel, don't make for the best programs ... unless one is Mega Over. The reason is because it can actually do damage to the lesser over of the two Faces ... in this case, Kofi Kingston.

Now, I can understand if you want to say Jack Swagger or The Miz should be in there instead of Sheamus, if you don't feel that Sheamus is ready yet. However, I suppose we have to go back to school on these wrestling booking basics for a few people who think Faces should face other Faces and Heels should face other Heels.
It was probably one of the best ideas for RAW main event. When Orton entered in the battle royal I thought we were going to watch Cena vs Orton for the 1000000000000000000 time. I don't actually care if it's Sheamus,Swagger,Miz or Kofi as long as it's not Triple H,Orton or Hbk again. So I'm %100 pleased about the decision.

Everyone knows that Sheamus is getting this huge push because of his new buddy(I can argue it all you want if you don't think so) Everyone is saying that it's too early for Sheamus but who cares as long as we'll see a fresh and entertaining match. Sheamus is decent in the ring and Cena can easily carry the match and put him over without losing. It's also a gimmick match so I don't thin this match in anyway will be boring.

I don't care if Sheamus will elevate himself or just sink in the water it's not my problem let creative to think about. As a fan I'm sick and tired of watching same guys on the main event for the title. For God's sake it's not Cena vs Triple H/Orton/Hbk/Big Show/Jericho once again. So why are you still complaining we'll see a new and fresh match after a long time. I'm really excited about how this match and feud will play out but I'm sure about one thing this match is a hell better choice than an another Orton vs Cena.
Let me just say this.

I have given this some thought over the past couple days, and I can safely say that where as I may not agree with Sheamus getting a Main Event push this early, I will take him any day as a contender for the WWE Title, over the tired list of contenders:

Randy Orton
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Big Show

I am absolutely fed up to my eyeballs with seeing those same guys in the Main Event Championship scene. And that is what the consensus seemed to be, as well ... until Sheamus won the Battle Royal, of course. Then, we throw a fit.

Like I said, I can understand that maybe it should have been Swagger, and I would agree. However, it is Sheamus who has been the one that has been selected, and I will accept him as a contender over Randy Orton and friends, who I am absolutely sick to death of seeing chasing the title.
Is Sheamus being pushed into a program with John Cena a bit premature? Probably. However, I'll not be objecting to it because it sure is refreshing to see a newcomer being pushed straight into a title match with John Cena on a PPV just mere weeks after making his RAW debut.

That WWE would do this either shows their confidence in Sheamus' abilities or else they are taking a risk in the hope they get a monster heel out of it, and Vince taking a risk is another refreshing thing no doubt. At the end of the day it could bomb, but then again it might just work and the only way to know is to actually push the talent like this from time to time.

To be honest, I would have been content with any of those mid carders winning the breakthrough battle royal, because any one of them would have made for a refreshing WWE title match...and we haven't had too many of them in recent memory.
Sheamus is not main event stuff although he is a good wrestler. He didnt ever challenge for the ECW championship so thats taking him to serious. The perfect thing fro WWE would be if EDGE returns during this match because TLC is his perfect match even though it Tables match so i think if he returns better for WWE
Let me just say this.

I have given this some thought over the past couple days, and I can safely say that where as I may not agree with Sheamus getting a Main Event push this early, I will take him any day as a contender for the WWE Title, over the tired list of contenders:

Randy Orton
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Big Show

I am absolutely fed up to my eyeballs with seeing those same guys in the Main Event Championship scene. And that is what the consensus seemed to be, as well ... until Sheamus won the Battle Royal, of course. Then, we throw a fit.

Like I said, I can understand that maybe it should have been Swagger, and I would agree. However, it is Sheamus who has been the one that has been selected, and I will accept him as a contender over Randy Orton and friends, who I am absolutely sick to death of seeing chasing the title.

I agree, specifically with 09 really only having Orton/Cena and Triple H/Orton for the WWE title. While I don't really feel that Sheamus is ready to challenge for the WWE title, it's nice to see that WWE is changing things up a bit. And yeah, while I would have have preferred Swagger in this position, the guy just doesn't come off as a strong heel. WWE has done a solid job of building Sheamus up as this monster that destroys everything in his path. Will definitely be an interesting match at TLC.
I'm so sick of these fucking hypocrites. You wanted a new main event, you wanted something different, you wanted to push young stars, you wanted John Cena to face someone other then the fab four he does every PPV. Here you go, take Sheamus. You've complimented him, said he has a future, said he's a future world champion, says he has the potential to be greatness if used right. He's being used right, he's in the main event of the debut PPV against arguably the biggest superstar in professional wrestling today for the biggest title you can have, but you're bitching?! What the hell IWC? Can we not please you? It's so annoying.

The WWE has been busting their ass over the past few months to bring you different stuff, but you're still not happy. You wanted Kofi pushed, okay, there you go. He's in a feud with Randy Orton, but he's not being pushed enough. Sheamus vs. Cena has the potential to be gold, they're both hard-hitting, don't-take-shit-from-anyone type dudes. They're BIG dudes. Yeah, Cena vs. Swagger might have been preferred, but hey! You wanted a change. That match has been done. It's not time for that yet. Stop crapping on the feud, the match, and the PPV before you even see it. You're really not gonna order this because one match isn't to your liking? That's so ignorant.

I hope this match blows all the others out the water, I hope they conspire and have the greatest match with 2 hard-hitters they can have, so they can finally shut you hypocrites the hell up.

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