Well...let's be honest...This match is gonna happen probably midway through the card. I expect DX-Jerishow TLC to be the "true" Main Event. That said, there is definite potential here. But I want to look at a few things...one, why Sheamus? Two, what if...?
So. Sheamus. Big ass pasty Irish dude with 'tude. Also the workout buddy of Trips. Did this give him the push? Well, it certainly didn't hurt. That being said, I think Little Jerry Lawler has it about right as to why go with Sheamus over other established midcard gentlemen. Despite his work coming into this program being the complete domination of Jamie Noble and the assault of a time keeper and the real Jerry Lawler, he's had the most time recently to build some sort of character we could care about. MVP is mired in the tag division with Mark Henry. (Yes, I know referring to tag team wrestling as a whole division is asinine, but hey...what else can I call it?) To become credible again, MVP is, to me, going to need a dominant run with either the US or IC titles before he could be elevated to the Main Event. Much the same argument goes for Mark Henry, but with Mark, we also have this...He's been with WWE since what? '96 or '97? What, exactly has he done in that time? ECW Champion, but what does that really count for. Can anyone point out something that makes Mark an honest to god WWE/WHC Title competitor? Even in his tag matches witch he should dominate, his knee gets tapped and he's done. How could he survive a ME feud? Yeah, that's what I thought. Swagger...well, where the hell did he go? He was talking smack with Miz, wrestled at Survivor Series, and then...was paired up with Chavo and Masters to attempt to get in the Breakthrough Battle Royal? Chavo & Masters? Horny's bitch and Dancing Pecs? If that doesn't scream death sentence, nothing does. The only thing Jack's gonna be doing is taking some time in the Rumble and then getting tossed out on his ass, probably by someone half his size, like Evan Bourne. Carlito just got back on RAW this week for TV exposure...and got beat down by SuperCena. DiBiase is apparently back to being Orton's bitch with Cody...so much for that face turn to promote Marine 2. Well played, Vince. Instead of creating a credible upper midcard to Main Event level guy, you've relegated him to lackey status to mess with the IWC. Well played, sir; well played. And that leaves Kofi...who is going to be messing with Orton for the near future...why pull him out of a feud with the top heel on the show to put him in one with the top face? And thus, logically...Sheamus!
Here's a second reason...Sheamus is an ass. Or perhaps that should be arse. Whatever. If the built him properly, he could be a monster like...oh, say, Kane in '97. Whipping up on Santino and not taking up Cena for a Title Match does NOT make one awesomely badass. If they had built him up properly as a guy we really want to hate, then Vince could have cemented Cena as a true face, not a face who gets booed but still sells tons of merchandise. This was my original thoughts as to why Sheamus got the nod (beyond being tight with his holiness Jean-Paul Levesque). Now? It's looking more like a marriage of convenience.
So...what happens after TLC? Well...
If Sheamus loses (as we all expect...so Vince might just do what he like to do and SWERVE on us
), then there are two possibilities for the Pasty Warrior. Either his push gets the plug pulled, and Sheamus starts jobbing to Evan Bourne (c'mon, you know Vince would give us this match for about two months straight on RAW)...or, he actually gets to stay in the pseudo Main Event with John. Obviously, going into the Rumble, the Rumble itself is the Main Event and the match we'll all be most concerned with, since it does start to shape up WrestleMania. I could see a rematch at Rumble, possibly a Falls Count Anywhere match...after all, when you start a feud with a gimmick match, it's kind of shoddy to go back to a "standard" match. If this scenario happens, then I would still expect Sheamus to lose at Royal Rumble, but he should beat the hell out of Cena in the process, using everything backstage to help him. Fast forward a bit to No Way Out (Oh, I'm sorry. I meant the horribly titled Elimination Chamber), and Sheamus is in RAW's Elimination Chamber, but gets eliminated thanks to a multi-superstar beatdown. Finally, at WM, Sheamus is in (and wins) Money in the Bank. At this point, Sheamus should be a more credible upper midcard or even ME level player...winning MiTB and being able to annihilate someone later in the year for his first World Title sounds about right.
Now...the unlikely scenario. Sheamus wins. Wow. Everyone on RAW would be gunning for him...And as a Celtic Warrior, can he really back down from that many fights? I'd expect the guest host each week to set up WWE Title matches with a whole host of different guys challenging for the title. Miz, Swagger, Bourne, MVP, hell, even the Gobbledy Gooker could get in on this action. There would still be the overall feud with Cena, but a new match (and person for Sheamus to destroy each week) on RAW would probably get people interested in the Road to 'Mania. Fast Forward to Royal Rumble, and a gimmick match of your chosing between Cena and Sheamus. I say let Sheamus hold on to the belt here. Then, as we go to EC, no more title matches on RAW. Instead, have anyone who can beat Sheamus qualify for RAW's Elimination Chamber. I think in the scenario Cena helps some people qualify just to piss off Sheamus. At Elimination Chamber, Sheamus would drop the belt (sorry, but there ain't no way in hell Vince is having a relative newcomer like Sheamus ME 'Mania). He'll probably be eliminated from the Chamber courtesy of a Pedigree from his workout buddy, HHH. Again, I see Sheamus then going to MiTB at Wrestlemania, and winning.
Either way, it is nice to have a new face in the main event scene. If he could get over his nerves, I think Sheamus could be a damn fine promo guy. The Irish brogue is a bit thick, but hey, at least that is an authentic accent! Hell, have him rip into guys in Irish during a match, I've read somewhere that he's fluent, so... Hopefully, Sheamus doesn't get lost after his run with Cena. Last guy to go after Cena who wasn't in the main even is now...Awesome! Oh, and an excellent heel US Champion. Sheamus is gonna get him some rub from this program, but where it winds up is probably not even known to Vince at this point. All we can do it sit back, chill, and (hopefully) enjoy what we get on Monday evenings.