Morrison Is The New Number 1 Contender!

Morrison finally has his chance to step up into the ME scene. Unfortunately he is not going to go over The Miz at the Royal Rumble. Putting Morrison into a program with The Miz is going to give him the chance to step up his promos which is the one element he lacks. Its sad cause his promos as a heel were always pretty good in my own opinion.

What i see coming out of this is The Miz retaining at Rumble, again thanks to his stooge Alex Riley. Then in the Rumble match itself Morrison will take out Riley as retribution however eliminating himself as well in the process. This will turn into a few week feud on Raw with Morrison and Riley, while The Miz is dealing with those stepping up to take him on in the Elimination Chamber. Getting aggravated with Morrison distracting Riley he demands the G.M. do something about it so he does...And I Quote, tonight on Raw there will be a match between Alex Riley and John Morrison (of course this brings a smile to The Miz's face figuring that the two of them can just team up on him and get him out of their way) and if John Morrison wins he will be the final entrant into the Eliminataion Chamber, furthermore if The Miz decides to interfere in the match Morrison will also immediatly be awarded the chamber spot (Miz's smile fades here). Of course Morrison will win this match.

At Elimination Chamber ( The Miz vs. John Morrison vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett) it ultimately will be Morrison pinning The Miz and eliminating him however coming up short overall, most likely to Randy Orton regaining his title that he has been screwed out of. In turn this sets up Miz vs Morrison at Wrestlemania for their rematch just with no title on the line. The feud should really bring Morrison up into the main event scene to stay and will give everyone the match they want to see at Wrestlemania in a spot where it belongs.
i was very happy morrison won. i would like him the get the title but you know he's not. this is just someone miz can fued with to get him over. cause morrison is freshly ME so miz can beat him without controversly (storyline purposes of course) so this fued will just be a set up fued for Miz's next fued which will probably big with a big star
First post on the Forums.
Very glad JoMo won his match against Sheamus, will be interesting to see him and Miz feuding over the title.
It is very clear that WWE has high hopes on Morrison. By giving him a title shot at Royal Rumble WWE want to see if Morrison has what it takes to handle the pressure of being a main eventer. There is little doubt that Miz will retain his title, this should be viewed as a chance by Morrison to please the WWE management. By a good showing I am not only talking of the match exclusively but he can surely leave an impression on the management if he shows some promise on the mic in the weeks leading upto their match.

Of course this is all rosy speculation though. Morrison has somewhat improved in the ring I believe in the sense that he is a bit less spotty now as compared to what he was three months ago. But he continues to be bland on the mic. On paper Miz vs Morrison is a fantastic rivalry but I am just not excited to see this as I do not think that Morrison can be a main event mainstay in the future.
If this match is planned for The Royal Rumble, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Title matches at the rumble have been throw away matches in the past.

I think it's great for Morrison though. This is his first title shot, correct? This is his oppurtunity to show that he can put on a main event caliber match with the pressure on. Alot of people don't take Morrison to seriously as a main event player, and this oppurtunity is really his only shot to prove if he is ever going to truly make it anywhere in WWE.

I'm still don't really like him, but I think that , if he adjusted his moveset abit, he could maybe be of value in the title picture. The crowd seems to like him anyways.
Yes!! JoMo!! Number 1 Contender!! and so he should be!! he can work some really good matches jus like we all saw last night aswell!! He is just great in the ring and can get the crowd behind him!! So we all know Miz retained and the feud between JoMo and Miz will once again happen.. I think it'll be a good feud, but don't see JoMo winning the title at Royal Rumble.. But this push for JoMo will take him farr...
After last night's performance, I have no doubt that John Morrison can be a main-eventer on RAW. I'm not thrilled that he's going against Miz because it's obvious he doesn't have a chance of WWE actually giving him the title and they will use the history between him & the Miz which has been used 500 times before. I know this isn't actually going to happen but I feel like they could put enough heat between them to make this a WM match. I'm interested to see where it will go after the Royal Rumble because everything after this is strictly on the road to Wrestlemania.
I am ECSTATIC that Morrison won the #1 Contender's Match against Sheamus. This means that he will be facing his former tag team partner, The Miz, at the Royal Rumble in 2011.......but, will it be a one-on-one match?

For some reason I have a good feeling that Randy Orton will be put into this match making it a triple threat match at the rumble. I for one do NOT want to see this happening as I believe that Miz/Morrison at the Rumble would be awesome. I think Orton will be put into this match because he was put threw the table in a somewhat controversial manner (i.e. Miz pushed Riley into Orton, knocking him off the apron onto a table on the outside).

The WWE does this kind of thing all the time. They think that Miz/Morrison won't bring in enough viewers (eventhough the Rumble brings in all the viewers anyway) so, they need to put a "top tier" superstar in the match to make it more credible.

Now I'm not bashing the WWE writers or anything like that, I just don't want to see Orton or Cena in the title scene anymore, or at least just this PPV. It will be more refreshing that way. I just want to see Miz vs Morrison for the WWE Championship. One-on-One. Mono-e-Mono. Royal Rumble 2011.
Like most people, I'm quite happy to see John Morrison as the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. He had an awesome match against Sheamus last night and his feud with The Miz could be very fun, they've had very good matches against each other in the past and their past history could add some depth to their feud.

I fully expect The Miz to retain the WWE Championship in this feud but this is Morrison's chance to show fans and the WWE brass if he belongs in the main event/WWE Championship picture as a long term contender. We know Morrison's got the stuff inside the ring, his problem has been his mic work and his inability to connect emotionally with fans. If he can overcome those hurdles, then I think he'll finally make it to the next level. Either way, I believe that it's put up or shut up time for JoMo.
I am really happy to see that Morrison will get his chance. He has been one of the more debated guys on the roster over the last year and now it seems that we will get our chance to see what he can really do.

I'm excited to see the chemistry these guys have. Obviously, they have history with each other, so they should already have some chemistry. The past is going to be brought up and it should add to the build. We have over a month to build this match between Miz and Morrison and I think we'll be getting some good promos along the way.

My one concern is that they put Sheamus or Orton in the match to make it a triple threat. It is the Royal Rumble, so they shouldnt have to worry about two young guys in the main event because everyone will be concerned with the rumble. But if they have concerns, I can see them putting Sheamus or Orton in this match. A singles match will give these guys a great chance to prove themselves as the future of the company. Other than that, I am happy to see that Morrison's years of hard work have payed off.
I have no clue where they are going with the John Morrison thing, im a fan of JoMo but where is this story going? It was only a few months ago that JoMo and Miz lost the triple threat match against Daniel Bryan for the US Championship, And now Miz is WWE Champion with JoMo the #1 contender? I think Miz proved himself at TLC to be a smart and stratagic champion even if he didn't have a good match, But i don't feel JoMo has proven enough to me to be worthy of a WWE Championship match considering there are so many more people who deserve a Title shot (Cena, Barrett, Orton, Even Daniel Bryan has proven himslef more than Morrison this year!).

I thought they were going to play it like this:
Sheamus was going to win the #1 contender's spot at TLC, then the same night Orton was going to take back the championship, then at the Royal Rumble it would be Sheamus Vs Orton and Sheamus was going to win the championship only for HHH to return and win the rumble setting up a WWE championship match at Wrestlemania between Sheamus and HHH (Considering Sheamus was the one who put HHH out of action) for probably HHH to win.

The only reason that springs to mind as to why they are making the younger superstars have more successs on RAW is becuase they feel it's time for superstars like Cena, Orton and HHH who have been around for years to step out of the spotlight and let the younger superstars take the gold.

I am buzzing for RAW as i can't wait to see them explain why the #1 Contender's match and the WWE Championship match went the way it did.
I cant see Morrison winning the title at RR, purely because I dont think WWE thinks either man is ready to headline mania, and they wont want the title to change hands twice between now and then. I think that Miz will win controversialy, and move on to EC. Morrison the does his best to get under Miz's skin from the Rumble onwards, and cost Miz the title at EC, setting up a blow off match between the 2 at Mania.
Oh god what a forced push. I have nothing against Morrison personally, but once the novelty of his flashy moves wears off... he really doesn't have it. His mic skills are some of the worst I've heard in a long time, sounds worse than some cheesy B movie dialogue. It's his tone of voice or something, he needs to work on that. I don't think too many fans really bought into this push, he got random lame pops when being involved with Santino and Sheamus, but otherwise people are indifferent towards him. Why push him?

Morrison as a competent champion? Nah... no more so than the Miz, who I hate having the belt on. I know we're running low on big names right now, but wow... Morrison and Miz are gonna start main eventing shows. No thanks.
Oh god what a forced push. I have nothing against Morrison personally, but once the novelty of his flashy moves wears off... he really doesn't have it. His mic skills are some of the worst I've heard in a long time, sounds worse than some cheesy B movie dialogue. It's his tone of voice or something, he needs to work on that. I don't think too many fans really bought into this push, he got random lame pops when being involved with Santino and Sheamus, but otherwise people are indifferent towards him. Why push him?

Morrison as a competent champion? Nah... no more so than the Miz, who I hate having the belt on. I know we're running low on big names right now, but wow... Morrison and Miz are gonna start main eventing shows. No thanks.

How is this push forced? He and Sheamus have been feuding on and off for the better part of three months. All of their matches have been spectacular to boot. The Royal Rumble is always a perfect time to have new guys be in the title matches because the Rumble itself will always sell. Orton, Cena, and Sheamus can't main event PPV's all the time so it's good to get some new guys in the mix to see whether they have what it takes to be around long-term.
Both Morrison and Miz have been around in the WWE for over/under 6 years,and they've become the most easily recognizable superstars of this generation. How long do you think it takes to have someone recognizable enough to headline 'Mania? People have been wanting to see them go at it since they broke up,they feuded when both were the top midcarders and now they've taken it to the next level and dare I say it,may be come the next Cena and Orton.
Call me insane but this feud between The Miz and John Morrison has the potential to be one of the best feuds in recent memory with the WWE. What's more important that it puts the idea to bed, that John Morrison was the weaker half of the tag team. In fact, I would say that it is pretty even right now and both must be commended for how much they have progressed and although people used to speculate that they would once main event a WWE PPV, one must still be surprised that it has come to fruition. I know that I am and especially how fast it has happened.

With the win over Sheamus last night, Morrison has catapulted himself into the main event scene and I think it is utterly refreshing to see something like that. It is coincidental that the last person to do that, for me, was Sheamus when he beat Cena for the WWE Championship a year ago at the TLC event. The same event that now seems to put John Morrison into that same league. Very intriguing to say the least.

Anyway, the upcoming feud that is bound to kick off tonight is bound to be an absolute cracker. Both of these guys will play off of the history they have had and The Miz will be able to use it a little more. Given that he has beaten Morrison on a few occasions now and is the WWE Champion, this ought to be a great foil for both of them. Really, I think that this feud means more to Morrison. I would think that he has more to prove to the WWE management than The Miz does and in this case, then he will come out of the gates flying. I think that he will put more effort into the feud, knowing that the WWE have taken a chance on him and he has everything to lose but also everything to gain. Either way, both of these guys could definitely be the greatest thing to happen to Raw since The Nexus and I love that Morrison now has 5 or 6 weeks in the main event. This is make or break for him and I have a feeling that the emotion that lies underneath that thought may take this feud to the very next level.

One can only hope.
It's good to see another face in the title picture but... are you guys sure they will face off @ Royal Rumble? Or maybe on this RAW? As someone stated before, Miz vs Morrison wouldn't bring enough viewers, because some people don't like Miz, others don't like Morisson, some don't like either of them, and some say they aren't main eventers.

On topic, while we know Morrison won't win with the Miz, they're going to have a hell of a match. Im pretty excited myself to see them face themselfs, as they're only 2 singles matches were... umm... pretty sh*t. ( im talking about Bragging Rights and Tribute to Troops 2009). They better pull off something better...
I think that Morrison adds a new dynamic into the title scene, someone fresh, that has been shining here as of late with his performances. I hope WWE goes with a Miz/Morrison match for the Rumble, in my mind it would just be the logical way to go, and also I can see there being a huge draw with that feud re-ignited
As Rox correctly stated, John Morrison has been in the WWE for six years now. He's been solo and tag team, face and heel, with and without a valet. How is this push rushed? It could be argued that he's been "ready" for a year or two, but has been held back. If he isn't ready for a main event push now, I just don't see when he ever will be.

Wrestling tends to happen in cycles, with the older guys eventually getting phased out and replaced with newer talent (except in TNA where the old guys never leave :) ). There's always an element of risk associated with this "passing of the torch." Back when WWF was losing the Monday Night Wars to WCW, the torch was passed to a few young upstarts, known as Rocky Maivia, the Ringmaster, and Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and I think we all know where this analogy leads.

Now I'm not suggesting that JoMo or the Miz are the next Rock, Stone Cold, or Triple H. And I'm not suggesting that the entire main event roster in WWE is ready top be phased out, as Orton, Cena, and others are still in their primes. But until you give some of these new guys a shot, you'll never know for sure what you've got. JoMo and the Miz have earned the right to find out, and for all of us to find out too. If they fail, no harm done, just drop the title back to one of the same old same old. But if they succeed, we could potentially have our next diamonds in the rough.

John Morrison deserves to be the number one contender. His match with Sheamus, another new guy, was excellent. He's ready. Right now. Today. What harm in giving him a little push and letting him run with it to see where it goes? I see no risk in doing so, but the potential for a tremendous upside.

I guess to appease the skeptics, they could always bring back an ECW faction and see how this flies in 2010/2011, but personally, I'd prefer someone from this era to lead the WWE into the next decade.
Morrison as No. 1 contender challenging Miz at the Royal Rumble is just plain smart. Morrison is ready, he's been hovering just below world title contention for a good two years now on Raw and Smackdown.

Miz needs a good, credible win to solidify his title reign. Morrison is a good test, but someone the Miz could credibly beat without too much shenanigans. Morrison will gain credibility as a future world champion by carrying Miz to a great match, furthering their rivalry.

Neither Miz nor Morrison is a big attraction, you say? Doesn't have the name value of Cena or Orton or Undertaker? So what, the Rumble sells the card. In this case, the match will sell the wrestlers rather than the wrestlers selling the match.

This match should help establish both guys, Miz as a credible champion and Morrison as a credible world title threat. It could also set up Morrison as a favorite to win MITB.
I think Orton will somehow find his way into this match and end up winning the belt at the Rumble. I can see a Triple Threat: Miz vs. Morrison vs. Orton for the title.

I'm really happy Morrison won and I do think he'll be a champion but not yet.

I can't see him feuding with The Miz (for the title) through Wrestlemania. No chance WWE lets that happen. They might still feud but not for the belt.

The fact that Morrison won means Miz drops the belt at the Rumble.

That way, they can have the Miz-Morrison feud but not for the title (so it doesn't have to main event wrestlemania) and then maybe after WM, the two men chase the title.

THEN I could see Morrison winning the belt.
i didnt see the morrison sheamus match but i heard it was great. i dont think that morrison will or should win the title. he just doesnt have the mic skills or the look, and if he does win the title his reign will not be long.
Like some of the other posters in this thread, I just don't think Morrison is ready to hold the title. However, Morrison is extremely talented and an amazing in ring performer. I jus tpersonally don't think he has the mic skills--def needs some work there. I think it will be a good feud since the two have some history, but I think more than anything it's going to help solidify the Miz as a champ. Like johnbragg said, the Miz can legitimately beat Morrison without it looking wack. I don't see the Miz dropping the title anytime soon, but I do think this feud will be good for both of their careers.
I am very glad to see that John Morrison is the new #1 contender for the title. The match he had with Sheamus at TLC definitely boosted him to another level within the company. He proved that he could work a high profile match, and I think that company officials have the confidence in him as a main event guy. I am guessing he will be facing Miz at the Rumble? Both John Morrison and Miz are great workers and are strong on the mic. It should be a great program. It will be interesting to see how the road to Wrestlemania plays out....
I think this shows that WWE will finally push Morrison to the Main Event. I think Morrison is so exciting in the ring that he won't need to have great mic skills.

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