of the Le'beau family
Morrison is the Marty Jennety of today's world... or even the Matt Hardy... yes, he's got an IC title reign to his name, but he's not going ANYWHERE beyond that. His mic skills are far less than desirable and his in-ring work is decent. I agree that his finisher is catchy, but he just doesn't have that Main Event look nor does he have the drive to be in the Main Event.
Morrison, to me, is where he belongs. A solid mid-carder who gets put into good matches with main eventers. That's where he's at and that's where he should be.
Wow. Almost everything you just said is practically the invert of the truth.
1. The difference between Morrison and Marty Jennety is the Morrison is Good Enough to be a World Champion and still has a fanbase.
2. The only thing you got right was the mic skills. However, a heel turn would fix that in a split second.
3. He does have the main even look and his in-ring work is the best thing about him. It's the reason I'm still A John Morrison fan. If you don't like the gimmick or the slow motion entrance, there is still one thing to like about Morrison-- He Puts On A KICKASS Match. His match with Rey Mysterio was the best worked match of that year outside Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels.
(At the risk of seeming like a jackass)
Mark my words. John Morrison will be a World Heavyweight Champion.