The rise of JoMo?

Morrison is the Marty Jennety of today's world... or even the Matt Hardy... yes, he's got an IC title reign to his name, but he's not going ANYWHERE beyond that. His mic skills are far less than desirable and his in-ring work is decent. I agree that his finisher is catchy, but he just doesn't have that Main Event look nor does he have the drive to be in the Main Event.

Morrison, to me, is where he belongs. A solid mid-carder who gets put into good matches with main eventers. That's where he's at and that's where he should be.

Wow. Almost everything you just said is practically the invert of the truth.
1. The difference between Morrison and Marty Jennety is the Morrison is Good Enough to be a World Champion and still has a fanbase.
2. The only thing you got right was the mic skills. However, a heel turn would fix that in a split second.
3. He does have the main even look and his in-ring work is the best thing about him. It's the reason I'm still A John Morrison fan. If you don't like the gimmick or the slow motion entrance, there is still one thing to like about Morrison-- He Puts On A KICKASS Match. His match with Rey Mysterio was the best worked match of that year outside Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels.

(At the risk of seeming like a jackass)

Mark my words. John Morrison will be a World Heavyweight Champion.
I hope so I really like Morrison and I think he deserves better. It seems like this may be the start of something, I mean if they didn't want to push him why have him beat Jericho clean? There are pleanty of other candidatess who could have used that rub who are already being pushed ie Miz, DBD or even Evan Bourne but they chose JoMo to do it, seems like the start of a push to me.
During Jomo/Jericho I said to my kid brother and best friend that a win here could really help jump start Morrison. We kind of shrugged it off and then when it happened we were all pretty shocked. That was the most I've been impressed with Morrison since his Elimination Chamber performance. Yeah he was fighting Jericho, but you can't give him all the credit. Morrison looked good and looked like a contender. Then later on Morrison was actually decent on the stick. His mic work is either hit or miss, but on Raw he was all hit and humorous with his shots at Jericho. I for one wouldn't mind seeing Morrison keep his momentum rolling and keep picking up some W's. Hell I think he should get the 6th spot in the 6 pack challenge.
I hope that this match kick-starts his career. Sure, beating Jericho doesn't really mean much anymore, as essentially everyone does it, but a feud with him would make him look like a legit contender, seeing how Jericho can make just about anyone look great, even Cryme Tyme. Morrison is mediocre on the mic, but in the ring he can put on a show, and if the WWE was based on ability to put on a great match, Cena would be a jobber and Morrison would be a main eventer. But I don't think this match will help him. It might give him a brief power-up after his abortion of a feud with Ted, but it won't save him from midcard hell. At this point, it looks as if nothing will, bar a heel turn and a move to Smackdown. Morrison has the tools to succeed, and with improvement on the mic, he'll be a World Champ, but looking at him now, all he is is a midcarder with no personality who can put on good matches.
I would love nothing but for it to be the rise of Morrison. He is good in the ring, always entertaining, but one thing is going to keep him from the ME and that's his mic skills. In my opinion, if he could get better mic skills, he would be the perfect guy to push to the main event scene.

I also think that him getting moved to SmackDown! would be the best option to even get him to main event scene. Raw, as it has been stated many times, has too many main event characters for anyone new to even come up. He could be the perfect main eventer for SmackDown! and I would love nothing but to see that happen.
With Jericho leaving for a little bit (possibly) they might try and put Morrison in there to take his place. I really like this idea. He is a great talent. I have always liked the guy and heaps of people on here did too. He is fairly decent on the mic. Can play both heel and face and can have a good match with just about anyone. However to have a succesful main event career he would have to get off the crowded scene on Raw and go to Smackdown.

I have been waiting for him to break into the main event scene and this might be his time. Why not hey.
Well, I think Morrison will receive some kind of push out of this. It depends what you mean because from what I see it seems Morrison will team up with R-Truth at NOC and some how in whatever kind of tag team match it is and capture the tag team belts. I really did like the chemistry Jericho and Morrison showed in their match. Morrison really needed this win more than Jericho and thank god he got it. The win and performance gave Morrison that rub he needs to stay relevant. I think Morrison will eventually get that main event push, but for now I see the tag team championships being his and R-Truth's.

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