Shawn Michaels - One "Final" Match?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just watching some old school WWE and it got me thinking could we see Shawn Micheals return for one more match against the one man he has always wanted to face and someone he had legit beef with at one point and that man is The Rock.

these 2 have been teasing a match for years during the Attitude Era from Shawn superkicking The Rock on the first Smackdown and the ref at Judgement Day 2000 and when Shawn was the comissioner you just knew they hated each other on camera.

so my question is do you reckon we will get to see this match since the Rock is working more with the WWE.
How many more times are we going to see threads like these?

No, we will not. I think that Micheals was speaking the truth when he said he'd lace up his boots. He's not Ric Flair, Shawn actually knows when to quit and let others take their spotlight.

His match against Undertaker at WM26 was the last we'll see of the Heart-Break Kid in laced-up boots, and we'll see him as a guest host or an authority figure/manager perhaps.
I've heard The Rock never wanted to work with Shawn because of how much of an asshole he was; I don't blame him. The Rock has said that Shawn Michaels was rude to him when he first started and therefore never wanted to work with him. Other then that, Shawn Michaels is retired. He isn't coming back and he shouldn't. Michaels is a very humble human being. He's fine with the way he went out. He put on match of the year with The Undertaker, gave an emotional speech, and hugged his best friend in a great send off. If you read/follow Michaels' Twitter, you'll know Michaels is fine with his life. Does he miss it, sure, but he's fine with staying away from the ring for the rest of his life. Besides, The Rock and Michaels' style doesn't seem like it would mesh very well to me.
once an asshole always an asshole cheers to rock for having integrity... hbk may get involved in a storyline in the future super kick a few guys but work a full match very unlikely.
I love the Rock and I love Shawn Michaels but I have no desire to see them work a match together. Besides that, I honestly believe that he is done. I think he is a man of his word and he absolutely done with in ring action. To be honest, Shawn being my favorite wrestler of all time, the reality is, if he got back in the ring, i'd be dissapointed. I hate to see any legend come back who had an awesome send off. Why? because theirs always that chance that they ruin their legacy. (are you listening Flair?)
As much as I want to see Shawn Michaels in the ring again, we won't. He wrestled his best with the Undertaker at wrestlemania and I certainly want him to retire remembering this epic matches. A feud with the Rock? I bet it is too late for that.
Shawn seems to be concerned about leaving behind a legacy, and retiring in the main event of Wrestlemania after a 5 star classic match is about as good as it gets.
One more match turns into one more match after that, which turns into Ric Flair, which turns into Dory Funk Jr. I would rather not see him wrestle again, besides, there are so many great young talents who are rarely getting any TV time, why invest so much time in just one match (Rock being the exception because of his crossover to mainstream appeal)?

HBK & Rock never happened because they legit didn't like each other. I think HBK would flop around a la his Hogan match if he faced The Rock.
once an asshole always an asshole cheers to rock for having integrity... hbk may get involved in a storyline in the future super kick a few guys but work a full match very unlikely.

Integrity huh?? how about this?

I don't think Shawn ill ever come back for one more match. He has the chance to have one of the greatest endings to a career anyone can ask for. He Main Evented Wrestlemania in front of 72,000 people in the match of the year and simply walked off into the sunset.. couldn't have asked for a better ending than that.. And he's not going to ruin it for a meaningless one off match somewhere down the line..
two consecutive match of the amazing legacy behind him.... he's got his guns and bows now. let the man enjoy the fruits of his labor and all that he gave us. wouldn't wanna see him come back even in a authority figure position, not yet. hbk is integrity and he IS retired. i don't think he would ever do to the undertaker what rick flair did to him!!! i seem to remember michaels taking a dig at flair for coming back after retiring him.
It's been a few days since a HBK 'one last match' thread so here goes.

No. Taker retired him and HBK will stay retired. If you break the promise once, you break the promise again. It is a legit retirement and thats the way it should stay.

Rock doesnt need HBK and HBK doesnt need The Rock. Yes, we would all like to see it but it wont happen for reasons mentioned.
I was a Micheals fan and still am and never want to see him wrestle again. He had his time and went out after a classic match against a fellow great on the biggest stage of them all.

Yes, there is legit beef with Micheals and Johnson but do we have to see that match... No in my opinion. The Rock can work with the Cenas, Punks and Ortons of this world for a few years. You know the current stars of the WWE and have been over the past 5-6 years or so. Fate meant we wouldn't get a major match with these two, maybe it could of happen if Rock had stayed around after WM20 and faced Micheals after that show and had HHH/Beniot in a singles match on the following Backlash card and Micheals go over in a similar way that Goldberg did a year previous.

For Micheals I would like to think he would show up once or twice a year for a few years and maybe be in Hunter's corner at a Wrestlemania to even up the odds against some heels. Hopefully they would be young and in the buildup or in the aftermath HBK could sell a beatdown or something but on a WM night (or other big PPV for that matter) we could have him and Hunter clearing house on the young heels. But Michael Shawn Hickenbottom the man is enjoying post-wrestling life and has no desire to get back in the ring ever.
Let me tell you what will happen if Michaels wrestles another match. Because this is how it always works with people who try to stay retired.

After he wrestles, people will ask for another match. Then they'll ask for another match. Then another match. Then another match. Then another match. Then another match.

You see where I'm going with this?

Wrestling fans are never satisfied. Shawn Michaels' final match was a classic in the main event of WrestleMania, to my knowledge the only non-title match not involving a celebrity to main event WrestleMania in history (I could be wrong on that). You can't ask for a better ending to your career than that. He's done, let him be done. Let the man enjoy his family and watch his kids grow up. He's given us more than enough.
This match would have been a classic in say 2002. But right now? Rock is not wrestling full time and HBK has been retired for a year and a half now. I don't seeing this happening at all right now. And even if it would happen I would imagine it being a sloppy, badly worked match considering the condition of both men. This has always been a dream match that unfortunately never happened and never will happened.

Rock never wanted to work with Shawn Michaels because of his huge egotistic attitude during the 90s and an incident with Shawn and Rock's grandmother. Hell, even Shawn admitted to being an asshole. Shawn buried the hatched with The Rock eventually but it was unfortunately too late for a match between the two as Rock was focusing on his movie career and Shawn was in the last couple of years of his last run.

Rock Vs HBK would have been a classic if Shawn wasn't injured during the Attitude Era, but right now? No. Shawn has no desire to come back and Rock isn't coming back full time so just forget about it happening at all.
This is never going to happen. Shawn retired. He already had his "one final match" in the main event of Wrestlemania 26 with Undertaker. The Rock is only back part time to build up the Cena match. Would I want to see this match between two of the greatest of all time? Without a doubt. It is never going to happen though. It's too late now because Michaels is probably not working another match. They should have done it back in 2003 or 2004 when Michaels had come back and before Rock left.
why do so many fans talk about this so often??? he is retired for good. the closest to him being in a ring we will ever see again is him making special appearances and the occasional sweet chin music to someone in the back.
It would taint the two Wrestlemania matches he had with Undertaker if he came back and had one "final" match. Obviously, both were excellent matches, so let's not ruin it, ok?

He does hunting now, which is a good replacement for wrestling. He's still in shape and is closer to his family now.
I doubt HBK is coming back, and yes there have been stories over the years that Rock & HBK didnt work together in the 90's because of Michaels behavior. That said Michaels worked very hard to make up for that time when he returned in 2002, he was much easier to work with, he did his share of jobs, he lost his share of PPV matches to other top draws, I think he really took seriously the fact that among the biggest stars of all time he could either be remembered more like Hogan (guy who always looks out for himself and no one else, hard to work with) or Flair (guy who puts others over for the good of the product, helps talent look good). HBK wanted to make ammends and fix his legacy in the process and I think he did.

That said, I think if everyone wanted it to happen they could definately stage a match now and be OK with each other, however I dont think based on HBK's comments over the past two years that he has any intention of coming back.
Would I love to see it? Yes. Of course I would; its two of the best in-ring entertainers of all time. Why the hell wouldn't I? However, would I want to see it in 2011/2012? Mmmmm I'm not so sure. Now, if you took both from their prime, or hell, even from around 2003, then HELL yes. But now? I rpobably would still say yes, but not as much.

Will it happen? Absolutely, categorically, totally, completely......never gonna happen. HBK is retired. Yes, I know, the retired schtick happens a lot, but HBK said from day one, when he tells the world he has retired, he won't cheapen it by coming back for another 'one more match', which is something I have a great deal of respect for him for. now, if Rock's return had happened three years ago, I would have said that this match would have been a definite for some point IF Rock was back for more than just John Cena (lets face the music, the only reason Rock was gonna come back after he 'left' was to take on the guy who has took his place) and if there was someone other than HBK to take on Taker.

Also, in response to the beef between Rock and HBK's beef...I wasn;t aware of this, but I remember back to Rock inducting his dad and grandfather into the HOF, and he said HBK was on the list of guys he wished he had the chance to wrestle. now, he didn't HAVE to say anything about HBK, let alone say he wished he could have faced him, so that to me says their beef has been buried.
Just want to know how so many people in this thread are stating what Shawn Michaels is going to do like they know him personally lol. He had a great career, was out of the ring 5 years and came back to put on more great matches. HBK and Undertaker were the last two to still be on the roster so long. What better way to go out as stated above.

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