Mrs. John Constantine
By today's age, we have a very decadent society, in which people are persecuted sometimes for asking for help. But then by the same token, many will use that as an excuse for getting away with whatever they choose. I, for one, have battled depression, and believe me when I say, that I would never choose to use any of those chemicals, or other vices as an excuse. Its hard fight and never will end, I know that, and that's why its drilled into them that recovery is not easy. I feel bad that Drew's show only gives them 3 weeks, and then they have the 'option' for a recovery after the show.
That will lead to the chance for relapse. Not a very good outlook. Look at the best patients they had, Shifty from 311, and then Kenicky from Grease, those guys are a wreck, you also have that Amber from the Sex Rehab, who then made it to his next Drug Rehab the following season.
But, I believe that sexual 'addiction' is a symptom for whatever else they may be battling. Because 9 out of 10 times, the person who is saying they are 'addicted' is often using another substance besides sex. Case in point, that season of Celebrity Rehab the Sex Addicts, most of them also were addicted to pills, and alcohol. But none of that was shown until most of the patients did either interviews after the season. But my experience with people who have addictions, the hypersexualism is asymptomatic associated with the change in body chemistry. People's hormones is what comprises who they are.
Sadly, we tend to let people get away with an "I'm Sorry, I was wrong." But America loves redemption stories. Look at how many shows are there to praise people for falling down just so they can be picked back up, Intervention, Celebrity Rehab, etc. I do like Dr. Drew's thoughts and advice, but sometimes, I think he needs to not dole out so much advice. I can see why some people get ticked off at him very easily. He's like Dr. Phil, (not a board certified Dr.) and giving out advice left and right to anyone, it would really piss off someone if they gave an 'official' opinion, and then it was used against a celebrity at some point in their life. I think that for me, what has helped with my personal battles is to seek what works for me. Not listening to some tv doctor who's sidekick is a comedian, and would get a kick out of sarcastically chastising people in between trying to help them. Say what you want, but it all adds up to a personal internal battle. Everything is a mess inside, and the person needs help, and whatever the battle, let's just hope that they find whatever works for them.

But, I believe that sexual 'addiction' is a symptom for whatever else they may be battling. Because 9 out of 10 times, the person who is saying they are 'addicted' is often using another substance besides sex. Case in point, that season of Celebrity Rehab the Sex Addicts, most of them also were addicted to pills, and alcohol. But none of that was shown until most of the patients did either interviews after the season. But my experience with people who have addictions, the hypersexualism is asymptomatic associated with the change in body chemistry. People's hormones is what comprises who they are.
Sadly, we tend to let people get away with an "I'm Sorry, I was wrong." But America loves redemption stories. Look at how many shows are there to praise people for falling down just so they can be picked back up, Intervention, Celebrity Rehab, etc. I do like Dr. Drew's thoughts and advice, but sometimes, I think he needs to not dole out so much advice. I can see why some people get ticked off at him very easily. He's like Dr. Phil, (not a board certified Dr.) and giving out advice left and right to anyone, it would really piss off someone if they gave an 'official' opinion, and then it was used against a celebrity at some point in their life. I think that for me, what has helped with my personal battles is to seek what works for me. Not listening to some tv doctor who's sidekick is a comedian, and would get a kick out of sarcastically chastising people in between trying to help them. Say what you want, but it all adds up to a personal internal battle. Everything is a mess inside, and the person needs help, and whatever the battle, let's just hope that they find whatever works for them.