Pre-Marital Sex

What is your stance on sex outside of marriage? Where does it come from?

I'm not abstinent,so I have no problem having sex outside of marriage. My parents weren't abstinent either,and they never made a big deal about sex,whether pre-marital or post-marital. They just told me to make sure I know who I have sex with (not to have one night stands with near strangers,which makes sense) and always use protection to prevent contracting an STD and unwanted pregnancies.

Whether you have children or not, suppose you do. What would you teach your child regarding pre-marital sex?

I'd tell my children the same thing my parents told me,and that sex is natural and there's no reason to be ashamed about wanting to have sex or vice-versa,that's there no shame in waiting until marriage. Then I'd teach them about contraception and tell them to always use protection because in modern times,a teenager needs to know this. I'd rather teach my kids about condoms and how it significantly reduces your chances of contracting an STD and unwanted pregnancies than have them go into a sexual situation without a clue and end up doing something they'll regret.

If a man/woman you were dating didn't want to have sex before marriage, how would you handle it?

I don't think that relationship would last very long,haha. Personally,I think having sex is a basic need. It's why people who don't have sex *********e,and it's why people with sexual partners do have sex. If you have a partner and you don't have sex,then what's the point? We can only have coffee,go to the movies and hang out so many times before I lose interest.I can have relationships with women that I don't have sex with. They're called friends. I don't have sex with my friends,but I'm not there to hold them tight at 2am in the morning either.

Most importantly,I'm not the marrying type. Those girls deserve better than a false promise. Better to let them find a like-minded partner than to lead them on.

If you believe sex outside of marriage is wrong, what would you say to those who feel differently, if they asked? If you believe sex outside of marriage is fine, what would you say to those who disagree and challenge you on this?

Hey,it's their body. If they don't want to have pre-marital sex,then who am I to insist that they're wrong? We can choose when we have sex,and if they choose to wait until they get married,then more power to them. I just don't want to wait,that's all. I don't believe that I'm going to hell for having sex before marriage,and even if there was a hell,Roddy Piper,Ric Flair and I would take over in 2 weeks,tops.
i think that no one should have premarital sex besides me and whoever i bestow the privilege onto to do it with me. I think that i should have my choice of 50 ****es that are virgins(i know this doesn't make sense, but their my rules.) I will have my way with them and then go up to bible thumpers and laugh in their face. And also none of you can judge me because i am jesus. And i say no judging(except for when i judge you.......cause i am jesus........the original wilt chamberlain.)
What is your stance on sex outside of marriage? Where does it come from?

I loved me some one night stands. Was the whole point of being a holiday rep. It came from doing what I wanted to do how I wanted to do it (safely of course). If like minded people want to do it then good for them. If not then I stopped chatting them up!

Whether you have children or not, suppose you do. What would you teach your child regarding pre-marital sex?

For the love of god be safe and don't you dare make me a grandfather when you're still young you little git!

If a man/woman you were dating didn't want to have sex before marriage, how would you handle it?

I'd try to explain that you test-drive a car before you decide it's the one you want. If not then, screw that, physical intimacy is an important part of a relationship for me. Sex before marriage, love making after!

If you believe sex outside of marriage is wrong, what would you say to those who feel differently, if they asked? If you believe sex outside of marriage is fine, what would you say to those who disagree and challenge you on this?

I regularly used to have this conversation with Jehovah Witnesses (such strange but nice people). Just tried to say we'll never agree and change the subject but, if they persist in telling me it's wrong, I start talking about the big bang and dinosaurs and they got all funky!
I grew up in a stereotypically conservative Texan Baptist home that shunned any sexual contact before marriage. I, for one, however, am completely okay with it, as long as one understands the risks and are willing to take them. When my kids reach the age, I'll probably teach them about the benefits and drawbacks and tell them to act accordingly- if my kids end up pregnant or getting someone pregnant, that's a different story...
My wife believed in no sex before marriage, and I went on with it just fine- she was worth the wait. ;)
I say to each his or her own- if you don't want to, then don't. If you do, understand the risks and go from there.

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