Right to know vs. protectionism

I think it is a great idea. Some may question the educational value of it, but what is so educational about seeing how hamburger is made? It opens the kids eyes up to the other forms of marriage in the world. "Gay Marriage" is legal in Canada, but there are still hundreds of thousdands of kids growing up in our country that still think its wrong. Seeing someone they respect, in a teacher, professing their love and commitment for another person of the same sex opens those children's minds up to the possibility that a man and another man, or a woman and another woman can be together. It will help any future homosexual youths find themselves more easily. I applaud.
This is wrong, but it's also just another sad attempt by Liberals to abuse their power in the education system to impose their will on young kids growing up. What type of school allows their class to go on a field trip to any sort of wedding to begin with? That's the bigger issue. This was non other then an attempt to raise children they see fit, and imposing their ideology onto impressionable youths.

The parents are the ones that should be ashamed of themselves regardless. What type of education is this? This is a private matter, and has nothing at all to do with education. Real world problems and cultural choices should come from parents, not school. Education and basic fundamental knowledge should come from schools. It's ridiculous, but what do you expect, it's San Francisco.
Shocky, I'd rep you if I could. You see my point clearly. I don't care what gay people want to do, but it is not the job of the schools to teach these topics.

This is not evolution that can be proven to be right through scientific data. This is not sex education which can be taught scientifically. This is not any other controversial subject that people bitch and moan about.

This is an example of a school trying to teach people tolerance, and those who are on the side of the school are intolerant of people who disagree. Just like in Shocky's post about race in the election, the tolerant side seems most intolerant. Whereas blacks who vote for Obama are empowered and whites who vote for McCain are racist, people who think it's a good idea to take six year olds on a field trip to a gay wedding are tolerant, I am a bigot for disagreeing?

It seems that the liberal left are the real fascists. If we don't agree with them, then we are condemned to marry our sisters and wave confederate flags at Nascar events while drinking Busch. You know what? I am a smart guy. I see through smoke and crash through mirrors. I know that decency still has a place in society. No, the wedding in and of itself is not indecent, but taking six year olds as part of a school day is.

Shocky, you are the man, and you me and like two other people still love America and don't want to see it trashed by the ninth district court and Nancy Pelosi.
What type of school allows their class to go on a field trip to any sort of wedding to begin with?

Exactly what I was thinking. Fuck, I wish I would've gotten a day off from school just to attend a teacher's wedding. That shit would've been a blast, gays involved or not. Seriously, picture you and the rowdiest class you were ever in going to one of your teacher's wedding. Can you imagine how fun that would've been?

But anyway, I have no problem with gays and I think if you show any fear whatsoever about having a gay person teach your kids (which I don't think anyone did in this thread, just pointing it out because there are a lot of people who do), then it shows ignorance that you're worried your kid will be molested by them just because they're gay. However, letting kids go to a gay wedding just to show their support for a teacher is not right because they would never let them do that for a straight couple. It shows favoritism towards them because they're gay, when they should be treated equal, which is what I thought they wanted. And what bothers me is that the only reason they're given that sort of leniency is only because schools are so scarred of a lawsuit or just getting any negative coverage about anything. So, I think it's wrong when people that are gay or whatever abuse that leniency like this teacher did by letting their students attend a wedding that served no educational purpose, while knowing that it is not normal and would draw unneeded attention to the school and themselves.

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