So I'm supposed to stick my penis in her vagina?

I was taught in a weird way, I was shown a video of a woman giving birth at the age of 11. It was certainly a shock to the senses but it was also good to get an understanding of that sort of thing. But that's not the question being asked. I believe sex education should be taught in your own time in a private environment. It might just be me but when I was 11/12, being told how sex worked and both the up and downsides to having it by my creepy Science teacher was just a cringeworthy way of learning it, and therefore I didn't take it very seriously. If I was sat down by my parents in the comfort of my own home and given the 'birds and the bee's' talk in private, it would probably sink in more because I would be able to talk about with someone I felt comfortable with. Mr Long... sorry pal, but I didn't want to know that I can get a girl pregnant if I don't strap up, at the age of 11, along with 20 other kids. That's just not for me.

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