Sell me on Randy Orton


Is a thin rope
In spite of being here for a while I've only just started watching Raw again (via youtube), mostly thanks to the Nexus angle. This means that I haven't seen all that many Randy Orton matches. In fact the only recent singles match if his I've seen is his one in the Cell vs Sheamus, which was probably not a fair representation of his skills (given that Sheamus was pulling out all the stops and Orton wasn't). Based off that, my first impression of Orton in 2010 is that of a halfasser who seems to phone in his performances.

However, it's obvious that Orton is a wrestler who gets mixed IWC reactions. He's either boring, slow and shitty. Or he's a fantastic worker with unparalelled psychology. I've already said that my initial impression lies closer to the former than the latter. However, I'd like to have rather more evidence for what I think than one bad match. So, I'd like to ask people who have an opinion on Orton to sell me on their viewpoint, preferably with recent (i.e. post becoming "the Viper") videos.

That said, I'd like to not have this thread derailed, so please don't turn it into a massive arguement, I'm asking for evidence of what makes Orton good or bad in the ring not a debate on the subject.
The best part about Randy Orton is what he does outside of matches Which is what got him over in the first place. Orton wasn't really designed to capture you for his in-ring charisma or his move-set. He was meant to be a strategic wrestler, just like Triple H in about 2003-2004. What got him over in the first place was the cold attitude, the punts and hitting the RKO from awkward angles. Ring-wise he's not attractive at all.

To put it simple, Orton's best features are his promo's and post-match shenanigans. Pray that he RKO's Justin Gabriel as he's in the middle of a 450 Splash and you get Orton at his best.

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