New Randy Orton DVD; 'The Evolution of a Predator'

Christian vs. Edge in a Ladder match also. Could be mistaken, it was either the IC Championship or the European Championship.

This is making a lot of great matches come back to me! Fuck you all!!
I am surprised the HIAC with Sheamus was put in there. No chemistry, tt sucked, murdered the crowd, etc.

Agreed. Although I think Sheamus and Orton can work together, the build didn't warrant a HIAC. HIAC is supposed to be the blow-off of blow-offs, man. Four-month-feud-ender.

Also I agree with Big Nick, Orton hate is so lame. The guy wouldn't be face numero dos without some ability.
Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania X in the ladder match for the title was good.
Aside from Steamboat and Macho Man Mania 3. Also technically Warrior v Hogan. That's about it though.
Christian vs. Edge in a Ladder match also. Could be mistaken, it was either the IC Championship or the European Championship.
I remember it being for the IC belt, but I also vaguely remember a lot of dead time in the match. I'd have to go back and give it another look though.
Perfect vs. Hart was where I was starting it from.

I concede Piper vs. Hart and Benoit vs. Jericho at the Rumble.

There were some damn fine IC title matches when that belt was worth a shit and got proper time.
You don't concede Bret/Bulldog?

There was no American in the match, so I had no routing interest ;)

Better yet, you don't concede Michaels-Jarrett?

I've watched that match once and nothing really stuck with me. I know it's a good match, but that was my first not watching WWF period. I watched it without proper context.

Looks like I better come up with a list and see where that Edge Orton match actually ranks.
I'll be damned. I never even realized that Orton didn't have a DVD set. How the fuck did John Morrison get one first?

I'm betting Vince was watching Blue Crush the night before, and thought surfing looked cool - then questioned if anyone in the Company knew how to do anything like that. Bam Morrison gets a DVD.

Which by the way, that DVD covers like 70% (or more) of televised matches, including I believe a Superstars match. :lmao: Some DVD package there.

As for best IC match/past 20 years...

Chyna v. Jeff Jarrett; Good Housekeeping match.

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