SD! Scramble match?

Hardy's gonna win, that's a given.....But Morrison SHOULD have a good showing if any of the fans are gonna take him seriously. If anything he should start a thing with rey for the IC title. Nowun else in the match needs a push as much as him at this point

yeah ive been hearing Morrison's name so much and even hearing names like Jim Ross praising him and if he's going to get his chance you would hope now would be at least the beginning of the spark of it.

he still has to get rid of that attire tho
yeah ive been hearing Morrison's name so much and even hearing names like Jim Ross praising him and if he's going to get his chance you would hope now would be at least the beginning of the spark of it.

he still has to get rid of that attire tho

Morrison's not in the Scramble on Smackdown.

He's wrestling Shelton Benjamin this week.

Should be a great match if they give it enough time.
I think that Hardy and Morrison have the best chance of winning. But given that WWE likes to swerve for the sake of swerving, nothing will surprise me. Rey is on the poster for Judgement Day, so he will have some kind of role at the PPV, this might be it.

Khali's body is deteriorating, and having Edge beat him gives Edge a legit win as opposed to an opportunistic one. It would make Khali do smoething important before returning to Bollywood. I don't expect him to win.

Jericho might win, but I see him feuding with either Hardy or Mysterio, whoever it is that loses this match.

Morrison was sent to Smackdown in the supplemental draft, which makes me think that the WWE wanted his move to be low key so that he could surprise the hell out of everyone on his first show. He was the star of the best tag team of the last year. He is a superover heel who could be Rick Rude 2.0. That being said, I don't see heel vs. heel.

So, my pick is Jeff Hardy. He never got a real rematch. He is still superover. Hardy had to give his belt to Edge after a month to get that brothers story going, but with that behind them, maybe Jeff gets his belt back. I don't think Vince felt he was ready to headline Mania, but giving him the belt now signals his trial run at Summer Slam.
I forsee this being a Hardy/Edge matchup. Hardy still has yet to get his rematch against Edge based on what happened at the Royal Rumble. If he is leaving when his contract expires, then they will try to build him up as much as he can. If they don't want to do that, then Mysterio will win so they can have a short little feud until Punk comes along.
id imagine if jericho/taker is at summerslam neither of those would be champ as that match draws on its the title to add to another match involving edge probably
ps. im so looking forward to see how things develop on smackdown now that jerichos there with edge, those 2 are my fav in the wwe right now so having them on same show is great, reading spoilers they already had a little segment at the beginning of smackdown :)
Commercial on ECW tonight just said Jericho/Hardy/Mysterio/Kane in a Fatal Fourway instead of a scramble match. Good. Giving away a Scramble on TV would've been a foolish in my opinion. Sure, its not a massive draw like a Hell in a Cell match or something, but it diminishes it if we see it more often than once a year (which I'm assuming could be the case if they keep using it the way they did last year).

You can write off Kane and Jericho. I just can't see that happening.

So between Mysterio and Hardy, who do they choose? Well, it depends on one thing: is Hardy actually going to leave? If he is, they'll choose him, because they'll want him to put Edge over and get as much use out of Jeff before his contract expires. If Jeff is staying, then I think its safe to say either he or Punk are going to be the babyface in the WHC match at WrestleMania, facing Edge or Jericho. (Personally, I'd like Hardy/Jericho).

WWE has 3 "big matches" to plan out for now. SummerSlam, Survivor Series, and WrestleMania. We've heard rumblings that they want Jericho/Taker for Summerslam, so that would mean either its those two for the title and Edge drops it real soon to take time off, or Jericho/Taker isn't for the title, and we have Edge against Punk, Hardy, or Mysterio. Edge/Mysterio has been done before and never really gets over too well, so its better to use Mysterio right now for a throwaway ppv like Judgment Day, rather than one of the 3 bigger ones.

Ah, I'm rambling. Anyway, yeah, if Hardy is leaving when his contract is up, then its going to be Edge/Hardy without a shadow of a doubt. If Hardy is staying around, it'll be Mysterio/Edge just for a stall until Edge starts up a real feud with Punk or Hardy around Summerslam.

As far as Jericho, I don't see this happening anytime soon. It shouldn't. When it happens, it should be built up and built up right. Last year, right after the draft we saw WWE absolutely waste HHH and Edge for no reason and never really go back to it. Then again, after their very mediocre PPV main event, maybe there was really no reason to.

As far as Kane, it's a long shot, but seeing as how he plays a 'tweener, I wouldn't totally rule him out. I am sure that we'll see Kane and Edge at some point, and since they've always had a well documented past, if it's going to be a quick little angle just for Judgment Day or through Extreme Rules, this might work out.

Rey is another long shot, but I can see them hyping this as champion vs. champion. Then again, I'd like to see Rey give credibility to the I.C. Title, so therefore, I think he should be defending his gold.

Most likely scenario is Jeff Hardy. He is kind of in limbo right now seeing as how the feud with Matt is over. That and, Edge did take the WWE title from him, and Jeff never did get a rematch really.

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