SD! Scramble match?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, so the main event for Smackdown is the return of the scramble match. It is guaranreed to waste 25 minutes of TV Time. The participants are: Khali, Mysterio, Morrison, Jericho and Hardy (Jeff)

Khali and Morrison should NOT be in this as niether will win and are just fillers.

Mysterio is IC champion, so may win for a champ vs champ match. But I think this could start a fued with Jericho over the IC.

That leaves Jericho and Hardy. Jericho will not win because WWE are very anti-heel vs heel atm. So that leaves Jeff Hardy (who will want to reclaim his stolen gold from edge).

I see this as a strange way to make Hardy vs Edge but...OK
They are doing this because they kind of have to start from scratch "realistically" in making Hardy the #1 contender again. I expect Hardy to win, then Punk to cash MiTB in ahead of time for a triple threat.
I think it's kind of pointless adding one as a free TV match. I suggested it as an ECW match at WrestleMania, if they're going to give one away before Unforgiven.

I found the last lot enjoyable, but three was too many. One as the main event for Unforgiven is more than enough.
I reckon Hardy will win too, but the other people in it aren't a waste of time apart from khali. Morrison will be probably be pushed this year so it's a number one contender match to ease him into it, and mysterio is still popular anyway along with Jericho being the top heel. So it isn't a stupid idea
It's a nice big main event for the start of the new SD season. But Khali should never be involved anywhere near a title match. I see Edge V Hardy as a program for the next two months, with Edge coming out on top. The only other way would be for Mysterio to come out on top and challenge Edge. Title v Title would be interesting.
Why is Khali in this match? It makes no sense. It's a fast paced match and if he's not gonna win, why even bother? Throw in Ron Killings or Shelton Benjamin if you need a job guy. It's making me nervous. All signs point to a Hardy win, but I can't wrap my head around Khali's participation in the match if he's not scheduled to win it. Eeesh.
Hardy's gonna win, that's a given.....But Morrison SHOULD have a good showing if any of the fans are gonna take him seriously. If anything he should start a thing with rey for the IC title. Nowun else in the match needs a push as much as him at this point
That leaves Jericho and Hardy. Jericho will not win because WWE are very anti-heel vs heel atm. So that leaves Jeff Hardy (who will want to reclaim his stolen gold from edge).

Umm, no. Punk still has MITB. Jericho wins, and Punk announces he's cashing in in his hometown, blah blah blah, would be my guess. Jeff Hardy will be putting people over on his way out, not contending in title matches.
Jericho vs Edge is the feud I would like to see. I've seen Hardy/Edge and Edge/Mysterio too many times, and frankly their feuds are boring. Heel vs Heel isn't a bad idea, it could make for the storyline of the year if they let Edge and Jericho go at it. I'm tired of seeing the same feuds every year. It's bad enough I have to sit through another Orton/Batista feud before they HOPEFULLY give us an Orton/MVP program. Let's hope WWE continues with the trend they seem to be setting, and continues to push the younger stars into the title picture. The shows are getting stale and they are starting to realize this.
Who would you have instead of Khali or Morrison? Punk can't as why would a MitB winner need to get a number one contenders spot? Umaga hasn't been on tv since his match against HHH so he can't, that leaves Kane and Benjamin. You can't put them in for Khali or you have ONE face competing to challenge a heel. Khali has to be in.

You could have Kane for Morrison, but one giant is enough for these matches. Shelton could well get a shot ahead of Morrison as they ar eon the same kind of level at the moment. However, Shelton has had a chance in a PPV Scramble and didn't do much. Let Morrison show what he's got. He will get a push so give him the spotlight to prove he deserves it. If he blows, knock him down a peg or two.

I see something happening to set up a Mysterio Morrison IC title feud whilst Jeff, unfortunately, wins. I say unfortunately because Jeff vs Edge can be unbelievable, and is wasted at Judgement Day. Hopefully Punk gets added so they can save this match up for something bigger.
I'd actually LIKE to see Morrison win this, but I doubt he will. I thought about this after remembering the MVP promo last night. They could be pushing a midlevel star on both brands, which makes Morrison the perfect choice. He has the credentials to be a main even level star now. He's a five time tag team champion, 2 time Intercontinental Champion, and a former ECW champ. So, I'm not gonna seriously consider the WWE letting him win. Hell, when MNM was disbanded John won his ECW championship, and now that he's be taken from the Miz they could be pushing him.
I posted this yesterday at 8:19am eastern time yesterday in the "Where do we go from here ?" forum thread. Maybe I should change my user name to The Amazing Kreskin ???!!!

Originally posted material :

I'm going to go out a limb here, but I have a bad feeling creative is going to bring back a champion vs champion feud on Smackdown. It's been a few years since the "E" had a champ vs champ feud (IC & Heavyweight).

Plus, there's a poster for the Extreme Rules PPV on June 7th from New Orleans, maybe fake maybe real, which features Mysterio. I can see them starting a Rey & Edge feud.

As for Orton, I think is it's a foredrawn conclusion that Batista is nis next opponent. Right now, I'm not sure how I feel about it, but he is the most over babyface on the Raw brand right now outside of Jeff Hardy and we just saw Orton and Hardy a few months back, so I don't see that happening again for a while.

As for Christian, I really hope his work with Swagger is far from done. These guys have the potential for some epic encounters in the near future and I don't really see anyone else from ECW stepping up to the plate right now. The "one & done" approach doesn't happen very often in the wrestling world, so I fully anticipate a few more matches between these two guys.
i personally would have liked to have seen a scramble match at judgment day featuring morrison, edge, y2j, hardy and mysterio. it could have set up some feuds such as mysterio/morrison and hardy/edge or hardy/jericho.

would give these guys some tv time at the ppv when maybe morrison and mysterio would have missed out on.
I was pleasantly surprised with the Championship scramble matches at Unforgiven. They were very exciting and had me at the edge of my seat the entire 15 or however many minutes it goes for. I was especially excited when the brian kendrick had been the champ i guess you can say for a good portion of the match. What made it exciting was the fact that the match had guys in it that were in a championship match for the first time. kendrick, mvp, shelton and really jeff hardy (I know RR with Orton) weren't in championship matches at the PPV level before.

Thats why I'm a little dissapointed with the choices of putting Rey and Khali in the match. I used to be a huge mysterio fan going back to his days in WCW (i was too young for his ecw days) and being pissedwhen he lost his mask. But the WWE has been putting that guy mercilessly down our throats whenever hes healthy and i really don't think he belongs in the ME scene. Khali is done. The ship has sailed they got the most out of him when they could and its time for him to either stay and the punjabi joke that he is or leave wrestling and focus on hollywood. He is no longer viewed as a threat and fans don't care to see him. I really wish they put R-truth and Shelton in this match to help build them up a bit but I guess theyre doing it and rightfully so with Morrision who i hope they let him have a strong performance in the match maybe have him winning for the majority.
It would be a fine idea for a match if it weren't for Khali. I was starting to think he was doing "kiss-cam" only stuff nowadays (no matches). I suppose this is being done to satisfy the "Global market" that loves Khali.

At any rate, I agree about CM Punk cashing in no matter who wins because he's only going to make a match better (before I start feeling weird about saying something positive about CM Punk, let me add that there's nothing remotely cool about Pepsi logo tattoos and being straightedge) and also it gives me an excuse to keep my fingers crossed for Jericho. CM Punk, J. Hardy, versus Edge would be a nice three-way although I'm just now getting used to not hating Punk and Jeff.
Originally I thought this would be a guaranteed win for Jeff, but after reading this thread I actually don't know anymore, thank you all.

I really only care a bunch because I will actually be in attendance for Judgement Day and I don't want it to suck, not that I would be disappointed with Jeff, but I'd much rather see Jericho. So the CM Punk cash in(with it being in Chicago) makes perfect sense, although I don't understand the point of the CM Punk Kane bullshit fued that wasted my time during Backlash if they don't have a match for the briefcase sometime.

I'm just hoping for a good card though, I wouldn't mind a Jeff Edge match, I really want to see a Jericho Edge one on one match(almost no chance of that though), what I don't want to see is a gay champion vs champion match with Mysterio. Mysterio can go pander to little kids when I'm not there.
cm punk cashin in the MITB price just before the announcer introduce Jeff and Edge ... cause i think Jeff is goin to win the scramble.. THATS is goin to happen at J DAY
khali is a 420 pound pile of indian stone. i have that hes in this match. i think its areas that hardy will win, and you haters can hate, but i hope he does. the way the feud ended was really weak. i don't think hardy should win the strap but the two can put on an exciting bout.
Ive noticed everyone keeps saying they want Jericho vs Edge, but they wont do it cause thats a heel vs heel, to be honest Jericho is the ultimate heel (See my post in "Cerebral Assian, or Kid Friendly"), and Y2J going against Edge wouldnt really be heel vs heel, lets face it Edge minus Vickie (she is the one that drew all there heat), is going to move him farther away from "true heel" status, so he would defintly have more of a "face" role in that match.

The only way there going to be able to keep Edge a full-on heel is have him align himself with Jericho and even then that might not work, Edge/Orton both are REALLY riding the fence these days with there heel status, both are a Y2J beatdown away from becoming faces as it stands right now, Id have Edge vs Hardy with a last minute announcement on the Friday before Judgement Day from CM Punk that he is cashing in, but if i did that i would have Punk win and they probably wont do that (yet anyway), if Punk is going to change it up and not have a suprise cash-in then they at least need him to win when he does cause MITB is a waste if they get it and dont capatilize on it! To be honest if it was "Real" we all know that evey year the MITB winner would cash it in immediately that night at mania after the champ had just fought in a main event!

Punk can't as why would a MitB winner need to get a number one contenders spot?

Ur wrong there in that when Edge first won Money in the Bank he won the Gold Rush tournament and he still had the briefcase. To the thread. I don't know what everyone's problem is with the scramble match. They seemed ok to me at Unforgiven last year. I think this one could be decent. Khali in the match can make it or break it. Hopefully Morrison puts on a good showing to prove we were right about him all along because he has the charisma, talent and mic skills to go all the way. I predict after this match, Rey will feud with either Jericho or Morrison for the IC Title (and hopefully lose; I haven't been a fan of his since his World Title reign sorry to say). Jeff will probably win and feud with Edge into Extreme Rules. I just hope Edge FINALLY gets a decent reign this time around.
All of the people involved in this match are smart choices if it goes the way I'm expecting. I can see Morrison starting. This is his chance to prove that he deserves to be in a #1 contender's match. He doesn't need to win but he does need to show that he belongs with the big boys. Khali is there for Jeff to get the final pin over in order to look impressive. Rey and Jericho will just bring the workrate up.

I'm no fan of Jeff Hardy's and I see no chance of him winning the title so I'm cool with him winning this match as long as JoMo looks like a million bucks along the way.
i think hardy is going to win unfortanly but i would realy like john morrison to come realy close to winning it and they can start some new rivalrys out of this match. Like Morrison could be winning with 20 seconds left when mysterio pins him and the next week morrison comes out and say mysterio cost his chance at the world title and then they go at it for the IC title
so i'm watching ECW right now and they advertise a fatal four way against kane, jericho, hardy, and rey rey for the #1 contendership of edge's title. honestly good call changing it. i can see hardy going over with a feud set up between jericho and rey. it would help hardy continue the momentum from backlash, and it would be a great way to revisit an old feud from wcw with jericho and rey.
Commercial on ECW tonight just said Jericho/Hardy/Mysterio/Kane in a Fatal Fourway instead of a scramble match. Good. Giving away a Scramble on TV would've been a foolish in my opinion. Sure, its not a massive draw like a Hell in a Cell match or something, but it diminishes it if we see it more often than once a year (which I'm assuming could be the case if they keep using it the way they did last year).

You can write off Kane and Jericho. I just can't see that happening.

So between Mysterio and Hardy, who do they choose? Well, it depends on one thing: is Hardy actually going to leave? If he is, they'll choose him, because they'll want him to put Edge over and get as much use out of Jeff before his contract expires. If Jeff is staying, then I think its safe to say either he or Punk are going to be the babyface in the WHC match at WrestleMania, facing Edge or Jericho. (Personally, I'd like Hardy/Jericho).

WWE has 3 "big matches" to plan out for now. SummerSlam, Survivor Series, and WrestleMania. We've heard rumblings that they want Jericho/Taker for Summerslam, so that would mean either its those two for the title and Edge drops it real soon to take time off, or Jericho/Taker isn't for the title, and we have Edge against Punk, Hardy, or Mysterio. Edge/Mysterio has been done before and never really gets over too well, so its better to use Mysterio right now for a throwaway ppv like Judgment Day, rather than one of the 3 bigger ones.

Ah, I'm rambling. Anyway, yeah, if Hardy is leaving when his contract is up, then its going to be Edge/Hardy without a shadow of a doubt. If Hardy is staying around, it'll be Mysterio/Edge just for a stall until Edge starts up a real feud with Punk or Hardy around Summerslam.

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