SCUM add's four new members?


Championship Contender
At the end of this years ROH anniversary show, Steve Corino's threats became reality when Rhett Titus, Jimmy Rave, Cliff Compton and Matt Hardy joined SCUM and proceeded to beat down the rest of the ROH locker room.

Now I have to give credit to ROH for making the group look strong by having them take out almost everybody on the roster and I think the inclusion of Rave, Titus, Compton and Hardy to the group were all smart choices. My only concern is that the group is now to big and risks becoming to much like the NWO if there ranks continue to grow, Other then this I am enjoying the storyline and i'm am looking forward to seeing what happens next week. What do you guys think.
I agree they should keep it as it is now. When everybody and their mother was in nWo it just lost a lot of it's luster. It looked less like an elite group of heels and was starting to become a place to dump jobbers and guys nobody cared about. It will be interesting to see where they go with this.
From what i had read the ending to this show was epic. I may have to look for it on dvd. That said, I think the group should stay as it is now. I like the additions, but adding any more will just water the group down. Steen has had a great title run beating all comers, and I think this will all only get better as time goes on with the new additions to the group.
I don't know... I just get this bad feeling. Kevin Steen is going face, and that fact is scaring me completely. Steen's been showing signs of a face turn a lot and I'm not liking it. I HATED face Kevin Steen, and didn't like him until he went heel. And that's not me being one of those "heels are better than faces" people because Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards are both faces and I love them. But really, when he was prancing around and being honest with his "fuck Ring of Honor" promos, I began to see him as the best heel in the business since Triple H.

With that said, adding Matt Hardy to SCUM didn't bother me. After being "cheated" out of a Television title shot, I understand why. It also helps since ROH fans have the tendency to boo the Hardy family anyways (though they accept Matt a hell of a lot more than they did Jeff when he appeared years ago). So adding him to the group makes sense to me. He wasn't going to get over as a face, so why not?

I'm not sure about the rest though. Rhett Titus was pretty high on the over scales for ROH, so why turn him? Could he not have found a way to get a title shot? Him going heel makes me kind of hesitant to continue watching the product.

I will like to also state, however, that Rhino being in SCUM adds a nice muscle factor that stables need. His Gore is still powerful, and is only missing Paul Heyman's commentating.
I'm not sure about the rest though. Rhett Titus was pretty high on the over scales for ROH, so why turn him? Could he not have found a way to get a title shot? Him going heel makes me kind of hesitant to continue watching the product.

When Kenny King left Rhett was stripped of the ROH World Tag Team Championship and placed into a tournament with his rival Charlie Haas to win them back, he has a grudge against Ring of Honor management and that's what their playing off. The beauty of it all is everybody has a reason for being against ROH.

Cliff Compton should have been brought in a long time ago, he was actually told he would be but Jim Cornette didn't like him, so he'd to wait until Cornette left and Delirious gained power to be hired. Jimmy Rave did a lot for Ring of Honor and was once viewed as one of its biggest prospects, they brought back BJ Whitmer but not Jimmy Rave, which is why Rave has an agenda.

Matt Hardy's inclusion is for nothing than heat, but he has a storyline reason... kinda.
The thing that ROH does better than anyone is that they make it look like the title is in jeopardy with every challenger. Watching Steen's face during the beat down, you know he will be turning face. They need to keep him with the same character, just as a face. It won't be a stretch since fans are cheering him now. In the current state of SCUM, Rhino and hardy are the obvious first challengers after the turn, but as I said, ROH can make any of the members believable.

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