Savage vs. Edge

The Brain

King Of The Ring
You may have seen the title and wondered what does the Macho Man have to do with the Rated R Superstar. Last week I went to pick up the Macho Man dvd and decided to pick up Edge's dvd while I was there. I thought it was natural that Savage have a 3 disc dvd tribute, but not so much for Edge. If you asked me who had a better career in WWE I would answer without hesitation it was Savage. Then I thought about it. Let's compare.

Savage was with the WWF for 9 years. Edge, 11 and counting. Savage won two world titles. I think Edge it at nine now, but I'm not sure and don't care to take the time to think about it right now. Savage held the IC title once. Again I don't care to count Edge's reigns right now, but he is a multi time IC title holder. Edge has also won several tag titles. So why am I so quick to say Savage had the better career?

Savage may have only had two world titles, but his two regins probably add up to a longer time than all Edge's combined. Ditto for the IC reign. Also titles were harder to come by in Savage's day. The titles change so often now, but that was not the case 20 years ago. Also there are two world titles now. If there was still just one do you think Edge would have so many reigns? He may not have any.

One thing I have to wonder about myself is if I have and old school bias. I was just a kid when Savage was on top. The wrestlers back then were larger than life to me. I looked up to them. Now I'm almost 30. Edge is only a few years older than me. Naturally as an adult you don't look up to people like you used to. Kayfabe is long dead and the guys don't seem like super heroes anymore. I wonder if someone who is 16 looks at Edge like I look at Savage. Maybe that person would quickly answer Edge had the better career.

This is more about old vs. new. You could compare others too. I happened to think of these two because I saw their dvd's sitting next to each other on the shelf. Do I quickly answer Savage is better because he was or because I am holding on to fond memories of my childhood? I'm curious what you think. If you don't mind maybe you can include your age and if you were watching WWF when Savage was on top so I can have more perspective. Of course don't feel you have to.
Savage no doubt(dont kill me OneBigWill) He is a true legend in this buisness and has won the title on the greatest stage of them all Wrestlemania. You really cant compare the two, its two different eras. Edge is living in the PG era while Savage was in the Hulkamania era. But yeah, Savage wins w/o a doubt.
Back when Savage was one of the top guys, the title meant something. It meant you were the top draw and deserved the highest salary. Now they put belts on anyone hoping it will make them ,but in reality the person makes the belt.

I'm a fan of both of them, but lately I haven't been crazy about Edge's in ring performances. It seems like all he's doing is punching, stomping, kicking, and sharpshooter. I know he did some time in the dungeon with the Harts while he was training. I'd like to see some technical moves from Edge. I know he's booked as the Ultimate Opportunist and as a brawler, but it wouldn't hurt to see the technical side of Edge.

I really wish they'd practice kayfabe again. Thats what made the wrestling business. But like every other old-school tradition during and after the attitude era, its dead.
You may have seen the title and wondered what does the Macho Man have to do with the Rated R Superstar. Last week I went to pick up the Macho Man dvd and decided to pick up Edge's dvd while I was there. I thought it was natural that Savage have a 3 disc dvd tribute, but not so much for Edge. If you asked me who had a better career in WWE I would answer without hesitation it was Savage. Then I thought about it. Let's compare.

Savage was with the WWF for 9 years. Edge, 11 and counting. Savage won two world titles. I think Edge it at nine now, but I'm not sure and don't care to take the time to think about it right now. Savage held the IC title once. Again I don't care to count Edge's reigns right now, but he is a multi time IC title holder. Edge has also won several tag titles. So why am I so quick to say Savage had the better career?

Savage may have only had two world titles, but his two regins probably add up to a longer time than all Edge's combined. Ditto for the IC reign. Also titles were harder to come by in Savage's day. The titles change so often now, but that was not the case 20 years ago. Also there are two world titles now. If there was still just one do you think Edge would have so many reigns? He may not have any.

One thing I have to wonder about myself is if I have and old school bias. I was just a kid when Savage was on top. The wrestlers back then were larger than life to me. I looked up to them. Now I'm almost 30. Edge is only a few years older than me. Naturally as an adult you don't look up to people like you used to. Kayfabe is long dead and the guys don't seem like super heroes anymore. I wonder if someone who is 16 looks at Edge like I look at Savage. Maybe that person would quickly answer Edge had the better career.

This is more about old vs. new. You could compare others too. I happened to think of these two because I saw their dvd's sitting next to each other on the shelf. Do I quickly answer Savage is better because he was or because I am holding on to fond memories of my childhood? I'm curious what you think. If you don't mind maybe you can include your age and if you were watching WWF when Savage was on top so I can have more perspective. Of course don't feel you have to.

Well I'll tell you this my age is from 15-20 :p
Any ways, right now I really don't know who had the better career, Macho Man is an obvious Legend, but Edge is the current face of the buisnesss along with Orton and Cena. As a kid I wasn't to drawn to Edge, but I remember watching his debut and watching him winning with a mind blowing Suicide Dive. I was more into Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Sting, etc. Basically, the big time players. And I was never into Edge until his feud with Christian, and when eventually he became a major singles competitor. I was a big fan ever since! Still am! And I think in 5-10 years Edge will surpass the Macho Man! Not to take anything away from Savage, he is a true legend, former 7 time world champ, OOOOOOOH YEAH! and one of the 10 best pro wrestlers in history! But eventually Edge will surpass him! :)
Ok, Well "THE brain" Let Me Tell You That All You Said Was Exactly What I Am, You Said "if A 16 Year Old Boy Looks At Edge As You Looked At Savage When You Were Young, Well, That's Exactly What Happens To Me, For Me Edge Is The Greatest Heel Period, And You May Think Savage Was Better.

Now, Let Me Clear You That Im A Lover Of Old School Wrestling, For Me Savage, Steamboat And Several Others Were Better Than Most Of Today Guys, But After Some Months Here At The Forums I Have Seen That Everyone Criticizes Today's Wrestling Too Much, I Dont Think Today Wrestling Is So Bad, Is Just Different.

So Back On The Topic, You Said Savage's 2 Reigns Could Be Longer Than All Edge's 9 Reigns, Well Maybe, But Edge's 9 Reigns Have Been Amazing, Have Put Him As The Guy Who Has Won More World Titles Since 2006 To Present, In An Era Of Cena, Batista, Orton And Others That's Remarkable And Edge Is As Good Or Even Better Performer Than Macho Man Ever Was. It Is Normal To Say That The Wrestlers You Saw As A Kid Were Better Than The Ones Right Now, Because As A Kid You Think They're Superheroes Or Supermans, But When You Grow Up You See The Reality, So I Understand You In That Point, But Tha Fact Is That Edge Is A Hall Of Famer For Sure, One Of The Greatest In Ring Performers Of All Time And Savage As Well, So Any Of The 2 Could Be The Best That's THE OPINION OF EACH PERSON, But I Think That A King Of The Ring, 2 Money In The Banks, 5 Ic Titles, Us Title, 12 Tag Titles And 9 World Titles Are major words, That's Not Something Anyone Gets, To Have Those Highlights You Gotta Be The Best.

At Last, You Said In Savage's Era There Was Only 1 World Title And Now We Have 2 And That If Edge Had Performed In The Savage Era May Not Have Won Any Titles, I Dont Think So, Because Edge Has Beaten He Best, And In Any Era He Would Have Beaten The Best, Imagine That Not 9 But At Least 4 Or 3 WORLD TITLES, Because In That Era Titles Didn't Change Too Often, It's All About The Era.
That's a hard choice. In 20 years, who will more people be talking about? My honest opinion is Edge. He has had more of an impact on the company and has many more years to come. Edge has been on top of the company longer than Savage was. Savage was just around during the Hogan Era, but that doesn't necessarily mean that nobody else can be better than him. So IMO, i'd have to say Edge.

PS HHH-Hogan effect, the Hogan Era was pretty cartoony...
This is like comparing Hulk Hogan in his prime to John Cena. A lot of people do it but since it was a different time, a different style, a different media coverage, you can't really compare the Eras.

I say the 1992 Royal Rumble was the greatest ever to this day. Fans that are young may say the 2002 rumble was the best.

You can't fairly make the comparison heads up.
Savage>Edge in every single possible way. World title reign counts are pretty much useless anymore. With the rate it changes, and the fact that there are two world championships in one company, it's pretty meaningless. Savage was better in the ring, drew better, his first title reign lasted longer and meant more than all of Edge's reigns combined. Savage had more impact than Edge could ever hope to have.
In Savage's day it was the promos! He was prolly the best ever at it.... The cream will rise to the top awesome! For this day in time Edge has the edge...pun Savage has some great matches back in the day too. As well as Edge has too. For me, there is no clear way to say one is better than the other, just different times
Both are awesome but in a close call, gotta go with Savage, since he's definitely got Edge beat in being a household name. Most non-wrestling fans recognize Macho Man, yet good luck finding a non-wrestling fan who knows who Edge is. Sad how it took this stupid fact to give an Edge, no pun intended, to one of these great wrestlers over the other.
It's got to be Savage. Look the man was amazing he. Great Promo's, great matches. Arguably one of the greatest matches in wrestlemania history with Steamboat.
Savage no doubt(dont kill me OneBigWill) He is a true legend in this buisness and has won the title on the greatest stage of them all Wrestlemania. You really cant compare the two, its two different eras. Edge is living in the PG era while Savage was in the Hulkamania era. But yeah, Savage wins w/o a doubt.

Hogan was in the PG era as well.

As far as the original question, it's impossible to compare. Different times. The titles change so quickly now unlike in Savage's WWF times where you had the belt at least 3 months if not more at a time. Edge shouldn't be faulted for that either.

The belt was a lot harder to get in Savage's time. So when you got it, it meant a lot. IMO I think Savage is better. Not meant as a slight toward Edge who is one of my favorites.
When I was growing up, Savage was in WCW and I was a big WWF fan. So with that being said I was a huge fan of Edge and all the tag team matches he had against the Hardys and the Dudleys. I think foxhound101 really hit the nail on the head when, said its just different times. You really can't compare them considering they were in WWE in different times and different eras.
Well honestly im only 19, so ive only seen bits and pieces of Savage. I grew up becoming a huge fan of Edge. But when you compare them like you said, Edge may not have not won all the titles he has now if he was wrestling back in Savage's days. I gotta go with Savage but hey? You cant say Edge doesn't give great promo's, is horrible in the ring. Savage was 1 of the best. Im always gonna be an Edge Head cause I grew up watching him, but no doubt ill give respect to Savage, and say he would win.
You may have seen the title and wondered what does the Macho Man have to do with the Rated R Superstar. Last week I went to pick up the Macho Man dvd and decided to pick up Edge's dvd while I was there. I thought it was natural that Savage have a 3 disc dvd tribute, but not so much for Edge. If you asked me who had a better career in WWE I would answer without hesitation it was Savage. Then I thought about it. Let's compare.

Savage was with the WWF for 9 years. Edge, 11 and counting. Savage won two world titles. I think Edge it at nine now, but I'm not sure and don't care to take the time to think about it right now. Savage held the IC title once. Again I don't care to count Edge's reigns right now, but he is a multi time IC title holder. Edge has also won several tag titles. So why am I so quick to say Savage had the better career?

Savage may have only had two world titles, but his two regins probably add up to a longer time than all Edge's combined. Ditto for the IC reign. Also titles were harder to come by in Savage's day. The titles change so often now, but that was not the case 20 years ago. Also there are two world titles now. If there was still just one do you think Edge would have so many reigns? He may not have any.

One thing I have to wonder about myself is if I have and old school bias. I was just a kid when Savage was on top. The wrestlers back then were larger than life to me. I looked up to them. Now I'm almost 30. Edge is only a few years older than me. Naturally as an adult you don't look up to people like you used to. Kayfabe is long dead and the guys don't seem like super heroes anymore. I wonder if someone who is 16 looks at Edge like I look at Savage. Maybe that person would quickly answer Edge had the better career.

This is more about old vs. new. You could compare others too. I happened to think of these two because I saw their dvd's sitting next to each other on the shelf. Do I quickly answer Savage is better because he was or because I am holding on to fond memories of my childhood? I'm curious what you think. If you don't mind maybe you can include your age and if you were watching WWF when Savage was on top so I can have more perspective. Of course don't feel you have to.

No doubt Savage is the best. Of course he only had 2 title reigns but that is better I'll tell you why, that means he has only lost it twice.. As for Edge his been champ 11 times that means Edge has lost it eleven times as well.
Savage & Edge R cut from the same cloth. when it comes 2 being a heel, Savage was very much the "Ultimate Opportunist" that Edge is known 2 be 2day. IMO, Edge & Chris Jericho R the best heels in the WWE 2day
Edge is great in his own respect, but Savage is more widely known. I could care less about title reigns. Savage v.s Hogan feud was huge when I was a child at the age of 5. Edge never had that type of match or feud yet. Savage is truly one of a kind, and he can't be matched in that regard. Oh yeah, and can you dig it were once again cool to say in Randy's mind. He was one of the most original characters that was interesting of all time.

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