Savage vs. Michaels

I can tell you now many despised Shawn Hickenbottom replace the h with a u know what! Many never liked him especially in montreal with the screwjob incident but many didn't like him when he went solo and broke up the tag team Midnight ROckers anyways
liek the fan had on his sign HBgay those were the chants at the bell center but not as loud as the "you screwed brett" chants that my friends and I started!
He claims he is Mr Wrestlemania which is a total lough he never started WM if anyone should be called that is Randy"Macho Man"Savage he started his Wrestlemania2 debut -up to WM10 not shawna michaels!
He is no showstopper or mr wrestlemania in my books he is not a technical wrestler either like Bret Hart he got better over the years but these 2 fought long time ago
RANDY SAVAGE beat SHAWN MICHAELS long time ago when he had sensational sherri with him in his corner

So there is your answer RANDY SAVAGE

i can tell right from your post and your user name that you are a die hard Bret Hart fan lmao

But to get down to buisness lets talk wrestling
I would consider both macho man Randy savage and Shawn Michaels two of the best of all time, actually theirs is only three guys i would lump with them
Ricky Steamboat, bret Hart, and The Ultimate Warrior(joke), i mean Ric Flair.
but if i had to give it to either of them it would be Michaels
Michaels had other great wrestlers greatest matches
Michaels vs. Undertaker
Michaels vs. Hart
Michaels vs. angle
Michaels vs. Benoit, and Triple H
Michaels vs. Razor Ramon
Michaels vs. Diesal
Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
even against Cena he put on a classic match
Michaels got 4 years taken out of his prime and he came back to steal the show at summerslam
Macho King was great but the real king of the ring is Shawn Michaels
i can tell right from your post and your user name that you are a die hard Bret Hart fan lmao

But to get down to buisness lets talk wrestling
I would consider both macho man Randy savage and Shawn Michaels two of the best of all time, actually theirs is only three guys i would lump with them
Ricky Steamboat, bret Hart, and The Ultimate Warrior(joke), i mean Ric Flair.
but if i had to give it to either of them it would be Michaels
Michaels had other great wrestlers greatest matches
Michaels vs. Undertaker
Michaels vs. Hart
Michaels vs. angle
Michaels vs. Benoit, and Triple H
Michaels vs. Razor Ramon
Michaels vs. Diesal
Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
even against Cena he put on a classic match
Michaels got 4 years taken out of his prime and he came back to steal the show at summerslam
Macho King was great but the real king of the ring is Shawn Michaels

Do you think that HBK might have had more opportunity to have those great matches because there are three times the number of PPV's now. Savage had one a year for his early career, and it had just gotten to four by the time he left.

Since we're considering everything, let's remember that Savage was involved in the Mega Powers Angle, and angle that started right after Wrestlemania three, in 1986 and lasted until 1988. The angle involved some of the biggest stars of all time, but focused on Savage and Hogan. The reason that angle was so great was that Savage was able to counter Hogan's goodness with just the right amount of every heel tactic to build their WM V match into the perfect spectacle. He got a good match out of Warrior, and he and Steamboat put on a top ten match, that many consider to be the best ever.

HBK has been an outstanding worker in his own right. He revolutionized the ladder match, started DX, and stole the show at several Wrestlemanias. But one thing he never did was help get Zeus over. That's right, for all of HBK's greatness, Savage was still better to get over angles, from the great (Mega Powers) to the stupid (Zeus, No Holds Barred) as a heel or face, and for that reason, Savage was better outside of the ring.

Inside of the ring, we have a bit more of an issue. All of the high fliers of today owe a debt of gratitude to Michaels. All of the daredevils, the guys who wreck their bodies for the fans, owe a great debt to Michaels. He is an innovator. But, just because it's new, doesn't always mean that it's better. Savage had the classic style. He was an effective striker, a technical wiz, and an athletic marvel. I don't think either one was necessarily better, but I will go with Savage because I prefer that style.

Backstage, both have been raving lunatics. HBK's time in the kliq, combined with his substance issues gave him a bad reputation in the 90's. But then again, Savage may have had sex with an underage girl in the locker room. That girl may have been Vince's little princess, Stephanie. Savage has also been credited with tamping down Hogan's ego for a time. HBK has been awesome about putting over younger talents. I think that HBK's backstage talents outweight Savage's.

That though, is not enough. Savage is the better talent, and the bigger asset at his peak to the company.
I agree with FTS, Randy had the unenviable task of getting Zeus over, and too me that ONE thing is harder than anything Shawn ever did!! lol.

While the WWF had it's marketing machine in the 80's, with the way technology, and the world has advanced at the rapid rate it has, Shawn Michaels in my opinion is seen as a bigger star than he really is. Don't get me wrong, Shawn is a megastar, and deserves to be, but when it overshadows guys like Randy, merely because he's not "in the now" it's downright despicable, it's all in how we look at the eras involved.

Randy had only a few PPV's to work with, but lets dig even deeper than that. When Hogan took a sabbatical to film No Holds Barred in 1988, Randy was left to carry the load alone. And Randy succeded on a great level, of leading the way for that company, through the entire spring, and most of the Summer before Hogan's return come the first Summerslam. Just think about it, Hulk Hogan, the biggest star in the history of the business, leaves on a sabbatical, and who do they let carry the load? The Macho Man! And he drew great houses with Dibiase!

I agree when FTS said Savage is better outside the ring, in terms of his mentality toward feuds. Something he possessed even in the first few years of his WCW run. In my opinion he's a large reason why DDP got over like he did. Even the Jake Roberts feud, Savage's psychotic tirades sucked people into it. Granted Jake obviously gave just as much if not more to the feud, but sticking to the subject at hand, Savage did so well in his role, Vince was willing to put the belt on him again.

One of the things the two have a common, is that they were both champions at a time where it wasn't exactly a good time to be a champion. Savage was crowned the champ, for a 2nd time, at Wrestlemania VIII, when a week prior to that show, specials on "Geraldo", "Donahue" and "Larry King Live" aired, sheding light on the already brewing scandals that were taking place. It was not a good time for Vince or the company.

In my eyes, it hurt business badly, and Savage had a task I doubt many of the WWF roster would've wanted. Savage/Flair did there best in the spring to make things work, and had a well written feud to go with it, as did Savage/Warrior, but the outside happenings were hurting the company bad. And granted yes, they were bringing in, even more rediculous cartoony gimmicks (even for the WWF these were too cartoonish), but it still wasn't as bad as it would get in the mid 90's in that department.

It was recently pointed out as a joke on "Raw" by Dusty Rhodes, that Shawn was a champion when WCW was kicking the company down. Shawn can hardly be blamed for what happened during his first run with the belt in '96, it's been pointed out in the eyes of some of the more blue collar fans, Shawn was seen as a flamboyant sissy, and to some smarks, his character was watered down, and we wanted the arrogant jerk we all came to appreciate. That said however, I don't think that really had much to do with what happened in '96...

Hall & Nash left within two months of Shawn's title win, and the nWo storyline kicked off. Shawn's best feud as a champion, was his first, with Diesel, and it was over within a month, if anything, it at least gave Shawn an extra notch of Championship cred. But then he was thrust into a silly feud with The Bulldog, and no disrespect to Davey Boy, who I was a big fan of, he was not a main event guy, and had already failed in that spot months before there feud kicked off. Than Shawn was thrust into a feud with Vader, which produced a good match, and was built up properly, but still compared to what was going on in WCW, it lacked any flash in comparison. Than came the brilliant match with Mankind, but the buildup towards it didn't generate interest, it was lazy and paint by numbers. Shawn even carried SID to a good match, not easy by any means. Shawn did everything he could, even if the numbers may not reflect the performance. Same can be said for Savage in '92.

During Shawn's 3rd run (his 2nd was only a few weeks), was of course the screwjob win. Yes WCW was winning in the ratings, but with the publicity of the screwjob, the continuing rise of Austin, the 'Taker/Kane feud, and Shawn himself being a part of D-X, the numbers rose, Shawn was a big part of it, but wasn't there for the overtaking.

Now when we talk about in the ring, it's all about preference...I have great respect for what both of them brought to the ring.
Savage was a huge technical wrestler and was my favourite during the period, however in a match basis HBK wins hands down. Noone puts on a epic match like HBK.

as for Savage being in the HOF i doubt it, he should be but he's stated he doesn't need anything from WWE and is happy with how his career went.

Only thing he wants is to beat the living shit out of Hulk Hogan lol

i don't blame HBK for WCW winning the ratings during his tenure, at the time WWE was only just getting rid of alot of really bad gimmicks and obviously Hogan was doing wonders in WCW which turned a huge chunk of the fan base over to WCW.

IMO HBK was an awesome champ and so was Bret Hart both of which are put in the same boat as being bad champs cause the company was losing money during there runs.

Randy Savage was in the wrong era, as was Ted Dibiase, haku and a whole host of others, they were easily the stand out performers of the generation but cause Hogan was there noone else got a chance. Not blaming Hogan btw but he did have some creative control and much like a Cena match these days whomever faced him had to make him look good. So Savage as champ was too short and he didn't really get a chance
Tough call for sure. They're both pretty even as for as accolades go. Both have won just about everything the WWE has had to offer. Savage is a former King of the Ring, Intercontinental champion, and World champion. He held the WWE title for an entire year taking on all challenges, won the World War 3 Battle Royal, and also held the WCW title several times. Not to mention he took over when Hogan bailed out [which time it was exactly, I don't know, I can never keep track.] Shawn Michaels is, as far as I know, the only Grand Slam Champion. Intercontinental champion, European champion, tag team champion, and WWE champion. Also held the World heavyweight title, has won two royal rumbles, headlined several Wrestlemanias, and stole the show from several others. Savage was a good wrestler, I won't say great, and Michaels is probably the most entertaining story teller we've ever known. Both guys are/were great on the stick, and were great at making you hate them, or could make you absolutely fall in love with them. Both guys invented some of the greatest and most recognizable catch phrases in wrestling's history. For me, it's all about the Heartbreak Kid. He is one of the most innovative wrestlers in history, competing in the first ladder match, the first iron man match, the first hell in a cell match. I think it's tough to debate who's the bigger star.. Just because Macho Man was in Spider Man and had the Slim Jim commercials, does that make him a bigger star? Those commercials were not exactly what I'd call prestigious. And if that's what makes you a bigger star.. Well, HBK was in an episode of Baywatch, and was also in Playgirl magazine. The Macho man was also popular during a time when wrestling was on top of the world. What if HBK was in his prime at the same time as Savage? I think that's where the true argument lays.

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