Sarah Palin: WTF


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That's her new catchphrase. On Tuesday Obama used the phrase "Win the Future". Palin, in what seemed to be another response to the State of the Union, has said that that was a WTF moment and now is saying it over and over about various things in her various interviews.

You know who says that a lot? My 15 year old cousin.
Oh, Sarah, you crafty minx! Such a witty, cunning, play on words. And who says republicans are in trouble?

On a side note, I wouldn't mind pounding that out on an office desk somewhere. Good times, good times...
On Last Word they're airing the speech it came from. Why in the world is she talking about? Apparently Sputnik ended the Soviet Union.

Let's hear her talk to Ahmadinejad like that.
I've said it for years. Do away with the party system and elect people strictly on their stance. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both warned about the dangers of the party system and I think they must have been psychic...
But that's not what the people want! They want what the founders say! And since this particular stands of the founders isn't what we want to go with we can ignore it!

- Tea Party members/GOP members that claim to be strict Constitutionalists
I just have a strange feeling that a very huge downfall is almost right around the corner... It seems as though people are willing to achieve a brief moment of power at the expense of the very country they're a part of. I just don't see how they don't realize that they're jeopardizing their own home too.

I'd better stop, I'm going to get all philosophical and shit in a minute...
That seems to be the mindset of most modern politicians in the GOP: scare people enough to get a quick election victory and don't worry about what comes next. The scary thing is if someone like that gets the White House. The sad thing is there are some very good politicians that are Republicans. They have a different viewpoint than I do but that's fine. However the extremeists in that party becoming the new run of the mill politician isn't fine.
Sarah Palin is such a piece of shit. She's moved on from being just stupid, to total pile of shit.

How about the Bachman response on Tuesday night? I actually think this woman is a bigger pile of shit than Palin, but it's close.
I find it sad that we let our leaders get away with such blatant b.s. It seems like it's happened forever. False promises, selfish agendas, etc. etc. I know politics has kind of gotten to the point where it's blown off as "well, that's politics for ya! chuckle chuckle" but for that to become the norm in describing politics is just shameful and sad in itself.
The tea party movement actually has, or claims to have a very interesting desire to put selfless leaders into congress, people who don't act on personal beliefs but on the beliefs of their constituents. Unfortunately, NONE of the tea party candidates are ANYTHING like that. Most of them are Jesus-Freak conservatives that believe that it is God's will to put them into this position of power and enact "His will," on the people of the US.
Tea Party candidates have struck while the iron was hot, and nothing more. I think 90% of them are completely full of shit, and saw an opening by being able to convince stupid, selfish people they were on their side. Sarah Palin is a total opportunist, seizing the moment whenever she possibly can. Michelle Bachman saw what Palin did, and jumped on board. These people have lost so much credibility (for me, personally), it's hard to believe anything they say.
Tea Party candidates have struck while the iron was hot, and nothing more. I think 90% of them are completely full of shit, and saw an opening by being able to convince stupid, selfish people they were on their side. Sarah Palin is a total opportunist, seizing the moment whenever she possibly can. Michelle Bachman saw what Palin did, and jumped on board. These people have lost so much credibility (for me, personally), it's hard to believe anything they say.

I think the thing is, you have them saying one thing, you have the far left saying another, and then you have Obama, like most sane Americans, saying we need to take the best of each side and combine them to come up with the best ideas. That scores him a lot of points and is the best answer also. Nice to hear for a change.
I think the thing is, you have them saying one thing, you have the far left saying another, and then you have Obama, like most sane Americans, saying we need to take the best of each side and combine them to come up with the best ideas. That scores him a lot of points and is the best answer also. Nice to hear for a change.

Obama really has been the voice of reason as of late, and I agree it's nice for a President to act "Presidential." I think he's going to have to ride this out until 2012, because inside the GOP you have several powerful lawmakers who do not care about doing their job. They only care about getting Obama out of the White House, and will argue just to argue, hoping to gain political points.

It's really frustrating watching these people. Neither side can agree on anything, and while I'm definitely not a Democrat, they do not deserve nearly as much blame for this as conservatives do. But, if you look at Obama's poll numbers right now, and the Democratic party numbers, they are on the rise, and quick. I think the GOP pulled the "let's hate and bash everything Obama does" card far too early. The Tea Party shit is cooling down a bit, and I think conservatives will be kicking themselves come 2012 for using the whole "scorched Earth" approach to politics a year or so too early. They had the momentum, and it's slowing down a lot right now.
The thing is the numbers all point to the people wanting bipartisanship. And not the bullshit of "we do it this way or not at all and if you don't agree with every single thing we say you're not being bipartisan or listening to the people". I mean like they did in the lame duck. The numbers for that were through the roof. The people want SOMETHING done. I don't think a lot of them particularly care what is done, but they want something. That makes a lot of sense and if the GOP keeps up their "the people have spoken" nonsense, they'll lose the house next year.
Watching Rachel Maddow and she's talking with Michael Steele (FAR more reasonable and interesting than you would think. He's actually likable) and she asked a very interesting question:

Why are none of the major GOP presidential hopefuls (Palin, Romney, Huckabee, Gingrich, Giuliani, Pence (even though he said he's not running)) actually in office at the moment?
They all have the word former before their names. That makes sense. Not sure if it fixes it but better than nothing.
They all have the word former before their names. That makes sense. Not sure if it fixes it but better than nothing.

The GOP is going to run on "star power." There isn't a Republican out there, who currently holds office, with a big enough name to take on Obama. Leading up to the 2008 election, Democrats didn't need a big-name guy. They needed a charismatic guy who would capitalize on the hatred of GW Bush. Obama did pretty well with that. Republicans will not have that same advantage, and at the end of the day, I'm betting on Romney.
You know what I hate about all these partisanship politics in America? It is being exported to other areas of the world because of how successful it is to get someone elected in to office. Look at how politics is being played out in different parts of the world. Now almost nothing is being discussed that goes beyond party politics. It is frustrating to watch sometimes.

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