Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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I disagree with you on this one, that could have been him in college but not the pro's. He wouldn't be playing today if he didnt believe he could help the team. he is more worried about winning than anything. He doesnt care about all his stats he wants to win and he is there to do it.

see this is where I think Brett Favre gets a free pass I think along with many other people who arent Bears fans and dont hate the packers Like I do that the only reason he keeps coming back is for the record and you see all these Brett Favre marks (there I said it) like John Madden who give him a free pass when he makes the same careless mistakes over and over. If he really cared about winning he wouldnt throw up the same bonehead passes over and over again. But now hes got his record and he has nothin left to play for and you can tell where was he in the second half against the Bears throwing careless passes and going over to the sideline after every 3 and out and thinking about his record. I would be willing to bet that now he has nothinmg to play for his play will drop off significantly because of his lack of interest in the team. however I can never take away from what hes done in his career and I still think hes the best quarterback of all time but right now hes losing alot of peoples respect including mine

and like you Brian Im also going to sleep and also looking forward to a great essay to read tomorrow
They Tried To Make Me Watch TNA,
I Said NO, NO, NO!
It's A Sad Fact,
TNA Is Mad Wack
It Should GO, GO, GO!
They Have No Good Stars,
I Rather Live Way Up In Mars,
They Tried To Make Me Watch TNA,
I Said NO, NO, NO!

I Hate TNA With A Passion WWE Is And Always Will Be The Best!!
Hmmm... it's good, but I'm voting a no on the fact that some of the best wrestlers in the world currently light up the TNA screens, guys like AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Samoa Joe, The Murder City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, hell, even Christian Cage can get a spot on this list. And, of course, possibly the greatest technical wrestler ever, Kurt "Freakin" Angle. Not to mention The Icon, Sting.

However, Santino > All of those listed. In fact, in a 9-on-1 handicap match, Santino would win easily. FACT.
Hmmm... it's good, but I'm voting a no on the fact that some of the best wrestlers in the world currently light up the TNA screens, guys like AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Samoa Joe, The Murder City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, hell, even Christian Cage can get a spot on this list. And, of course, possibly the greatest technical wrestler ever, Kurt "Freakin" Angle. Not to mention The Icon, Sting.

However, Santino > All of those listed. In fact, in a 9-on-1 handicap match, Santino would win easily. FACT.

I couldnt agree more. thats why he should have wrote the greatness of Joe Montana or the greatness of Ben Roethlisberger essay.
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz,
he is our man, he is a coke can,
he makes up his own song..
he is never wrong, wrong, wrong..
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz.
They Tried To Make Me Watch TNA,
I Said NO, NO, NO!
It's A Sad Fact,
TNA Is Mad Wack
It Should GO, GO, GO!
They Have No Good Stars,
I Rather Live Way Up In Mars,
They Tried To Make Me Watch TNA,
I Said NO, NO, NO!

I Hate TNA With A Passion WWE Is And Always Will Be The Best!!

Hahahahahahahaha, That's Classic.

TNA is shit, Excellent song....BUT.... You need to write an essay on why TNA sucks so much ass and some good non-spammy posts in the Wrestling sections, Then I'll let you in as we are full now:thumbsup:
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz,
he is our man, he is a coke can,
he makes up his own song..
he is never wrong, wrong, wrong..
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz.

I don't, quite frankly i am just getting acclimated with who you are by reading your thread. hehehe.
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz,
he is our man, he is a coke can,
he makes up his own song..
he is never wrong, wrong, wrong..
we all love jp fizzle and his fizz fizz fizz.

Inventive, but doesn't fit the rythym of the song.

To clarify:

Rehab - Original Lyrics

They tried to make me go to Rehab, I said No, No, No.
Yes i've been black, but when I come back, you won't Know, Know, Know
I aint got the time, and if ma daddy thinks I'm fine,
Tried to make me go to Rehab, I won't Go, Go, Go.

It must (at least loosely) fit these lyrics, and this tune:

I love Santino and have written a song using the song but it's about Kevin Kelly and if i post it will i get banned for flamming?(its nothing bad about the guy, just a joke). Thanks
I love Santino and have written a song using the song but it's about Kevin Kelly and if i post it will i get banned for flamming?(its nothing bad about the guy, just a joke). Thanks

i dont know. people posted about Luther and I believe SLy but they are still around even though Luther jokingly banned colamania. Even though Luther doesnt deserve that. i think
He only banned me for about a minute, and he's a G-Mod. Don't worry, Kevin Kelly can't do fuck all about it.
My First Song is Dedicated To SlyFox, everybody's Favorite Member.

He tries to sound intelligent, but He DON'T, DON'T, DON'T
His Mind Is Not Big
Puts Stupid Shit in His Sig
So Here is Another Post that he can QUOTE, QUOTE, QUOTE
He'll argue with whatever you've Saaaid
And he likes to Follow you Around In Threads
You Tell Him to Shut the Fuck Up, But He WON'T, WON'T, WON'T
i challenge you to write a song about me about why i have past caring
My First Song is Dedicated To SlyFox, everybody's Favorite Member.

He tries to sound intelligent, but He DON'T, DON'T, DON'T
His Mind Is Not Big
Puts Stupid Shit in His Sig
So Here is Another Post that he can QUOTE, QUOTE, QUOTE
He'll argue with whatever you've Saaaid
And he likes to Follow you Around In Threads
You Tell Him to Shut the Fuck Up, But He WON'T, WON'T, WON'T

well he can back up his crap and make it turn a 180 and use stuff you said against yourself. he has to be controlling all out mines.
Compton?! DUDE, Have you ever HEARD of Paterson, NJ?

Bro, we have cities in Jersey that make Compton look like Westchester. Paterson, Newark, and Camden chief among them. Believe me, if Santino learned to rap, he did so in P-Town.

Fo Shizzle.
Compton?! DUDE, Have you ever HEARD of Paterson, NJ?

Bro, we have cities in Jersey that make Compton look like Westchester. Paterson, Newark, and Camden chief among them. Believe me, if Santino learned to rap, he did so in P-Town.

Fo Shizzle.

who me? What? Santino owns all and he is so Gangster he has to be from Compton.
I See Only Wes Liked My Song Soo Ill Work On The TNA Essay And Post It When I Get My Facts About How Much It Sucks!!
I See Only Wes Liked My Song Soo Ill Work On The TNA Essay And Post It When I Get My Facts About How Much It Sucks!!

How does it suck? I stole this from Sly

Yeah, because there's no way in hell that VKM, Dudleys, Christian, Rikishi, or Angle were ever over in WWE. :rolleyes:

Quick recap:

Enormous growth in 5 years
2 hour primetime show
Monthly PPVs
Big name talent

TNA is doing just fine.

Now can you explain more because ^^^^ made a good point.
Well To Me All Those Wrestlers Named In Sly's Quote All Got Their Big Sucess From WWE And Cuz They Were Realeased Or Had Problems With WWE's Front Office Doesnt Mean TNA Got A Upper Hand That They Picked Up Good Talent Angle Was A Fucking Sneak Sayin He Was Done With Wrestling And Wanted To Retire And What Does He Do...Signs With TNA At The Time Idk WTF TNA Was And I Couldnt Care Cus WWE Was The Only Brand I Ever Watched And Will Only Watch!! All Those Wrestlers Wound Up Getting Decent Pushes To Climb To The Top!! Cuz They Had No One Else Good At The Time!! Those Were Some Of The Best Wrestlers WWE Had And Now Their Leaders In TNA!! They Show TNA How Working With The WWE Can Get U To The Top Like Them!! I Dont Care If I Get Hated On That I Fucking Hate TNA With A Passion!! Most Of Those Wrestlers Are Backstabbers As It Is!!

VKM-Original Memebrs Of DX When DX Returned They Hated On Them Soo Much Y? In My Veiw They Werent As Popular As Hbk And HHH Were When DX Returned!!

Dudleys-If They Were To Stay In The WWE They Would Be On ECW And It Would Have The WWE Have Had A Tag Team Title In ECW!!

Christian Cage & Rikishi-Couldnt Care About Them Only Liked Them We Christan Was With Edge And Rikishi Was Apart Of Too Cool!!!

Angle-No Doubt He Is One Of The Greatest Technical Wrestlers Ever!!But He Was At The Top In ECW At The Time! I Think He Would Of Been A Great ECW Champ If He Was Still Around!!
Well To Me All Those Wrestlers Named In Sly's Quote All Got Their Big Sucess From WWE And Cuz They Were Realeased Or Had Problems With WWE's Front Office Doesnt Mean TNA Got A Upper Hand That They Picked Up Good Talent Angle Was A Fucking Sneak Sayin He Was Done With Wrestling And Wanted To Retire And What Does He Do...Signs With TNA At The Time Idk WTF TNA Was And I Couldnt Care Cus WWE Was The Only Brand I Ever Watched And Will Only Watch!! All Those Wrestlers Wound Up Getting Decent Pushes To Climb To The Top!! Cuz They Had No One Else Good At The Time!! Those Were Some Of The Best Wrestlers WWE Had And Now Their Leaders In TNA!! They Show TNA How Working With The WWE Can Get U To The Top Like Them!! I Dont Care If I Get Hated On That I Fucking Hate TNA With A Passion!! Most Of Those Wrestlers Are Backstabbers As It Is!!

VKM-Original Memebrs Of DX When DX Returned They Hated On Them Soo Much Y? In My Veiw They Werent As Popular As Hbk And HHH Were When DX Returned!!

Dudleys-If They Were To Stay In The WWE They Would Be On ECW And It Would Have The WWE Have Had A Tag Team Title In ECW!!

Christian Cage & Rikishi-Couldnt Care About Them Only Liked Them We Christan Was With Edge And Rikishi Was Apart Of Too Cool!!!

Angle-No Doubt He Is One Of The Greatest Technical Wrestlers Ever!!But He Was At The Top In ECW At The Time! I Think He Would Of Been A Great ECW Champ If He Was Still Around!!

The New Age Outlawz were over though, they picked up solid tag teams and they could be quite honestly one of the greatest tag teams behind the British Bulldogs the Dudleyz the Steiners, the Hart Foundation E&C, LOD. They were over as a tag team.

The WWE wouldnt have a tag team division on ECW because the roster is not so big and there is not no tag teams on there.

Christian was a great heel and was very good on the mic. He was a proven Mid Carder-Main Eventer if pushed properly. TNA offered him something the WWE wouldnt. A Heavyweight title reign.

Rikishi though couldnt care less about him.

Kurt Angle needed time off and apparently TNA offered him a contract he couldnt refuse. Angle is the best Mat wrestler probably ever.

Tna uses WWE talent to help throughout there card because they already had the lime light.

People don't give TNA enough credit and there 2 hr premiere was probably better than anything the WWE put out in months. TNA has great wrestlers and one the WWE would probably die to have in Abyss. Yes TNA storylines are "wack" but give them credit they put on a wrestling show and give all there wrestlers TV time unlike the WWE. TNA puts on good matches every week something the WWE doesnt do on a weekly basis imo. TNA has come a long way in about 5 years.

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