Freedom 35
Kyle Orton Legend Killer
I disagree with you on this one, that could have been him in college but not the pro's. He wouldn't be playing today if he didnt believe he could help the team. he is more worried about winning than anything. He doesnt care about all his stats he wants to win and he is there to do it.
see this is where I think Brett Favre gets a free pass I think along with many other people who arent Bears fans and dont hate the packers Like I do that the only reason he keeps coming back is for the record and you see all these Brett Favre marks (there I said it) like John Madden who give him a free pass when he makes the same careless mistakes over and over. If he really cared about winning he wouldnt throw up the same bonehead passes over and over again. But now hes got his record and he has nothin left to play for and you can tell where was he in the second half against the Bears throwing careless passes and going over to the sideline after every 3 and out and thinking about his record. I would be willing to bet that now he has nothinmg to play for his play will drop off significantly because of his lack of interest in the team. however I can never take away from what hes done in his career and I still think hes the best quarterback of all time but right now hes losing alot of peoples respect including mine
and like you Brian Im also going to sleep and also looking forward to a great essay to read tomorrow