Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

Results are only viewable after voting.
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Ashley Massaro as of July 09, 2008. WWE wishes Ashley the best in all future endeavors.

True Story behind this

Santino's Revenge, He put a curse on Ashley Massaro's girl, just so that trouble maker would quit
I know!! A Santino DVD set (3 disc at least) would be awesome. All of his hilarious promos and superb 5 star matches will easily fill up 3 amazing discs.

It should be worth more than other WWE DVD's at no less than $50.
Id love to see this Ray Mastrio and Santino fued last longer I would love to see Santino come out as Rey and do the 619
OT: does anybody know when the next episode of wrestlezone radio will be posted, because i was one of the callers
Santino is priceless.

Look at me! I'm Rey Maskrio! I'm more tall than Hornswoggle! I like cookies! BOOYAKA BOOYAKA!

I-a would-a like-a to-a join-a the-a Santino-a Fan-a Club-a.
Youa needa to have the 100 posts on the zonewrestle site on the web before you become afulla Santino fan-a-club Memba.
Rey Mastrio.. one of the greatest things ever uttered in a WWE ring. Santino is a REAL wrestling God. Screw JBL.
Effective immediately, we are beginning the search for a new SFAC President, and I am no longer in the running. I will remain an active associate member. The president is in charge of rule changes, keeping up the activity in the organization, appointing VP positions to membership, etc.

I have listed 5 strong nominees above. Voting will take place until there is a clear cut President.
:(it says I cannot vote, as I voted on here for a different poll:(. I vote Santino Marella, as he is my only leader!
The poll has a temper. Just post your vote - we're all friends here.

Brian was the VP, I was the treasurer for the most part, and Mr. Sam the sec'y.

I also nominate Mr. Sam.

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