Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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It's an honor. AND I can tell my mom that I'm doing something extracurricular and joined a club. She feels I spend too much time on the internet.
It's fun to think about what Santino would have said if he was in character.

"Shut-a your face, Officer stupid Smith... I was-a not swerving on the road!"

Edit: And thank you Ace for approval. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Lol, Wayd it go santino. One question? Did you lay the smackdown on the officer!? I officaly would like to look for that officers name and ask him to join the santino fan-a-club. Working on it right now
Lol, Wayd it go santino. One question? Did you lay the smackdown on the officer!? I officaly would like to look for that officers name and ask him to join the santino fan-a-club. Working on it right now

Santino no laya the smack-a-down-ah... people laya it ona hiiiiiim!

Santino fears-ah the Roddy the Piper!
Santino Fan-a-Club Official Press Release

In recognition of the 5/5/08 Monday Night Raw, the Santino Fan-a-Club will immediately post a new executive office position - Designated Driver!

If you are interested in the position, write a 4-8 line rap about Santino Marella. Best rap will earn the position!​

He looks sober to me.
Santino is getting the rub off all the stars. Austin, Piper, it's a sure bet that when Hogan is next on TV he'll interact with Santino.
Hogan won't be on TV for a while. he's to busy feeling up his daughter and not telling his soon to be Ex-Wife how much he's worth.
Santino Fan-a-Club Official Press Release

In recognition of the 5/5/08 Monday Night Raw, the Santino Fan-a-Club will immediately post a new executive office position - Designated Driver!

If you are interested in the position, write a 4-8 line rap about Santino Marella. Best rap will earn the position!​

he's been to the bottom
but now he's back on top
Poised to win them titles and get a big crowd pop
Ridin threw the streets a lil bit tipsey
Officer came by and said he smelled a bit iffy
Put him in the back with some heavy metal cuffs
Santino said hell yea officer i'll call your bluff
And now he's back on raw
rockin it with that southpaw
gonna get that title
so raws better than idol
Gonna be undefeated
every chalanger retreated
Back on top and i'm happy as hell
now ref why dont u ring that bell

I'd like to enter sorry its longer than 8 lines i got a lil bit on a roll with it. Kinda happens that way some time
So get this; Kieran Devlin was dissin' Santino in The Prison Santino thread. Of course, once he realized a mod created the thread, he tried to backtrack and suck up to IC25 by complimenting Santino. But I don't think that's good enough. I say all members of the SFAC need to go down to the Prison and mercilessly rank on Kieran. Best part is, he can't stand sarcasm, he doesn't get it. So try to be as sarcastic as possible. I'll be sitting back and watching the fun I created.

Go now.
he's been to the bottom
but now he's back on top
Poised to win them titles and get a big crowd pop
Ridin threw the streets a lil bit tipsey
Officer came by and said he smelled a bit iffy
Put him in the back with some heavy metal cuffs
Santino said hell yea officer i'll call your bluff
And now he's back on raw
rockin it with that southpaw
gonna get that title
so raws better than idol
Gonna be undefeated
every chalanger retreated
Back on top and i'm happy as hell
now ref why dont u ring that bell

I'd like to enter sorry its longer than 8 lines i got a lil bit on a roll with it. Kinda happens that way some time

Dude, this is fantastic.

Any other entries!? Phatso set the bar, who's gonna take a shot at it!?
Lol' im holdin you to your word im siggin it lmfao. This was actually my first rap in a while suprised i didnt have some rust in it.
Piper wanna talk shit about my dui
Well piper let me tell u be careful there guy
Your greatest accomplisment the IC title?
My Amy Winehouse got me winnin American Idol
Your tag title reign lasted only 8 days with ric flair
Mine will be over 8 months when me and carlito go on a tear
Whod u even beat the spirit squad?
Tell jbl to move over cause santinos the real wrestling gawd
And while your at that tell Stallone to move over
Cause the real Italion stallion is here to take over

10 lines sorry but i felt as though they were all neccesary

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