Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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I want to join please...

HA HA, Yeah Ya Do!

Just post a short essay on why Santino rules. Big Wes, Brian Becker, Mr. Sam and I will review it and go from there. We are definately seeking qualified new fan-a-club members, and we appreciate your taking action!

Looking forward to it, Newbie!

HA HA, Yeah Ya Do!

Just post a short essay on why Santino rules. Big Wes, Brian Becker, Mr. Sam and I will review it and go from there. We are definately seeking qualified new fan-a-club members, and we appreciate your taking action!

Looking forward to it, Newbie!


No i say it should be 500 words with perfect grammar. :lmao:
Not at all! I just think people are waiting for his Monday activities now. This room has only been up for 12 or 13 day and is already near 100 posts. The novelty dies down, so it's time to recruit new members.

SO I HAVE AN IDEA to increase room attendance-

CHALLENGE: Rewrite the Santino song from RAW about a member of the WrestleZone boards. Funniest entries get Green Rep. Songs about SlyFox, Kevin Kelly, or Luther Hull are definate pre-season favorites.
This place would be buzzing if he actually got a good Stone Cold feud going, maybe even a Val VenOs feud would bring us more-a Santino fans =)
This place would be buzzing if he actually got a good Stone Cold feud going, maybe even a Val VenOs feud would bring us more-a Santino fans =)

Who are you? No just kidding. I totally agree because it's a proven fact that Santino is the greatest heel on RAW. Thats not a sad fact.
I see the President hasn't posted in here in some time. :( i was enjoying bickering with him and AE.
Seriously, but as the Vice President, it's your job to pick up the slack which you have been doing an exceptional job of!

We should get you an assistant...
A-one-a, a-two-a, a-one-two-three-four...

They tried to make me read a Luth thread, I said NO! NO! NO!
It's a sad fact, Luther_Hull is a twat, he should GO! GO! GO!
He a shit poster, but even so, what do you expect, he's from Hu-ull,
I don't wanna read any Luth threads, they all BLOW! BLOW! BLOW!

I thank you.
A-one-a, a-two-a, a-one-two-three-four...

They tried to make me read a Luth thread, I said NO! NO! NO!
It's a sad fact, Luther_Hull is a twat, he should GO! GO! GO!
He a shit poster, but even so, what do you expect, he's from Hu-ull,
I don't wanna read any Luth threads, they all BLOW! BLOW! BLOW!

I thank you.

Possibly the best post ever made. Hysterically funny, made me forget about Santino blowing. Fucking Colamania, I even spilled my coffee on my desk cause the laugh! damn you.
Besides that, I gave you some green rep, Signore. BRAVO!!!!!
Thank you :)

I've always been good at this kind of thing, although that one wasn't my best attempt. You should hear one of the football chants I made up about my mate Gavin and his over-sized nose. Even teh teacher laughed, it was that funny.
Tried to make me talk to SlyFox, I said NO! NO! NO!
That won't be cool, I'll look like a fool, that I KNOW! KNOW! KNOW!
He's a little punk upstart, and a Cena mark,
but can KK beat him in an argument?


Tried to make me talk to SlyFox, I said NO! NO! NO!
That won't be cool, I'll look like a fool, that I KNOW! KNOW! KNOW!
He's a little punk upstart, and a Cena mark,
but can KK beat him in an argument?



:lmao: hahahah
Tried to make me talk to SlyFox, I said NO! NO! NO!
That won't be cool, I'll look like a fool, that I KNOW! KNOW! KNOW!
He's a little punk upstart, and a Cena mark,
but can KK beat him in an argument?



Not bad. But the Luther version still pwns.

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