Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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Remember the days when sfac had 30+ pages in a few hours? lol. Nobody seems to, uh, care. You won the award, but that was because of last year. My opinion? End it now before it becomes unstickied and floated off into the sea of dead threads. Give it some closure.
Have you not noticed the forums in general? Pretty dead, with the holidays and the site being down and all of that. expect a huge pick up in here on the Road to Wrestlemania.
to top it, Jericho did the job to Cena. Mass riot ensued. lol. Actually the crowd was very much pro Cena, we just loved Jericho a little bit more. I should've followed my earlier advice and burned down the MTS centre if Santino didn't show. That would've taught them.
It'll be nice to see Santino being used on a PPV. We haven't seen him on any since Summerslam I believe. Hopefully big things will come and not just him being in and then out just as quickly. That honour I hope will be reserved for Charlie Haas or whatever character he may be playing at the rumble.
I predicted a much larger rumble appearance at the official Santino Fan-A-Club facebook page. Meanwhile, MVP was agreed by Showtime and I to be the sacrificial lamb in the rumble. I predicted Santino would be the 25th eliminated.
Santino got eliminated very, very quickly last year, they should make it up to him by letting him stay much longer.
Ok, once again, shouldn't the SFAC be picking up now? This is one of my favourite threads to read, but lately... well, it just kinda sucks. I mean, in a month, you've gone up twelve pages. Now, this isn't bad for a thread, but half the posts aren't anything to do with Santino. It is random posting to each other, 48.7 quitting, and occasional comments on Santino's unibrow. So really, just... end the club.

And at any rate, I feel as if attacking the club is the only way to get the members riled up and defensive. So go ahead, defend the clubs honour. And mention Santino once or twice.
Ok, once again, shouldn't the SFAC be picking up now? This is one of my favourite threads to read, but lately... well, it just kinda sucks. I mean, in a month, you've gone up twelve pages. Now, this isn't bad for a thread, but half the posts aren't anything to do with Santino. It is random posting to each other, 48.7 quitting, and occasional comments on Santino's unibrow. So really, just... end the club.

And at any rate, I feel as if attacking the club is the only way to get the members riled up and defensive. So go ahead, defend the clubs honour. And mention Santino once or twice.

That's why. :)

This thread is a shell of what it once was. Just close it up already.
But Santino hasn't been doing much at all as of late, so there's nothing really to discuss.

Exactly. He hasn't been doing anything, and I am not really sure he will ever do anything again. He's a funny guy and I guess has the potential to be a good wrestler, but imagine if suddenly a wrestler like Jamie Noble started beating up wrestlers who are actually considered title contenders. Santino will never be accepted as a wrestler, just a character. And he seems to have used up everything he has. Not long ago, he had a 15-20 minute promo once a night. And it was a great part of the show, don't get me wrong, but look what he has been reduced to. A random appearance once a night with other jobbers like Jamie Noble, Dolph Ziggler and Cryme Tyme. I think that moment was just to give a good look at the "Future Endeavours" list. Maybe Santino will stay, but pretty soon he will stop cutting promos and begin losing more and more matches. Think of it this way. Is there a Jamie Noble fan club? No. So should there really be one for Santino?
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