Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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You'll do well in business.

And Rusty, Santino will pla a little cat and mouse first, just to annoy Regal and frustrate him. He will play with his food before eating it.
I predict Santino winning instantly due to the fact of regal not showing up to the match out of fear of facing The Milan Terror.
I wish there was a wrestler named check. Or better yet, I wish I liked the Czech national teams. I could say I am a Czech mark.
The only reason why Santino might lose(although he won't)is so that he can move on to bigger and better things(World Championship)
William Regal b. Santino Marella to become the new Intercontinental Champion in a quick match.
Appalled by what has transpired, but curious. I see full Santino face turn in the works. And then on to bigger things, like the WHC.
What a glorious day today! Finally Santino rid himself of that ugly hunk of metal! Santino let Regal think that little hunk of crap was worth something just to laugh at Regal backstage. Rep for everyone on this big day!
The Honk-a-Perfect-Mountie-Meter! That was incredible. Obvious Santino does not want to be associated with those buch of none World Heavyweight Champion winners!
Brothers i have finally obtained 100 non spammy votes. I can finally join the elite of the elite of fan clubs. Even though this is a dark day for the Fan a Club. We all know santino is just ment to move on to better things like the WHC.
This isn't a dark day. It is one of the best days ever! Finally that lead weight has been dropped! Oh yeah, Welcome to the Glorious Santino Marella Fan-A-Club. Here we have the finest of everything, from Poutine, to Pasta Fagioli. From Subway Sandwiches (which I had today, after a blessing from Santino) to Beth Phoenix collectables. Green Rep all around!

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