Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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If it's that big of a deal, I can give the position to you. I'm not here to make enemies or anything. I am just as big of fan of Santino as you are. Just because my name doesn't say Santino or because I just dont post here 24/7 doesnt mean I;m not a fan. But being rude isn't gonna help.
he has no heart. I believe i made the right choice. He cant take defeat. Therefore he shouldn't have a position in the fan-a-club
he has no heart. I believe i made the right choice. He cant take defeat. Therefore he shouldn't have a position in the fan-a-club

I have no heart? I live and breath the Fan-a-Club.. This is the only reason I post on WZ anymore. I haven't posted consistently anywhere else in months. I'm pissed. You brought up how you have been here longer than TM, well I've been here longer than MF. I've posted more than he. By your logic, then, I am better for the position. Eh? Apparently not.

Guys lets all calm down. Brian, the issue is dead. 48/7, you should calm down before you lose support in here. M_F, the spot was given to you for a reason, 48/7s time will come. Show, the hardcore title is safe forever. ED, you are lucky. You know why. TM, You are looking good like always
Fellow brothers internal conflict will be the end of us! Our enemies will take advantage of our situation. We should not judge one by how much he represents santino and shows his love for him for if we did TM would probably be president. You gotta look beyond the love and devotion to santino and see if this person can handle the responsibility of the position he/she wants to obtain.
I think personally what makes me a good fit for the job is the fact I am not just stuck in here posting. I post virtually everwhere and by doing so, I promote the club getting more people interested. TM, you are like a mother trying to keep her family together.
Whatever dude, I don't wanna argue. I don't come here to argue over petty issues like this. I'm sorry that your upset.

Your point? That isn't your job. That is Show's job. You are the VP of Santino Relations.

Hey hey, every member should support and promote the club, that's what makes us a strong club. Do you think the Morrison club or the Kennedy club had solid poster promoting their clubs. No, and that's why they're dead and were still alive and as strong as ever...

Now where's our slave, my beer is empty.
Hey hey, every member should support and promote the club, that's what makes us a strong club. Do you think the Morrison club or the Kennedy club had solid poster promoting their clubs. No, and that's why they're dead and were still alive and as strong as ever...

Now where's our slave, my beer is empty.

Yes, every member should. But, he was trying to use that to show he was better for the position. The position has nothing to do with advertising the club. While I agree that it is good to try and recruit members to this wonderful club, it doesn't have anything to do with being VP of Santino Relations.
I got the perfect position. How bout General, TM was general before he was VP. You're here to defend Santino's name and you do it with honor and dignity.

you're not quite VP, but you're pretty damned close

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