Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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I actually like Santino. His wrestling is kinda boring but his mic skills are funny. I think his the funniest guy out of the 3 brands today lol, his good for a laugh.

Tell me he just did not say that? Tell me you just did not say that?
Santino> Vince Mcmahon let alone Cena... It'd be nice to see Santino appear at Cyber Sunday. It'd beat anything Y2J would be able to bring up
Santino is king, fool!

clearly but who can forget some timeless Macen moments such as

New years revolution a few years back when he lost like 3 IC title matches and when Puerto Rican fans were chanting at him he respoded with " I dont know what youre saying I dont know what youre saying"

thats it for his highlights
WWE totally dropped the ball at Cyber Sunday. After the JBL / Foley confrontation, when Austin came out, they had the perfect chance to let Santino come out and face to face Austin. They both could have cut a great promo. That's two straight PPV's they've done this.

I would have loved to see Santino come out with a fake, rigged Cyber Sunday poll asking "What would you prefer to do?": Root Canal, Colonoscopy, or watch The Condemned, with 65% saying Root Canal, 35% saying Colonoscopy, and 0% for Austin's film. Let Santino take a Stunner. All the greats have taken a Stunner. Except Hogan because he's a pansy.

Also would set up: 1) the formation of the Santino Stunerella, and 2) another face down on RAW to plug the Jericho video again.
If Santino took a stunner... He would be forever solidified into the WWE. Hell for Santino to take a stunner, he could wind up in the HOF this year. I mean we all know he'll be in there eventually anyway, but great idea with that fake poll XD

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