Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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:lmao: That was great aswell.

I also found it quite amusing when the whole 'Save_Us.222' video thing was going on and it interupted Santino Marella and he was like "Is that-a you, Stone-a Cold? I know it's-a you!". I couldn't find a video on youtube of it, so I don't know if those exact words are correct.
O.K I know IC25 changed it back and I thank him for that, but I still think you were wrong in changing it Sly.
No, I was doing the same thing we do for ALL other wrestlers.

Thats the thing, this thread has more posts than the Cena and Triple H threads combined, meaning that it is more popular.
LOL :lmao:

Yes, and with such high quality posts as these, it's no wonder:
Yes nobody4rap, sandwiches.
I'm sorry. :/
That's just some of the INCREDIBLE conversations going on in this thread, to make it posted in so often.

Get a clue Rusty. 1) Back when Cena was the hottest thing in wrestling, new threads were made on him all the time, and then closed and locked. They didn't get merged, they got sent to the archives. 2) Cena's thread is in a no-spam zone.

You put Cena's official thread in a spam zone, and merge all new topics related to Cena, and this thread wouldn't have a 1/4th of the post that Cena's did.

Thats not what the thread was about. We don't want people bashing him in this thread thats why it is a Fan-A-Club.
Well, tough. Until told otherwise, this thread is the Official Santino thread. It may keep the name it has, but all Santino related discussion is going to happen in here, including threads discussing how bad he is.

So if John Cena suddenly turns heel, are you going to boo him now?
Of course. Why wouldn't I? I would still say he's a hell of a worker, but I'd boo him. Just like I did to Hulk Hogan back in '96.

In other words "I have nothing else to say".
I don't even remember what this was in response to. But, most likely, it was put because it was simple, and didn't deserve a long explanation.

No it doesn't. It would have lost discussion if IC didn't change it
No it wouldn't have. When you add posters and differing points of view, discussion doesn't go down, it goes up.

Just because you hated the thread and you don't like Santino and you know that this thread was extremely popular, you go and change it to not only fail at creating discussion, but also getting satisfaction out of the move.
Where do you all get such ridiculous notions?

I don't give a rat's ass about this thread, good or bad. But there was another Santino topic made in the Live Discussion, so I merged it with this one, and created one Official thread. Just like we do for ALL other wrestlers threads.

But then the "regulars" started bitching and moaning to the point of ridiculousness.

So why change the thread title if it isn't going to create more discussion.
I've already answered this several times, quit wasting my time.

Then you obviously don't know how much time we put into this thread. Thats called disrespecting. You obviously haven't seen the few people who have tried to bash Santino in this thread.
How much time you put in the thread? What the fuck is that?

You put ZERO time in the thread. You just posted in it, like you do any other thread. It's not like you had to decorate, you just posted in it, many times with posts that wouldn't even crack the IQ barrier. I mean, don't get me wrong, using a post to say "I'm sorry" must be awful difficult, but it's not influencing me at all.

Before changing a thread title, actually read a majority of posts in it to see what it is really about.
Oh, this thread isn't about Santino.

Well, would you please enlighten me as to what it's about?

So if I wanted to support one of my favouries, I should boo them? How does that make sense.
I've explained this more times than anything else I've ever done on a wrestling forum. Again, quit wasting my time.

So now I'm being childish by defending a thread I put so much time and effort into?
Yes. For reasons already explained.

Thank God IC changed it back, because he understands exactly what the thread was about. Only a few other mods used this thread regularly, so PeteRose and Polley also know exactly what the thread should be used for.
It's used to talk about Santino. If it's not used to talk about Santino, it needs to be moved out of the wrestling forums.

Either way, it's ridiculous for the "members" of this thread to bitch about their wrestler being treated the same way as Cena and Triple H.

Santino haters are free to post in this thread, but they will have a tough time debating with us Santino fans.

I've been kicking Santino fan ass all over this thread. Not once has anyone even come close to mounting a reasonable resistance.

Wouldn't it be your job as a moderator to keep discussion going all the time, so why change a thread that already had discussion going on a daily basis?
It's also my job to treat everyone equally, and to keep the forums clean and tidy. Which is why it's ridiculous to have 17 Santino threads when we only have 1 Cena thread.

Slyfox said he thinks the fan club is stupid and ridiculous, so obviously HE has a problem with it.
I think the maturity of the "members" here is equivalent to a 7 year old, and I think that people have blown this whole thread concept completely out of proportion. For fuck's sake, you have a VICE PRESIDENT of SANDWICHES.


with some of the so-called discussion I've seen in this thread it looks like like it belongs in the barroom more than in the wrestling section (:scratchchin: actuelly that might be the best way to solve all this shit, just move this thread to the barroom and create an official Santino thread in the wrestling section, and everybody's happy)
If I had had the power, that is what I would have done in the first place.
At least the Santino Fan Club was about discussing how good WE think he is and not just any old shit.
Yes, because VP of Sandwiches and having school tomorrow is clearly high quality discussion about Santino. :rolleyes:
One thing I want to make sure is known: I had nothing to do with the name change. I think it was Sly that changed it but I'm honestly not sure. I'm just supporting what a member of the staff chose to do.
It was Sly who changed it and IC who changed it back.
Seriously Sly dude, give it up. I'm not even going to bother continue to debate with you. I'm over it, KB is over it and everyone else is over it.

Calling me immature, childish and implying that I'm a poor debator is just sad. I have never been this disrespected like this before on this forum.
Seriously Sly dude, give it up.
Give what up?

YOU addressed me, not the other way around. I just responded to you.

I'm not even going to bother continue to debate with you.
Because you know you are wrong.

Calling me immature, childish and implying that I'm a poor debator is just sad.
I never said anything about people's debating skills, so let's get that out of the way. At least, not in this thread.

And I said people's reactions to treating Santino the same as everyone else was childish and immature, and they were. You all acted like I kicked a wounded dog. It was ridiculous.

I have never been this disrespected like this before on this forum.
Maybe if people would begin acting their age, it wouldn't be a problem?

Outside of this thread, I have no problem with anyone. But the way people act in this thread, when I changed the name (god forbid) was just ridiculous.
I think the maturity of the "members" here is equivalent to a 7 year old, and I think that people have blown this whole thread concept completely out of proportion. For fuck's sake, you have a VICE PRESIDENT of SANDWICHES.


I take full responsibility for this. Back when the SFAC was a fledgeling organization, I was posting youtube vids and realized I was hungry for a sandwich. Someone, I think Gene Yuss / Rotkika, posted a picture of a HUGE sandwich. So, I made him the VP of sandwiches, and it became a tradition.

NOW, that being said, it's not something to be taken too seriously. I changed the thread name back because this is the spam zone and the thread creates a bit of fun for one of wrestling's characters. I'd fully support an "Official - Santino Marella" thread in the WWE / RAW sections, but I want to keep this thread as is because it creates a bit of fun and is totally harmless - much like Santino himself.

And I like the idea of Sly and Justin - well mainly Sly - coming in here and challenging the happy balance of Santino fans. It forces you all to do one of two things: a) ignore the best antagonist on the boards, or b) step up and defend Santino Marella to a naysayer. Pick one or the other, because outside of keeping the thread name the way I originally created and intended it, coming to big daddy admin upset that Sly took your ball away isn't going to hack it.
Please add Holy Shit to the Public Enemy list as he made a thread saying "What is so great about Santino".

Help make this blind man see the light.

Please do make me see the light i have been waiting for three days and still no response...

Everyone who doesn't like him can't deal with the fact that he is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all the times.

How is it that this jobber is better than Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, Bret Hart??? please explain this prepostorous comment

TM Canada Bowles said:
You're name is "Holy Shit" and you think anyone is really going to respect your opinions?

Did i say i fucking cared if people respected me or not? i wanted to know what makes this jobber so special so please get to the point.

Usually jobbers don't hold the IC belt.

Then why is marella holding it?

I gave you bad rep mostly because you are a Public Enemy, and as a member of the SFAC, we are told to give PE red rep.

Yay! i'm and public enemy now. But still, i am waiting for you to answer my question.

State an opinion here now, and Ill respond to it.

I believe i already did.If you want to check it again i'll make it easy for you i'll quote myself so you can look at it again:

I dont get it, i really dont.What is so funny about a stupid jobber who has a terrible italian gimmick?

All he does is win with luck, cheating like a stupid heel, and having stupid promo's about stuff with his stupid accent.Since this is forum that has many santino fans i should debate with you people.

So explain it to me or rather tell me straight to the point, what's so special about santino marella?

Now respond.

Read some of the shit on here to discuss how we have already told why Santino is prestigious.

Well i did, but there was so much bullshit i couldnt take it anymore after 100 pages all i found was: santino is funny ha ha ha...

If you have a new argument, lets have it.

This is my new arguement, what makes this jobber worthy of the IC belt?

shut the fuck up and dont talk in here. But I am ready to debate you if you can bring an unbiased debate my way.

what the hell??? :headscratch:
Santino Marella Facts-

1. Santino Marella once played a game of Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
2. It takes Santino Marella only 20 minutes to watch 60 minutes
3. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Santino Marella lives in Italy
4. Santino Marella doesnt read books, he stares them down and they give up the information
5. If you Google search 'Santino Marella getting his ass kicked' you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen
6. Santino Marella has a deep and abiding respect for human life... unless it gets in his way.
7. God wanted to create the world in 10 days, Santino Marella gave him 6
8. Santino Marella doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. he throws down!
9. Santino Marella can drink an entire gallon of Simply Orange in thirty-seven seconds.
10. Santino Marella ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Santino Marella Facts-

1. Santino Marella once played a game of Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
2. It takes Santino Marella only 20 minutes to watch 60 minutes
3. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Santino Marella lives in Italy
4. Santino Marella doesnt read books, he stares them down and they give up the information
5. If you Google search 'Santino Marella getting his ass kicked' you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen
6. Santino Marella has a deep and abiding respect for human life... unless it gets in his way.
7. God wanted to create the world in 10 days, Santino Marella gave him 6
8. Santino Marella doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. he throws down!
9. Santino Marella can drink an entire gallon of Simply Orange in thirty-seven seconds.
10. Santino Marella ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

PLEASE tell me you didn't just copy a top 10 list from a Chuck Norris website and replace Chuck with Santino. PLEASE tell me you didn't just do that...
Well if your argument is that Santino is a Jobber, that debate has happened a few dozen times in here (The Forums) and the points and both sides have been laid down. List of Jobbers on Raw: Snitsky, Val Venis, Paul Burchill, Deuce, Noble. No titles, hasn't won a title in years (last time in the title picture was for the TT Titles a couple years ago), no titles, former Champ for a couple days on Smackdown, hasnt been champ in years. Santino is a 2 time IC Champ in 1.5 years. Not exactly something a jobber does. Santino wins the majority of his matches, albeit by heel tactics. So the argument should be made, he is more of a heel than a jobber. Santino gets a good 15-20 minutes of WWE TV a week. Name another Jobber in the WWE that gets half or a quarter amount time? Nonw. Name one that gets a huge entrance, or promo time? none. You might not like Santino, but that is because he is a heel. And he uses heel tactics to get over. That is what he does. He was awarded the belt because he is an interesting character. Very few on Raw could get it, because they are not interesting, they dont make the audience care, and they dont bring in ratings. Cade as champ? That guy is stiff as a board most of the time, and Ive scene boards give better promos. D-Lo hasn't shown himself as anything special, and thats why Santino goes over. I can see DLo dropping down quickly if he can still keep his job. Haas isnt liked back stage apparently, but like Santino is in an interesting storyline. I would bet money on the fact he like him, dispite being familiar to Santinos Character, but as a face. Only two people that arent in the Main Event, a Tag team, of another program that could compete with Santino are Kingston and Regal. Regal is fresh off a suspension, and Kingston is still in another program, so Santino is the obvious choice. He has been doing a great job as champ too, he brings the IC belt every week, and has a match for it. Of course people like Batista will go over him, Batista is supposed to be gonig for the World Title, Santino is not. He is on another level, the Midcard level. If he wrestles Jobbers (which he has been doing) he goes over. Simple Pyramid of wrestlers.
The overwhelming majority of posts in this thread have nothing to do with wrestling. Or indeed Santino. Find it hard to see why this chatter is in the wrestling forums.

And to reply to the conversation immediately above - Santino isn't a jobber, just a glorified one. As IC champ, he gets his butt kicked in 30 secs by Batista: a short while ago, Shelton, the US champ and a heel, damn near beat Triple H, the main champ on the Smackdown brand. When Jericho was IC champ, HE almost beat Trips when he was the main man on RAW (and he was heel too!). Just like JBL is a main event jobber, Santino is a midcard jobber.
Would you suggest moving it to the Bar Room then? I wouldn't be sad if it was there either, it would be with OCW. Live Discussion would be pretty boring most of the time then.

What is a mid card jobber? A mid card jobber should be someone who people in the midcard go over, but is in the midcard. Someone like Burchill is a midcard jobber. Batista beat Santino because Batista is a main carder fighting a mid carder. but Santino isnt a jobber to the main card, he will just lose to them. A Main event jobber is someone like Snitsky. You do remember that Santino beats Shelton a couple weeks ago, a guy that just about beat Triple H. Wouldnt that mean that Triple H would lose to Santino due to that logic? Does that then mean that Santino if on Smackdown would be the main event star? Not very Jobber-Like to me.
What about his mic skills? Better than most of the champions. He's overness with the crowd, he's awesome roll up. There are many great things about Santino. Now keep posting non-spam and one day you can join the club!

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