Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

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Longest running club in WZ history. Must not be stupid. Longer than the Morrison Fan CLub. Haas Fan Club and even the John Cena fan a club. We have more post than the official John Cena Thread and so forth. Apparently this isnt stupid.
He sure likes to badmouth this club, eh? Must be because we don't let him join, and that is eating him up on the inside, slowly tearing his insides apart. While us in the Fan Club are filled with joy, having a great time, in a place where all can be forgotten, and we are truly happy. He just wants to ruin a perfect world, because his world is so dark.

Santino sucks, it will be a happy day he WWE finally realizes what a worthless piece of shit he really is, and release him

Why the fuck would I want to join a fan club for such a pile of donkey crap, christ I swear Shitino supporters are the single most blind, biased bunch of fans in wrestling today, they guy could eat his own shit and you'd all call it the funniest thing on RAW in years, it's just pathetic really
define the word pathetic? The man gets television time week in and week out. Whether its winning a hard fought battle or having a promo before a match.
define the word pathetic? The man gets television time week in and week out. Whether its winning a hard fought battle or having a promo before a match.

pa·thet·ic - adjective
1. causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
2. affecting or moving the feelings.
3. pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
4. miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.

When was the last time he had a hard fought battle?, and his promos are overrated and complete shit, he's only had to good promos in his career, one was carried by Stone Cold, the other carried by Jericho
carried by Stone Cold? People were laughing their asses off on the Condemned Promos. Austin did nothing but come out and stun him. Santino was really the only one talking. His Charisma is top notch, and every time Santino steps into the ring its a hard fought battle. Chris Jericho didnt even carry that promo, Actually Y2J pretty much sucked then.

The Honky Donk Meter.. FTW
Ripping on Santino really is pretty much like competing in the Special Olympics. If you win, you're still a ******. Santino is beyond criticism. And if you can't see that he's giving it his all and NOT PUTTING UP HARD FOUGHT BATTLES IS PART OF HIS GIMMICK, HENCE THAT'S WHY HE DOES IT, you may be a mark.
i love this guy santino he does notneed to wrk to win his matches thats what maks it great. i love the glamerallia team and they should do more with men and women like this. santino ca wrestle better i think then we are being led to believejust give it time and he will show us his true in ring skills. i hope he beats the honky meter i think this angle with that is great. although i look for when he is close for honky to screw it up that would suck. atleast this guy cares about the belt and defends the tittle every week
Ever since Santino Entered the ring TheShockmaster has been mildly amused, but come Fall Brawl and he will know pain.
(helmet falls off)
Not again!
carried by Stone Cold? People were laughing their asses off on the Condemned Promos. Austin did nothing but come out and stun him. Santino was really the only one talking. His Charisma is top notch, and every time Santino steps into the ring its a hard fought battle. Chris Jericho didnt even carry that promo, Actually Y2J pretty much sucked then.

The Honky Donk Meter.. FTW

I have yet to laugh at the Honkey Donk Meter.

Marella was funn when he first turned heel, the condemned stuff and jericho stuff maybe the JerryLawler/Trips at a push.

That was a year ago. He has not been funny IN A YEAR

His ring skills are terrible

seriously get over it! he's pathetic.
coming from someone who likes Stevie RIchards. Who wrestled in the WWE for like 10 yrs and he has nothing to show for it... rofl... Charlie Haas has been in the E since 05 and he's a 3 time tag champion... Whoopy...

Since April of last yr Santino is a two time IC champion.

HIs stuff with Carlito was great and so forth. So in like a yr in a half hes accomplished more than RIchards has in his E career, and Charlie Haas.
coming from someone who likes Stevie RIchards. Who wrestled in the WWE for like 10 yrs and he has nothing to show for it... rofl... Charlie Haas has been in the E since 05 and he's a 3 time tag champion... Whoopy...

Since April of last yr Santino is a two time IC champion.

HIs stuff with Carlito was great and so forth. So in like a yr in a half hes accomplished more than RIchards has in his E career, and Charlie Haas.

He has 22 titles from WWE :p

I like Richards because he's great on the mic AND CAN WRESTLE. His best stuff was in the ECW. You can't say oh marella is a 2 time champ when really he can't wrestle.
Hardcore title is a joke; Santino has showed he can wrestle already, you must be too blinded by his promo to see his matches.
i've yet to see santino wrestling skills

maybe a year ago i'd be blinded by his promos.

Monday's was shit.
He has 22 titles from WWE :p

I like Richards because he's great on the mic AND CAN WRESTLE. His best stuff was in the ECW. You can't say oh marella is a 2 time champ when really he can't wrestle.

Santino says:

Shut-a-your-face, Lee Flame K! Steven Stupid Richards has never been anything to anyone! He is not a two time Inter-continental, ah CHAM-PIONE!

Seriously, you're saying Richards is better than Santino? And then you're even admitting his best stuff was years ago when ECW was actually quasi relevant in the uphill climb that was its 1.0 cable rating? Are you high? Richards is a jobber with NO redeeming qualities in the WWE. Santino is not only a two-time IC Champ, he gets regular face time because of how entertaining he is.

And, as you should know by now, the entertainment factor is what makes him a good professional wrestler. What makes Richards a "good wrestler?" The high kicks? The high spots? The rolls? Santino was doing some fantastic "wrestling moves" in OVW, but those do not fit his character now, so he doesn't use them. It's not that he doesn't KNOW the moves - he just plays his character well. Richards, on the other hand, was only ever relevant in WWE when he was playing everyone else's characters.
at this point in time marella's better because well stevie got released! I was just saying it cos TM Canada Bowles brought up stevie richards,as it's well known that I'm a fan of his work.

well lets see santino's moves, because frankly he's stale and boring.

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