Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

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We have a new Celebrity Member. He's been in such films as Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, First Blood, Rocky Balboa, Rambo, Demolition Man, Cliffhanger and Judge Dredd. He is nonoe other than The Italian Stallion Sylvester Stallone.

Public Enemies 1-4
Mr. Sam


PolleyWally (Vice President)

PeteRose'sHaircut (Treasurer)

TM Canada Bowles(Secretary)

Papa Shango (VP Of Sandwiches)

Y2Jake (VP Int'l Relations)

Juggalo4Life (VP Of Membership and Marketing Activities [MMA for short])

Colamainia/C-Diggity (VP Of Prisoner Relations)

Uncle Phatso (Designated Driver)

IrishCanadian25 (VP of ADMIN relations)

Sir Sparky(VP of Santino Relations)

Forum Members
Freedom 35
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
Caias Ward
Steamboat Ricky
Tim Tam
Santino 48/7

Hardcore Kennedy

Celebrity Members
Denzel Washington
Jenna Jameson
Debra Marshall
James Earl Jones
Sylvester Stallone

Papa John’s Pizza
Molio’s sandwiches
Vic's Pizzaria and Italain Restaurant
Italian American Club of Sebastian
Mike's Pastry
Santino SQUASHED D-lo Brown.

In 62 weeks time, Marella will hold both the Intercontinential Title AND the World Heavyweight Title. You heard it here first.
WZ's own Raw Reporter Nick Paglino should be added to the public enemy's list. This is what he said in his recent review:

Santino is the biggest joke the Intercontinental title has ever seen, and even though WWE is clearly going for that effect, in the long run it does nothing but devalue a historically important title.

and also:

The Honk-a-Meter was hysterical, and I love the idea of Santino (who actually is one of the weakest IC champs I can think of in recent history) comparing himself to the great Honky Tonk Man. The problem here, however, is that if the Honk-a-Meter has a future, than we're in for a years worth of IC Title degradation. I think it will get old seeing Santino wrestle the same 45 second match week in and week out. So while the gimmick got me to pop tonight, I can't say it will 62 weeks from now.

This man should be public enemy #1.
I am all for that. I started the debate in the RAW section, and I may shoot an e-mail to Nick inviting him to come in and debate it with me.
so this guy thinks he knows anything about history? This Nick is it? Where was he during the greatest moments of the wrestling world? His mommas basement. Where was I? My momma's living room. the diference between us? He thinks he has the ability to call a great Intercontental Champion down? IS Santino not better than giving the belt away every week, like it was the hardcore belt? Is Santino not better than a man with pimps carrying the title around? Is the IC Championship not better on Santino than being molded with the WHC Belt? The US Belt? How about giving this belt to the tallentless Billy Gunn? The Hairy boring Albert? Lifetime jobber Val Venis? The Woman with a Penis? 400 pounds of crap Rikishi? And anyways, how was the Honky Tonk Man a great champion? Because he held the belt for a long time during a time frame when the IC was shit, and had no challengers? Was he not squashed for the title over a year after winning it? Look at the challengers now in the Midcard! Kofi Kingston, William Regal, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Lance Cade, Jamie Noble, Charlie Haas, JBL, Paul Birchill, DLo brown, as well as any great wrestler on the other brands that could challenge. Right now the WWE has a huge amount of men that should be trying to use the IC Belt as a stepping stone to get ahead, but they will have to wait their turn, as Santino Marella, one of the best IC Champions of not only this decade, but maybe all times is in the midst of his reign.
Okay, so I really hoped someone's gonna make an actual Honk-a-Meter for my desktop, because I need it more than I need this cheese pizza right now.

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