Santino after the Rumble

The American Legend

Dark Match Winner
After reading about how Santino was the last man to be eliminated at the Rumble last night, I realized what I want to see happen on Raw with him tonight. The start of a new push for a serious Santino.

If WWE is going to ever make him the serious competitor he can and should be, and see no reason why he can't be funny and still win matches, it would be now.

I can see it now. He's backstage, talking with Koslov about how close he came to winning. How he had a taste of the glory, and wants more. So now, he's going to try to win every match, become the best. They can have him win a No.1 contenders match for the US title and he challenges Bryan to a Wrestlemania match. Then they could have some awesome video clips of Santino training with Koslov to get in shape for the match. Cue awesome 80's soundtrack for the videos.

This would allow Santino to become a more serious wrestler in ring, carry most of the mic work leading up to the match, and take the title off Bryan so he can go on to bigger and better things while Santino's career is fully launched.

What do you think? After looking at all this, this is now the only WM US title match I want to see. If you don't think Santino is talented, find his OVW vids. He was a beast
Yeah i agree he is talented, however i don't really care to see him as anything other than a comedy jobber/tag champ. He just doesn't interest me at all, and the only reason he was last eliminated is because he is over as hell, and hid under the ring to impress all the little kids.

I would much rather have DiBiase get the title at Mania, as i see more potential for Ted in the future. Yeah, he needs work on the mic/charisma etc etc, but his in ring ability is 2nd to none.

Just my opinion though.
I don't want to see Santino Marella to be WWE champion or World Heavyweight champion ever. I can't take him serious and frankly, I don't want to. The guy is good in the ring back in the day, but then WWE made him a joke and makes him be a tag team with Vladimir Kozlov. Now if they changed his gimmick to something more serious and not a complete wannabe comedian, then yes, I would'nt mind him being a top contender for the United States championship.
not sure he is world title material, but i do like your idea with the montage and Kozlov training him. i think that would be hilarious.

competing for mid card titles (IC/US) makes sense to me. i think it coudl work.
I can see Santino holding the U.S. or IC Title again someday but that's as far as I will go. Santino as a great comedy character and there's nothing wrong with doing just that. He's had a successful career in the WWE so far and he's one of the most over people on the roster.
i dont see santino ever winning the world or wwe title, although with him being a former intercontinental champion, the united states championship wouldnt be a bad thing, but i dont see him winning it at mania
I think they're just showing anybody can win. How realistic does it look when it's the same 3 people that get eliminated last EVERY year?

But right now I think he's busy being a tag team champion, and he looks more credible now than he did a year ago.
I couldn't agree more with everything you just said. I never understood why they made Santino a jobber with his in-ring and mic ability. He's probably the most underrated talent on the roster and hopefully you're right, maybe this is the start of something new.

Are him and Koslov still the tag champs?
Frankly I think that Santino's performance at last night's Rumble was a one off thing and it does not mean that he will be pushed for the WWE title or even a midcard title for that matter. Santino has a definite role within the WWE and it seems to be working quite well. There is no need to push Santino beyond where he already is. There can be plenty of main eventers but few guys can bring a smile to anyone's face like Santino does on a weekly basis.
Santino would of been a better headliner than delrio, why are people trying to say this was a good shock, he has a copycat gimmick and cant wrestle and on the mic hes boring and not understandable, santino and koslov both deserve strong pushes but together and helping eachother win. santino has had some strong matches and is a strong midcarder and talented mic who the kids in the pg era would really get behind, he shud fued with delrio headin to the chamber match give him some status as no point a fued with one of the champions as noone knows who champion wil be. and koslov is excellent power house who needs back on the mainevent scene like he was on smackdown, he has awesome matches especially when he beat taker clean. let this guy get back to the top but with satino helping him by doin the mic work. this wud be excllent for both men both deserved and boh entertaining
Although WWE being WWE this is a pipe dream
Listen, I like Santino as much as the next guy but he will never be more then a comedy character. Even if he does win another mid card title it will be with some sort of comedy involved. Actually the training with Kozlov to "Eye of the Tiger" and "You're the Best" idea in the opening post would be a perfect comical idea to give him a mid card title run.

As far as Santino being a successful serious character, IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Santino is one of the most over guys on the roster because of his comedy, the WWE would be stupid to make him a serious character. Making him serious would be a potential career killer for him. Everyone just needs to enjoy Santino as he is. Comic relief.
Like him or not, how would you guys have felt if Santino actually won the Rumble last night? In my opinion, that would've been akin to David Arquette winning the world title a second time. Santino has no business being anywhere near a main event. There were at least 30 people in that Rumble I'd take more seriously as champion.
After reading about how Santino was the last man to be eliminated at the Rumble last night, I realized what I want to see happen on Raw with him tonight. The start of a new push for a serious Santino.

If WWE is going to ever make him the serious competitor he can and should be, and see no reason why he can't be funny and still win matches, it would be now.

I can see it now. He's backstage, talking with Koslov about how close he came to winning. How he had a taste of the glory, and wants more. So now, he's going to try to win every match, become the best. They can have him win a No.1 contenders match for the US title and he challenges Bryan to a Wrestlemania match. Then they could have some awesome video clips of Santino training with Koslov to get in shape for the match. Cue awesome 80's soundtrack for the videos.

This would allow Santino to become a more serious wrestler in ring, carry most of the mic work leading up to the match, and take the title off Bryan so he can go on to bigger and better things while Santino's career is fully launched.

What do you think? After looking at all this, this is now the only WM US title match I want to see. If you don't think Santino is talented, find his OVW vids. He was a beast

This would be absolutely perfect (no pun intended) for Santino, as soon as I read your post the first thing that came to mind was the Rocky IV training montages in the snow leading to the matches with Drago. Those vignettes could be masterfully done if if done RIGHT. The comedy would have to go, Kozlov would have to be more of a trainer, hell make up some story involving Marella going to Kozlov for training advice, (Remember when he was a Mauler?) I think this would have been a great start for Santino to become credible, finally. I dont think many people gave him credibility when he randomly won the IC title, or while he jobbed around/entered into the program with Kozlov. This would be his chance, id like to see it, He doesnt even have to win a title match against, say Bryan as per your example, but just have him look real strong in defeat. The Rumble hopefully would be his gateway to bigger and better singles things.
I'm somewhat torn, because I would like to see him and Kozlov wrestle in more of a serious capacity, and yet they do pretty well being used in the humor bracket, as well...
I too would like to see Santino get a serious push. He has the tools. He solid in the ring and he is great on the mic.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to get fans to take him serously; kill him... figuratively speaking of course.

Here's my solution to getting both Koslov over as serious contenders:

Have Santino's antics cost them the Tag Team Titles. Have his antics also cost them the rematch. As this happens, Koslov would get more and more irritated with Santino.

Put them in a #1 contenders match for the tag titles (maybe at Wrestlemainia so that is draws more attention). Once again, Santino costs them the match. At this point, Koslov snaps. He then proceeds to annihilate Santino. I mean he absolutely destroys him to the point to where Santino get carried out on a stretcher. The next night on RAW, they announce that Santino's career is over. He had sustained injurys that would not allow him to compete any longer in the WWE.

This puts Koslov over as a monster heel. You can have him go around destroying weak opponents - even have him beat the crap out of hornswoggle - until someone like Mark Henry trys to stop him, thus creating a good feud for both men.

Eventually, Koslov would work his way into upper mid-card status. This is when a more serious Santino makes his return to exact his revenge. Santino would be over as a serious face, while Koslov would be over as a serious heel.

What are your thoughts on this?
You're the Best Around was exactly the song I was thinking of. I mean imagine Santino doing push ups, all straining and stuff, Kozlov yelling at him, some 80's headband on. Perfect.

And when I say serious, I mean more serious in ring. Like let him show his skill, have a real finisher, win matches. He can still be comedy gold outside the ring and on the mic, but still kick butt in ring. I don't see why that balance can't be struck.

Kidd, that sounds like a good idea. Beat really badly, then fighting his way back into the WWE with revenge on his mind. It really could work. And it would make Kozlov relevant again
Kidd, that sounds like a good idea. Beat really badly, then fighting his way back into the WWE with revenge on his mind. It really could work. And it would make Kozlov relevant again

It would work out good for both guys.

IIRC, Koslov was brought in as a monster heel to start with. Why not get him back to that?

And after the feud between Koslov and Santino is over, Santino can-like you said- go back to SOME comedy but be all business in the ring.
It's only taken about 2 years but the WWE have finally given his character some wrestling ability. I think with the right push he could be a huge star, even if it does take a while for him to evolve from slapstick comedy to a serious contender. Has the whole package but I think he's probably too valuable as a comedic talent to ever progress. Here's hoping.
He has the ability but he can't be pushed as a serious wrestler without risking losing all the pops he is getting. Cobra is so over right now it would be stupid to throw that away. Sure he can by funny and winning, but the Cobra is no main event move. The people's elbow was stupid, but it did not have funny weird 'my hand is not obeying me' gestures so it was at least believable as a finishing move.

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