Sad day in the CA household...


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The girlfriend comes home with the boy, and guess what, he has his first WWE T-Shirt, a Jeff Hardy T-shirt, ugh. Well now I know how my dad felt when I was a Hulkster instead of a Flair fan. Anyways, I take some pride in knowing that he wanted the Mysterio shirt, but they were sold out. Damn me for letting them watch the Ladder match DVD.
Whats the problem? Jeff Hardy is better than Mysterio could ever dream of being. Hardy has more fan support as well.
The girlfriend comes home with the boy, and guess what, he has his first WWE T-Shirt, a Jeff Hardy T-shirt, ugh. Well now I know how my dad felt when I was a Hulkster instead of a Flair fan. Anyways, I take some pride in knowing that he wanted the Mysterio shirt, but they were sold out. Damn me for letting them watch the Ladder match DVD.

Its ok, they have classes for this now. They'll take him into a room with poster of Flair, Hogan, Steamboat, Vader, Stone Cold, and even Rock. They will show him countless matches and promos from all the greats and say "you see (boys name) these men had charisma, skill, and the ability to make people care about their matches. Jeff Hardy just has a shitload of colors in his hair and jumps off stuff."
I'll agree with the last couple of years, but I would still say Mysterio has a bigger fanbase amongst kids, in which case a 7 year old wanted a Mysterio shirt but settled for Hardy. As far as the entire body of work career wise, there is no comparing the two Jeff Hardy should worship the ground Mysterio walks on.
Agreed but has his career been better? No. Don't kid yourself.

Define career. Jeff Hardy is just getting started, watch in 5 years Hardy will have more world titles than Mysterio has pimples on his ass. If pushed right Hardy can be the next HBK....If pushed right.
Its ok, they have classes for this now. They'll take him into a room with poster of Flair, Hogan, Steamboat, Vader, Stone Cold, and even Rock. They will show him countless matches and promos from all the greats and say "you see (boys name) these men had charisma, skill, and the ability to make people care about their matches. Jeff Hardy just has a shitload of colors in his hair and jumps off stuff."

I've been teaching the boys right, but i won't let them watch any attitude era stuff. I'm a fuddy duddy I guess, but any pay per views with Bikini contest, Ice T, or anything just stupid, they won't watch for now. So right now they are being force fed Hogan. Ladder match DVD's are okay, and teh Mysterio DVD they love. They're getting into the Austin DVD, but that is being monitored closely by me.
Define career. Jeff Hardy is just getting started, watch in 5 years Hardy will have more world titles than Mysterio has pimples on his ass. If pushed right Hardy can be the next HBK....If pushed right.

Well that would probably involve not jumping off of ladders anymore, because he's starting to walk around like Mick Foley. If you take the spots away, will Hardy succeed, who knows. Mysterio to this poitn has had a better career, but he is already beginning to pay for the years of wrecklessly using his body, whose to say that once Hardy hits 33 that he doesn't take a physical nose dive and become very injury prone, and that's to say if he doesn't have anymore "wellness" problems.
I'll agree with the last couple of years, but I would still say Mysterio has a bigger fanbase amongst kids, in which case a 7 year old wanted a Mysterio shirt but settled for Hardy. As far as the entire body of work career wise, there is no comparing the two Jeff Hardy should worship the ground Mysterio walks on.

I don't think Mysterio is as popular as you think he is. I have seen the reaction both men get, Hardy has out popped people like HBK and Y2J. Did you see the match between Y2J and Hardy? The fans clearly supported Hardy. Hardy's popularity has really shoot up recently.
I've been teaching the boys right, but i won't let them watch any attitude era stuff. I'm a fuddy duddy I guess, but any pay per views with Bikini contest, Ice T, or anything just stupid, they won't watch for now. So right now they are being force fed Hogan. Ladder match DVD's are okay, and teh Mysterio DVD they love. They're getting into the Austin DVD, but that is being monitored closely by me.

Thats not being fussy, thats being smart. My cousins love wrestling just as much as I do, but they are four and five years younger and were not allowed to watch WWF during those years. My aunt almost crapped herself when she saw they had evening gown matches.
Well that would probably involve not jumping off of ladders anymore, because he's starting to walk around like Mick Foley. If you take the spots away, will Hardy succeed, who knows. Mysterio to this poitn has had a better career, but he is already beginning to pay for the years of wrecklessly using his body, whose to say that once Hardy hits 33 that he doesn't take a physical nose dive and become very injury prone, and that's to say if he doesn't have anymore "wellness" problems.

Did you say Mysterio is walking around like Foley? :lmao: Come on, he isn't that bad. Of course Foley made a legacy outta killing himself. You don't know if Hardy will fall apart by the time he is 33. HBK is still rather strong and is 41, who is to say Mysterio has dropped due to drug use and not his in ring work?
My dad is hardcore NWA guy, all Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, and now Jeff Jarrett, he loves southern wrestling for some reason. Never understood the obsession myself, but the man knows a ton of shit about the old timers.

HBK has had good matches, but you can tell he struggles a ton with his back and knees, but HBK is on a completely different plain then Hardy or Mysterio are.
HBK has had good matches, but you can tell he struggles a ton with his back and knees, but HBK is on a completely different plain then Hardy or Mysterio are.

HBK is on a different plain then anybody out there. HBK still puts on good matches, recently with Hardy. But I think his passion for wrestling is dropping and that back injury he suffered years ago maybe coming back to haunt him. I have my doubts HBK even wants to wrestle anymore.

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