Sabu Returns to TNA at Hardcore Justice


Dark Match Jobber
TNA has officially announced via their Facebook page that Sabu will be returning to the company at Hardcore justice. Any opinions on this can be posted here. Personally I'm happy to hear this news because Sabu has always been willing to put his body on the line for the fans.

That is the best I can give. I am sure for Hardcore Justice thats great and for ECW fans it really could not get any better, but after ECW'S 2nd Last stand is all said and done.

.....Goodbye Sabu, or in typical TNA fashion hello "OMG WWE is going down we got the Sabu!"

Nothing personal ''/
Well I think that this could be a good thing for TNA, although I'd like to see who he's matched up with 1st. Maybe TNA can pull this off, even if for one night. I still won't buy it though. I haven't been convinced of TNA but adding Sabu will give life long, diehard TNA fans a bit of memory of what the man used to be.
sabu is one of the few guys i will go crazy over everytime he shows up anywhere. u can count on a crazy fuckin match & i feel bad for whoever he fights. u know hes gonna fuck his body up so u can only imagine what the other guy is gonna look like after its over.
Well, there are no fewer than 3 Botchamania videos directly devoted to Sabu's completely inconsistant wrestling. He can't cut a promo, which is as much a product of his gimmick as anything else. And, he's a good 10 years out of his prime. Granted, in his prime, he was still a really bad wrestler who was, in a paraphrase of Paul Heyman, only in ECW because "he was different."

I'm sorry, but, if I want to watch a sadomasochist mutilate himself, I can hand a razor blade to an emo kid, and get the show for free. But, that's NOT what I want. I'm a wrestling fan. I want to see wrestling. People have this really stupid notion that, for some reason, the most important word in "hardcore wrestling" isn't "wrestling." This is why people like Necro Butcher or Mad Man Pondo will never be hired by any company with a major audience, much less be successful in those companies. Sabu needs to just go the hell away.

How many body parts has this man had surgically repaired/replaced? Frankly, I honestly expect Sabu to die the exact same way that Misawa did. And, that would be horrible for American wrestling. People need to stop booking him, for his own good. The fact that fans of actual wrestling don't have to put up with his shitty matches is just a side bonus.
Sabu is, in a word, incredible and I'm happy he's coming back to the national (international) stage at Hardcore Justice. He was a large part of what defined the original ECW and probably the most neglected "piece" of Vinny Mac's revived ECW promotion. His extensive list of injuries, as well as the scars on his body, tell the tale of what lengths he's willing to go to in order to give the fans a good show.

I remember watching Chris Benoit dump Sabu on his neck and thinking "he'll never walk, let alone wrestle, again." I still shudder at the thought of his "Barbed Wire Massacare" with Terry Funk, yelling at Alfonso to get medical tape so he could seal up a 3/4 foot gash on his arm and continue the match. I remember watching him at a live show literally holding his jaw together as he hit a triple jump senton onto Shane Douglas through a table. Is there anything this man won't do to solicit oohs and ahhs from the crowd?

Hopefully at Hardcore Justice, we'll all be reminded just how special a wrestler Sabu is. Now that he's confirmed, all that's left is the announcement of his opponent. If I had my wish, it'd be Mick Foley.
It was always going to happen considering he is good mates with RVD but I am glad it has been announced.
Also despite all the hate towards this ECW event TNA actually did excellent numbers on lasts weeks Impact. If this is one off PPV for ECW followed by a free PPV quality impact what are people bitching about.
Sabu improves the PPV greatly, they just need to keep improving it as there is not enough there to spend money on.
Well since this is solely for one night, and for Sabu specifically, one match, this is great. It makes this night a little bit more legit for ECW fans as well as guarantee at least one insane match on the card. Even if all he does is throw a shit load of chairs at his opponent I'll be satisfied.
I am happy that Sabu is going to be there, hopefully he can put on a decent match and not get hurt. Sabu is one my favorite Ecw originals and I'm excited to see what he will do at Hardcore Justice
I agree 100% with Caitiff, Sabu is the definition of sloppy. Guys like him and Necro do not belong on TV. It takes more than banging shit around and bleeding to be good. Foley was never the most graceful guy but at least his matches made sense. Take guys like Nick Mondo who jumps off of roofs and gets attacked with weedeaters and lightbulbs, then has to retire in his 20's because he's too much of an idiot to actually wrestle. Sabu had his place in ECW so it makes sense for him to be at the show, but I won't shed a tear if its the last I ever see of him.
Great, Sabu will kill himself in a few days...

The whole idea is just plain asinine. Yes, Sabu will be joining a few other originals for one more night of crazy hardcore action. Few people will enjoy it, the majority will not.

Hey, I guess let their over the hill, past their prime bodies absorb one more night of punishment. I guess they do deserve one more night in the spotlight no matter how stupid the concept.

So get ready all you ECW fans for all the thumb tack, chair swinging, barbed wire and fire fun.
for him to come back at this event is perfect. Dude is the epitome of hardcore. Anytime sabu gets into the ring, you never know what can happen. Sure, he botches a lot of moves but he takes risks that others ain't willing to and that's what makes sabu dope. He sure ain't the best wrestler but he's willing to take and give some brutal punishment, so I'm glad he's back to kick some more ass!!! YODEL
I've never been a dan of Sabu but he is an original so why not. If he has wrestling ability he hasent shown it but hell if he gets slammed into a barbedwire table i wont complain.

So get ready all you ECW fans for all the thumb tack, chair swinging, barbed wire and fire fun.

At least ECW had some really good wrestling. Unlike some other promotions who went way over the top with the violence.
I'm sorry, but, if I want to watch a sadomasochist mutilate himself, I can hand a razor blade to an emo kid, and get the show for free.

^^^That is hilarious!!! But iagree with him about Sabu. I mean i like seeing aall the hardcore mentality as everyone else but ECW died in 2002 and the more they try to resurect it they kill the legacy even more. Same can be said bout Sabu. Hes gonna be like Hogan he will never accept that he is out of his prime.
This is a thread about Sabu making his return not bitching about the 3rd ECW nostaligia PPV ( WWE did it twice, but I understand watching their programming makes one lose touch of reality). The first one was great and mostly authentic, the 2nd was a WWE PPV in disguise and I expect the 3rd to pick up where the 1st left off. There are many legendary feuds that weren't reignited for the original ONS. I think they will try and get to the matches that weren't able to happen like Dreamer vs Raven, Dudleys vs Balls and someone else with a flaming tables, Fonzie and RVD together again for a last ECW style match and stuff like that.

Is Sabu a good addition for TNA. Hell yeah, he's great for the X-Division or tag division. He would be a great person to reinvigorate the X-Division actually. Will Sabu bring ratings? Not much but he has his fans and he always puts on a good show. Will Sabu botch moves? Hell yeah, it's almost a part of his gimmick, you are always looking for the next time Sabu almost kills himself doing his triple chair jump spot and tapes himself up on the outside to do it all over again.
Sabu is my favourite out of the lot from the original ECW...this guy would go through anything and always puts on a f'n show!!!

He was the one guy I was waiting lets have a reunion show!!!
I think it is good. Sabu was definitely a huge part of the old ECW. Now if only The Franchise and Paul Heyman would sign up this could be awesome. I just recently started to get into TNA and I think this angle isn'e that bad.
Sabu can't wrestle? ::gasp:: say it ain't so.... seeing as pro-wrestling hasn't been wrestling in .... well before I was born, thas a completely useless statment, Sabu being back is great, knew he was gonna be, now it's jus cemented, can't wait for him to kill himself for the fans like he always does... some wrestlers jus give a shit bout the fans, others... go up north =) (yeah cheap jab, I know) but homicidal suicidal genocidal is back, and even if for only a night, I will enjoy the hell out of it
I think that Sabu is a perfect example of a wrestler that long time ECW fans have a romanticized view of. He's the epitome of overrated in my opinion. Unless Sabu takes a chair shot to the head, gets put through a table, gets barbed wire wrapped around him or turns himself into a living pincushion then there's absolutey nothing special about him. Most wrestlers with the most rudimentary and basic education in pro wrestling are every bit capable of doing what Sabu does inside the ring. It takes no skill to do what Sabu does, only a deep and abiding love of pain.
I really couldn't care less about this SL, but as far as Sabu being involved at the ppv... It wouldn't be """"ECW"""" without him...

I expected they would probably get him... I figured they would get the franchise because he isn't doing anything special at all, but he turned TNA down...
Those of you saying Sabu is an over-rated hack... If he doesn't barbed wire, chair shot, triple back flip through a flaming table... Uhhhh, exactly. See it live ONCE. Throw up in your mouth a little bit. Wash it down with overpriced luke warm beer.

Then watch him get up.

And remember it FOREVER.

It's not the four horsemen. Not the five moves of doom.

Re! spect! Got something to say.

I hope he interferes in RVD's match. Then he and Rob have a bloody botchfest on Thursday.
Sabu's actual wrestling ability maybe overrated but he always puts on an entertaining match.
I saw him live against RVD last year and I it was awesome, sure he botched every third move but people have come to accept that purely because they know they will still leave happy.
I think he is a good addition to the PPV as he always will be associate with ECW and it is not a proper reunion without him, regardless of anyone's opinions on his ability.
sabu is partially saving this show. i guarantee you ppv buys for this show just went up by 500 households. if it really is supposed to be an ecw show then he would have to be there. in my mind, thts like having sting at a wcw reunion show. its a must. sabu has always wore ecw on his sleeve and im glad he is gna be there
sabu came up with some of the craziest moves and matches in history.. sure he has been involved with weapons and shit, but who hasn't in reality. Sabu however did so much more and if you had actually watched the original ecw you fools would have known that.

anyway, glad to see he is on the card makes sense. I just hope they do the show and leave it at that.
Those of you saying Sabu is an over-rated hack... If he doesn't barbed wire, chair shot, triple back flip through a flaming table... Uhhhh, exactly. See it live ONCE. Throw up in your mouth a little bit. Wash it down with overpriced luke warm beer.

Then watch him get up.

And remember it FOREVER.

It's not the four horsemen. Not the five moves of doom.

Re! spect! Got something to say.

I hope he interferes in RVD's match. Then he and Rob have a bloody botchfest on Thursday.

Let me see if I can sum up your arguement. "He's a good wrestler because he gets up from shit that no-one in their right mind would ever intentionally do to themselves." I've been hit by a car beofre. I got up and walked away from it. Does that make me a good wrestler? No. And, it doesn't make Sabu one, either. It makes him a disgusting side show freak. I HATE splatter-porn. And, let's be honest for a second. That, in a nutshell is the only thing Sabu brings to the table.

And, while I'm on a bit of a rant here, there's a word for the people who are actually excited to see this guy walk into a ring for the sole purpose of drowning in a river of his own blood for a paycheck that will barely pay for the medical bills incured that night..... "Sadist." And, sadly, that's most of the people who have responded to this thread.

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