I agree with Prax about the fact that just because you don't like the direction of your character and booking, you can't get away with breaking rules. He seemed to do that for quite a while too. Frankly, it seems like loyalty and respect are the best ways to be heard. If Sabu would've been a team player for the 10 months or so he had been there, maybe they would given his opinions more clout.
I am sad to see him go though. A recognizable, developed, very-over charcter is hard to come by. Matt Stryker, Snitsky, Extreme Expose are never going to get the reactions and fanbase that Sabu did. Plus, for all that he has done, it's sad that he won't get his payday. If he stayed and been pushed again, he may have gotten a DVD, more merchandise, PPV bonuses, etc.
Disagreed Mork, Kane has been a team player his whole career and not really gotten much from the company besides his tag runs. What makes you think Sabu, someone who has been there for a less amount of time, would get a different treatment?