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Sabu released

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
Several sources are saying that former ECW World champion Sabu has been released from WWE.

Sabu arrived several hours later to tonight's scheduled Smackdown/ECW taping in Baltimore, Maryland. He didn't even bring his ring gear with for some reason. He was sent home from the taping and has been/will be released by the company.

WWE hasn't issued a statement yet.

From WWE.com

WWE has come to terms on the release of Sabu. We wish Sabu all the best in all future endeavors.
The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of Sabu. We wish Sabu all the best in all future endeavors.

Well i have to say i knew this was coming as with RVD losing last week to McMahon that the oringinals were dead. From the looks of it with Sabu showing up late to the taping and not even with his gear was basically saying to WWE just let me go. I wish Sabu the best of luck but I have no idea what he is going to now. So looks like this is the beginning of the end for the oringinals of ECW. So whats next for Sabu?

(move mines please as me and Ace had the same timing lol)
AJ, it looks like we're having ourselves a good old fashioned WWE firesale. We might want to make an "Official WWE Releases thread, because we've got what, 4 down, we'll probably see about 8-10 more by the end of the week. WWE has to pay for Steph and Johnny Ace's raises somehow.

No suprise on Sabu, which is fine. He'll be in TNA again helping them out instead of being wasted on that abortion known as WWECW
Well I dont think TNA will go after him personally as I think they would rather save themselves for RVD when he goes as theres no way he is staying in WWE. But for Sabu I think its kind of funny as he did all that he could to get released andit worked as I dont think if he didnt do what he did he would prolly still have a job in WWE.

( i think a WWE releases thread be better as I'm with you shocky the next couple of weeks is WWEs annual firesale lol)
I have a feeling that Sabu is going to be the First (Second after Vito, if you want to count Vito as ECW) of many releasing as WWE gets rid of most or all of the origionals.

I thought that Sabu was headed to ROH, as i'm sure he could be of some use to them, but I know TNA does't want him because he already had a run with them and I doubt they want to recycle him.
It was only a matter of time, Sabu was getting beaten up by the travel and was being misused. It was only a matter of time before this happened. He needed a lighter schedule and the E couldn't give it to him.
I'm sick of the way that WWE has misused the originals. ECW was the last company that cared more about making good matches than making soap operas. Whenever there is a decent young guy who can develop or when a great storyline is staring them in the face, WWE finds a way to screw it up. Sabu is lucky to get out now, and hopefully this WWECW won't be considered part of the true ECW.
GOOODD He Was Being Misused IN The WWECW Anyway
I bet He Did'nt Like Workin Anyway
sabu i'm pretty sure will find work else were, but if i were tna, i would try and bring in sabu and have him hint at rvd arriving in tna very soon, even if it wasnt happening, just do it. and if rvd does show up, have them 2 put on a crazy ass match that they could, and have the announcers sh!t all over wwe for not using these talents to the best of there ability.

tna needs something a little more like old skool ecw to differentiate from wwe, tna has some young guys that can fly with those 2 aswell.

g'luck sabu and the rest of the originals, hopefully these guys can find better companies to use there talents.
sabu i'm pretty sure will find work else were, but if i were tna, i would try and bring in sabu and have him hint at rvd arriving in tna very soon, even if it wasnt happening, just do it. and if rvd does show up, have them 2 put on a crazy ass match that they could, and have the announcers sh!t all over wwe for not using these talents to the best of there ability.

tna needs something a little more like old skool ecw to differentiate from wwe, tna has some young guys that can fly with those 2 aswell.

g'luck sabu and the rest of the originals, hopefully these guys can find better companies to use there talents.

Rabbid Wolverine is exactly right. TNA can use the wasted talent as a total shot at WWE disrespect and misuse of their stars. I'm just afraid that if TNA gets big enough, WWE will buy them out or TNA will turn into a WWE-like brand.
Sabu was just released, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sandman soon followed. I think what would be a really good idea, although unlikely, would be for TNA to sign RVD, Sandman, and Sabu all at the same time, and they could start their own ECW faction, with the likes of Rhino, Dudleys (Team 3D), Jerry Lynn, etc. With the direction that TNA is going, I think this faction could do wonders, and I know that TNA is a leach off of others reputations, so they would actually possibly make ECW look good, not like Vince tried and failed at. anyone Agree with this, and anyone hope to see it?
Theyve released Sabu and if they release RVD, Sandman, Dreamer etc. why is it even going to be called Extreme Championship Wrestling?!
TNA has a long way to go from that. Sabu would more than likely return to TNA. And bad move by the WWE. They fired Sabu while RVD was still under contract with the WWE and while they're trying to make sure RVD signs. Big mistake because now there is no way in hell that he'll stay. Him and Sabu go way back as do the rest of the ECW alumni but Sabu was at the top. So they kicked out Sabu then they might as well kiss RVD goodbye.
This comes as no surprise to me anyway. He was purposefully trying to get fired and it has finally payed off, and I'm damn glad he is gone. The guy deserves so much more and Vince just didn't see it. I think it's pretty safe to say that Sandman is gone next and RVD surely will follow Sabu to wherever he goes. Maybe we could see RVD vs Sabu in ROH, where they would be allowed to be themselves and put on great matches. Dreamer will just take back his old office job so he won't be released completely.

Good luck Sabu.
its amazing how fast his star fell. I mean think of it, in the summer early fall he was the main face to challenge Big Show. Now he's fired. TNA is in a hard spot with this one, do you sign him after he left them high and dry, I'd say no, but if you want any chance of RVD (who will probably job to Snitzky tonight) in TNA then you definitly need to sign Sabu.
I glad Sabu has been released, now he can go somewhere that will use him properly, he'll probaby end up back in TNA at some point, especially if RVD signs with them, but I see him either making a stop in ROH, or going to Japan for awhile, TNA won't pick him up right away, and I think I read somewhere that Samoa Joe said he wanted to have another match with Sabu somewhere down the road, personally I would love to see that happen
Well Sabu being released has been on the cards for a while because of some of his behaviour backstage. But who can blame the guy??

Like the rest of the orignails he was just jobbed out, after a strong intial showing. To me its a sahme as I havet had a hell of a lot of exposure to Sabu, but I did like what I had seen.

ECW could of been good if guys like Sabu were used properly, but its just another case of Vince showing us that ECW is nothing but the third brand of the WWE. Getting rid of the guys who orignally drew any fans to the show at the beginning.
ECW is burying itself. First Lashley is the World Champ, then Vince is the World Champ. It's a fucking joke. Sabu is fired and that means RVD is on his way out the door. The only hope would be to put the belt on Punk and that would only delay the inevitable. Close the fucking doors, ECW is dead and burried!
I am sure the main reason Sabu even sucked it up in WWECW as long as he did was for a good paying paycheck that he got there. I don't expect to see Dreamer or RVD getting released anytime. WWE is going to keep him until his contract runs out then let him make up his mind, which is still up in the air whether he stays or not. Dreamer has been reported to most likely return to his job behind the scenes. I'm sure Sandman will be released within the next few weeks though, but I can't see him going to TNA. I hope that Sabu does go to TNA, I think he still has some years left in him, and the TNA environment is more suited to his style. If he doesn't go there he will probably go to Japan.
Well, as much as I didn't want to see the day, I knew it was coming. This whole WWECW idea has turned out for the worst. Seriously, if the WWE Management gave a damn about the legacy of ECW, they would've treated them better. Sabu was supposed to do the job for Kevin Thorn? I'm sure he took that as a major slap in the face. Sabu deserves way better considering all the tables he went through back in the day. The man deserves more respect but because he's considered a 'Glorified Stuntman', WWE treated him like one.

It's a real shame on this one though. Sabu gone. Sandman is reported of being next. What are they going to do with the ECW Originals faction now? I don't really see CM Punk joining them for some reason. Punk should have nothing to do with their storyline. I say forget the ECW Divided idea and just let RVD get the Title, and let Burke and Punk feud. That's the most milage they can get now.

ECW has been dragged in the mud their whole time as the third brand of WWE. WWE really doesn't give a damn about ECW as long as it shuts up the ECW lovers. This whole thing was pathetic and ECW was never considered an equal to RAW or SD. Vince McMahon as ECW Champion just shows you how they don't care. Tommy Dreamer will hopefully keep his job though. Because most WWE fans have never seen Dreamer in his prime IMO.

So what's next for Sabu? Dunno. I would suggest ROH and in my mind, that seems like their and his best choice. I doubt TNA would really care about him at the moment. Sabu would be under-used just like his last visit there anyway. Ring Of Honor, however, just landed a TV and PPV deal and a newly signed star wouldn't hurt. That would work great for Sabu too as he could show people how good of a technical wrestler he really is. He could also be a replacement for some of the talent they lost due to them seperating from TNA.
Ace, I have to disagree with you...

Why should WWE respect Sabu if he's not willing to respect WWE and the rules it has established? No matter what his "legacy" is, he's a part of a business, he's binded by contract and he's expected to perform in a certain way and live up to a certain standard and a certain attitude. And he knew what the atmosphere in WWE was like before he signed his contract.

What everyone is saying is basically WWE should respect Sabu as if he's something like Ric Flair (which he's FAR from being... I don't see him being better than any mid carder in WWE), and be allowed to do whatever he wants. It's been well documented that Sabu has constantly broken the rules the WWE has established and I don't think has really done anything to further the ECW brand.

How is Sabu's style in any way shape or form what the ECW brand needs? Because he was there ten years ago everything should revolve around him? No... he does what he's told to do, he serves his purpose. And his purpose is to put over new talent. Why is losing to Thorne a slap in the face? He's an up and coming talent that deserves to be pushed. So Sabu is a veteran who has somewhat of a cult following and he's untouchable? Please.

I'm glad Sabu is gone. He was just a waste of space in my honest opinion and completely unecessary. He had no mic skill and couldn't get over in a wrestling match without throwing a steel chair or climbing the top rope. Hopefully his TV time will go to someone who can actually entertain me with something other than a complete no-sell spot fest.
Whatever. All I can say is I won't be watching ECW without the originals. Regardless of how good 'the new breed' might be, they're just not all that interesting to me. Neither is Snitsky, Extreme Expose, etc. and so on.
Seconded. I'm not going to watch ECW without the main attraction that I was initially drawn to. I can stop watching early cause I know RVD won't be back, and I'm sure Sandman and Dreamer will follow him out the door.
I won't be disappointed to see either RVD or Sandman gone... RVD more spotfest than the X-Division (ever notice how he always fucks up in his matches too?), Sandman is just a stupid gimmick. I'd rather see people who can actually wrestle.

Tommy I would miss, but he isn't leaving. He's not getting any younger or lighter and he has a cooshy desk job at WWE.
I agree with Prax about the fact that just because you don't like the direction of your character and booking, you can't get away with breaking rules. He seemed to do that for quite a while too. Frankly, it seems like loyalty and respect are the best ways to be heard. If Sabu would've been a team player for the 10 months or so he had been there, maybe they would given his opinions more clout.

I am sad to see him go though. A recognizable, developed, very-over charcter is hard to come by. Matt Stryker, Snitsky, Extreme Expose are never going to get the reactions and fanbase that Sabu did. Plus, for all that he has done, it's sad that he won't get his payday. If he stayed and been pushed again, he may have gotten a DVD, more merchandise, PPV bonuses, etc.
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