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Ryder no 1 Contender for ECW title


Occasional Pre-Show
If you would have told me a year ago Zack Ryder was going to be the No. 1 contender for the ECW title i would have been surprised. If you would have told me i would be excited about the fude, I would say you that you are crazy. but that is what happened. It looks like Ryder vrs Christen will be a good couple months of TV, with the potential to be a epic fude. What are your thoughts on this. Who will be ECW Champ after it is done and over with?
I think Christen will keep the belt, but make Ryder look good. props to the wwe for getting me behind Ryder i am excited about this fude.
Woo Woo Woo you know it.(had to say it.)

I'm keen I suppose to see what he's got but at the same time I'm quite dissapointed the Regal feud isn't continuing. It seems odd that they are ending it before it really got going. Well, they might not be ending it I guess, we'll have to wait and see but I hope they at least keep the Regal/Kozlov/Jackson thing going because it was fresh and pretty entertaining.

Why they chose Ryder to win the Battle Royal is a tad odd, I really wouldn't have expected him to win at all but yeah I'm interested to see where they go with this. It may be a swerve though like the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. No one thought Kofi would get in there and we were all suprised but the reason was so Edge could snake his way in. Maybe Regal will somehow knock Ryder out before the HIAC PPV.
I guess it's good, Ryder, no matter how stupid he looks, is a damn fine wrestler, and his finisher looks pretty good as well. I don't think he will walk away champion by any means, though. He doesn't have the air of a champion, let alone one of the three major titles, kind of, ECW's title has become a glorified mid-card title. I think Regal would have been a better choice to take the belt from Christian, he has the look, and he deserves a solid title run. The ECW title is meant for new comers, and Veterens who haven't had a good title run in forever, Kane, Dreamer, Henry, Christian, etc., so it would make sense to give Ryder the title, but something like the Cruiserweight title would be more up his alley.
WWE persevered with Dreamer as champion, even though his reaction was lackluster. Looks like WWE have learnt their lesson and Regal's push is finished. As it should be as well. As much as I like him he's not over and his look is awful.

The Ryder/Christian match should happen on PPV, but it probably won't. Everything other than the Hell In A Cell matches at...Hell In A Cell are filler, so there's no harm in giving Ryder a shot.

Obviously Ryder shouldn't win, not for a while anyway. But I'd suggest that Christian faces one of the newer wrestlers on each PPV, just so they can gain some exposure.
why not have ryder win it. gives christian an chance to be moved to smackdown and give the title to an rising star. woo woo woo you know it.
Good move by the "E" IMO...

It develops another up and comer... much like Morrison or Ziggler.

I think these three guys are the long term future of the WWE and I would not be surprised if somewhere in the next few years we see a Ryder / Morrison / Ziggler triple threat. Honestly, I would like to see it right now.

Christian has always been a company guy so at some point during their feud, he'll put him over. Of course, it's always up to creative, but they should let Ryder hold the strap for a while.
Well, I found it odd that Ryder and Tatsu had a match prior to the Battle Royal. It seemed out of place, but I guess that’s for another topic.

As for Zack getting the nod, I think it’s a great surprise. It reminded me of Edge, which reminded me of the Rated R Entourage, which reminded me of Hawkins. I think Zack should get the ECW Title on his second try with help from his Major Brother. I know they are pushing him as a singles Star, but if Regal couldn’t do it, would anyone believe Zack can beat Captain C alone?? It’s time to expand the Black Show.
Hey guys!

I too really like this move. It seems me that ECW is being well thought out in terms of talent development.

As I read somewhere else, Christian will make Ryder a believable no1 contender and since Yoshi beat Ryder, he gets elevated in the process as well (even though it would be at this point hard to buy, since Ryder lost so many times to Shelton)

Nonetheless I think Ryder won't stand a chance to win the title. They are now gonna put a few of the young guns as contenders just to see how they handle themselves in PPVs and such.

Expect Sheamus to follow with maybe Kozlov in between just to give some proper time to Sheamus/Shelton feud.

Ultimately I would say Sheamus will get the title from Christian before the Draft in order for Christian to move to Smackdown with the Edge return to ring.

My only concern is, where does that leave Regeal, Kozlov and Ezekiel?

(i've digressed a bit, my apologies)
i am so happy for zack ryder ..he is amazing ....just like paul burchill and katie lea ..i love them!!!

i think that heart dynasty is the greatest thing that ever happened to the wwe! and they deserve the unified tag titles and natalya deserves the divas belt!! (cryme tyme deserves it too) i hop that zack ryder is the next ecw champion!!!
I'm a bit disappointed in this booking decision, because I wanted to see Sheamus in a match with Christian. Sheamus I believe is a bit more over and has an overall better look than Ryder. Not that I'm completely unhappy about this move. I agree with Jake who said that Regal had an awful look and just wasn't over enough for people to get interested in the ECW title picture. I suppose Christian's streak will have to end soon because he's been a champion for a while now and It's time to freshen the main event of ECW a bit. So I guess this move is good, but It's a shame Sheamus has to wait. I hope they do a lot with Ryder. I wouldn't mind seeing some promo's with him telling us stuff and give him more character development. The guy has a good look, awful music but his ring performance is great. Who knows, maybe he'll get screwed by Regal, or gets defeated by Christian and maybe he will become the next ECW champion.
Thank god someone new is challenging 4 the championship!!!
I personally wanted Sheamus 2 win but Zack Ryder was so unexpected and im happy he won.
I am sooooooo sick of Dreamer and Regal. I hope Ryder wins the belt so that there is brand new ECW Champion, WOO WOO WOO!!!!
WWE persevered with Dreamer as champion, even though his reaction was lackluster. Looks like WWE have learnt their lesson and Regal's push is finished. As it should be as well. As much as I like him he's not over and his look is awful.

I think Regal is still over, even for the C-Show. He came out on the most recent episode during Tiffany's promo, and said nothing too heelish. He just greeted her and said she looked very lovely. The crowd responded with solid boos, as they should because Regal plays his role effectively. He's a pompous English bastard and just oozes arrogance. He won his match that night still dressed in his shirt and slacks, for crying out loud.

Anyway, I'm a bit disappointed that the Regal-Christian feud was cut short, because I think it still had legs under it and those two could put on some solid physical matches. But, I'm glad that Zack Ryder has been given the nod now, despite losing his match to Yoshi Tatsu right before participating in the Battle Royal. I think it will be an interesting feud simply because it is different, but nothing more than that.
I want to go on record and say i think Shamus will get his shot at the ECW belt and be the one to take the belt from Christen. Ryder is just filler, but it should be good filler.
I think this should be a good feud, although it reminds me much of the John Cena, Brock Lesnar feud from quite a while ago. A rookie VS. A champion, not much chance of the rookie winning the belt, but could give him a chance to get over big time.

This is the time I saw as Cena taking the ball and truly running with it (along with his Undertaker feud) and if Ryder can do the same we may see some big things from him in the future.
I was also surprised by Ryder winning the No. 1 contenders match. He must been catching some of the higher ups eyes. Hopefully he won't drop the ball. Good for him. I hope he does get a chance to hold the ECW gold( actually silver i think..). A few months ago I heard how the WWE wants to make new stars. I see that they are trying to live up to thier word.
I can see Ryder winning it at a PPV only to lose it the following tuesday in a squash match with Regal or one of his round table guys.
A few months ago you heard how the WWE wants to make new stars?

No shit.

Giving Zack Ryder the No. 1 Contendership shocked me at first, dissapointed me at first, then thought about a Christian vs. Ryder match-up. It really appealed to me. I am dissapointed that Regal isn't still the number one contender but I'm sure next week he'll have something to say. Maybe a Triple Threat?

Ryder is impressive yet for some reason I don't get the Woo Woo. Dunno what all the fuss about the Woo Woo is.
When I first saw Ryder win the battle royale after losing cleanly to a match against Yoshi Tatsu I thought one of two things. A) A great way to make people forget he lost a one on one match & B) to give the newer talent the push.

As of now, the WWE is in the well-known "Crisis Mode" to push talent into the mainstream to correct their mistakes. Having Ryder pushed into the ECW title scene is a great choice as he is the only new established star whom is believable in having a feud with the champion. He has a following at the moment & can be some sort of a draw for the feud. He needs to get the experience from someone who can give to him being Christian & he definitely needs the rub. From what is on the Dub roster, he is a likely candidate for moving to either SD or RAW & needs to become established over the next few months before that trade is to happen.
I love the current Zach Ryder character. He is one of the few wrestlers in the WWE who currently entertain me. His attitude and crazy look have really won me over.

That being said, I'm kind of surprised the that the he is getting pushed into the main event picutre, even if it is only on ECW. There really hasn't been any sign of this push at all over the last few weeks.

I think that his feud with Christian will be solid though, hopefully ending with him winning the belt a few months down the line.
If he makes the most of it, and based on his commentary on Superstars (which was fantastic), he will, giving Zack Ryder this opportunity is a great thing. For a kid so young to truly grasp a character and run with it is not something you see every day. Ryder is a new kind of heel, one who throws generic out the window. For someone from the same hallowed grounds of Long Island as Ryder, that look and personality is one you see all too often and grow to hate. If all of you haven't seen it, watch the youtube sensation "my new haircut" and you'll see the similarities between Ryder and those guys. Ryder is playing the "musclehead douchebag" role to perfection. Working with a guy who has a big mouth but is liked can only lead to a quality feud. I like Regal, but I was so confused with that storyline. This one has the potential to go places and Ryder already has more head than Regal's triumvirate. This could be the start of something big for this kid as I really think, other than the Miz, this kid gets heel psychology more than any up and coming heel on the roster. If given the chance, he will go places, and I look forward to a champion from the 516!
Zack Ryder isn't weapons grade shit, but he is certainly unpolished. His look is quite good, but I don't think we've seen him have a decent match yet. This is more than likely a stop gap feud until either Sheamus, Kozlov or Jackson is ready for a championship feud. I don't think it'll be horrible, but I don't think Zack Ryder has done anything that warrants me thinking for a second that he might actually win.
Regal had an awful look? Just not over enough? First of all From his theme song to his sinister grin to the dirty tactics he uses in the ring Regal is a top notch heel through and through with a thorough grip of professional wrestling. Secondly as far as him not looking good is concerned. Did you see him wrestling during the PPV? He and Christian stole the show. That was the best I've seen Regal preform in a long time. As long as he stays out top of his game he definently has a chance to be a viable contender for the ECW title. Its ECW its not about this persons look or how over they are I think Ryder winning the battle royal is evidence enough that they will push you in ECW for workrate alone.
The part I don't like is the fact that Zack Ryder lost to Yoshi Tatsu earlier in the night, and then won the battle royal. Was the back story to it was Ryder was looking to erase the loss or something? Whatever. That wasn't too important.

I am not angry about Zack Ryder becoming the #1 contender, I just wasn't expecting it. I assumed that Ezekiel Jackson or Vladimir Kozlov would win in order for William Regal to continue fueding with Regal without him getting a title shot. I do not think Zack Ryder should win the title. I would like one good, solid match between Christian and Zack Ryder for the ECW Championship with Ryder looking good, but giving Christian the win. If that was done right, Ryder wouldn't need a rematch, but carry the momentum he gained and use it in other things without the ECW Championship around his waist.
I was suprised by Ryder winning but I was also quite happy to see it happen, pushing new young talent is a good thing, and I hope this goes somewhere for Ryder.

Though I was pulling for a Shelton Benjamin win.

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