RVD Upsets Many With Controversial Comments

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Also, RVD AND Jeff Hardy are relatively obscure compared to Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Sting, and Kurt Angle (or, for that matter, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, etc). The better part of RVD's career was spent in a niche wrestling organization with very limited exposure, while Jeff Hardy was only a main event star in a major promotion for a short time before leaving for TNA. The other names I've mentioned have been main eventers in major organizations on and off for years. It's pretty naive for RVD to imply that his and Hardy's star power has really made a big difference in the grand scheme of things, considering the caliber of recognizable talent that has come before.

Everyone is obscure compared to Hogan. Again if ECW was so fuckin niche why was RVD so popular during the invasion storyline? How did WWF fans already know about him and why would they never accept him as a heel?

Hardy's slow rise to the top in WWE and his popularity lvels never meshed and that was due to his own "misconduct' and negative perceptions of him by the brass. Hardy's main event run is closer to now then RVD's which occurred c. 2005/6. RVD has always been popular and so have the Hardy boys, its just them, TNA isn't gonna be different and obviously they are gonna utilize their charisma no mater what fed they are ever in.
RVD has no right to say these things seeing as much he's phoned in his TNA run. However if it IS a heel turn then its awesome. A great way to lead to it.

I'm really confused about people talking about ratings....aren't they just getting back up to what they were last year?
Even though this blog was posted on Sunday night, these comments could be used later down the line in the Fortune storyline. For the most part Fortune consists of TNA originals. Then there's Abyss on his own. They don't like that TNA has brought in Hogan, Bischoff, the ECW guys, and so forth. Now RVD gets beat down and who knows what's going to happen with him now. While his comments were controversial, they could be used later down the road, especially now that TNA has this ReAction show.
I have done weed before, including countless other drugs such as extacy. And I gotta say this really could be him just high. I could not imagine him being so publicly rude. Does he not care what his peers think of him? The way his speech is in this text, it just seems so free and open minded, without care or pause or analysis. This is exatcly how my friends would talk when theyre high, and then a day later they would be like did I really say that?!
That is the f'ing problem. They act like rockstars. And what does hogan do? Gives them a present. They never loose!! Kurt Angle by himself have drawn more ratings. You know that Hardy vs Moore isn't a classic!! And Christian at least accepted being hit by thumbtacks.

Why would you have a very brutal match and one of them hasn't even touched the thumbtacks or the bared wire while the other one got stuck with one. The show got better ratings as soon as hogan decreased his TV time and gave it to wrestlers like Beer Money and MCMG. Im actually upset that after WWE had Super Cena, TNA brings super rockstars to ruin it!
RVD is, and always has been, a very cocky performer. I mean, c'mon... his signature taunt/pose is the double thumbs back to himself, as if he was the greatest wrestler who has ever lived. This isn't an insult by any means. It is an endearing quality that makes RVD who he is.

The delivery of those comments is pure RVD. The content of them is almost entirely the truth. Most wrestling fans (note, I didn't say TNA fans) couldn't care less about Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, or even AJ Styles. Again, that's no insult to those talents. It's just that those outside of the TNA inner circle don't care and feel they don't have a reason too.

Last night, the TNA vs. ECW angle being worked went a long way in getting those folks to care. I'm sure RVD's blog post is primarily fuel for that fire. The pro-EV2 (or anti-TNA) guys will say he's absolutely right. The TNA faithful will say he was disrespectful and wrong. There will be a lot of varying opinions in between. Sounds like a great long-term angle to me :)
I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat.
The thing is...you can't argue with the numbers.
Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings!
TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers -that nobody knew-wasn't working.
TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now!
Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it?
Too, young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective.
Whereas some of the TNA "stars" are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and
myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go.
Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine.
In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do.
WE love our fans and we love their love.
TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and
I see it all happening now.
This is a very exciting time.
More people watching TNA means more people exposed to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good
enough to hang around with the rising standards.

Yeah...yeah...yeah....Looks to me like he's telling the truth.

TNA was floundering. TNA hired Jeff and RVD, and BOOM. Ratings increase. With higher ratings comes higher exposure and ad revenue. With more money comes more pay checks and house show tours. With house show tours comes even more exposure. That can only be good, right?

While his statements come along as logical and true, I do have one small problem. He is attributing the rise in ratings to Jeff and his own presence...which I would say is completely false. There are a lot of new things going on with TNA at the moment, and those are attributing along with Jeff and RVD. Logical fallacy RVD. Logical fallacy. Get off the weed and you'd probably think straight.

But yeah. Beyond nitpicking logical flows, the statement as a whole works. Who gives a fuck in the back if they didn't wrestle in the pay per view this past Sunday, which blew donkey ass, or if they're taking a back seat to wrestlers that are proving a draw? It's what happens on WWE all the time. I don't care if the next Benoit comes along, he's getting 1/10th the time that Cena and Orton get.
RVD is, and always has been, a very cocky performer. I mean, c'mon... his signature taunt/pose is the double thumbs back to himself, as if he was the greatest wrestler who has ever lived. This isn't an insult by any means. It is an endearing quality that makes RVD who he is.

The delivery of those comments is pure RVD. The content of them is almost entirely the truth. Most wrestling fans (note, I didn't say TNA fans) couldn't care less about Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, or even AJ Styles. Again, that's no insult to those talents. It's just that those outside of the TNA inner circle don't care and feel they don't have a reason too.

Last night, the TNA vs. ECW angle being worked went a long way in getting those folks to care. I'm sure RVD's blog post is primarily fuel for that fire. The pro-EV2 (or anti-TNA) guys will say he's absolutely right. The TNA faithful will say he was disrespectful and wrong. There will be a lot of varying opinions in between. Sounds like a great long-term angle to me :)

This is why I voted no in the poll. That's always been RVD's character. There have been things said or done away from the show over the past few months that seemed like they were being done in character (AJ's interview complaining about the company being the main one), that there was more going on than what was being force fed to us. This thread made me go back to look at a lot of the events recently, and maybe it's the TNA fan in me, but if all this fits together like I'm thinking it does, then damn it's gonna be a good storyline run for Impact and TNA's PPVs.
I'm not exactly sure what so many people are complaining about overall. RVD said some things that are no doubt insensitive and make him look more than a little full of himself. However, much of what he said is pretty much right and I think that's what has so many people riled up. There are far too many people with this idealized illusion as to exactly how good the overall TNA product is and has been and RVD is someone that just isn't willing to play along with said illusion.

Now that doesn't mean that TNA doesn't have some very talented wrestlers on the roster but there are some wrestlers that are "stars" only in the minds of those fans that happen to like them. For instance, I don't necessarily like John Cena but the guy is a star and anybody that would try to deny it is a damn fool. For instance, are guys like Shannon Moore and Generation Me talented? Sure, but I don't think I'd go so far as to call them stars. It might be somewhat egocentric of RVD to point some of this stuff out, but that doesn't mean that a lot of it's not true.

As far as ratings go, well I do think that RVD is being a bit overly generous when it comes to his impact on the numbers. While TNA's ratings have improved to the point where they're regularly drawing at or fairly close to the same numbers they were for much of 2009, I don't know how much of that can be fairly attributed to RVD and Jeff Hardy. What about iMPACT! returning to Thursdays? What sort of impact could Hogan no longer being the center of attention at iMPACT! have had? What about matches like the Guns/Beer Money best of 5 series? What about the nostalgic draw of the ECW guys? All of these are potential factors that have to be considered along with Hardy & RVD. I don't see exactly where the record setting ratings are coming from. Record setting ratings would be if iMPACT! drew more than 2.2 million viewers, which was the company record set for the January 4th episode of iMPACT!.
Voted no. Not an RVD mark. In fact Ive always thought he was goofy.

Regardless, Can someone explain to me why RVD telling the truth is a bad thing? The fact is that TNA, since RVD, Hardy, Anderson and recently EV 2.0 have joined, has done numbers and broken previous records. More people know who AJ Styles is now than ever before. Same goes for the other guys who you all seem to think should feel aggrieved. Bare in mind these are the guys who have been their the entire time TNA has struggled to break through in the consciousness of the majority of wrestling fans. How can people who bring that exposure be a bad thing? Has anyone watched the TV lately? No old guys squashing young guys. So whats the fucking problem?

You are trying to build a brand to one day compete on the level of WWE - hardly gonna reach that goal only having unknown, untested talent. And they are untested.
For the record, I've never been an RVD fan.. Nor do I think he was ever really a top star like a Rock or even like a HHH before 2000. But to say he is wrong about a lot of things in that posting is kinda dumb. The internet pisses their pants over Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly, but how many people walking down the street would go "Hey, is Alex Shelly?"

I think the only thing I disagree with is that the ratings have improved solely because of him and Jeff Hardy. It is possible that the show has really been good the past few months? That they are putting more emphasize on guys and gals who can play a character and be memorable without having 10 minute matches with 5000 backflip set spots? Or whatever about how there are actually some clear storylines that make sense?


I just think RVD worded what he was thinking wrong.. But I have never thought "articulate" when I have heard RVD speak. haha
You know, I've never thought RVD being too cocky until reading this thread, and then I watched the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd and saw the debut of RVD at the one PPV of theirs when he ranted about being a 2nd choice for the main event. He just goes off..about how he could be paid more money elsewhere. Okay...so then why even waste the fans' time if you're not happy about being give the chance to debut on that show? Then you stick around and have ECW make your career? You basically come off looking like a big horse's ass. Then this just kinda cements it as your legacy. I'm sure if I walked around the TNA backlot somwhere, I'd probably recognize Samoa Joe, or Jay Lethal, or AJ Styles, (I mean who wouldn't now with that tattoo of his?) If there wasn't locker room tension before, I can assure there will be now after those comments.
Don't you all see? It's a work. RVD may be a pothead, and TNA may have done some stupid things before, but he's still a veteran. And he's a veteran who, while definitely a bit selfish at times, has for the most part of his long career remained respectful of all the people he's worked with. TNA has been using blogs, tweets, facebook, etc. to further the storyline that all unfolded on Thursday's impact, that being, the TNA originals (or fortune) vs. the guys that are trying to take over the company that they built. To me, it's fantastic.
You know, I've never thought RVD being too cocky until reading this thread, and then I watched the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd and saw the debut of RVD at the one PPV of theirs when he ranted about being a 2nd choice for the main event. He just goes off..about how he could be paid more money elsewhere. Okay...so then why even waste the fans' time if you're not happy about being give the chance to debut on that show? Then you stick around and have ECW make your career? You basically come off looking like a big horse's ass. Then this just kinda cements it as your legacy. I'm sure if I walked around the TNA backlot somwhere, I'd probably recognize Samoa Joe, or Jay Lethal, or AJ Styles, (I mean who wouldn't now with that tattoo of his?) If there wasn't locker room tension before, I can assure there will be now after those comments.

It wasn't his debut with ECW. He was already on his way to being established at that point - which is why he had valid grievance at not being booked on the biggest night in the companies history at that time. Heyman, guaranteed, told him to cut that promo.

I'm sure you would recognize Joe or AJ if you were walking around at MGM. Clearly though, the majority of fans have had little or no exposure to these guys.
'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat.
The thing is...you can't argue with the numbers.

What numbers Rob? The ones that haven't changed in 2 years, way before you entered the company? Moron

TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers -that nobody knew-wasn't working.

Yeah thats right you fucking ********, the biggest grossing PPV was only the one headlined by Angle and Joe, the technical wrestlers.
Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it? Too, young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective.
Whereas some of the TNA "stars" are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and
myself live like actual celebrities

I've seen him on the front cover of Vogue, Heat and all them magazines outside the wrestling circuit. My family also know Jeff Hardy and RVD as household names /sarcasm

WE love our fans and we love their love.
TNA is blowing up.

The only thing that blew up was you in your match against AJ

More people watching TNA means more people exposed to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good
enough to hang around with the rising standards.

RVD is only any good when there's props involved. His ass was carried by Lynne in the old ECW.
What numbers Rob? The ones that haven't changed in 2 years, way before you entered the company? Moron

House show figures. Revenue generation. Those numbers.

Yeah thats right you fucking ********, the biggest grossing PPV was only the one headlined by Angle and Joe, the technical wrestlers.

How many of the other record PPV's or Impacts feature a Joe or AJ type?? I'm willing to bet very few. In fact, and I doubt anyone will disagree, Angle draws ("an old guy" I might add - funny how its not a issue with Angle, hmm....)

I've seen him on the front cover of Vogue, Heat and all them magazines outside the wrestling circuit. My family also know Jeff Hardy and RVD as household names /sarcasm

Van Dam's right on this one. For how great these TNA originals are in between the ropes - no-one knows who they are. His point wasn't that he or Hardy transcended the business and are household names - his point is that the LARGE MAJORITY of the people who watch wrestling related programing had no fucking clue who Kaz or AJ or any of these guys are. They do now. That's his point - you saying hes wrong? These guys haven't gotten more fans now than they've ever had? Is it just the smarks who know these guys? I think not. Frankly I'm getting the sense you're misunderstanding his points just to give you an excuse to rant. Sorry if that upsets you - but its either that or you cant read because I think the points he's making are very, very clear.

The only thing that blew up was you in your match against AJ

That doesn't refute his claim that TNA is blowing up? You're disagreeing with him but rather than present some evidence you choose to bandy around insults and criticisms of the mans work. Smacks of someone with no tangible reason for disagreeing. Again sorry if you don't like it - but you chose to write the post, don't blame me for calling shenanigans.

RVD is only any good when there's props involved. His ass was carried by Lynne in the old ECW.

So who carried him the rest of that TV title run? In fact Ive heard people infinitely smarter than you, me and everyone else on this server, when it comes to the wrestling industry, say that RVD was money and that WWE missed the boat in the early 2000. Not sure about that myself tbh - but it still doesn't mean he couldn't go. Utter horseshit I'm afraid.

Summing up? Its probably one of a few things; either you just don't like RVD or you hate Hogan and anyone connected to him because you failed to give us any real reason why RVD is wrong. If he was wrong and I believed he was - I'd post why, not just sling insults.
Doesn't that tool realize that the only reason he and Jeff are as famous as they are is becuase of WWE? Jeff Hardy's lucky Vince decided to let him job to HHH all those years ago and stick around long enough to be that famous,and RVD...HA! Had they not bought out ECW his ass would be in some indy league slicing his body up with nothing but his weed stash to call his own. It just annoys me when people are given celebrity like this and they just fuck it off and cut down people around them. Yes your overrated ass should be taking a back seat to those "new guys". I'm not a fan of TNA in the least but I know how hard the road has been for guys like AJ and others,to have to wallow in obscurity behind first the main event mafia,then hogan,bischoff and the band,and now this jackass and EV2.0 . It's a crying fucking shame and if he wasn't such a loyal guy I'm sure AJ would have left to WWE long ago.
Doesn't that tool realize that the only reason he and Jeff are as famous as they are is becuase of WWE? Jeff Hardy's lucky Vince decided to let him job to HHH all those years ago and stick around long enough to be that famous,and RVD...HA! Had they not bought out ECW his ass would be in some indy league slicing his body up with nothing but his weed stash to call his own. It just annoys me when people are given celebrity like this and they just fuck it off and cut down people around them. Yes your overrated ass should be taking a back seat to those "new guys". I'm not a fan of TNA in the least but I know how hard the road has been for guys like AJ and others,to have to wallow in obscurity behind first the main event mafia,then hogan,bischoff and the band,and now this jackass and EV2.0 . It's a crying fucking shame and if he wasn't such a loyal guy I'm sure AJ would have left to WWE long ago.

Hate to be the one to break it to you; All these guys, AJ, Joe, Kaz(AKA "who?!") etc have been in wrestling obscurity for 8 years. 5 million people watch wrestling every week, roughly - 1 million of them watch TNA. That's one 5th of all the people watching wrestling. Since the addition of established talent the number has went up by one half, again, roughly. Now these older talent are taking a backseat - its been incremental, you cant just suddenly take all the established talent and disappear them. Now lets see if you're all right - now they're being given the ball, I'll bet you right now that less than half, in fact no, 1 quarter of them haven't got what it takes.

Bookmark my profile and PM after the new year once AJs the champ again and they're back to 0.6 every week.

Oh btw - Vince was using RVD 2 years before it went under. And your statement about "wouldn't be stars without WWE" - how many guys in the industry are there that you cant say that about? How is that a slight? please explain.

Anyone with half a brain could tell you that Jeff Hardy is an asset to any company - they couldn't tell you why hes so over, he just is, it happens - some guys have what you cant be taught in wrestling school - "IT" factor. Something most of the TNA originals don't have - even if they pooled it all together
RVD has not pulled any outstanding matches since he debuted in TNA. OK he has about 5 to 7 minute matches. I find his and Jeff's work in TNA so far to be very boring. In Jeff's case I think he is just trying to help put over the young talent, but RVD has been pretty sloppy at best and should live up to his comments and actually pull off an exciting match that can last more than 10 minutes.
RDV needs to change his intitals to EGO

I think RDV is a shitty champion, why TNA has been kissing his ass for the last 3 months is beyond me. His ring work isn't awful, but hes nothing to write home about. I would rather watch AJ work any day. He can't cut a promo, his matches go about 5 minutes and he looks like a fat old man in a bathing suit. He has the personality of a dead fish. They can't even come up with a decent feued for him. The only thing he has going for him is the RDV chant. I would love to see Matt Mogan get a hold of him in a shoot.

Hardy on the other hand has a little charisma and is a decent worker. I would rather see Hardy as champ, but that ain't gonna happen with his legal problems.

I was always watching TNA before Mr 420, and will still watch after him. Now in terms of him saying that him and Hardy are the stars. RVD.. Um...did you forget about Hogan, and Jarrett, or Nash, Foley, Flair, especially Flair!!! I mean..Space Mountain.

Damn... talk about a self-important self-obsessed self-loving little selfish bastard.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

WE love our fans and we love their love.
TNA is blowing up.

The only thing that blew up was you in your match against AJ

In a shoot AJ would kick RDV's ass.

Reading those comments is embarrassing. Can't believe the current champ and one of the top faces in the company would say something like that. Unless you want to divide the locker room, saying shit like this is pretty damn stupid.

So yes, his comments were extremely uncalled for, and he should be embarrassed for spewing out stupid shit like that.
Typical. Hes always been a smart ass cocky asshole. Recently ive had little respect for him and he just lost the lot. That is terrible.

"Rockstars" more like stage stealers. I loved seeing Aj styles, Kurt angle and samao joe doing classic matches before they arrived. I dont care how long or how good of a wrestler people think RVD is but Aj Styles and Kurt Angle are on a diffrent scale. Ive seen Aj Styles pull off a frog splash and it was 10 times better than RVD's.

He really is just an idiot.
Ratings are one thing, just one of the factors that determine the success of a company. PPV buys, house show revenue, and autograph and special appearence venues; the money collected also fuels the company.

I agree with Rob Van Dam; if he and Jeff are indeed the ones responsibile for drawing additional interest with the fans that create an addition revenue supply for the company, then they deserve recognition.

For example, a special appearence venue; who do think would draw more attention for TNA? A Jeff Hardy, an RVD, or even a Kurt Angle; compared to an Eric Young, a Robert Roode, or even a Somoa Joe? The answer...obviously the formers would...
The truth hurts, but he's right.

Late last year I was trying to get my friend to watch TNA, he asked what guys were there, I mentioned AJ Styles, MCMG, Samoa Joe and few others, you wanna know his reaction 'Who???' I then told him some people he knew, Sting, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, he said he might check them out, he didn't.

Fast forward a few months and I tried again, I mentioned RVD, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair and you know what, he checked it out. I dunno if he's still regularly watching but still these names got him to have a look and he has been exposed to guys like AJ now.

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