RVD Upsets Many With Controversial Comments

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Rob Van Dam didn't do himself any favors in the TNA locker room with a blog post he made on his official website on Sunday. RVD ruffled the feathers of many by writing:

I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat.
The thing is...you can't argue with the numbers.
Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings!
TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers -that nobody knew-wasn't working.
TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now!
Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it?
Too, young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective.
Whereas some of the TNA "stars" are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and
myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go.
Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine.
In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do.
WE love our fans and we love their love.
TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and
I see it all happening now.
This is a very exciting time.
More people watching TNA means more people exposed to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good
enough to hang around with the rising standards.

I thought he had more class very rude and disrespectful to the tons of talented workers in TNA.
Yeah... not something that you wanna see your heavyweight champion, the face of the company, say. Good job, Rob. And I don't really think drawing the same ratings you had a year ago at this time = success. He was probably high when he wrote this, to be honest. RVD I like as a performer but his run has been lackluster at best and he probably shouldn't be the one to bash the company like he's doing.

But I guess, whatever's cool for him. Go smoke some more pot, Rob.
Rob lost my interest after the 2006 incident. While he may be able to put on a good match still, that still isn't enough to defend his comments. Rob hasn't drawn hardly anything at all and has had one of the most lackluster reigns as world champion. Jeff Hardy and RVD were nothing more than name value additions to the roster. They're only in TNA to bring in some of their diehard fans. I hardly doubt that they were any contribution to the TNA increased ratings at all b/c the concept of EV 2.0 was the only reason for that. As the world champion and supposed face of the company, it's not a good thing to act supreme above the rest of the roster.
I understand that Rob and Jeff have name recognition, but other than what what "rising standards" is he talking about? Neither of them have done much of anything exciting in the ring or on the microphone since they've been hired. Mr. Anderson, on the other hand, has been REALLY impressive and is actually one of the main reasons I keep turning into the program every week. On top of me not agreeing with him, the way this info is worded and presented comes off unprofessionally. If he's so old, and has so much know-how about the business (which he probably does) he should really start behaving in a way that reflects that.
I gotta go with Soapguy here. As hi-flying as RVD can be, granted, speaking is not his strongest point. I was always watching TNA before Mr 420, and will still watch after him. Now in terms of him saying that him and Hardy are the stars. RVD.. Um...did you forget about Hogan, and Jarrett, or Nash, Foley, Flair, especially Flair!!! I mean..Space Mountain. Then you have the rest of your ECW friends, I don't know if that would sit well with me if I was one of his ECW alumni. Then I've been more tuning in even before when there was the snappy dialogue in the old christian vs Angle days, LOVED that time. Kurt Angle is one that I would MOST definitely recognize walking down the street, he has both athleticism and mic skills, and AJ Styles, he's a long standing vet that possesses the same as well. I think he just needs to lay off that pipe a little bit because all that smoke is stopping the real air from letting him have real sense get to his head.
I am a big RVD mark, but this is ridiculous. I have been watching TNA since the weekly PPV days, and I have been nothing but let down by the current RVD era. He hasn't been exciting, edgy, or captivating in the ring or in his promos. His act is stale. He hasn't added any new tricks.

Honestly, what has kept me tuning in is the Beer Money/MCMG best of 5 series. Fourtune. Even Flair has been entertaining. Anderson has been great. Samoa Joe's return to violence. Pope's return. Actually, Hardcore Justice was the first PPV, I haven't bought this year. I didn't buy because I don't care about ECW anymore. If it attracted Paul Heyman then great, but otherwise who cares.

If you haven't read the spoilers for tonight then stop here, but the new direction is going to be awesome. I hope the vacated title lands on Anderson, Styles, Wolfe, or Pope.
Damn... talk about a self-important self-obsessed self-loving little selfish bastard. That whole blog was entirely unprofessional and uncalled for. Not to mention it wasn't even accurate. The ratings are actually just now going back to where it was at last year... yea you know, before RVD and Nero Hardy came in. If TNA is smart they would make an example out of RVD for publicly belittling their originals.
Despite the fact what he said was more than a little harsh on the rest of the roster he has some points. Especially the one about autographs and pictures. I mean I can see Evan Bourne getting recognised but someone like Amazing Red - nor happening.
Even as good as The Pope is, I would say someone like Kofi Kingston getting more signatures and pictures than him.

Needless to say though that RVD and Jeff Hardy are only known for one thing - being 'high' flyers.
he really said all that?? wow i bet all wish they hadn't put the title on him.. You know RVD don't know anything. he was the same person he was in WWE that went to TNA, nothing new.. Put the title on him, he carries it like its the IC title.. Can't even sell it out like he use to or i should say he never could sell it out. As for Jeff hardy, come on are you serious i mean really?? TNA fans turn on their tv to see AJ styles, Kurt Angle, the tag team matches and others that can entertain the fans.

the only reason why the ratings went up is because not because of RVD, but because of the ECW angle and not because of RVD. That boy got a lot to learn, I dont think he realize that he can't cut a promo, somebody should go over the videos in the past and explain to him why he suck
I pretty much agree with RVD. I don't think he is the reason at all that ratings are staying the same. Not that I'm an RVD mark, I just respect him for what he's done. I think it's more the fault of Vince Russo's writing team and not giving RVD much room to open his character up.
Other than the "Celebrity" thing, I see nothing wrong with what RVD said. It was pretty much the truth, if him, Jeff, Hogan, and Nash weren't there to bring audiences in, these young guys wouldn't be shit. They act like because they were in TNA before them that they deserve to be the main draw, when not many people outside TNA fans, even know who they are. And I don't see this as him talking shit for no reason, he's telling it like it is in hopes that this will challenge the younger guys to step up and take his spot, not be given it, like many believe they should. This is what you get from RVD and why I always loved him, he doesn't beat around the bush and kiss ass, he says what he really feels. Whether that be good or bad, that's just how he is.
he really said all that?? wow i bet all wish they hadn't put the title on him.. You know RVD don't know anything. he was the same person he was in WWE that went to TNA, nothing new.. Put the title on him, he carries it like its the IC title.. Can't even sell it out like he use to or i should say he never could sell it out. As for Jeff hardy, come on are you serious i mean really?? TNA fans turn on their tv to see AJ styles, Kurt Angle, the tag team matches and others that can entertain the fans.

the only reason why the ratings went up is because not because of RVD, but because of the ECW angle and not because of RVD. That boy got a lot to learn, I dont think he realize that he can't cut a promo, somebody should go over the videos in the past and explain to him why he suck

So much rubbish complete with ghetto looking potshots. What does holding it like the I-C title even mean? He probably held the I-C title better then TNA's founder lol. Or the same as Christian "Cage". :rolleyes:

Look as it stands RVD is one of the few champions in the lineage of that title that doesn't even need that title, he didn't need more then the WWF I-C title he didn't need more then the ECW World TV title. When he came into the ALLIANCE a heel stable no one would boo him inthe WWF lovin' audience. He'd paid his dues, hes still in his thirties at least, he's earned everything he has including an attitude problem or cockiness. Hes reached that level, he can say what he wants, don't whine about it go out there and prove him wrong. I don't know if he made the ratings better but he will deffinently stabilize them which most TNA guys can't even do. Its not even his house and he's paying the light bill, get off of him. Hes got charisma, and who cares if he can't talk, Andre, BACKLUND, Lesnar and Goldberg couldn't either. The TNA roster can quit actin' like little babies too, its about the numbers not the respect, if RVD has a smirk on his face and wants to swag surf everyday in that locker room over others I'll salute those acts because hes earned it.
RVD and Hardy have done nothing for the company...
Most of the time I turn the channel or mute and go to the bathroom when there on tv.

I miss the six sided ring, I miss having a stronger emphasis on the x division and not the heavy weight picture,
I watched for an alternative to what wwe was, and now besides the ratings difference it feels like TNA is just a lesser version of there competition and not an alternative to the competition.

I don't like hearing mr. 420, I don't like Hardy and his creatures of the night....

I want to see more of lethal and amazing red and suicide coming back and all the others who put on awesome matches in the x division
Hilarious. Most of the same people complaining about this, calling it "unprofessional" and whatnot are probably the same people who were defending Samoa Joe screaming at production team members in the back, or AJ Styles calling out his bosses in a public interview.

Anyway, RVD is mostly right, even though he's making his point in an extreme manner, hyperbolizing so he can make sure his point gets across. We all do it. "That was the best match ever," etc. etc. But basically, he's right. TNA had maxed out what they could do without any "other" stars. People claim they are just getting the same ratings they had this time last year, but the point is, before HOgan and co. came in, they were no longer getting those ratings. They lost it.

Hogan brought new viewers in. Sure, they lost some old school TNA fans, I'm sure, but that always happens when you try to take something "niche" and take it mainstream. The crowd is slowly building back up and stabilizing at a level above what TNA was getting consistently before RVD and Hogan and Hardy showed up. Because they can bring fans.

They know what works for a more mass apeal, not just for their little niche market. TNA guys need to learn that. Being over in TNA isn't the same thing as bing over in the rest of the world. RVD, Hardy, Flair, and especially Hogan know this.

EDIT: There is also the possibility that this is part of a work, for those of you who are watching Impact and know what the closing angle is going to be, these words seem to play right into it. Possibly a little TOO convenient on the timing?

Someone's been drinking their own Kool-Aid. RVD and Jeff Hardy debuted in TNA back in March, the ratings have stayed the same... even dropping occasionally since that time, then last week they go up .1 in the ratings and all of a sudden he's turned the company around?

First of all .1 means absolutely NOTHING, and even so I'm pretty sure that (very) slight increase had something to do with the ECW faction going on.

And secondly, RVD and Jeff Hardy really aren't anything special. I use to be a huge RVD mark, but his character hasn't changed, progressed, or evolved in the slightest. He's still amazing in the ring, but he's also a 40 year old man who throws out marijuana references like a 15 year old, and couldn't deliver a decent promo if his pot depended on it. And as for Jeff, he needs the machine. Outside WWE he's just an annoying goth kid who needs a good punch in the dick.

I really have no idea why TNA is giving RVD the Cena treatment, they really feel the need to protect him. He can never lose.... even when it comes time to take the title off of him, he has to get "injured" in a match he doesn't even lose, just gets stripped of the title without having to put anyone else over...
Even before he came to TNA he was quoted saying something along the lines of "I don't know why people want me to go to TNA, so people like AJ Styles can job to me, I've wrestled around the world against the biggest names, this doesn't make sense to me"

I kinda hoped he didn't come to TNA when he 1st made those comments
Jeeze people, relax, take a deep breath or a chill pill or something. Your acting like he personally insulted you. He just said something stupid on a blog to get a reaction.And anyway do you people really think RVD gives a damn about TNA? Well he doesnt incase you havent figured it out.RVD is above TNA, he just needed another paycheck.Get over it, you'll live, i promise.
Rob Van Dam didn't do himself any favors in the TNA locker room with a blog post he made on his official website on Sunday. RVD ruffled the feathers of many by writing:

I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat.
The thing is...you can't argue with the numbers.
Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings!
TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers -that nobody knew-wasn't working.
TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now!
Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it?
Too, young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective.
Whereas some of the TNA "stars" are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and
myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go.
Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine.
In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do.
WE love our fans and we love their love.
TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and
I see it all happening now.
This is a very exciting time.
More people watching TNA means more people exposed to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good
enough to hang around with the rising standards.

I thought he had more class very rude and disrespectful to the tons of talented workers in TNA.

I see nothing OFFENSIVE about this.. NOTHING. Why are people butt hurt about this? The truth hurts?? because in reality the man is 100% right. 100%

I don't think he shot himself in the foot at all.. after the whole fake tweet crap about hogan etc that people are claiming to be a TNA wrestler I can see why he would say this. TNA IS on the rise and only the dumb would argue that it has nothing to do with RVD or Jeff Hardy.. they get people to view TNA regardless if you believe it or not. Ratings are going up..

Thing is the TNA orginials were not able to do this themselves.. ratings have never been this high for them.. in 7 years.. they had there time.. now its time to work together.. which RVD has always been a team player in that regard (as has Jeff Hardy) FUCK politics already.. Speak from the heart and mean what you do and mean what you say. If WRESTLERS did this more and more and not take shit to heart, the fall of WCW would have NEVER happend. Politics NEVER work.. I am happy he is speaking his mind. For those that are pist about it.. EAT CROW.. I would rather know where one is coming from then to find out they are a fake as bitch later.

RVD has merit in what he says and is not insulting anyone here.. he is simply stating what he and Hardy bring to the table. and there is nothing wrong with that.. Man I wish more wrestlers were this open then maybe a lot of the political crap can be pushed to the way side. Hey at least you know its HIM saying it.. and not hiding behind a fake ass twitter tweet and not revealing himself like some lame punk ass bitch.. yet surprisingly a lot of people found the tweet to be more gutsy than this post.. WTF?? what type of society is this??

Man fuck punk ass bitches.
There is nothing wrong with doing away with the six sided ring or putting RVD and Jeff Hardy in the main event, but it is pretty distasteful for RVD to insult the TNA guys. RVD and Hardy really haven't done much to raise the ratings. I would respect Rob more if he didn't go on vacation after only being in the company for a few months. He is the world champion. Why would you take some time off without losing your title to someone? I understand if he has family problems or needs surgery, but to take time off just to do it after only being there a few months is disrespectful.

Give the title to someone else before just deciding to leave on a moment's notice. I have nothing against TNA going forward with new wrestlers, but RVD just comes off as cocky and conceited.
Bottom Line: TNA needs someone that can light a fire under the rest of the rosters ass! Did he disrespect the other wrestlers? Yea, a little bit. But instead of bitching about his comments beat him at his own game and be a better wrestler than him. Put on better matches. Earn your spot. RVD is the champ and right now he is the face of the company and he stands out because he (and Jeff) really are probably the best TNA has going for them. I like the comments and hopefully it ignites some hot shit in TNA because as the WWE gets more and more stale, TNA can compete with the right perspective, angle, and edge that WWE can't provide right now. Change is good people.
What that Rob said was insulting?
is it wrong to illustrate reality?
do you wanna believe in kayfabe? if so please stop reading the internet, it spoils things.
the fact remains the same that everything he said is true.
and van damn and as much as i HATE to say it, hardy are probably the most recognizable active performers on the rosters, and they are seriously bringing more to the table than anyone on the roster and ill site the every bit of the ratings previous to their arrival
as proof, facts are facts

tna is getting over on the backs of everyone, they getting ratings, on the back of rvd, hardy, flair, dreamer, raven, hogan, and ECW

I agree that RVD's character hasn't added anything new to TNA.

That being said I truly feel like he made some good points. Also, what the ECW guys are saying on REACTION are true. It sounds like the originals are basically jealous that someone else is in the spotlight. The TNA originals deserve a lot of respect, but to think that they are better than the innovators of extreme is absurd. I mean yeah, some of them are better competitors and a good deal deal of them are extremely talented, but come on.

Jeff hardy is insanely popular and I don't question for a second that his pressence in TNA is only helping the ratings. This angle of an invasion storyline that is happening is nothing new to wrestling fans, but they could make it work. It seems like some of the TNA guys, namely Jeff, is going to side with "EV 2" and as long as this storyline doesn't lead to a final confrintation at a pay per view to determine if it will remain TNA or change to EV2 then we, the fans, should be all right.

All in all though this storyline is far better than the swill Vince is throwing at us right now - recycled storyline or not.
To all that hate on RVD all I have to say is this. We are talking about TNA and that all that MATTERS. He got crushed and vacated the the belt as we will see next week. BTW this week show was AWESOME!!!!!
While I don't think RVD's comment's were as offensive as some people are making them out to be, I am having a difficult time following his train of thought. RVD and Jeff Hardy have been in TNA for months now. If the ratings increased last week (marginally), we should be looking at what separated that show from previous Impact broadcasts. Which certainly wasn't the continued presence of these two 'rock stars'. More than likely, it was TNA riding the corpse of ECW into a PPV.

Also, RVD AND Jeff Hardy are relatively obscure compared to Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Sting, and Kurt Angle (or, for that matter, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, etc). The better part of RVD's career was spent in a niche wrestling organization with very limited exposure, while Jeff Hardy was only a main event star in a major promotion for a short time before leaving for TNA. The other names I've mentioned have been main eventers in major organizations on and off for years. It's pretty naive for RVD to imply that his and Hardy's star power has really made a big difference in the grand scheme of things, considering the caliber of recognizable talent that has come before.

I think I understand what Rob is trying to say; basically, 'don't bitch and moan if you're losing your spot to a more established guy, because it's good for everyone in the long run'. But he could have probably found a less obnoxious way of saying it.
do you people not recognize when you are being worked? RVD is so obviously working a program leading to a heel turn, i'm astonished that anyone is buying into this. it's all part of whatever has been brewing in TNA for months. we are about the culmination of someone's master plan to create interest in TNA's storyline and ratings for impact.

RVD is just doing his job.

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