[Rumor] TNA to be Pushed Out of the iMPACT! Zone?

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The hell with TNA? I say the hell with Orlando. Are you seriously going to tell me that it's the only tiny-ass venue in America? I know it's probably cheaper for them to run iMPACT in that sound stage, but it's not like they're gainining anything from it. Seeing iMAPCT is free of charge, the crowd is freaking dead, the people in it are clueless to what's going on, most of them are not even wrestling fans, and it's just not a place to run a wrestling show. I'm sure there is at least one venue in New York let's say that's just as big and would do wonders for TNA. N.Y crowds are good, New York is a big city, you can charge money for people to see the show, and renting the place won't be that expensive when you're making some profit out of the crowd.
While I do think that Daffney's claim is fair - TNA has treated her awfully by the sound of things - she risks generating a lot of heat with people there if she effectively costs them their venue. Some people think "Oh, she was wrestling, she has to expect to get hurt". Yes fair enough, but if TNA said they would foot the bill and then didn't, they're liars. And that makes for poor business practice.

SSC and Jack-Hammer said it already, the Impact zone is only a step above looking like an indy venue. For me, I kind of liked its old look, especially when they still had the six sides. But this may be a double-edged sword for TNA - they really do need to tour more and advertise more, instead of spending loads paying their top talent while their "bottom" talent can hardly afford a living. Get TNA to be global.

It needs to work harder if it wants a bigger fanbase. When you start recognising audience members who are there every week ... the audience isn't big enough.
The problem i have with this situation, is that Daffney needs to have proof in her contract that TNA was supposed to pay her medical bills. If not, well its going to be the old he said/she said story and they would settle out of court. The thing is that why didn't Bret Hart sue WCW when he was injured by Goldberg? Why didn't Austin sue WWE when he was injured by Owen Hart? Hell Droz should have sue WWE when D-lo Brown broke his neck in the ring. I guess thats because they are independant contractors, so they can't sue even in the USA.

As for TNA moving from the Impact Zone, it could be good for them but it would be expensive to go on the road every week. By the way i think the fans at the Impact Zone don't get in for free because its in the amusement park, so i would think that they have to pay to get into the park so TNA gets part of that money.
Even if TNA is thrown out of the iMPACT Zone, they should have left it a long time ago. They sold out North Carolina. They should have took that momentum and ran with it. If they think they can't go everywhere in the U.S. their probably right. California? No. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, or the Carolinas? Yes. Make it a trial and error process. start off in a region.

-The southeast is a good place for TNA to start. WHY?
-They film weekly in Florida. This means that there name gets around the area, maybe more than WWE.
-They have talent that is from the region. (AJ Styles is from Georgia)
- Finally, they know they can sell out NC.

I'm from Ohio and know about TNA. Whether they know it or not they're a borderline Global company. TNA needs to start acting like it.
Daffney does have a claim, but also that's what you get for working in a non unionized sport.

Bah if Austin and Bret hart didn't sue when they were injured what makes you think that Daffney is going to win her case? I'm not saying she souldn't sue but i don't remember any wrestler winning in a case like this so it seems unlikely that she would win.

Oh and by the way for the poster who said that if her lawyer is fighting tooth and nails for her case so there is merit in her claim, don't forget that he/she is paid no matter what happens so.....:rolleyes:
Bah if Austin and Bret hart didn't sue when they were injured what makes you think that Daffney is going to win her case?

How about, genius, they didn't have to sue because the WWE/WCW actually paid their medical bills, rehabilitation and everything in between?

TNA's doing the old bait and switch again.
TNA's doing the old bait and switch again.

TrendKiller, i want proof. I want credible source of what you are saying, because to me it sounds alot like the old shes said/he said story. As for Austin and Bret Hart, i can agree with you on this.

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