Rugby League 2008 Season

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Shawn Michaels ❤
The new Rugby League season starts in less that two weeks for the Leeds Rhinos. I'm probably going to post about most matches in this thread so watch out :) They start a week earlier to everyone else due to the fact they play the World Club Challenge at the end of February. The World Club Challenge happens each year and is the best British team V The best Australian team.

Rhinos first game is Hull KR at Headingley. Rhinos will be fielding a full strength team out there, minus the possible absence of Ryan Bailry due to an injury suffered in training. Hull KR will also be playing with a full strength side, and a possible debut for Chev Walker; who in fact, started off at the Leeds Rhinos before switching to Rugby Union.

It should be good game. Hull KR pulled off a shock victory against the Rhinos last season, however Leeds got them back by beating them twice more. This season Hull KR are expected to have really found their feet and should be some tough competition.
I wonder what the Americans thought of the League with The Rabbitohs playing Bluey's new Team (I forget which Superleague team it is). This Years League season is going to be good with the Might Vodafone Warriors being at the right part of the NRL cycle to take the Title this year. But if they don't this year they have one more season that it is still possible for them to get the Championship before they start regressing. It is a vicious cycle in the NRL, but that is parity for you. I also suspect the Gold Coast Titans will do well in their Second year as a Franchise.
The Leeds Rhinos lol. My Team :D. Damn I really wanted to go to America for that as well haha. I listened to it on the radio. It sounded like a really good game.

The Rhinos ended up winning 26-24, but after fighting off a secong half battle by the Rabbitohs. Rhinos lead 26-0 at the break, and everyone expected this to be a completely one sided match. However it took Rabbitohs a while to get into it, but when they did they were fierce. They kept the rhinos nilled for the last 40 minutes, a great feat by any team, especially one not in the Super League. However Rhinos were just too strong for them in the end.

In my opinion, Rhinos should have won by more than this and I don't think it was to do with the quality of playing. I think they stupidly thought during the break that they were going to win, and therefore subconciously put less effort into the final 40. This has happened to the best of teams, especially in matches such as the Challenge cup, where the Super League teams often battle teams from lower leagues.

I hope they have learnt from that mistake, because the season starts in a week, and this super league competition is going to be bigger and more competitive than any other. The opening match against Hull KR should be hard, but hopefully this will spur them on to do even better than they did last year. Everytone will see Leeds as the team to beat, being the Champions, therefore they will be watching for every sign of weaknes the Rhinos show. Teams will have looked to see the Second half weakness on disaply today and Brian Mclennan will want to sort that out quickly.

All in all, Rhinos did a great job to say they have less time to train than any other squad due to the amount of International players and how early their season begins due to the World Club Challenge.

Brian Mclennan is proving he is a good replacement for the amazing Tony Smith, who left at the end of last season to coach the International side Great Britain, Or England as it is to be named for the World Cup.
I always get mixed up between league and union, but I'll support Wigan RL till I die :p Even if we haven't been at our best for a while.
I always get mixed up between league and union, but I'll support Wigan RL till I die :p Even if we haven't been at our best for a while.

Omg you don't? Seriously? Wigan? LOL. Can't wait for that match then. Wigan are probably the best team in terms of what they have won in the past, but recently they've gone downhill. Ian Milward was awful for them. Brian Noble has got them up slightly more, but he doesn't seem to grasp the concept of the salary cap. And how much did he pay for Stuart Fielden?? He isn't even that good.

League and Union - the difference is easy. In League you do more than kick the ball and run. LOL. And their are 15 players in Union, 13 in league. League is also more competitive. You can go to a league game and Super League is good at the moment any team can beat anyone. In union it's pretty simple.

I went to a Leeds Tykes game last year because Lesley Vainakolo, an ex-Bradford Bulls player had recently swapped from league to Union and I wanted to hurl abuse LOL. However I got so bored I went hom before the end of the first half.
Omg you don't? Seriously? Wigan? LOL. Can't wait for that match then. Wigan are probably the best team in terms of what they have won in the past, but recently they've gone downhill. Ian Milward was awful for them. Brian Noble has got them up slightly more, but he doesn't seem to grasp the concept of the salary cap. And how much did he pay for Stuart Fielden?? He isn't even that good.

League and Union - the difference is easy. In League you do more than kick the ball and run. LOL. And their are 15 players in Union, 13 in league. League is also more competitive. You can go to a league game and Super League is good at the moment any team can beat anyone. In union it's pretty simple.

I went to a Leeds Tykes game last year because Lesley Vainakolo, an ex-Bradford Bulls player had recently swapped from league to Union and I wanted to hurl abuse LOL. However I got so bored I went hom before the end of the first half.

Lol I'm a Wigan girl, we support where we are from, in both Rugby and Football (which makes me sad because we lost to Chelsea today :() but yeah I'll be here to discuss the Rugby with you, it will be funny to see the Leeds vs Wigan match, but yeah.
I don't know if you know the younger Wigan players, but this guy is a friend of mine, he is in the first squad, he is pretty good too.
Lol I'm a Wigan girl, we support where we are from, in both Rugby and Football (which makes me sad because we lost to Chelsea today :() but yeah I'll be here to discuss the Rugby with you, it will be funny to see the Leeds vs Wigan match, but yeah.
I don't know if you know the younger Wigan players, but this guy is a friend of mine, he is in the first squad, he is pretty good too.

Lol, did they? I don't watch the Premiership that often, but I hate Chelsea so I'm upset about that lol. Well actually I hate Mourinho but still..

Leeds Wigan is always a great game. I went to the game at the JJB last season and ended up getting lost. It was freezing cold, Warriors were about to be busted because of the salary cap and it was a great game. We were wondering around Wigan until I got hold of people to save us! Lmao.

I've heard of him, not seen him play yet I don't think though. Has he only just been promted to the first team? Even so I'll look out for him and no doubt think of you when I watch him now lol.
Lol, did they? I don't watch the Premiership that often, but I hate Chelsea so I'm upset about that lol. Well actually I hate Mourinho but still..

Leeds Wigan is always a great game. I went to the game at the JJB last season and ended up getting lost. It was freezing cold, Warriors were about to be busted because of the salary cap and it was a great game. We were wondering around Wigan until I got hold of people to save us! Lmao.

I've heard of him, not seen him play yet I don't think though. Has he only just been promted to the first team? Even so I'll look out for him and no doubt think of you when I watch him now lol.

Isn't Wigan a lovely place? Got to love its crappy qualities, If you come to JJB this time, tell me, I'll look out for you :p

Joel has been on loan to Widnes for a while, but he is back this year, which makes me happy, I went to school with him, he use to pick on me for being a goth, but in a nice way...
Also... I hate Chelsea, its a rich mans team who just buys the good players, and thats not what football should be about, thats why teams like Wigan and even Liverpool make me happy, they bring up local young talent.
Isn't Wigan a lovely place? Got to love its crappy qualities, If you come to JJB this time, tell me, I'll look out for you :p

Do you go to the games? Lol you should and then I might spot you lol. Ya I'll definately be going, I go to all the matches. Even against Catalan in France..

Joel has been on loan to Widnes for a while, but he is back this year, which makes me happy, I went to school with him, he use to pick on me for being a goth, but in a nice way...

Ah that's probably where I've heard his name then. I have a friend who supports Widnes, so I'll get all the gossip off of him lol. Lol aw ain't he nice :lmao:

Also... I hate Chelsea, its a rich mans team who just buys the good players, and thats not what football should be about, thats why teams like Wigan and even Liverpool make me happy, they bring up local young talent.

Exactly. That's how I feel about St. Helens and Bradford in Rugby League. They don't promote the new talent, just buy it all. Then moan when they're over the salary cap :p. But even so, teams like the Rhinos have a great youth system and definately promote youth. They give all their players first hand experience as well. It shows how goood the youth system is as well, as Rhinos have bought no new signings this season, only taking people out of their own academy sides.
Do you go to the games? Lol you should and then I might spot you lol. Ya I'll definately be going, I go to all the matches. Even against Catalan in France..

I sometimes go to the home games, simply because I live about 3 minutes away from the ground, so yeah... I can hear it from my window. If you go, I'll go, and you'll notice me, I'm the one dressed in black in a sea of colour.

Ah that's probably where I've heard his name then. I have a friend who supports Widnes, so I'll get all the gossip off of him lol. Lol aw ain't he nice :lmao:

He is that sort of guy you just want to hug :p

Exactly. That's how I feel about St. Helens and Bradford in Rugby League. They don't promote the new talent, just buy it all. Then moan when they're over the salary cap :p. But even so, teams like the Rhinos have a great youth system and definately promote youth. They give all their players first hand experience as well. It shows how goood the youth system is as well, as Rhinos have bought no new signings this season, only taking people out of their own academy sides.

Exactly my thoughts. I think sport would be far more interesting if you played for the team you where born nearest to. Most teams would crash instantly.
I sometimes go to the home games, simply because I live about 3 minutes away from the ground, so yeah... I can hear it from my window. If you go, I'll go, and you'll notice me, I'm the one dressed in black in a sea of colour.

Lmao yeah, there will be all the Red and White, Blue and Amber shirts and then you in the black lol. I'll be going to I mght see you then :)
You live 3 minutes away? That seems so much easier. I live about 20 minutes away from Headingley so it's not that bad really. And I'm so used to making the trip it doesn't bother me lol.

He is that sort of guy you just want to hug :p

Aww it ain't that cute. I geerally think it's the good looking players *Cough* Burrow *Cough* That I just want to hug lol. And I love how nice Rugby Players are. They will stop and chat no matter where they are.

Exactly my thoughts. I think sport would be far more interesting if you played for the team you where born nearest to. Most teams would crash instantly.

Yeah exactly, and the more the players are playing for their hometown the more they'll want to win. It must be awkward if you were born in Leeds, supporting the Rhinos but then moved to Bradford.
Engage Super League Round Four

Leeds Rhinos 20 - Hull KR 12

This was a great start to the season for both teams, and even as a Leeds fan I have to say the score doesn't reflect the game. Hull KR played a lot better than that score, but lost it in the last 10 minutes.

Leeds dominated the first quarter, giving Hull KR very little attacking chance. They ame close only once in this time. Leeds were very forceful on attack as well as defence, and were rewarded with a Donald try. Unfortunately Sinfields attampt at goal went wide. 4-0 to Leeds.

The second quarter was the opposite, and Hull Kr dominted Leeds. At first they found it difficult to break through the tough defence the Rhinos had up. However their efforts were rewarded before the break with a try. This conversion was also missed, leaving it 4-4. However a few minutes before the break Hull Kr were awarded a penalty after a Leds player was seen holding down a KR player. This pushed KR in the lead 4-6.

Half Time: 4-6

The second half began on a landslide for Leeds and the conceded pretty early on, to make the score 4-12. Hull Kr dominated again, but after this try found it increasingly difficult to get over the tryline.

Leeds hit back with a try from Lee Smith; an up and coming talent for the Rhinos. However once again Sinfield missed the converstion. 8-12 to Hull KR. The battle continued, with powerful stints from both sides. The Southstand went wild when it was believed Ryan Bailey had scored for the Rhinos. However a video referee deemed a no try and ordered play to continue.

Lee Smith didn't miss a few minutes later however, and he added another to his tally to make 2. Sinfield added the extras to make it 14-12 with 6 minutes to go.

The Rhinos at this point tried playing safe, keeping the ball and showing us some classic Rugby League. Hull KR put on a great game, however towards the end some of that spark went, and again Rhinos had a try only just disallowed with 3 minutes to go. The Southstand were going wild, sure in thinking the final score would end 14-12. However Danny McGuire had a final surprise in him, and scored a brilliant try to make it enf 20-12 after Sinfield had added the extras.

Overall this was a great start to the Rhinos season, and dispite the loss, KR could take a lot of good from this match too. They played great for a team that hasn't been in Super League very long and IMO a draw would have been acceptable for both. Kr need to work on not losing it towards the final stages, whereas Leeds need to work on not leaving a win until the very end.

Man of the match: IMO Lee Smith. He made this match, and even without the tried, he was everywhere; attack and defence.

Best tackle: A hit by Kylie Leuluai on a KR player. /the player just ran into him and was on the floor with Kylie stood over him ball in hand.

My opinion: I was cold. But the atmosphere was amazing. Shocked at the amount of KR fans. Most seemed to be drunk. I was so stressed the last 10 minutes I was shaking; I don't think rugby's good for my health.
Engage Super League Round 1
Huddersfield Giants V Leeds Rhinos
Sunday 10th February
Galpharm Stadium​

This is the first game of Super League for the Huddersfield Giants; starting Super League the same week as most other teams. The Leeds Rhinos started a week early due to the World Club Challenge on February 19th. This will also give Hull KR a week off.

Leeds Rhinos are currently sitting comfortably at the top of Super League due to playing one more game, however they would like to keep this and will have that in mind going into Sundays game. Huddersfield Giants however will be refreshed and wanting to make a great start to the season. They were a strong team last year and after having a strong off-season they will be a tough challenge.

The first game of Super League proved one thing; this season is going to be more competitive than ever, and the team that will win is the team who makes less mistakes and capitalizes when the other team does.

Both teams are going into the game with a full strength squad. Leeds Rhinos can choose from the 17 that won the grand final in October of last year.

Huddersfield is a game many Leeds fan love to go to, and it has often become a tradition for supporters to get the train as the Galpharm is just a short walk away from the station. Leeds are the best supported rugby club therefore the away support should be good and will make for a better game with a great atmosphere. It has often been said in Rugby League the supporters are like having an extra man on the field. Well if it's true it makes everything about the Rhinos clear.

Match report to follow.
Huddersfield Giants 10 - Leeds Rhinos 30

A brace of tries from both Brent Webb and Ryan Hall sealed a great victory for the Rhinos in sunny conditions. Ryan Hall was chosen in front of Lee Smith, as the 2 battle for the position of wing. However McLennan will be very happy with his choice after an overall great performance by Hall.

The game started off with a bit of confusion, and a lot of penalties were given. However it was the Rhinos that struck first through Brent Webb after a sucession of penalties gave them field position. Sinfield converted to make it 0-6. However Giants hit back 5 minutes later through Rod Jenson, however Thorman was unable to convert. 4-6. Giants were lucky not to have been reduced to 12 men, after a disgusting tackle on Leeds scrm half, Rob Burrow.

The second quarter was opened dominated by Leeds, and this showed through 3 tries through Jamie Jones Buchanon, Brent Webb, and a superb effort by Ryan Hall in the last second of the half.

Huddersfield were extremely unlucky not to have added a try to this, as a brilliant tackle by Webb denied Jenson a second just metres away from the try line. The whole team then dug deep to keep the giants out for another set of six from the 10 metre line.

Half Time: 4-22

The first 15 minutes of the half showed some classic Rugby League from both sides, both defensively and offensively, and this showed as the completion rate was high. However Rhinos were first to dig deep and find a bit of magic, with a stunning solo try, Hall intercepting Jensons pass to sprint the length of the field.

Huddersfield had one last chance; which was taken by Luke Robinson. Thorman then added the conversion to make it 10-28 to Leeds. However Rhinos had the last laugh, as Rob Burrow added a penalty kick 3 minutes from time.

Full time score: 10-30

The commentators at Huddersfield are awful, I really could have done a better job. The woman mixed up the names of our players, at one point we had an Ali Leuluai, and also the number; Ryan Hall plays 22 not 25. However the worst part was when she described a Huddersfield player as 'Kevin Sinfield' (Our captain), and when Hall scored she said "Scoring a try for the Giants'. It really was a mockery.

The official attendance of 15, 629 was the highest Huddersfield have ever had, which was helped along by the 6,000+ fans the Rhinos brought. Leeds are officially the best supported Rugby Club of either code in Europe.
Other News and what it means to Leeds:

Well the Rhinos fans are all excited at the prospect of all their enemy's losing to a team that hasn't before seriously been classed as Top 6 material.

Hull KR 24-22 St Helens
What a great result for Rhinos fans. St. Helens are the toughest competition the Rhinos have for every trophy this year, so them losing to Hull KR who the Rhinos beat last week is a great moral boost for players and supporters.

Wakefield 26-24 Bradford
Leeds play Wakefield away next week, so this is a good thing for the Rhinos, as they will now know not to underestimate Wakefield. Wakefield have spent previous years battling relegation so this was a big shock to the Super League teams. However it shows Wakefield are not a team to be messed with and that Leeds are going to have a tough game on their hands next week.

Harlequins 28-47 Wigan
This was the most predictable of endings for the round, as Harlequins still aren't quite up there as Top 6 material, whereas Wigan are possibly one of the best teams in terms of history the Super League has seen. However Quins can take a lot away from the fact they got a few good tries in, and scored 28 points against a quality side.
Engage Super League Round 2
Wakefield Trinity Wildcats V Leeds Rhinos
Friday 15th February 2008
Belle Vue Stadium​

Leeds Rhinos and Wakefield Trinity Wildcats have both named unchanged 20 man squads for the engage Superleague round two clash at Belle Vue, Wakefield.

The teams are as follows:
Leeds Rhinos: Webb, Donald, Toopi, Senior, Smith, McGuire, Burrow, Leuluai, Diskin, Peacock, Jones-Buchanan, Ellis, Sinfield, Lauitiiti, Bailey, Scruton, Kirke, Ablett, Hall, Burgess

Wakefield Trinity Wildcats: Blaymire, Martin, Atkins, Reilly, Rooney, Brough, Watene, Drew, Sculthorpe, Ferres, Dmetriou, Obst, Bibey, Henderson, Wilkes, Leo-Latu, Grix, Ferguson, Moore, George

Both teams won their last match, and Wakefield beat a definate top 4 team in the Bradford Bulls. This is set out to be a really good match, as Wakefield and Leeds both want to continue the great starts to the super league season.

Wakefield could overtake Leeds in the table if they win this, as at the moment Leeds are top due to playing one more game than most other teams. However Rhinos have proven in their last 2 games that they are strong enough to hold off a good team, and should work on not being a 'second half team' as they were nick-named last season.

This local derby always attracts good crowds, and the Rhinos always take along an army of fans, making the atmosphere even better. Belle Vue stadium is a favourite with fans, who seem to hate all seated stadiums.
Wakefield 8-44 Leeds​

Leeds Rhinos ran in 7 unanswered tries in the first half for a deserved win over a tired Wakefield outfit. Many believe Wakefields downfall was the win over Bradford last week. They came out overly-confident thinking it would an easy win, whereas Leeds knew to take them seriously after their win and this showed throughtout the first half.

Half Time: 0-38

In the second half, Wakefield were a lot more dominant, however they still couldn't produce anymore than 2 tries. Their defence was a lot more solid, and they kept Leeds to just 1 score through Matt Diskin.

Leeds are now the only team to have won all their matches, with 6 points in the super league table. This weeks results mean Leeds have cemented their place on the top of the Super League table for the next few weeks as well.

The atmosphere was good, and I'd say this helped in the first half. However it wasn't the best, due to the below 0 temperatures on the night, and the fans basiclly trying to keep warm. It was a great game, and all Leeds supporters went homw knowing that first half display was the best they've played all season, and they'll work on keeping that up for the full 80 in the next few weeks.

Wakefield: 8
Tries: George, Atkins

Leeds: 44
Tries: Lauitiiti, Senior, Donald 2, Sinfield, McGuire, Diskin 2
Goals: Sinfield 6
First of all, could the Super League make it any more obvious that they're trying to be the NFL? Sure rugby's becoming a slightly bigger sport but the fans are really losing out IMO. Millennium magic was a stupid idea, who actually thought it would be a good idea to take a home game away from the smaller clubs and play it in Wales? The attendance over the weekend showed it was a ridiculous idea.

Then we get on to this franchise system what an absolutely bullshit idea. This is going to kill the National League, the criteria is ridiculous and you'll get some shitty French teams who don't deserve to be there just so the league can fulfill their title of Super League (Europe). Teams who are actually good enough to be there will lose out because they're ground isn't big enough or they're too close to another club, most cubs are near each other because the rugby league heartland is basically the M62.

Hull KR are going down, no question. First of all, we're about two miles away from Hull FC. Craven Park is a shit hole and the council won't buy us a new stadium like they did for Hull FC (thanks David Lloyd). Oh yeah, we don't have a stupid gimmicky NFL name like the Rhinos or the Dragons.
First of all, could the Super League make it any more obvious that they're trying to be the NFL? Sure rugby's becoming a slightly bigger sport but the fans are really losing out IMO. Millennium magic was a stupid idea, who actually thought it would be a good idea to take a home game away from the smaller clubs and play it in Wales? The attendance over the weekend showed it was a ridiculous idea.

Millenium magic was a good idea for the fans there definately. The Leeds Bradford game was awesome, and the atmosphere at the end was the best I'd felt all season. They made a lot of money, which ultimately is what the RFL wanted, and it was a fun weekend for all going. For hardcore Rugby League fans, 6 games of Super League in one ground is a good idea for a great weekend.

Then we get on to this franchise system what an absolutely bullshit idea. This is going to kill the National League, the criteria is ridiculous and you'll get some shitty French teams who don't deserve to be there just so the league can fulfill their title of Super League (Europe). Teams who are actually good enough to be there will lose out because they're ground isn't big enough or they're too close to another club, most cubs are near each other because the rugby league heartland is basically the M62.

I agree with the franchise. And with Catalan Dragons. What is the point? They aren't as deserving as other sides and most of their re****s show that. Their games aren't exactly interesting unless theyre playing a top flight club.
The fact that there is no relegation just makes them safe, when before they had to work for their place, and stupid;y Catalan got 3 years where they couldn't be relegated as they had just entered Super League. Castleford ended up relegated a couple of years ago due to this. It's stupid.

Some teams in the National League deserve there chance of Super League status, and this obviously just makes them not have this chance that others before have had. Rugby League has become more competitve than ever before, but the fact there is no relegation I fear will take away from this.

Hull KR are going down, no question. First of all, we're about two miles away from Hull FC. Craven Park is a shit hole and the council won't buy us a new stadium like they did for Hull FC (thanks David Lloyd). Oh yeah, we don't have a stupid gimmicky NFL name like the Rhinos or the Dragons.

Craven park is definately the worst ground I've been to. I hate the away stand. All they've done is put some seats out, and tbh with that ground I'm shocked they were promoted. But they deserved it. They are a good team, and give big teams a good game (Watch their game against Leeds a couple of weeks ago).
I can't believe Wade McKinnon is out for the Season. He made the Warriors last year be the team that they were. This pushes back the year for the cycle to come into their favour. Possibly making it a drop off again. I really hate the salary cap for this stuff.

Luther if you want a gimmicky name come up with a name and basic design for the logo and then get a Petition for a name change. A Name change could be a way for a new stadium to be built. Its tough to get behind a team that doesn't have at the very least a sideline Identity.
Leeds Rhinos 34 - Catalan Dragons 6

Leeds Rhinos cemented there place at the top of the Enagae Super League with a 34-6 with over French side Catalan. The win means Rhinos are 4 points clear, and hold the only Super League unbeaten record.

Leeds were the dominant side, with 2 players almost going over in the first few minues. It was Catalan that got the first score, however, with a Demitri Pelo effort.

Leeds took this in their stride, and played some fantastic Rugby league, which was then rewarded with a try 10 minutes later, with a Scott Donald try. Many fans were shouting for Rob Burrow to get the ball; he has been on his 99th career try all season.

Sinfield couldn't convert due to the windy conditions, however Leeds extended their lead after an awful tackle on Sinfield, to make it 8-6 to the home side.

This was the last of the ball Leeds got for a while, as Catalan enjoyed a lengthy time in the Rhinos half. However Leeds were not put off from this, and defended their line well.

Once again, it was the indiscipline of Catalan which allowed Leeds to make their next score, as a succession of penalties helped them downfield. Ian Kirke made a great effort to get over, and Sinfield added the conversion. 14-6.

After this the game was pretty muh one sided; Catalan didn't look a major threat for the rest of the game. Leeds continued playing simple but effective Rugby League, and Catalan were later reduced to 12 men due to Jerome Guisset being sin binned for being a cheating high tackling b@stard. (Uh, I mean, for some dangerous tackles)

The half ended 14-6. But Leeds continued their scoring streak straight into the second half, and a try through Scott Donald showed his efforts.

Further tries by Lauititi, McGuire and Keith Senir cemented a great victory for Leeds, who can go into next weeks game confident and to hopefully be crowned World Club champions.
Hey, yeh i am a big rugby league supporter, but i mostly follow the Australian league, the NRL. i have to say, i think The NRL is way better and more competitive than the Super league, but the super League is slowly getting better. I follow the Sydney Roosters and i hope they have a great season, we should be in the top 4. The season starts this week and i cant wait. I try to watch the Super League, but only get to watch about 1 game every week, Rhinos are very strong. Who else watches the NRL as opposed to the Super League? I live in australia btw
The things about the Super League that I am not exactly fond of, to be honest, are as follows:

The fact that defence does not seem evident as a priority of any team. You get scores like 40-30 and that's seen as normal. I don't like that in league. I prefer a defensive game where it really, reall means something to get across the line. The Super League is just too expansive, much like Twenty20 is for cricket. People want to see young men who care more about what their hair looks like and how much money they are making than they do about their team most likely, score 4 tries a game. I want to see contests. Seeing 50+ scores seemingly every round is hardly a contest.

Also, the fact that the money is drawing so many home-grown Australian footballers away from the NRL, infuriates me as well. The NRL salary cap is miniscule compared to the Super League one, and the offer of millions of dollars is too hard for the NRL footballers to resist. Nothing can prevent this, or stop it, but it would be good if the flow of quality Australian (and Kiwi) players to a so-called 'European' league would cease. The chances of that happening are as good as Leeds being beaten by Castleford...oh wait...;)...I'll change that to 'As good as the so-called best team in the world resorting to biting in a Club Challenge match...oh wait, again...

I'm not saying that all NRL teams have players from around their area, but at least the vast majority (barring the Bulldogs) of teams have Australian players in them, and I'm especially proud of the Aboriginal contingent in the NRL. These Aboriginal guys are great role models for young kids, and it's really great to see racism disappear from sport in this case.

But to me, the NRL is consistently more competitive than the Super League is. It embodies a more "old school" defensive style of league which offers more interesting contests. You're not seeing sides gaining 70 metres each set, and scoring a try every 5 minutes.

The NRL has its problems with players, especially with Sydney teams, so it's not filled with Saints, I can assure you. But in reality, all this 'controversial' stuff will be thrown out the window come kick-off time tomorrow night. That's pre-season shit. This is the start of the competition. This is the start of real rugby league again. This is the start of the new NRL season.
Im so embarrassed after Friday, Stains handed our arses to us on a plate, Bailey & Colbon should be dropped, and Noble needs to get them to wake up, or I feel KR will beat us tomorrow too.
Im so embarrassed after Friday, Stains handed our arses to us on a plate, Bailey & Colbon should be dropped, and Noble needs to get them to wake up, or I feel KR will beat us tomorrow too.

That was an awful game to watch I was so bored. Saints are a good team; you can't let them get on top of you like that. Watch the game Leeds beat them in last night to know what I mean. Leeds dominated the majority of that game, especially in the first half, despite the weather conditions being against them. With St Helens, it shouldn't be about scoring a large amount of points. I mean, we kept them to 10, they kept us to 14.

You HAVE to be about defence in Super League now. It is such tough competition you can't give anyone fied position. Look at who's top of the table; Leeds Rhinos. And how many tries have Leeds conceded in the last 4 games? 2. Lower than any other club. For 2 weeks, we didn't concede a single try. And one of those games was against Bradford. Anyone who watches Rugby League knows how tough Bradford can be.
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