RP Feedback Thread

well, i'm writing your match, and i think i'm doing well, if its quite not your style, then next time, fill me in on what your style is like Cruiserweight (like Paul London) or Highflyer (The Hardys) Middle (Edge) or heavy (HHH or Batista)
i'm guessing your like Edge, since thats who your character looks like
well, i'm writing your match, and i think i'm doing well, if its quite not your style, then next time, fill me in on what your style is like Cruiserweight (like Paul London) or Highflyer (The Hardys) Middle (Edge) or heavy (HHH or Batista)
i'm guessing your like Edge, since thats who your character looks like

Absolutely, Edge is the main style, with mixture of H.B.K. (the elbow off the top, & finisher) I don't know if you're writing the finish to the match or not, but the finisher is something that is only slightly different.

I didn't mean anything bad by saying you wouldn't write it well. If you were given a writing job, it means you have talent.. & I can't wait to see it. Thank you for asking.
Steamboat...thats whats confusing for me, reading your RPs, as well as trying to write our match, you are VERY creative...well done
What is confusing about my RPs? All of the old WZCW references?

Again, I didn't mean disrespect if I hit a nerve. Your RPs aren't confusing when it comes to the old W.Z.C.W. references, as its your background. I'm refering to the words, & different language that you have sprinkled throughout the text. (I think its a song)

Either way, I'm giving you tons of credit, because its amazing writing.. thats creative talent "I" don't believe I have.. & I'm sure a lot of people reading this, who belong to this fed would say the same.
I wonder WHY The Champ is not in the card this time. Maybe he could interfere in a match? I think that is a good idea. Enforcer?

The Champ needed a week off. He puts the asses in the seats and he makes the rules!!

The Champ needed a week off. He puts the asses in the seats and he makes the rules!!


Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.. I know Big Will is just officially debuting, but that doesn't mean he hasn't brought with him millions & millions of his fans to follow his every move. lol (in-character)
Oh none taken, Will. Yes. That is latin, and it is a classic choral piece that I highly recommend you look into. You will recognize it when you hear it. WWE uses it a lot in promos.

As for Gus and anyone else who might be wondering, I am a relic of the old WZCW. Back in around 2002 Wrestlezone used to have a forum at the link www.wzforums.com. It was poorly modded and flooded with porn and whatnot, but it did have 2 efeds.

It started with WZWF. This was the original. It had a solid roster and was flooded with applications because the board was so gigantic. So, the powers that be decided to make WZWF a developmental federation, which became WZCW. The overflow applicants of WZWF took spots in WZCW and created an OVW type fed. Every month or so, a WZCW wrestler would be asked by WZWF to come join its roster. This occurred for the first few months, but once the regulars got settled in, we decided that we didn't want to leave the fed when asked up. So, controversially, we cut our ties with WZWF and set out on our own.

We had great storylines and characters. It is rather ironic because WZCW far outlasted WZWF, as it went dormant not long after WZCW split off. I eventually left because of personal conflicts that I had with the creative staff. I don't know how long the fed lasted after I had left, but I do not believe it lasted much longer.

So, whenever I mention anything about my roots in WZCW...they aren't fabricated...they ACTUALLY happened. :)
oh, i see, awesome, way to be Rebellious, lol, so this is WZCW 2.0
yea, except TNA is still around...WCW aint' and neither is WZWF, good points though...
Feedback on "Wrestling Styles"

Ok, Im too lazy to look at it, but someone mentioned "Wrestling Styles' (I think it was gus)
Just to point out the following: El Guerrero is NOT your average Super heavyweight, I strongly suggest to the guys who are writing matches, take as much sneaks at the profiles as necessary. I dont want people think that El Guerrero is some kind of immobile powerhouse piece of shit like Batista. check at my Profile, it's all in there and feel free to ask me whatever you want about my character.
When I think of writing the matches for this fed's wrestlers, I mainly think of.. the profiles. I mean, when you created your character, you were given the ability to list 10-15? moves. (can't remember & don't wanna check)

So therefore, I think the matches mainly just involve your set of moves, with select additional moves (wear-down holds, etc) based on your character's persona. (i.e. - mine would be Edge mainly & as I stated above, with H.B.K. sprinkled throughout)

Ultimately, I'm sure whomever is writing the matches for this fed.. looks at the profile of the wrestler's they're writing about. When I posted what I did, I was (like you, Aerandir) slightly afraid that whomever was writing my match may not of understood exactly what "I" invisioned for my wrestler to be.. but I also believe the writers wouldn't of been selected to writing our matches, without being given the "green light" at being good enough to do so. Therefore, I trust the writers to make us look good.

And as always, if there are any disagreements with the way your character wrestled, just post it & I'm sure it'll be changed by the next match.
That is absolutely correct Will. If anyone has a problem with how they feel their wrestler is being portrayed let us know in this thread. That is why its here.
Sweet RPs so far, Will, i wonder whos on the phone...
and Coconut, you and El G are teaming up to help you win?!?!?!?!? *shocker*
Gus your RPs are getting better & better each time you make one. I can't wait to see if you do any more, or what your p.p.v. one will turn out like.

And Coconut..

We mock you all day about how stupid your Arabic culture is
(taken from Coconut's latest RP)

I wonder where the idea for THIS part of the storyline came from. lol :icon_rolleyes:
Gus your RPs are getting better & better each time you make one. I can't wait to see if you do any more, or what your p.p.v. one will turn out like.

And Coconut..

(taken from Coconut's latest RP)

I wonder where the idea for THIS part of the storyline came from. lol :icon_rolleyes:

I wonder as well.

and gus....what did u mean by that shocker thing.

I loved both Will's and Gus's RPs.

I was dead wrong when i said that GUs's RP's werent that great...i am VERY sorry Gus...U r an amazing RP....u reely got me nito the RP...as did Will!! So you ARE an amazing and serious RP-er/poster very nice.
Oh none taken, Will. Yes. That is latin, and it is a classic choral piece that I highly recommend you look into. You will recognize it when you hear it. WWE uses it a lot in promos.

As for Gus and anyone else who might be wondering, I am a relic of the old WZCW. Back in around 2002 Wrestlezone used to have a forum at the link www.wzforums.com. It was poorly modded and flooded with porn and whatnot, but it did have 2 efeds.

It started with WZWF. This was the original. It had a solid roster and was flooded with applications because the board was so gigantic. So, the powers that be decided to make WZWF a developmental federation, which became WZCW. The overflow applicants of WZWF took spots in WZCW and created an OVW type fed. Every month or so, a WZCW wrestler would be asked by WZWF to come join its roster. This occurred for the first few months, but once the regulars got settled in, we decided that we didn't want to leave the fed when asked up. So, controversially, we cut our ties with WZWF and set out on our own.

We had great storylines and characters. It is rather ironic because WZCW far outlasted WZWF, as it went dormant not long after WZCW split off. I eventually left because of personal conflicts that I had with the creative staff. I don't know how long the fed lasted after I had left, but I do not believe it lasted much longer.

So, whenever I mention anything about my roots in WZCW...they aren't fabricated...they ACTUALLY happened. :)

Yea I was there back in the day w/ Ricky. think of WZWF and WZCW as WWF & WCW back in the day. It was considered by most as an ugrade and an honor to be picked up from the WZCW roster. but then WZCW and WZWF had a cross Fed Invasion type angle for a couple of months lasting a few PPVs (very similar to the ECW & WCW alliance vs. WWF invasion many years back). I ended up being put on the WZWF roster due to winning WZWF gold during the whole ordeal. After that, WZCW and WZWF split completely and only every once in a blue moon superstars would be traded back and forth.

I have to say though, I think during my time spent in the old WZCW, i never met more dedicated, selfless RPers anywhere. they were all committed to making WZCW great. Ricky was definetly one of them. i remember reading some of his promos and bursting out laughing. :)

oh, i see, awesome, way to be Rebellious, lol, so this is WZCW 2.0

yeap, WZCW / WZWF was around a LONG time before now and then vanished. and now i am happy as all holy hell to see it back :D
Civil Revolution RPs: Thus far

Gus: I enjoyed your RP, & I'm not unintentionally trying to judge.. but if you wanted to make it even better, next time, I'd suggest added more "discussion" to your character's replies. While I LOVED the RP, a lot of everyone's "lines" were one sentence long.. I think you'd completely kill if you could add depth to your character's vocabulary & promo length.

Coconut/Peanut: I enjoyed your RP as well, but I'm not sure if it'd actually count. Remember when we talked about how cutting & pasting, more or less a "recap show" wasn't exactly an RP. When I read through your RP, I basically got one huge "recap" show, that didn't have your character saying much of anything, except toward the end.

I think you could capitalize on the ending. What I mean is, when you use "recap" points, don't make them your entire RP.. I'd highly suggest using them throughout, if thats what you want, but don't make them the main point.

Coconut, when I think of tremendous RPs, I think of you. I liked this RP, I did.. but if you get the chance to redo it. (especially since I don't know if Enforcer & Sincade would allow it, as a 'recap' show) I'd suggest giving Hasheem a more prominent role.. does that make sense?

I'm honestly afraid of losing this thing, to you, just because I know how great you can RP. But I'll be honest, not intentionally trying to be cocky.. I'd say if it came down to your current RP.. it'd be more contested between Gus & I, because we had more character development & interaction.. whereas you basically did one huge recap show, with only 3 (4 counting El Guerrero's part) never seen before interviews. I hope this can help you, more than offend you. Trust me, I respect your RPs too much to try & offend you, so I apologize if anything did.
will, could you elaborate on that, like take my rp and tweak it, so i can see what you mean? i wont edit in into my current RP, unless that;s allowed...
Coco....I don't want to sound like a hardass but, I want everyone to get a fair chance to win. When I read your Rp I was uncertain if it was a rp or a recap show. So I'm saying this it up to you if you want to rewrite your Rp, because To me your Rp felt like a Reloaded for the PPV.
Civil Revolution RPs: Thus far

Gus: I enjoyed your RP, & I'm not unintentionally trying to judge.. but if you wanted to make it even better, next time, I'd suggest added more "discussion" to your character's replies. While I LOVED the RP, a lot of everyone's "lines" were one sentence long.. I think you'd completely kill if you could add depth to your character's vocabulary & promo length.

Coconut/Peanut: I enjoyed your RP as well, but I'm not sure if it'd actually count. Remember when we talked about how cutting & pasting, more or less a "recap show" wasn't exactly an RP. When I read through your RP, I basically got one huge "recap" show, that didn't have your character saying much of anything, except toward the end.

I think you could capitalize on the ending. What I mean is, when you use "recap" points, don't make them your entire RP.. I'd highly suggest using them throughout, if thats what you want, but don't make them the main point.

Coconut, when I think of tremendous RPs, I think of you. I liked this RP, I did.. but if you get the chance to redo it. (especially since I don't know if Enforcer & Sincade would allow it, as a 'recap' show) I'd suggest giving Hasheem a more prominent role.. does that make sense?

I'm honestly afraid of losing this thing, to you, just because I know how great you can RP. But I'll be honest, not intentionally trying to be cocky.. I'd say if it came down to your current RP.. it'd be more contested between Gus & I, because we had more character development & interaction.. whereas you basically did one huge recap show, with only 3 (4 counting El Guerrero's part) never seen before interviews. I hope this can help you, more than offend you. Trust me, I respect your RPs too much to try & offend you, so I apologize if anything did.

No matter what people say about my RP's, good or bad, I don't look at it as critism. I look at it as a way for me to learn and grow, and ur post truly made me grow. I agree that Hasheem had very little part to it, as did the recaps, but I have to dis-agree with some of your points. I don't really know which points I am disagreeing with but I know that it was good, as I think maybe it was off topic a little, but what else did u guys want?

An interactive show like u and gus did?

OR a single interview like Sincade's opponent?

I don't wanna sound like an asshole...but, I feel, that the reason people, like u will, say that my RP's are good (and i feel very happy when u say that) i think it is good because it has some creativity.

Anyone can just write a simple interview, or an interactive thing, yea both urs and Gus's RP were spectacular, truly are, but the fact that I made a preview show for Civil Revolution (hyping up our specific match I thought i did what was asked.)

Enforcer asked, for our 1 RP to be about our match, and not boosting ur man. I did what he asked, my WHOLE RP was about OUR match, the rules, the stipulations, and what everyone had to say.

I think that my RP is good, like you said, but I have to disagree when u sed my RP won't prolly win.


Will...and everyone else, don't read this post with me saying it in an angry way, I mean all this truly nicely...and I really do appreciate Will's words, bc he had the courage to tell me this bc he knew i would take it seriously and not critism-ly.

If I have to do it again, I'll do it again...but I think my RP is exactly wat Enforcer asked.

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