Royal Rumble: World Heavyweight Championship


[This Space for Rent]
World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena v. ???

After last week's Raw it was announced that Four Championship contender matches would take place on tonight's addition of Raw. From there, the four winners would then face off in a Fatal Four Way and determine the new #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, held by John Cena.

The possible 8 contenders are: Shawn Michaels, Batista, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, C.M. Punk, Rey Mysterio, Kane & J.B.L.. I'll give a mini breakdown of each of the Superstars. Only one can come out on top, this is your opportunity to discuss who you think it'll be, and what impact it'll make on the Championship match at the Royal Rumble.

This thread is specifically designed to discuss the Championship match that'll be held at the Royal Rumble. After tonight, only 4 possible Superstars will remain, and if I'm correct in understanding, after next week.. we'll know what the match will be.

Shawn Michaels: Albeit he's arguably the best of the Eight listed, and another Cena/Michaels encounter could be epic.. I just doubt he'll get it. H.B.K.'s current storyline with J.B.L. is likely leading him down the path of becoming J.B.L.'s slave which will likely lead to J.B.L. taking H.B.K.'s spot, or merely being forced to lose all together.

If things were different, I'd say H.B.K. could have an outside chance of making it, but they aren't and he doesn't. In my opinion, anyways.

J.B.L.: Speaking of J.B.L., his first round opponent is set to be Rey Mysterio. In all likelyhood Mike Knox will show up around this match since he's becoming to stick to cruiserweights like glue.

I honestly think J.B.L. will lose, only to force Shawn Michaels (after he wins) to give his Fatal Four Way spot to him, allowing J.B.L. two different opportunities to get the possible title shot.

While J.B.L. seems to have the best odds, the fact is I just can't see J.B.L. against Cena again any time soon. Not even a Raw match.

Kane: Kane is merely a former World Heavyweight Champion that's being tossed in because of his name alone. I doubt seriously that he has any ability to win anything. Kane's current storyline with Kelly Kelly seems to take more focus to him than a possible World title reign.

Rey Mysterio: Banged up, broken and beaten down. Those are words that can be summed up to describe Rey Mysterio as of late. With an Intercontinental Finals' loss to Punk, and a continuing weekly beat-down by Mike Knox, I don't think Mysterio is got much left to make a run at any type of Heavyweight Championship.

While he could very well advance to the Fatal Four Way, it's likely only be a matter of time before he's eliminated. I can't see Mysterio v. Cena at all, ever.

C.M. Punk: Once upon a time, Cena against Punk was a possible Unforgiven, No Mercy & Survivor Series thought. Thankfully that dream has sailed and we've moved Punk back to his proper division.. mid-card.

To make matters worse for Punk, his first-round opponent is a guy hell-bent on being the end-all, be-all to John Cena's next/new arch-rival.. Chris Jericho. And finally, because Punk is (afterall) the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship.. I do look for Regal to play a small role in Punk's elimination.

Still, Punk has shocked us all before (unfortunately) and there isn't anything set in stone that doesn't hold us from thinking in some manner that he couldn't again.

Batista: It's unknown at this point in time if they'll even have Batista compete. He suffered the "Punt of Death" from Randy Orton last week, and that's the same punt that's left several others out of action for a while.

If Batista is in this thing, then we've got one hell of a great first round match-up. Orton against Batista, only one can advance. It's anyone's guess as to who would, but my opinion would be the Young group of Cody, Manu and possibly Sim Snuka will derail the Animal in his quest for Gold.

Chris Jericho: We're down to the final two. Jericho or Orton. Both are prime choices to take on Cena. Both are top heels and capable of dethroning Cena.

The real question is, would the W.W.E. risk allowing Jericho three straight Championship matches in which he'd likely lose? My guess (hopefully) would be no. Jericho, if he gets in, will have to win the title.. or be made a joke of a Main Eventer of.

I doubt he'd win the title if he got the shot, and the only thing worth making a 3rd straight Jericho/Cena match worth watching would be a gimmick attached to it. Street Fight? Submissio.. no.. Last Man Standing?? Maybe.

Randy Orton: In the end, I think Randy Orton and his new collective young group of talent will come out on top. Orton hasn't really received a rematch for his World Heavyweight Championship since he's lost it, and the underlining storyline is how Orton truly holds victories over Cena.. more recently than Cena does over Orton.

I think Randy Orton will win out in the end, but fall short to Cena at the Rumble.

SO.. now that I've broken things down, what are everyone else's opinions?
World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena v. ???

After last week's Raw it was announced that Four Championship contender matches would take place on tonight's addition of Raw. From there, the four winners would then face off in a Fatal Four Way and determine the new #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, held by John Cena.

The possible 8 contenders are: Shawn Michaels, Batista, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, C.M. Punk, Rey Mysterio, Kane & J.B.L.. I'll give a mini breakdown of each of the Superstars. Only one can come out on top, this is your opportunity to discuss who you think it'll be, and what impact it'll make on the Championship match at the Royal Rumble.

This thread is specifically designed to discuss the Championship match that'll be held at the Royal Rumble. After tonight, only 4 possible Superstars will remain, and if I'm correct in understanding, after next week.. we'll know what the match will be.

Shawn Michaels: Albeit he's arguably the best of the Eight listed, and another Cena/Michaels encounter could be epic.. I just doubt he'll get it. H.B.K.'s current storyline with J.B.L. is likely leading him down the path of becoming J.B.L.'s slave which will likely lead to J.B.L. taking H.B.K.'s spot, or merely being forced to lose all together.

If things were different, I'd say H.B.K. could have an outside chance of making it, but they aren't and he doesn't. In my opinion, anyways.

J.B.L.: Speaking of J.B.L., his first round opponent is set to be Rey Mysterio. In all likelyhood Mike Knox will show up around this match since he's becoming to stick to cruiserweights like glue.

I honestly think J.B.L. will lose, only to force Shawn Michaels (after he wins) to give his Fatal Four Way spot to him, allowing J.B.L. two different opportunities to get the possible title shot.

While J.B.L. seems to have the best odds, the fact is I just can't see J.B.L. against Cena again any time soon. Not even a Raw match.

Kane: Kane is merely a former World Heavyweight Champion that's being tossed in because of his name alone. I doubt seriously that he has any ability to win anything. Kane's current storyline with Kelly Kelly seems to take more focus to him than a possible World title reign.

Rey Mysterio: Banged up, broken and beaten down. Those are words that can be summed up to describe Rey Mysterio as of late. With an Intercontinental Finals' loss to Punk, and a continuing weekly beat-down by Mike Knox, I don't think Mysterio is got much left to make a run at any type of Heavyweight Championship.

While he could very well advance to the Fatal Four Way, it's likely only be a matter of time before he's eliminated. I can't see Mysterio v. Cena at all, ever.

C.M. Punk: Once upon a time, Cena against Punk was a possible Unforgiven, No Mercy & Survivor Series thought. Thankfully that dream has sailed and we've moved Punk back to his proper division.. mid-card.

To make matters worse for Punk, his first-round opponent is a guy hell-bent on being the end-all, be-all to John Cena's next/new arch-rival.. Chris Jericho. And finally, because Punk is (afterall) the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship.. I do look for Regal to play a small role in Punk's elimination.

Still, Punk has shocked us all before (unfortunately) and there isn't anything set in stone that doesn't hold us from thinking in some manner that he couldn't again.

Batista: It's unknown at this point in time if they'll even have Batista compete. He suffered the "Punt of Death" from Randy Orton last week, and that's the same punt that's left several others out of action for a while.

If Batista is in this thing, then we've got one hell of a great first round match-up. Orton against Batista, only one can advance. It's anyone's guess as to who would, but my opinion would be the Young group of Cody, Manu and possibly Sim Snuka will derail the Animal in his quest for Gold.

Chris Jericho: We're down to the final two. Jericho or Orton. Both are prime choices to take on Cena. Both are top heels and capable of dethroning Cena.

The real question is, would the W.W.E. risk allowing Jericho three straight Championship matches in which he'd likely lose? My guess (hopefully) would be no. Jericho, if he gets in, will have to win the title.. or be made a joke of a Main Eventer of.

I doubt he'd win the title if he got the shot, and the only thing worth making a 3rd straight Jericho/Cena match worth watching would be a gimmick attached to it. Street Fight? Submissio.. no.. Last Man Standing?? Maybe.

Randy Orton: In the end, I think Randy Orton and his new collective young group of talent will come out on top. Orton hasn't really received a rematch for his World Heavyweight Championship since he's lost it, and the underlining storyline is how Orton truly holds victories over Cena.. more recently than Cena does over Orton.

I think Randy Orton will win out in the end, but fall short to Cena at the Rumble.

SO.. now that I've broken things down, what are everyone else's opinions?

Fantastic post. I personally think it will go down to a Randy Orton vs JBL vs Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio in the Fatal Four Way.

Randy Orton vs Batista

Should be a very good, very close match for the better part of it, Randy Orton to win following an interference by Cody Rhodes and Manu.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk

Punk is now back to a midcarder and lets keep it that way, Jericho for the win.

Shawn Michaels vs Kane

Should be a good match which HBK wins fairly. JBL takes the place of HBK after HBK is ordered to give JBL his place in the fatal four way.

JBL vs Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio to win this match so that JBL can use Shawn winning to his advantage.

Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho vs JBL vs Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton for the win here since Jericho has had a lot of attention in the World Heavyweight Championship scene, JBL is past it and Mysterio isn't good enough, in my opinion.

There you have my predictions, I'm probably be wrong but I look forward to seeing how I do. :)
HBK/JBL- With these two guys being involved in a storyline together I don't see either of them having a chance to win this.

Mysterio/Punk- Mysterio is involved with Knox and Punk is about to feud with Regal so these two are also very unlikely.

Batista- After getting kicked in the head last week I see him forfeiting is match with Orton, so he's ruled out.

Jericho- Maybe, but he just had two title matches with Cena so I doubt it.

Kane- I could see Cena being the guy that Kelly Kelly is dating and then it would make sense for Kane to win this. It would add some sort of luster to what would normally be a lame match.

Orton- This is the most likely choice. He is RAW's top heel right now and he would be a perfect opponent for Cena. Out of all the choices he makes the most sense.
Randy Orton vs Batista
--Batista sells the injury and doesn't show up. Orton wins via forfeit. More on this later.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
--Jericho beats Punk clean after a Codebreaker.

HBK vs Kane
--Good chance HBK wins, good chance Kane wins. But HBK won't win the Fatal Fourway anyway, and I have a feeling that Kane advances here.

JBL vs Rey Mysterio
--JBL wins, unless HBK screws JBL out of it.

What I think this will come down to is having Batista screw Orton out of the Fatal Fourway, allowing Jericho or Kane to face Cena at the Royal Rumble. It won't be Mysterio, it won't be HBK, and it won't be JBL. I can't see them having Orton/Cena or Batista/Cena if they're two options for WrestleMania (ugh), and Punk is already involved in the IC chase, so he'll probably get his IC title shot at the rumble.

If I had to bank on anything, it'd be Jericho/Cena III, with the slight chance of Kane/Cena, as Batista and Orton need to be in the Royal Rumble match itself since they're 2 of the 4 most likely candidates to win it this year alongside Edge and HHH.
I've posted elsewhere that I have Randy Orton as my favorite to win the Royal Rumble match, but after reading the other posts here, I'm not so sure about this. Everyone is making it seem like Orton is the odds-on favorite to come out of this mini-tournament and face Cena. Just because that scenario has already been detailed, I'll describe the other two possibilities that I see.

Chris Jericho: I know this will be the 3rd pay-per-view in a row with this match-up, but I have two reasons for this being a possibility. First is that this is the Royal Rumble, the only pay-per-view where the championship matches make up the undercard, so the fans won't be as focused on this match and creative can get away with it. My second reason is, as Will said, they can make it some kind of gimmick match. I believe that if they go this route, you can expect to feud to continue for awhile, as it will only intensify the conflict, eventually leading to a 3 or 4 man WrestleMania match for the title.

JBL: Once again, it has been done before, and trust me, I know how ugly it was. But, at the same time, if they want Orton to win the Rumble, as I think they do, and not do the same title match again, then this looks like the only option. Every other man in this "tournament" excluding Rey is in some kind of storyline already. If this match happens, expect JBL to force HBK into doing some kind of interference to help him either win, or get dq'd.
I am going with JBL to face Cena at the rumble. With the whole HBK employee angle, HBK will somehow lay down for JBL to win next week, leading to HBK screwing JBL out of the match at the rumble. JBL is a safe choice for the rumble, him and Cena have history against each other, and I just cant see the Jericho match happening again.

This will set it up for JBL v HBK at WM and an Orton victory in the rumble match to add to his resume and face Cena at WM.
I think the WWE is going for either HBK or JBL to win the fatal 4 way to face Cena. Orton and Jericho should both be key players in the Rumble match, the JBL/HBK storyline will surely progress to JBL using HBK to try to win the world title, of course Cena is going to win at the Rumble, so it seems pointless to waste a big draw with Orton and Cena, when the Rumble itself is already a large enough draw. Jericho is the other option but WWE would have to add something intresting to the match because we have already seem them fight at the past 2 PPV's. Jericho should also be included in the rumble match IMO as a darkhorse. That leaves either HBK or JBL, and either would put on a good match with Cena as previous matches have shown us.
Given the new field of four, I can only see either HBK or JBL getting it, and I'm going to go with JBL, because when you look at it, HBK/Cena is a much bigger match than Cena/JBL. I think JBL and Cena have some good chemistry in the ring together, and their series from JD to the Bash, worked out pretty well. Frankly, there's no reason to put out HBK/Cena here because that's very well a match that could main event Backlash or Judgment Day down the road, and to be honest, the Rumble's going to sell no matter what the undercard is. You could fill it with 2 hours of dancing midgets, and people would buy it for the Rumble match. So I'm definitely seeing HBK lying down for JBL in the Fatal Four Way, and JBL getting the title match.

I'm sure everyone else will hate the match, but screw it. JBL works strong heel psychology in the ring and can pull off everything the Rumble match needs to be with Cena. HBK will definitely get involved somehow, but clearly there's no way JBL would actually win the title. Potentially HBK screwing JBL over as his manhood returns to him, and then he goes on to fight JBL at No Way Out.
Im going to agree with most people on this thread and say its going to be JBL vs. Cena in your basic filler rumble title match. Randy orton will probably be the winner or the rumble match itself.

Shawn Michales will win this fatal 4 way thing, but then JBL will force shawn to step down and allow himself to become the number one contender. Or maybe JBL will make michales work with him as a team throughout the fatal 4 way and then when they are the final 2 he will force shawn to lie down for him(this will generate some MONSTER HEAT if they do it).
Their is a few ways WWE could go with this one, and I believe that either Shaun Michaels or John Bradshaw Layfield will take on Cena.

JBL: Its been said a few times, and its the only way I feel that JBL can win, and that is if he gets Shaun Michaels to lay down for him, in the process of eliminating Jericho and Orton. It would be good to continue this feud, and a possible match at Wrestlemania 25.

Shaun Michaels: To me this could be very interesting, I think to let this feud take off, and stop it meandering on with these financial issues, their is a great way WWE can make Cena Vs Michaels and continue the feud. Just imagine, after Jericho and/or Orton is eliminated JBL is barking at Michaels to lie down, crowd booing obviously, Michaels lies down, JBL turns his back, parades around and behind him, Shaun does that thing where he gets up and hits a Superkick on JBL, thus pinning him. This could leave JBL angry, get a good World Title Match at RR with Cena retaining with some interference with JBL, then Cena can continue and HBK can continue with his feud with JBL.

I personally hope Michaels wins, as it would be a better match then JBL Vs John Cena.
It's going to be Jericho or JBL (via HBK giving it up somehow). Unless Cena gets injured, he's going to be champion at WrestleMania, so it needs to be someone he can go over clean. Both of these two apply. It also needs to be a heel. Both of these two apply. Orton has the best chance out of everybody in the entire WWE to win the Royal Rumble this year, so he can't challenge at the RR. And for HBK/Cena to happen you'd be robbing HBK of performing in the Royal Rumble, which he clearly loves to do, so I can't see that happening.

If its Cena/JBL, then I can see HBK costing JBL the match and then JBL throwing HBK out of the Royal Rumble (especially since Michaels usually gets booked into a spot where someone eliminates him in an unclean fashion), then the two of them have a match at No Way Out to end their feud (as we'll be getting HBK/Taker at Mania). And, if Orton does win the RR, then Raw won't have the Elimination Chamber, so there wouldn't be a need for HBK and JBL to get in that.

If its Cena/Jericho, then Cena goes over clean and there's just no story to tell or anything special to it.

In a way, I kind of hope that Jericho DOESN'T win it, as I'd rather see him in the Royal Rumble for a while than JBL.
Overall the whole mini-tournament to decide who's involved in this match is a bit pointless. Whatever the outcome, the end result will be a match that we've seen plenty of times before. Cena vs. HBK was done two year's ago, there's hardly any need to explore it again so soon. Cena had plenty of poor matches with JBL just last year. He's only just finished totally dominating Chris Jericho & Randy Orton looks like he'll be his Mania opponent.

WWE have the safety net of The Rumble and the outcome of the match is pretty obvious. They may as well have tried something new like a match with Punk or Mysterio.
With Batista being out for a while it looks like Cena's Mania opponent is going to be Orton. So unless they have Orton win the title at the Rumble and then have the rematch at Wrestlemania, I don't think Orton will win the fatal fourway.

It will either be Orton, and they will have him win the title at the rumble with interference from Legacy so that would set up a rematch for Wrestlemania, or it will be JBL.

Jericho has faced Cena the last two pay per views so I don't see him getting the win, and HBK facing Cena doesn't make any sense considering the fact that JBL is in the match and HBK is working for JBL.

JBL is starting to make more and more sense because when his feud with Cena ended before Cena's injury, JBL was on the winning end. This would give Cena a chance to get a clean victory over JBL and it would end any talk of JBL being better then the champion.
I think itll be Jeritron. Now everyone will bristle and say "but NorCal!!! they is wrestled the last two ppvs in a row!"

Uh yea, so fucking what?? This is the WWE...and as we have seen, they quite enjoy doing these types of feuds in three matches, possibly 4. So with it all being said, I think itll lbe Jericho. They are pushing him further with the whole "Superstar of the year/im too good to even wrassle Hacksaw Duggan" thing. I give JBL a slight chance, only becuase of the possible furthering of the HBK angle, but that can be accomplished just as easily in the actual rumble match itself. So, Jericho, possibly with a gimmick in there.
well WWE did stuff up alot with these four matches. Kane would have been a fantastic opponent at RR for Cena, Cm punk could of even done it just because it hasn't been done. I am jsut so disapointed . because we have seen all these matches before. JBL and Cena have had the worst 2 PPV matches at GAB and ONS. HBK shouldn't be getting the title shot right now . maybe judgement day but for now it's a heel time. Orton shouldn't win this heck i don't want him to win the rumble with cena has champion. thye have had 5 matches for the title in the last year and a half ( if you count triple threats etc,etc).

But out of these i feel jericho should win it. i wouldn't mind him have one more shot at it, 3 shots at 3 ppvs in a row is ok. jsut look at orton last year, triple h against batista , blah blah it makes sense ok. but then that makes me realise RR is the place to start the major feuds at WM so that makes me think that jericho doesn't win this and then can have a proper feud with some one in the rumble, maybe mysterio?

anyways i bet the outcome is Orton because WWE doesn't see he should win the rumble an dthat is just fucking ******ed.
I see Jericho or HBK winning the Race

If HBK wins I see JBL weaseling his way in the match with this "HBK is JBL's employee" crap, making it either a triple threat between them, or JBL replacing HBK all together

If Jericho wins, gimmick match for sure, i'm seeing a Last Man Standing match
The Royal Rumble has a history of the world champion facing an opponent of lower status (ex. Edge(c) vs Mysterio 2008, John Cena(c) vs Umaga 2007, Kurt Angle(c) vs Mark Henry 2006, etc.) and more often than not you know the champion is going to retain the title and most of the time the champion succesfully defends his championship at the Rumble.

So to keep with tradition I think that JBL will be facing Cena at the Rumble. JBL is an opponent of lower status and you know Cena will defeat him. I think JBL will win the fatal four way by having Michaels lay down for him, or Michaels will win the match but JBL will make Michaels give him his spot because Shawn works for him. So that eliminates any chance Michaels has of facing Cena.

I don't think Orton will face Cena because I think the next time they go head to head will be at Wrestlemania. Orton is also only one of a couple people I could see winning the Rumble. So to be in the Rumble match he can't be facing Cena that night.

The only other possible option is Jericho, who also fits the bill of a person who you know the champion is going to defeat.

But I'm goona stick with Jiggly Boobs Layfield to win the Fatal Four Way and go on to face Cena at the Rumble.
JBL is confirmed as Cena's opponent.

I think this is a good choice on WWE's part, no-one expects titles to change hands at the Rumble, people don't really buy it for the title matches which makes it different from other PPV's. The biggest draw is the Royal Rumble match so by having your biggest stars in that match it likely ensures better buyrates, Orton, HBK and Jericho needed to be in the Rumble for this reason. In addition it's also true that the other 3 were not really viable options. It would have been a waste of a potentially great feud between Orton and Cena as IMO it would have been too early, and there would not have been enoug time to set up the feud properly. If they choose to have Orton v Cena at mania then the Road to Wrestlemania will provide enough time to build the feud up to its potential.

This been said JBL will put on a good match with Cena, they have had good matches in the past and I don;t see how this will be different. JBL is great at generating heat, and at playing the heel so the feud should progress nicely going into the Rumble and it should be a decent one.
Cena will almost definitely go over JBL here, but I'll play Devil's Advocate, and guess what could happen if JBL wins.

If JBL wins, it probably means that HBK wins the Rumble, and it sets up an extension on this, lasting into Mania. That leaves Cena-Orton as a possibility for Mania, but not as a title match, and that's sad. That also eliminates the possibility of HBK-Undertaker, which is again, sad...

Cena goes over, HBK costs JBL the match, and then JBL costs HBK the Rumble. This will set up a match between JBL and HBK at No Way Out, and hopefully the end of the storyline...
Imo what they should have done was have CM Punk advance, then win the fatal 4 way, maybe have Shawn and JBL work to eliminate Orton whos the biggest threat, then punk gets worn down, jbl's arrogance wants the last pin so he has michaels lay down for him. then goes to hit the clothesline on punk, its dodged, into a GTS. Punk-Cena at RR.

Cena and Punk could've had a decent 10 minute or so match with both men looking strong and perhaps has punk hit the GTS but before he can pin Regal runs out and causes a distraction or something along those lines.

Punk doesnt win WHC, but since he held his own against Cena, possibly winning it, he and as a result the IC belt hes fighting for looks more legit in the process.

I dont see why they couldnt have done this unless in the extremely odd snowballs chance in hell they have punk win the rumble.

Cena-Jbl is done to death imo just like alot of yours...
Heres a good scenario for the Taker HBK match at WM to happen and it starts with the WHC match at RR. Ok at RR JBL beats Cena with HBK's help (Put these guys in a gimick match, there I quit match at JD was awesome). HBK then gets mad and says he helped JBL get the #1 contendership for laying for him on Raw and helped him win the title at Royal Rumble and wants a match for the title at NWO against JBL. JBL accepts or is forced into it by Stephanie, or HBK forged the contract to say by him working for JBL he gets a title shot, whatever, and HBK wins the title at NWO. The final match at NWO is Raws elimination chamber match, where Undertaker returns and is revealed he is now on Raw and wins the match making HBK vs Taker at WM for title vs streak. This makes the most sense to me, or have Taker return earlier, whatever they can do to make it work for him to face Michaels. This also totally sets up Hardy vs Hardy, or Hardy vs Christian as the other ME at WM, and we can also see Cena vs Orton in a non title, which it should be since we've seen them wrestle what 5 times, which doesnt make sense to put Cena vs Orton as the ME at WM anyway since weve seen it so much, but not saying they couldnt build it up as a sub ME.
On Raw last night Shawn said that he is Mr. Wrestlemania and that there is one thing he tries to do and that is steal the show.
So I think Shawn might be in the MITB match and win it.It could either be Shawn vs Taker(if he wins) or Shawn vs JBL(if he wins)it at RR with Shawn's help.
Are we seriously getting Cena and JBL again? They exhausted 3 PPV's already on these two, four if you count their inclusion in the Backlash fatal four way with Orton and HHH. Cena won the first three and then JBL won the last one, the street fight at GAB after throwing Cena into a windshield. After that JBL feuded and lost three times to Punk for the WHC, which makes JBL look horrible considering Punk didn't beat anyone better than JBL during his tenure as champion. JBL then lost to Micheals at Survivor Series and well... looks like JBL closed the year with three acknowledgeable wins (Silly JBL, wins over jobbers mean nothing). One over Finlay at WM which isn't very big, the said last chance win over Cena, and this weeks RAW. I'm officially declaring JBL "John Cena's whipping boy" as coupled with his three losses this year he also has 2 PPV loses to him back in 05. The match should be no different than many of the others with Cena picking up the win again. Of course this being the Royal Rumble, I guess it's okay to throw out this overly used tissue back for another one. The rumble is usually bigger than the title matches so this match actually makes sense. Anyway, Cena wins this one easily and then goes on to face Orton at Wrestlemania.
Are we seriously getting Cena and JBL again? They exhausted 3 PPV's already on these two, four if you count their inclusion in the Backlash fatal four way with Orton and HHH. Cena won the first three and then JBL won the last one, the street fight at GAB after throwing Cena into a windshield. After that JBL feuded and lost three times to Punk for the WHC, which makes JBL look horrible considering Punk didn't beat anyone better than JBL during his tenure as champion. JBL then lost to Micheals at Survivor Series and well... looks like JBL closed the year with three acknowledgeable wins (Silly JBL, wins over jobbers mean nothing). One over Finlay at WM which isn't very big, the said last chance win over Cena, and this weeks RAW. I'm officially declaring JBL "John Cena's whipping boy" as coupled with his three losses this year he also has 2 PPV loses to him back in 05. The match should be no different than many of the others with Cena picking up the win again. Of course this being the Royal Rumble, I guess it's okay to throw out this overly used tissue back for another one. The rumble is usually bigger than the title matches so this match actually makes sense. Anyway, Cena wins this one easily and then goes on to face Orton at Wrestlemania.

I agree with the JBL and Cena being exhausted, but why is everyone all for Cena and Orton at WM25 when that match itself has been exhausted more times then JBL and Cena and JBL and Cena is at RR and people are still saying its being exhausted. Cena and Orton ME WM25 makes no sense. Why? The past 1.5 years it has happened 5 times (would of been 6 if they had the match at No Mercy 07) They had Summerslam 07, Unforgiven 07, No Way Out 08, WM 24 (tripple threat), Backlash 08 (4 way). The past 1.5 year 3/5 have been 1 on 1 making a match at WM is like ok a 4th match between these two would be nothing special. I'm not saying it wouldnt be good, but not ME WM25 caliber.
I agree with most the posters here when they say JBL got the shot because they don't need to have a big ME at the Royal Rumble so they just put JBL there, which also helps his current storyline with HBK. I don't think JBL goes over here, but I also don't see HBK turning on him either. I think there could be a mix-up with HBK and JBL which gives Cena an opening and the win, which could lead to JBL further degrading HBK which would eventually lead to a match. I really think that JBL was the best choice because it doesn't affect any current storylines or derail them.

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