Round One: Hercules vs. Kratos

Who wins?

  • Hercules

  • Kratos

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Round One...


You never know what you're going to get with the first round random draws in the BattleZone Tournament, but the RNG came through big on this one! The most famous hero of them all, Hercules, takes on the man that killed his father, Kratos. Which one of these Adonises of Antiquity moves on to round two?

I hate to be this guy, but we've seen this battle before in God Of War 3, with Hercules actively receiving assistance during the battle from various minions. And what happened?


Kratos is pushed to his limits here, but the end result is the same: Kratos manages to improvise and smash Hercules's face in.
Hercules is the most OP man ever created. The guy could tear mountains in his path, kill monsters, was a great leader, a big icon.

The only thing that brought down Herc was a woman. Kratos is no woman, so Herc takes this fight.

PS: Think twice before judging this on a video game fight. The OP said it: Hercules (MYTH) VS Kratos (GoW). Not Hercules (Gow).
Video game protagonists have a disadvantage that many gloss over. It's a major problem for Kratos. He needs certain special items and aid that is borderline Divine Intervention. The goddess Athena gave him weapons. Kratos had to get his hands on Pandora's Box to take the fight to the gods. He needed the help of some mystery Deus Ex Machina gravedigger Zeus to live and beat Ares himself. Even the game is set to where he has to gather a lot of blood orbs in order to be a real threat. Kratos being some badass is a pretty big misconception. He is a beggar Link with muscles.

What made Hercules the flag bearer for masculinity was the fact that he never leaned on any god to help him. Out of his 12 Labors, gods came to his aid twice. Once was Athena giving him noise clappers to make man-eating birds fly off and the other was Hermes and Athena showing Hercules the way in and out of the Underworld. That's it. No special weapons. No saving his life. Hercules doesn't need a god to be awesome. He wrestled countless demi-gods and beat/killed them through his Labors. He can subdue monsters with his bare hands, split mountains in two, and hold the very heavens on his shoulders. The Hercules of myth is leaps and bounds above Kratos. He doesn't need orbs or Feathers.

And it is also worth noting that GOW Hercules wasn't wearing his invulnerable Nemean Lion skin, something that is essential to his character by the end of the 1st Labor. It is one hell of a piece of armory.

Hercules has a bow, swords, clubs, his legendary strength, and his wit, which is highly underrated. Kratos has to pray that a god gives him what he needs because this is the first round and he hasn't collected enough orbs to make Herc sweat.

Vote Hercules Hercules Hercules
I will take Hercules from Greek Mythology over Kratos any day of the week.

The Hercules from Myth was the pinnacle. Those 12 labors were nothing if not jaw dropping amazing while Hercules from God of War was nothing but a whiny pussy upset his half brother got a job he thought should have gone to him.

I won't begrudge anyone voting for Kratos if you feel he should win but remember there is a ton more to Hercules than the whiny puffed up bitch from the video game
Since we're going with Hercules the Myth and not Hercules the whiny video game villain, I've gotta go with Hercules.

Now keep in mind, Kratos has a great military mind and has been fighting and training since he was a child. Plus let's not forget that, like Hercules, he's also the son of Zeus. He's naturally stronger than most men and faster. Also he's more agile and few can compete when it comes to brute strength and military thinking.

BUT, Hercules is in a class all on his own in all of those areas. He's very intelligent and witty plus he's much faster than Kratos. Kratos would let his blood lust and rage get in the way and Hercules would be able to taunt him into a trap. But even without that, Hercules wins.
So if we are going to take away the weapons Kratos has been shown to use frequently just because of where they came from, then I guess we can take away Cap's shield. If Kratos uses something that gives him an unfair advantage against his opponent, then clearly a shield crafted from space metal would be off limits as well.

Well as per the rules, those things are in. Maybe not some of the crazier less used weapons, but Kratos and his chains are enough to get the job done. In the game Hercules came with all the gusto & the character was based on his mythical self. Problem? Kratos kicked his ass along with everyone else of equal or greater power. His life was destroying gods and demi gods. Hercules couldnt get it done with help in the game, so a solo mission will prove a faster demise.
I just thought I'd add that Hercules pulled Manhattan out of the way with chains wrapped around his shoulders. Seen it in a ridiculous comics panel list somewhere. So if he can haul Manhattan, he should send Kratos to a K.O or submission victory.
I just thought I'd add that Hercules pulled Manhattan out of the way with chains wrapped around his shoulders. Seen it in a ridiculous comics panel list somewhere. So if he can haul Manhattan, he should send Kratos to a K.O or submission victory.

This is mythical Herc, not comic Herc.
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