Round One: Black Panther vs. Kirby

Who wins?

  • Black Panther

  • Kirby

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Round One...


The pinkest tourney favorite takes on one of Marvel's new film heroes. Does Kirby continue his run of first round dominance, or does Black Panther have what it takes to add another first to his 2016?

Every year, Kirby gets a big push in this thing and for the life of me I don't understand why.

"He can absorb things and use it against his opponents!"

And that makes him an expert in how to use them? Not exactly, as it gives Kirby that ability but doesn't make him proficient in said weapon. If he absorbs something of Panther, who is mainly a hand to hand fighter meaning there's nothing to absorb in the first place, it doesn't mean he's at Panther's level with said abilities.

On top of that, Kirby's absorbing powers work when he opens his mouth. Now stay with me on this, but doesn't that mean you can attack him from behind? Yeah basically if you get behind him, all you have to do is hit him in the back a few times (since Kirby has the dreaded Nintendo issue of being vulnerable to basic touch) and he's in major trouble.

So yeah: Panther wins here by giving Kirby nothing to absorb or just hitting him in the back a few times. This isn't much of a contest.
If you are under the impression that Kirby is just a floating pink balloon with an endless void for a stomach and the ability to copy a foes power, then you've only scratched the surface. He can do so much more...

Kirby is so strong that he can crack a planet in half with one punch.


He can throw a monster and a frying pan so hard that the two achieve escape velocity and fly all the way to the sun.


This is Kirby on his warp star...


He can call on it anytime he wants. It's an extension of his own energy, and if it gets destroyed he can easily make another. While riding it he can easily exceed the speed of light and can achieve speeds comparable to that of the Silver Surfer.

This is Kirby and his star rod...


He can obtain this by inhaling his warp star. With it he can defeat foes that have easily destroyed moons.

And his inhale ability? He can store hundreds of abilities in his void of a stomach which he has access to any time he wants. Regeneration, intangibility, and teleportation to name a few special abilities. Along with numerous weapons like a giant sword and a hammer. He can fire energy beams and manipulate the elements. His arsenal is so vast that he really doesn't even have to rely on his copy ability to defeat really powerful foes.

I like the Black Panther. He's known for his blinding speed. Outside of that he really doesn't have much else. He can't match Kirby's raw strength or power, and any damage that he could deal could easily be regenerated. Some of Kirby's more specialized abilities could be used to open up holes in Black Panthers defense. Kirby could realistically end this fight with one blow.

Black Panther is outmatched here. Kirby wouldn't even need to absorb him in order to win.
Pretty sure Panther could dodge a shot from a princess wand. As far as the planet cracking thing goes.... it seems as if he would need to be pretty close to hit someone. Facing one of the most agile competitors in this thing, Kirby would have a bitch of a time getting in to do damage.

"But nightmare, he has a star that goes super fast!"

Who gives a shit. You think this guy is gonna just scratch his balls while Kirby calls this giant glittery star?

I dont see Kirby winning this, but bring on the lolkirbywins votes.
Pretty sure Panther could dodge a shot from a princess wand.

Characters much faster than the Black Panther couldn't dodge the princess wand.

As far as the planet cracking thing goes.... it seems as if he would need to be pretty close to hit someone. Facing one of the most agile competitors in this thing, Kirby would have a bitch of a time getting in to do damage.

Kirby has both teleportation and intangibility up his sleeve. Both would allow him to easily tag Black Panther. Besides a punch that can leave a giant fissure the earth thousands of miles long and hundreds of miles across would allow him to KO the Black Panther without actually directly hitting him.

Kirby should LOLwin here because he deserves to. He has everything over Black Panther. Including speed.
Its It's funny you say that because you're bringing on the lolpantherwins vote.

Kirby is stronger, faster, more durable, and has more abilities/attacks than Black Panther. It seems kinda academic to me, but, if you need something tangible pr a description of howor why Kirby wins, this is it. Panther does have some long rang projectiles that he could use, but Kirby would recover almost instantly. Assuming they do any damage at all. So Panther will have to get close to beat Kirby and if he does, Kirby has him. Either by copy or by his sheer stregnth and abilities. Literally, Kirby would be on the level of someone like Thor from the Avengers. Can Black Panther beat Thor?

Kirby wins.
I dont care either way, just wanted to see how long it took for someone to storm in waving a big pink ***** screaming "IT CAN DO EVERYTHING!!". Looks like we have two winners.
I dont care either way, just wanted to see how long it took for someone to storm in waving a big pink ***** screaming "IT CAN DO EVERYTHING!!". Looks like we have two winners.

Well, Kirby can't do everything, don't be silly. But he can certainly do enough to kick the Black Panther's ass. If you think Black Panther should win because he's a cooler character then that's not a viable argument. It's actually a pretty petty one. You are all but admitting that Kirby should win but don't want to see a favorite booted first round.
No Ech, I honestly could not care. This is a throwaway match for me. I just like to hear how super overpowered kirby is at the mere mention of someone dodging his attack. You guys bring the guns all out at the drop of a hat despite him being a crap character. They had to make him suped up or nobody would care. At least Panther is interesting.

I vote for The Rock. He can do everything Kirby can and better. #boots2asses
No Ech, I honestly could not care. This is a throwaway match for me. I just like to hear how super overpowered kirby is at the mere mention of someone dodging his attack. You guys bring the guns all out at the drop of a hat despite him being a crap character. They had to make him suped up or nobody would care. At least Panther is interesting.

I vote for The Rock. He can do everything Kirby can and better. #boots2asses

Whether or not Kirby is an interesting character has nothing to do with whether or not he would win a fight. This is a Battlezone tournament. Not a "which character is more interesting" tournament.

Fact is that Kirby has everything over Black Panther and would easily win a fight between the two. Obviously you agree or you wouldn't be whining about how overpowered Kirby is.
Kirby is my man.

Black Panther is also my man.

This match is hard for me. I think that Kirby could inhale Black Panther and gain his extraordinary abilities, but I don't think that Kirby is in any way indestructible and if he's caught by Panther can be pummeled into an unconscious or incapacitated state.

Kirby at his best is unstoppable, but he is, for lack of a better term, squishy. He only has eight life points, after all. I die in Kirby games all the time.

I'm leaning Kirby because of the Warp Star, Star Rod, and Rainbow Drops giving him an advantage in magical weaponry, but Panther is not to be looked down on.

Also, guys, try to keep it civil, please. Take it to the bar to yell about fake fighting on a message board about fake wrestling.
Kirby is stronger? He can't handle a hit from a fucking mallet. Kirby is faster? What Kirby media do you watch? He's slow as shit. Mario's faster than him.

If you are under the impression that Kirby is just a floating pink balloon with an endless void for a stomach and the ability to copy a foes power, then you've only scratched the surface. He can do so much more...

Kirby is so strong that he can crack a planet in half with one punch.


He needed to suck a fighter enemy first.

He can throw a monster and a frying pan so hard that the two achieve escape velocity and fly all the way to the sun.

Needed a cook type enemy first.
This is Kirby on his warp star...


He can call on it anytime he wants. It's an extension of his own energy, and if it gets destroyed he can easily make another. While riding it he can easily exceed the speed of light and can achieve speeds comparable to that of the Silver Surfer.

So is Panther just gonna sit still or something? He can move too.

And since when can Kirby shift into the Hyperspace Dimension?

This is Kirby and his star rod...


He can obtain this by inhaling his warp star. With it he can defeat foes that have easily destroyed moons.
Except if you go by solid means instead of the crappy anime, it's the thing that powers the Fountain Of Dreams. The center of a good chuck of Kirby games. I'll go by those since they're what made him.

And his inhale ability? He can store hundreds of abilities in his void of a stomach which he has access to any time he wants. Regeneration, intangibility, and teleportation to name a few special abilities. Along with numerous weapons like a giant sword and a hammer. He can fire energy beams and manipulate the elements. His arsenal is so vast that he really doesn't even have to rely on his copy ability to defeat really powerful foes.
Oh, wow. You're really trying to mount the argument for the videogame character with the anime?

I like the Black Panther. He's known for his blinding speed. Outside of that he really doesn't have much else. He can't match Kirby's raw strength or power, and any damage that he could deal could easily be regenerated. Some of Kirby's more specialized abilities could be used to open up holes in Black Panthers defense. Kirby could realistically end this fight with one blow.
Except being blessed by gods, being one of the smartest Marvel characters in the universe, a master martial artist, a master hunter, has enhanced speed, senses and strength. Possesses an unbreakable substance he can reshape into any kind of weapon he wants while Kirby needs to absorb enemies to get any kind of offensive ability
Black Panther is outmatched here. Kirby wouldn't even need to absorb him in order to win.
Sure, if you ignore every single thing about Black Panther and be blatant about it.

I honestly don't care who wins. But if you're gonna argue A) Bother to actually compare both of them and not just completely obscure details of the one you don't like. B) Argue using the main source. Not something no one really watched. Or are you gonna talk about Spiderman having a giant robot?
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