Round 8: Thriller -vs- Falkon

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Should Kurt Angle win the TNA World Championship at Bound for Glory 2010?

This is a eighth round match in the Debater's League. Thriller is the home debater and gets to choose which side of the debate they will be on and who debates first, but they have 24 hours to make their choice.

This thread is for DEBATERS ONLY and will end on Friday at 2pm EST.

Anyone that posts in this thread besides the debaters, league admins, and judges will be infracted!

Good luck.​
Since Thriller didn't make the required time limit, I'm going to choose which side. I will say Kurt Angle should not win the World Title. I'll let Thriller go first because I won't be near a computer for a short while.
You know what, I'm just going to post up my opening argument and see what happens from here. So yeah, good luck?

Kurt Angle... probably one of the best professional wrestlers to step inside of the squared circle and will eventually enter the Hall Of Fame as a legend. In WWE, he was presented as a huge threat and a huge asset to the company. In TNA, they viewed him much higher... so high in fact that they allowed him to capture the World, X Division and Tag Team Championships during the same period, as well as allowing him to present championships from other companies at the same time. You can't deny what Kurt Angle has done for the business, but with the current situation of Angle right now the World Championship strap over his shoulders is in no way, shape or form the result that should occur at Bound For Glory.

Kurt Angle has never been a Top Draw

Angle as the face of your company isn't as money-making as a lot of other guys in the business such as John Cena, The Rock and Steve Austin. For some unknown reason, he never took that last step and became the man to carry the entire the company on their back and the fans have never gotten into him in that form. However, Angle is one of those guys that can be the side act or the major threat to these faces, as well as other prospering young talents. His feuds with John Cena is an excellent example. Even when he had all the championships he could gain in TNA, the ratings for the show didn't increase and his reign of terror didn't draw. The only way he achieved this success if he was using the likes of other wrestlers and an interesting storyline... but by himself? No way.

It makes sense on all formats

In the kayfabe perspective, Kurt Angle is presented as the greatest wrestler in the world. He can't be beat unless it's due to circumstance... guess what? The match is a Triple Threat. Angle doesn't need to be involved in the decision to determine a winner, so booking can easily have something happen to him to give someone else the championship. So as his character, it's perfectly viable if he doesn't get the title. Speaking of booking, there has been a on-going angle between Hardy and Anderson that hasn't technically been resolved... so by allowing either one of them to win the championship, TNA has a story ready made for future title bouts and requires little work (which is a God send to creative). Angle doesn't need another World Title, guys like Anderson/Hardy haven't received one and their following/name value is enough to carry the company. Jeff Hardy, if used well, can carry TNA with the strap (as proven in WWE).

It's nearing Angle's time

I'm a huge Angle fan, but it's coming to the point where Kurt Angle staying the business should be putting over other talents. He hasn't got the drive or the stamina to take the company to new heights like Anderson/Hardy could potentially do, nor will him at the top be anything exciting as he has faced all candidates and beat them. Did the WWE put the World Title strap on Shawn Michaels during his last years for the company? No. Why? There are better candidates. Same thing here.
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