Round 1: Captain America vs. Storm

Who wins?

  • Captain America

  • Storm

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Round One


Two of Marvel's most iconic heroes face off here as Captain America and Storm prepare to do battle. Will America's greatest hero find himself victorious once again, or will the X-Men's field leader fly to round two?

This one's hard, but I'll say Storm. Mother Nature can beat a giant shield any day.
This one's hard, but I'll say Storm. Mother Nature can beat a giant shield any day.

It's not even that giant of a shield. The worst part is I have the Marvel handbook of weapons sitting infront of me right now. It is 2.5 feet in diameter and weighs 12 pounds. It is able to rebound or resist temparature extremes, penetration, and the entire electromagnetic spectrum. A solid hit can be sent back to the attacker, due to the chemical compound of the shield. Also known as vibranium. Outside of super boosted gods, *odin powered Thor, and Thanos with the infinity gauntlet.

It can't be broken, bent, or rusted, unless tampered with on a cellular level. That has also been done, the molecule man destroyed the shield, iron man's suit, and the surfers surfboard.

The funny part of this? Storm was a queen Consort of Wakanda, the place where vibranium was first found.
Captain America's shield is no joke, and when it's in his hands it makes for a tough barrier to breakthrough. However, it's also his primary form of offense as well as he uses it as a blunt object to bash people with or a discuss that he throws.

I don't need to tell you what Storm can do. We all know what Storm can do, it's basically in her name. But let me tell you how Storm beats Captain America.

While Storm might not be the tactical mastermind that Cap is, she's far from a helpless soldier on the battlefield and is probably the third best strategist on the X-Men (behind Cyclops and Wolverine). She knows that her place in this fight is in the air, so she'll be flying throughout this entire match. This means Captain America needs to use his shield as a thrown object to even touch Storm.

It's going to be hard to get an accurate throw when he's fighting against a tornado, or a 100 MPH gust of wind carries his shield to the top of a building, out of reach for Captain America. From there Captain America is going to be fairly helpless against the elements as Storm pelts him with hail, lightning, and whatever else mother nature has to offer. And we all know Captain America has a penchant for getting frozen.

Captain America is a fantastic fighter, but he got a tough match up here. Storm has the ability to manipulate his shield, and that's what puts her over the top.
Captain America's best weapon is his shield; but Storm can fly, react, and dodge faster than he can throw it, so unlikely it'll hit her. The shield would protect him against Storm's offense and she can't break it, but then again she doesn't have to.

Captain America can't fly and normally his shield would nullify this disadvantage, but Storm can control all weather phenomena including hurricane's and tornado's. She could summon a tornado, drop it on top of Captain America, fling him into the air, and blast him with lightning on the unprotected part of his body. His shield doesn't provide 360 degree protection, and while flailing about being tossed around by high winds, he's a sitting duck.

Storm wins. Handily.
I find this one far closer than most say. Cap is no slouch. He's been shown to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and other seemingly stronger heroes. His fighting skills and intelligence always keep him on a firm level in these fights. His shield is one hell of a weapon. But the last thing he is without it is useless. I'll refrain from voting for now since I still believe this is pretty even.
Okay guys, you need to convince me. I'm giving right now the upper hand to Storm but just because I can't see how Cap can beat her. No one understimates his shield, but is more defensive that an offensive object. Than being said, again, I don't know how he can beat Storm. For the moment, I give Storm the win.
Cappy 'Muricah hasn't got a chance in hell against Storm. All she needs to do is keep her distance, fly around, be a bitch and get cappy riled up enough that he lets his guard (shield) down and tries to get the upperhand perhaps by throwing his shield, and bam!, he's dead meat. Storm will play the waiting game and zap Il Capitano back to 1946.

EDIT: Awww sheet, I accidentaly voted for Captain America. Mods, have that in mind if the voting gets tight!
Captain America is just a more over Jack Swagger before he left to be repackaged.

Storm is a mutant Alicia Fox.

Captain America wouldn't go down without a fight. He could take Storm's best shots. But if Storm was to "lose control" and harness her true mutant powers, not only could she manipulate the very nature of the whole planet, she could probably destroy it as well. Therefore I have to go with Storm. Hell have no fury!
Cap's shield is going to make the fight close, but I can't help but think that while Storm is flying around, Cap will throw his shield and Storm will capitalize and take him out well placed lighting. Storm takes it.
Ranged weapons. This is what Storm brings to the table that Cap doesn't. Physically, Cap is stronger...but he is a melee type fighter, and as long as Storm kept her distance, he couldn't get to her. Meanwhile, she can use her mutant powers from the air. Remember, all Storm has to do is incapicitate him, she doesn't need to kill him. Freezing rain that forms an ice block around him big enough to sap his super strength would do it. And, as JGlass pointed out, throwing his shield at Storm, while she can deflect its course with wind would be really, really dumb. Cap would leave himself defenseless. Basically, there is no way for Cap to effectively attack Storm, but Storm has multiple ways to attack Cap. Storm wins.
I previously voted for Cap, but yet again I find myself moved to the fence. His shield is no joke, but as Davi said, he's more melee-inclined whilst Storm is a ranged fighter. But couldn't the shield easily deflect ranged projectiles?
I myself am not too sure- need a bit more convincing.
I previously voted for Cap, but yet again I find myself moved to the fence. His shield is no joke, but as Davi said, he's more melee-inclined whilst Storm is a ranged fighter. But couldn't the shield easily deflect ranged projectiles?
I myself am not too sure- need a bit more convincing.

Yes, as long as the projectiles are all coming from the same location, and at staggered intervals. If Storm causes two lightning bolts simultaneously, from different starting locations, Cap can't stop both. The shield only covers so much real estate at any given time, and a coordinated attack that is spaced farther than the shield's diameter apart guarantees at least one strike hits. Plus, Storm only needs to incapacitate him, which she can do by freezing the air around him. Cap has nothing to attack her with though. All he can do is play defense.
People seem to be forgetting on big key thing here that could give a slight edge back to Cap, Lets see...


Say what's that he's holding in that panel from issue #6 of Fear Itself (an issue that came out a year ago), why it happens to look like a fucking gun. Captain America was a World War II soldier, so it’s not like he’s never used a gun in the past. Even the recent Captain America movie showed Captain America using guns, so it stands to reason that if Cap can't think of any other way to incapacitate Storm he would resort to shooting her, not necessarily going for the kill, but shooting to wound, which should leave him just enough of an opening to take the advantage, & incapacitate Storm.
People seem to be forgetting on big key thing here that could give a slight edge back to Cap, Lets see...


Say what's that he's holding in that panel from issue #6 of Fear Itself (an issue that came out a year ago), why it happens to look like a fucking gun. Captain America was a World War II soldier, so it’s not like he’s never used a gun in the past. Even the recent Captain America movie showed Captain America using guns, so it stands to reason that if Cap can't think of any other way to incapacitate Storm he would resort to shooting her, not necessarily going for the kill, but shooting to wound, which should leave him just enough of an opening to take the advantage, & incapacitate Storm.

I'm surprised it took until now for someone to bring up guns. Cap will use them if need be, can't deny that. How good of a shot is Cap though? Storm will likely be flying around. On top of that he will likely have to deal with all sorts of inclement weather while trying to get that shot off.

Plus when he takes aim he will be unable to use his shield, taking away his great equalizer in this fight.
I'm surprised it took until now for someone to bring up guns. Cap will use them if need be, can't deny that. How good of a shot is Cap though? Storm will likely be flying around. On top of that he will likely have to deal with all sorts of inclement weather while trying to get that shot off.

Plus when he takes aim he will be unable to use his shield, taking away his great equalizer in this fight.

Would he really be much a super solider if he wasn't a good shot?, I would think he's been trained on how to adjust his aim in hostile environments, such as one where he'd be dealing with poor weather. Captain America lives to be the perfect solider, he's constantly working to become better at every aspect of that. So it's not unreasonable to beleive that he wouldn't be able to get a few quick shots off while holding his shield & adjusting his aim to the current weather situations.
Would he really be much a super solider if he wasn't a good shot?, I would think he's been trained on how to adjust his aim in hostile environments, such as one where he'd be dealing with poor weather. Captain America lives to be the perfect solider, he's constantly working to become better at every aspect of that. So it's not unreasonable to beleive that he wouldn't be able to get a few quick shots off while holding his shield & adjusting his aim to the current weather situations.

If he is using a pistol then I can fathom him going down on a knee and using his shield to steady his aim, but if he using a two handed weapon he has to put the shield down, leaving him vulnerable. Storm could easily take him out in that state while using her ranged attacks while she is still moving.

I think that is where Cap loses this, he has to stay stationary for the most part to get off a good shot. Not even John Marston's Dead Eye Aim can be used while moving.
I don't buy that either Storm or the Cap'n would intentionally use lethal force against another hero. I know a lot of people are discrediting orientation and morality because, in some cases like Mega Man and Ripley, it would rend the tournament pointless. But in this instance, I do think it's important to realize you're dealing with two people who very much respect the sanctity of life; that is, if you're fighting for the side perceived to be "good". I think it kind of bastardizes the point of debating super heroes if you're just going to imply that Captain America, under any circumstances, would use a gun to kill Storm. To moot the point further, to my knowledge Captain America only used guns in WWII and a few other times where he was pushed over the edge. As a part of the Avengers, he didn't use guns. Again, that's to my knowledge and I very well could be wrong.

Cap' is one hell of a fighter. If this came down to hand-to-hand combat I'd give him the edge over just about anybody. It's basically a more bad-ass version of the shield, with some energy matrix mumbo jumbo. He's got a lot more control over it, and I think at one point he can actually direct it? Maybe? I also know it cuts through just about anything due to its nature, so Storm would probably want to watch out for that. Cap' is also a pretty impressive physical specimen. He has no actually "super powers" but he's seen as peak human perfection. He has a LOT of stamina and strength, meaning in if he could manage to dodge and hide for long enough it's extremely likely he could out-last Storm, whose powers and abilities are directly related to her physical status and stamina.

All that being said, it's really the best argument I have for Captain America: that he might have a chance. But the reality is it's a small chance. I think they'd likely have a good handle on each others powers right off the bat. Storm is one of the highest ranking X-Men leaders; if you follow certain cannon she actually takes over in various story arcs following the death of Xavier. They're well known for keeping tabs on mutants, more specifically, but I doubt the Avengers would have escaped their knowledge. On the other hand Cap' is a high ranking member of not only the Avengers, but SHIELD at various points. He's got more intel than any of the other Avengers because of his ability as a strategist. I think it's fair to say both of them would go in knowing what the other is capable of.

Storm, knowing Captain is a tactician, should take the smart route and immediately flood the field of battle with a think fog. Cap' is a great tracker, but he has no utility if he's blind. Storm on the other hand can read thermal energy plain as day. If he was thinking - and he almost always is - he'd hide under his shield, as there's no way she could pick up energy patters through it. But waiting forever isn't an effective offense. He's going to have to strike at some point. Storm picks up the wind little by little, turning the fog into a mist from the other direction. When she finally sees him, mist + wind equals a very wet tornado. Once in the air, Captain has no choice - what with no control over his momentum or motion - to throw the shield and hope for the best. With that much wind...not much hope. Strike him with lighting as basically a sitting duck; she knows he's physically capable of living through it.

If that scenario doesn't do it for you, Storm has the utility for about 100 more.
You guys bring up Cappy using a gun as if it were a game-changer. Couldn't Storm just keep her distance and surround herself with a tornado, deflecting all the bullets and just bide her time until Captain America needs to reload before destroying him?
¡Roján!;4116889 said:
You guys bring up Cappy using a gun as if it were a game-changer. Couldn't Storm just keep her distance and surround herself with a tornado, deflecting all the bullets and just bide her time until Captain America needs to reload before destroying him?

Depends on where this fight takes place really, if it's inside some building then she only has a limited distance she can keep, & she needs be a little more careful when it comes to her powers, as she doesn't want to bring a wall down on top of her with a tornado. However if it's outside in a wide open area then the advantage clearly swings in Storms favor, as there is no limit to the distance she can keep & she doesn't have to worry about walls or anything coming down on here & trapping her. This is probably the first time in the two years of the BZT where knowing exactly what the "neutral battleground" looks like would be nice to know.
Depends on where this fight takes place really, if it's inside some building then she only has a limited distance she can keep, & she needs be a little more careful when it comes to her powers, as she doesn't want to bring a wall down on top of her with a tornado. However if it's outside in a wide open area then the advantage clearly swings in Storms favor, as there is no limit to the distance she can keep & she doesn't have to worry about walls or anything coming down on here & trapping her. This is probably the first time in the two years of the BZT where knowing exactly what the "neutral battleground" looks like would be nice to know.

This is a good point. If they are fighting in a phone booth the edge goes to Cap easy, but I can only assume its an outdoor arena where Storm has room to fly about.
Even if it's indoors, what's stopping Storm from ripping the roof off the place? Unless she is underground I can't think of too many situations where Storm doesn't have the environmental advantage.
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