Round 1: Goku vs. Invisible Woman

Who wins?

  • Goku

  • Invisible Woman

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Round One


Round one hosts the Super Sayan taking on Marvel's first lady. Will Goku be able to blast his way into round 2, or can Invisible Woman use her force field abilities to stop Goku dead in his tracks?

From Invisible Woman's Bio:

  • Combat Skills- While not nearly as capable a fighter as a Daredevil or Wolverine type, Sue has some hand-to-hand combat prowess. She should be able to easily defeat anyone that doesn’t have martial arts training and would be able to hold her own against someone that does.

This makes it fairly obvious that Invisible Woman does not stand a chance against Goku. She may be "capable" as a fighter, but Goku has beaten a lot of and stronger better opponents.

Winner: Goku
From Invisible Woman's Bio:

This makes it fairly obvious that Invisible Woman does not stand a chance against Goku. She may be "capable" as a fighter, but Goku has beaten a lot of and stronger better opponents.

Winner: Goku

It doesn't have to come to fisticuffs to decide a winner in this one, Sue Storm can erect force fields that will easily block any punch or kick Goku sends her way. Whether or not her force fields can withstand his energy attacks is more of a question mark, but I still have little doubt that Sue's force fields will hold up against Goku's kamehameha waves.

The real question here is whether or not Invisible Woman can do anything to hurt Goku. She certainly has plenty of offensive moves, but I'm not sure it's enough to hurt Goku. I might have to see a few arguments for Invisible Woman before I make my decision.
As said before by SD619, Invisble woman has no chance against a freaking expert on martial arts. Being invisible isn't going to change anything either, Goku can sense IW's kii, he basically doesn't have to see her to beat her. Plus, Goku has speed at his side. IW might invisible, but she is just as slow as any human. A quick kamehameha to a finish.

Goku wins.
Goku can fly. Invisible Woman (to my knowledge) cannot. IW wont be able to get anywhere near Goku, who can pick her off easily from above with a kamehameha.

Goku wins
Goku: Make blasts that destroy planets easily
Invisible Woman: Can turn invisible and make a forcefield

Wow thats a tough one, Goku in a landslide
Goku is going to win this round. But all you fools are seriously underestimating the Sue Storm to no end. The Invisible Woman can do so much more than just make shields and turn herself invisible. She can create Force field's far more powerful to defend her self from omnipotent destroyers like Galactus. She can also create force fields and use them to slice and dice Goku. She is a very powerful superhero, and it is a damn shame she has to go up against someone like Goku.
Invisible Woman has the ability to trap her foes in force fields & the shrink them, crushing her opponents inside. She can also use her force fields to protect herself from anything this little turd decides to throw at her.

Suzy for the win.
Once again, Goku stands primed to earn even more e-glory from his rabid fanbase.

Once again, noobs like to gloss over the details.

Fight starts, Storm drops a field over Goku and suffocates him until he passes out.

Sue Storm wins
They can both fly, so this could actually be a fun fight to watch...if Goku decides not to use about half of his natural abilities.

Point: Invisible Woman can project shields that are capable of withstanding the majority of Goku's energy-based attacks.

Counter: Her shields are impressive, but it's unlikely they'd be able to withstand a focused blast from a fully powered Goku.

Point: But Goku is at heart, a pacifistic with a knack for the martial arts. He loves competing, but he doesn't like hurting or killing. In a tournament where the world isn't on the line against the forces of evil, there's no way Goku is going to go all out SSJ4 and throw his most powerful move at her. He harbors no hatred for Sue, there is no immediately threat to life, and Goku will not kill to win a battle of honor.

Counter: Ok. Fair point. Goku COULD beat her with all those moves, but he won't because he cares too much about not destroying the planet. He also won't kill her, so you're right. She survives. But what's stopping him from just using Instant Transmission to show up right behind her, and knock her out?

Point: She can turn invisible...duh...

Counter: Goku doesn't really need eyes. His ability to sense power levels and detect the environment around him is second-to-none. Visible or invisible, unless she has mastered the art of masking her energy, she may as well be wearing a bright red jumpsuit.

Goku wins. Sorry Sue, but creative has nothing for you. We wish you the best in all of your future endeavors.

DirtyJosé;4109959 said:
Once again, Goku stands primed to earn even more e-glory from his rabid fanbase.

Once again, noobs like to gloss over the details.

Fight starts, Storm drops a field over Goku and suffocates him until he passes out.

Sue Storm wins

Once again, arrogant people who use the word "noobs" like to gloss over the details. To convince me that a field cutting off his oxygen supply would knock him out, you'd have to first convince me that he needs the air to breath, or that he couldn't simply teleport out of it. The second part really can't be denied. The first is one of the most debated topics in all of the DBZ universe. Goku was shown coming up for air while swimming once, so maybe he does need to breath. Then again he's also flown through space. Depictions of the great wars show all the saiyans space...where there is no air. It's a nice though, but you should probably keep your attitude in check before you sound like an ass.
Point: Invisible Woman can project shields that are capable of withstanding the majority of Goku's energy-based attacks.

Counter: Her shields are impressive, but it's unlikely they'd be able to withstand a focused blast from a fully powered Goku.

That's not really a counterpoint, it's a "nah uh!" moment. C'mon man, aren't you better than this?

Point: But Goku is at heart, a pacifistic with a knack for the martial arts. He loves competing, but he doesn't like hurting or killing. In a tournament where the world isn't on the line against the forces of evil, there's no way Goku is going to go all out SSJ4 and throw his most powerful move at her. He harbors no hatred for Sue, there is no immediately threat to life, and Goku will not kill to win a battle of honor.

Counter: Ok. Fair point. Goku COULD beat her with all those moves, but he won't because he cares too much about not destroying the planet. He also won't kill her, so you're right. She survives. But what's stopping him from just using Instant Transmission to show up right behind her, and knock her out?

What's stopping her from having shields up by then?

Point: She can turn invisible...duh...

Counter: Goku doesn't really need eyes. His ability to sense power levels and detect the environment around him is second-to-none. Visible or invisible, unless she has mastered the art of masking her energy, she may as well be wearing a bright red jumpsuit.

Goku wins. Sorry Sue, but creative has nothing for you. We wish you the best in all of your future endeavors.

I think it's clear at this point that her shield abilities, offensively or defensively, is going to be what decides this match. So, while you're technically right, you're also arguing something irrelevant to this fight.

Goku is overrated and overhyped. Sue's got this.
Goku wins hands down as said by HGR Instant Transmision. Sue puts him in a shrinking forcefield bam... he transmits out behind her.
Goku wins hands down as said by HGR Instant Transmision. Sue puts him in a shrinking forcefield bam... he transmits out behind her.

If Goku wins here, it's because of the feverish following he has, but I digress...

Here's the thing about Goku that I dare ANY of you so-called DB/DBZ/DBGT fans to challenge: Goku doesn't fight like that. Goku relishes the fight, the challenge. He's not going to one-hit anyone. He wants to feel out the opposition, and respond in kind with what he thinks/feels is equivalent force (if possible). The world is not at stake, his family is otherwise safe; Goku's going to look at this and most any other fight in this tourney as a fun experience to be had. So this "Instant Trasmission, and done" talk is laughably and provably wrong within the context of Goku's actions in previous fiction.

I dare any of you to prove me wrong on this.
Are you asking what is stopping Sue from putting up shields before Goku can use IT? Her shields aren't going to stop Goku from teleporting behind behind her. It's not a matter of how powerful she is, or how impenetrable her shields are. It's a matter of the difference between teleporting, and moving really, really, really fast. He's not moving through the shields. Instant Transmission, as a form of teleportation by its very definition does not transverse space. It simply disappears in one place, and appears again in another. He is simply behind her, inside of her shield if need-be.

DirtyJosé;4110023 said:
Goku is overrated and overhyped. Sue's got this.
He's not overhyped. That would imply that he's not actually as powerful as his fans claim him to be. He is. I think "extremely broken and over-powered" is what you were going for. And to that end, I totally agree.
Goku is a kind hearted, saiyan Triple H. (with a smaller nose)

The Invisible Women is a much less attractive Kelly Kelly.....with talent.

Most likely Goku would be dumb-founded at first between the powers & good looks of the Invisible Women, giving her an early advantage. But after being beaten down & regaining his confidence Goku would remember he is hungry & has a wife at home to cook for him. Leading him to turn SS4 and destroy everything in a 10 mile radius.
Are you asking what is stopping Sue from putting up shields before Goku can use IT? Her shields aren't going to stop Goku from teleporting behind behind her. It's not a matter of how powerful she is, or how impenetrable her shields are. It's a matter of the difference between teleporting, and moving really, really, really fast. He's not moving through the shields. Instant Transmission, as a form of teleportation by its very definition does not transverse space. It simply disappears in one place, and appears again in another. He is simply behind her, inside of her shield if need-be.

Wrong. Goku himself states that IT is him moving at the speed of light. It's fast, but it's still MOVING and not simple TELEPORTATION. Do your research, buddy.

He's not overhyped. That would imply that he's not actually as powerful as his fans claim him to be. He is. I think "extremely broken and over-powered" is what you were going for. And to that end, I totally agree.

No, he's overhyped. I've shot down the IT theory, both on how it works and if he'd do it at all. Got anything else besides a raging fanboy hardon?
DirtyJosé;4110057 said:
Here's the thing about Goku that I dare ANY of you so-called DB/DBZ/DBGT fans to challenge: Goku doesn't fight like that. Goku relishes the fight, the challenge. He's not going to one-hit anyone. He wants to feel out the opposition, and respond in kind with what he thinks/feels is equivalent force (if possible). The world is not at stake, his family is otherwise safe; Goku's going to look at this and most any other fight in this tourney as a fun experience to be had. So this "Instant Trasmission, and done" talk is laughably and provably wrong within the context of Goku's actions in previous fiction.

You are completely correct, and I touched on this briefly before. One of the things I like most about Goku is his attitude of competitions and pacifism. You're probably right, he's not just going to beat her in 2 seconds; that's very unlike Goku. By his nature he is curious, and he likes pushing his opponents to their limits, so that he himself can find new limits. It's the Saiyan spirit.

That being said, he's not just going to give up either. Goku is going to take it easy, play defensively and keep figuring ways out of Sue's abilities until he's fairly sure she's reached her maximum potential. But with that it means, as she gets more intense and unleashes everything she's got, Goku is going to rise to match that. You can't deny that on power, speed, and energy alone Goku is better in every single way. I mean you could, but I think that'd be silly. Sue's powers are great, I'm not denying that. But they are inferior in this case, and I think while you can try to justify that Goku wouldn't do what is necessary to win because he's too curious, he would eventually finish the fight once she has nothing left to amuse him with.
Yeah your right he looks at every fight as a challenge and will fight his oppenent on thier level of power, with that being said HE HAS ALWAYS found a way to overcome and win. I am not the biggest DBZ fan nor a the biggest goku fan, i am more of a Gohan fan and Piccolo fan.
You are completely correct, and I touched on this briefly before. One of the things I like most about Goku is his attitude of competitions and pacifism. You're probably right, he's not just going to beat her in 2 seconds; that's very unlike Goku. By his nature he is curious, and he likes pushing his opponents to their limits, so that he himself can find new limits. It's the Saiyan spirit.

That being said, he's not just going to give up either. Goku is going to take it easy, play defensively and keep figuring ways out of Sue's abilities until he's fairly sure she's reached her maximum potential. But with that it means, as she gets more intense and unleashes everything she's got, Goku is going to rise to match that. You can't deny that on power, speed, and energy alone Goku is better in every single way. I mean you could, but I think that'd be silly. Sue's powers are great, I'm not denying that. But they are inferior in this case, and I think while you can try to justify that Goku wouldn't do what is necessary to win because he's too curious, he would eventually finish the fight once she has nothing left to amuse him with.

Much better. As I stated earlier (or did I? Oh well) that this fight hinges entirely on how strong Sue's shields are. She doesn't have Goku's hesitance; she knows she's "squishy" out there, and will lock him down tight if given half a chance. If Goku can't power out of that shield, he's done for once air runs out. The million dollar question is "Do you think Sue's shields could hold Goku for a few minutes?". Without any other activity (IE: lying down), the body can go about 4 mins before passing out due to lack of oxygen. In a fight, with a heightened heart and breathing rate, this numbers drops drastically.
Everyone is talking about her shields, so I would like to point out that the more rigid/sturdy her shields are, the more SHE suffers when they are attacked. In a straight up fight against Goku she has no chance, we can all agree on that surely, her shields are her only real shot. IT means that using them to cut off Goku's oxygen isn't happening nor is she realistically going to be able to catch him with a dart since even as a child Goku was able to move so quickly you could only follow him fighting by tracking his qi.

It boils down to the simple fact of can Susan Storm withstand a full on barrage from Goku (even if he isn't fighting to kill, he'd fight to win) until he gets tired? Seeing as hurting her shields hurts her the answer is no.

I wanted this to be closer but it really, really isn't. GOKU WINS.
DirtyJosé;4110073 said:
Wrong. Goku himself states that IT is him moving at the speed of light. It's fast, but it's still MOVING and not simple TELEPORTATION. Do your research, buddy.
I'm not doubting you, but I would like to see proof of that, in the Japanese if you don't mind. The American is my prefered watching method, but they've been known to go off-cannon with a few of their translations.

Instant Transmission, as explained of the bad movies, I don't remember which... takes the user from one plane to a sort of purgatorial plane, where they then go to the targeted plane. Goku has used the ability to go through dimensional planes; that is not something you do with speed, but rather with translocation. Toriyama himself once said that in English, the proper term should be translocation, not transmission. The later implies that time and space are traversed; the prior does not. That tidbit I will try to find proof of, but it might take me a bit to dig up. Do YOUR research, buddy. I'm not sure why you gotta end all your arguments by rubbing it someone's face. It's really not an attractive quality.
I'm not doubting you, but I would like to see proof of that, in the Japanese if you don't mind. The American is my prefered watching method, but they've been known to go off-cannon with a few of their translations.

Instant Transmission, as explained of the bad movies, I don't remember which... takes the user from one plane to a sort of purgatorial plane, where they then go to the targeted plane. Goku has used the ability to go through dimensional planes; that is not something you do with speed, but rather with translocation. Toriyama himself once said that in English, the proper term should be translocation, not transmission. The later implies that time and space are traversed; the prior does not. That tidbit I will try to find proof of, but it might take me a bit to dig up. Do YOUR research, buddy. I'm not sure why you gotta end all your arguments by rubbing it someone's face. It's really not an attractive quality.

The movie is Broly (1st one, I think) but the movies also don't take place in canon (you should know this). The light speed bit is an American thing, but there's nothing on the Japanese side to contradict it.

Also, what's to say there's room in her shield for Goku to "transmit" into anyway? She can make the damn thing form fitting. So, again, you guys are going to have to try something else out.

According to Marvel, btw: ..."in rare cases, sufficiently powerful attacks on her psionic fields can cause her mental or physical pain..."

Chance for feedback? Sure. A sure thing? Not at all, in fact it's supposedly rare.
Goku also learns a teleportation skill called Shunkan Idō (瞬間移動 lit. "Instant Teleport"?, renamed "Instant Transmission" in Funimation's dub), which he learned from the inhabitants of the planet Yardra
Hello anyone who can go invisible and have a force field has the advantage. Goku doesn't stand a chance he can't hit what he can't see and plus Sue just to toy with him will just put up the force field and do her nails while Goku gets tired from throwing everything he has at her.
Hello anyone who can go invisible and have a force field has the advantage. Goku doesn't stand a chance he can't hit what he can't see and plus Sue just to toy with him will just put up the force field and do her nails while Goku gets tired from throwing everything he has at her.

Actually, I've give them the point that Invisibility does nothing for her here. Goku would still sense her Ki. She doesn't need it, though. Her near-indestructible force shield will suffice just fine.
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